In the material on the construction of new submarines for the Russian fleet, Ur, to those who handed over the Kazan, several considerations were expressed on how this direction should, in theory, develop. I am pleased to announce that information has emerged that Borei-class nuclear-powered strategic submarines will also be produced after the fleet receives the contracted ten ships.
A member of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, a member of the Maritime Board under the government, Vladimir Pospelov, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said that Russia could continue the construction of Boreyev after 2030.
Here, of course, the word "may" is somewhat annoying. Because Russia may continue to build missile submarines, or it may not. The element of suspension of the situation is still present. But we will proceed from the fact that "may" means "will be."
In fact, 2030 is a very important milestone for the fleet. This is the last line of operation and the subsequent withdrawal from the fleet of Soviet-built nuclear submarines. We are talking about projects 667BDR "Kalmar" and 667BDRM "Dolphin", which after 2030 will go for disposal.

Of the 14 boats of the 667BDR project, only one has remained in service today. The Pacific Fleet is K-44 "Ryazan", which has been in service since 1982. "Only" 39 years old. And with the prospect of withdrawal from the fleet - and all 48.
With Dolphins, everything is easier and more complicated at the same time. They were launched later than the Kalmarov, from 1984 to 1990, one boat a year. K-64 "Podmoskovye" was converted into a carrier of small special-purpose submarines, the remaining six serve, having undergone a series of repairs and re-equipment from R-29RM to more modern R-29MU2 "Sineva" and R-29MU2.1 "Liner".

That is, at the time of the "Rubicon" in 2030 the boats will be from 46 to 40 years old. Let's face it, it's the age limit. And it would not be worth the risk of continuing to use boats, albeit armed with modern weapons. This is really dangerous.
And let's face it - we need to be able to build new boats to replace old ones. At least, if it really does not matter in terms of finances, in our state, by the will of fate, there is a person who can borrow from friends. Still, in our case, not for the Olympics, but for a more important matter. So…
So really, does it make sense to stop at ten "Boreas"? Of course not. We have one fundamental document, namely the START III Treaty. Limiting strategic offensive weapons that make up the weapons of the Borey, Kalmar, Dolphin.
What does the letter of the START-3 Treaty say?
As you can see, the START-3 Treaty clearly limits the number of missiles and charges, but does not at all limit the number of carriers (ships, submarines, aircraft) with the exception of strategic bombers. Tu-95 and Tu-160 from our side and B-52, B-1 and B-2 from the American side.
This means that it is possible to build submarines, and therefore it is necessary. For the Treaty makes no difference between a missile launched from a ground-based launcher or silo and from a submarine. Yes, a submarine missile carrier costs much more than a ground-based launcher. But it is also much more difficult to detect it than a ground installation. And where the silo launchers are located, and so everyone has known for a long time.
And we still have fewer missiles than the Americans. So, according to the START-3 Treaty, it is possible to quietly and calmly build boats that will quietly and calmly carry missiles to the point of salvo. At some distance from the objects of destruction, but still, at a much shorter distance than ground-based launchers. It’s impossible to intercept it. Point blank.
Borey, a Project 995A missile carrier, has generally shown itself to be a very successful and, most importantly, a cheap boat. 23, 2 billion rubles (313 million dollars) compared to 47 billion rubles for "Ash-M" project 885 (600 million dollars).
In the United States, by the way, they like to discuss the consequences of a strike by a Russian submarine cruiser with Bulava missiles. Respected and objective in its own way, We Are The Mighty has modeled the situation with one Russian submarine of the Borey class, which, even west of Hawaii, could vaporize New York.

Computers of the Americans have shown that 96 warheads with a total yield of more than 9,000 kilotons from 16 Bulava missiles can do very sad (from the American point of view) deeds on the territory of the United States with practically impunity.
And it is not necessary to recharge. In the case of the Third World War, there will be nowhere, and there is no need. New York is worth more than $ 300 million. Is not it?
But "Borey" will come. It is not easy to find it, and even if it was found, the ship is more than toothy. Eight 533mm torpedo tubes, from which you can launch anything. The set is rich: torpedoes, rocket-torpedoes, self-propelled mines, anti-submarine missiles PLRK "Waterfall", cruise missiles "Caliber-PL", in general, everything that can be loaded into the device - so you can shy away.
You can take on board up to 40 different torpedoes and missiles.
In addition, at the base (they do not recharge at sea), you can charge such interesting things as the self-propelled hydroacoustic countermeasure device (SGAPD) MG-104 "Brosok" or MG-114 "Beryl". Despite the fact that the caliber of these gizmos is also 533-mm, they are loaded not into torpedo tubes, but into special launchers REPS-324 "Shlagbaum". A device very similar to a torpedo floats under water and tells all the enemy hydroacoustic stations that it is a very large and arrogant submarine. Maneuvers, changes course, depth, puts interference. And then, when the resource is used up, it just blows up bubbles and goes to the bottom.
A very pleasant impression is made by the picture of the presence of 10 "Boreis" in our fleet. But even better would be a picture of 15 or 20 of these ships.
And that's why.
Americans are not fools at all. Today, the role of strategic missile carriers is played by 18 Ohio-class boats.

The first was commissioned in 1981, the last in 1996. And they plan to change them starting in 2031. In fact, 50 years after Ohio went into business.
That is, in the United States, things are no better than ours, and even worse. We have Borei, but their Columbia is just being developed. The difference between paper and waves is palpable.
And so, starting in 2031, the United States plans to build and commission 12 Columbia-class boats. And all 18 Ohio's will retire.
Accordingly, we have time for a calm and systematic replacement of "Sharks", "Dolphins" and "Squid" for "Borei". It is not as difficult as it seems, the process has been mastered and is underway. You just need to extend it.
"Trident-2", which is planned to arm the "Columbia" - is a very good missile.

Powerful, fast, with MIRV, but … But it's still 1990. Our "Bulava" simply cannot be worse, if only because they began to develop it in 1998, knowing perfectly well what "Trident" is.
Columbia may turn out to be a good submarine, the Americans know how to build ships, that's a fact. And "Trident-2" of the next iteration of D-5 is quite a serious weapon. 8 warheads of 475 kilotons, or 14 warheads of 100 kilotons.
And something must be opposed to this. Even though Columbia will carry 16 missiles instead of Ohio's 24, the more Boreis we have, the better. This is precisely what is called "nuclear deterrence."
192 missiles on Columbia (and now 432 on Ohio boats) will best deter 320 Bulava missiles on 20 Boreas.
Therefore, it is indeed preferable not to dissipate forces on dubious projects, but to build up a real shield and sword of the country.
Borei must continue to be built in series. Those 10 submarines must be considered the first series, and the second must necessarily follow.
We will not scare the enemy with the construction of an aircraft carrier by 2055. Our potential adversaries are unlikely to be scared. And here is a quick and inevitable retribution from under the water …

Borei must continue to be built.