Russia offers potential customers a wide range of modern air defense systems and regularly receives new orders. This state of affairs does not suit foreign manufacturers of such equipment, which leads to specific consequences. So, the newest S-400 air defense system is already being sold to foreign countries, but such contracts are not always signed immediately and without any difficulty. Attempts are being made to counteract the emergence of contracts.
Broken contracts
In October 2017, the King of Saudi Arabia visited Moscow. During his visit, a number of negotiations took place and several important agreements were signed. Among other things, Moscow and Riyadh were negotiating the supply of weapons and equipment. An agreement was reached on the future purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems.

However, the supply contract was never signed. In the spring of 2018, there were reports of the reasons for this. The media claimed that Saudi Arabia preferred Russian anti-aircraft complexes to maintain friendly relations with the United States. The purchase of Russian weapons could lead to one or another political and economic consequences, and they were considered unacceptable in Riyadh.
In November 2017, there were reports of negotiations with Morocco. This African state is developing its armed forces and is showing great interest in air defense systems - including the S-400 air defense system. Since then, the topic of supplying S-400s to the Moroccan army has not been raised. The contract was not signed, the equipment was not handed over to the customer.
In February last year, foreign and domestic media reported on the possible appearance of an Iraqi order. Back in 2014, Iraq was planning to update its air defense using Russian S-400 systems, but this was prevented by the outbreak of the war with terrorists. At the first opportunity, the army returned to the topic of procurement. However, a few days later the Iraqi ambassador to Russia commented on the news. It turned out that Baghdad has no plans to acquire new air defense systems yet. In the future, the topic of S-400 purchases by Iraq was not raised.
Indian difficulties
A few years ago, an agreement was reached on the purchase of the S-400 air defense system by the Indian armed forces. At the end of 2015, the Indian Defense Procurement Board approved such a deal, after which negotiations began. The contract for the supply of several regimental kits was signed on October 5, 2018. Now the Russian side is building the ordered products. In the near future it will be sent to the customer.
The Russian-Indian agreements do not suit the United States. Washington intends to maintain its leading position in the international arms market, and each major success of Moscow in this area evokes a specific reaction. The contract for the supply of the S-400 was no exception. The US is trying to thwart its implementation and impose on India a solution that is beneficial to them.
In early May, the Indian edition of the Hindustan Times revealed some details of military-technical cooperation and the fulfillment of contractual obligations. In April last year, the United States adopted a law "On Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions", due to which the Indian side cannot pay off the Russian side using American currency. In order not to fall under sanctions, New Delhi plans to pay for deliveries in euros, rubles and rupees.
A few days later, the Hindustan Times reported on new measures taken by Washington. A few weeks ago, the United States offered India to abandon the purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems. Instead of these products, the Indian military is offered the American Patriot PAC-3 and THAAD systems. It is argued that such a choice would avoid sanctions; in addition, Washington offers certain perks and benefits. Naturally, the American side points out the technical advantages of its products, and also recalls possible sanctions.
Despite pressure from the United States, India is not abandoning its plans and is not breaking the contract with Russia. The news of recent weeks and the real actions of New Delhi allow us to make an optimistic forecast. Apparently, the Indian army does not plan to abandon the Russian anti-aircraft systems, although they will have to make some efforts to acquire them and find new ways to pay for the products.
Turkish question
Another buyer of the S-400 air defense system is the Turkish armed forces, and in their case, the contract also faces opposition from a third party. Turkey is a member of NATO and plays an important role in this organization. Military-technical cooperation between Ankara and Moscow, as expected, worries Washington and leads to well-known consequences. To maintain the desired situation, the United States uses all methods of pressure, from lucrative offers to direct threats.

It should be noted that this is not the first time Turkey has faced harsh criticism from the United States. At the beginning of this decade, the T-LORAMIDS competition was held, during which Turkey chose a new foreign-made air defense system. Russia offered to purchase the S-300VM or S-400 air defense systems; Chinese, European and American manufacturers also took part in the competition. Washington warned Ankara about the possible negative consequences of ordering products not manufactured in the United States.
Ankara chose the Chinese HQ-9 air defense system, which caused a negative reaction from the United States. As a result of further events, this sample never entered service. In April 2017, the Turkish authorities announced their intention to purchase the Russian-made S-400 system, which again became a reason for criticism. On September 12, 2017, Russia and Turkey signed a contract for the supply of air defense systems, and it is currently being implemented. The first samples of equipment will be handed over to the customer in 2019. In October, they will take over duty.
In early February, the Hürriyet Daily News learned that the United States could put pressure on Turkey in several ways. Thus, Ankara plans to acquire not only the S-400, but also the Patriot air defense system. The American side may refuse to sell it. In addition, due to the purchase of Russian military equipment, sanctions may be imposed on Turkey. Washington argues that Turkey's purchase of Russian weapons threatens NATO, and this should not be ignored.
Despite unfriendly statements and direct threats from NATO partners, Ankara continues to act in accordance with its plans. The contract with Russia has been signed, the ordered products are being assembled and several payments have been made. At the same time, Turkey does not consider the US arguments to be correct and worthy of serious consideration. However, the Turkish leadership does not want to quarrel with Washington and NATO, and therefore is considering the possibility of purchasing American anti-aircraft systems.
USA vs S-400
According to reports in recent years, a number of foreign countries are showing interest in the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, wishing to update their air defense. Several countries have already brought the matter to negotiations, and some have even signed contracts and received ready-made equipment or are preparing to master it.
Back in 2015, a contract appeared for the supply of S-400s to China. The first regimental set went to the customer about a year ago, passed tests and has already been put on duty. In 2016, the Belarusian army received two S-400 divisions. It is curious that these deliveries were criticized by the United States, but everything was limited to only condemning statements. Lacking any significant leverage over Beijing and Minsk, Washington was forced to simply watch the strengthening of "unfriendly regimes."
With Turkey, India and Saudi Arabia, the situation looks different. As the main ally of Riyadh, the United States was able to create an environment in which the Saudi authorities had to abandon the purchase of Russian equipment. Now the United States is pressuring Turkey and India to ditch the S-400 in favor of its Patriot and THAAD systems. So far, there have been no particular successes in this matter, and therefore Washington has to increase pressure on foreign partners.
The reasons for such actions by the United States are quite understandable and obvious. The S-400 air defense system is considered at least one of the best systems of its class in the world, and therefore is a direct competitor to American developments. The commercial successes of the S-400 turn into setbacks for Patriot and THAAD, which does not suit Washington.
In essence, we are talking about the struggle for the market. Unable to obtain a contract due to technical, economic and other advantages, the American side is trying to achieve its goal in other ways - perhaps not entirely honest. At the same time, in the case of Turkey, it is not just about receiving an order, but also about maintaining military-technical cooperation with a traditional partner. For many decades, the Turkish army has developed mainly at the expense of American products.
In the fight for orders for air defense systems, the United States uses different methods. Having failed to win in foreign competitions, they put forward new proposals, and also threaten with sanctions. However, the last word rests with the customer. India and Turkey will have to study all the arguments of all sides and determine what anti-aircraft systems they need.
They will have to consider technical, economic and political factors. In addition, negative consequences must be taken into account, such as sanctions from the United States or a blow to the reputation of a reliable buyer. Ankara and New Delhi have already made their choice. Time will tell whether they will remain faithful to their decisions.