The capital of Russia is the only city on the planet that is reliably protected by a missile defense system. It is called A-135
Its heart is the Don-2N radar station (radar), which is located thirty kilometers northeast of Moscow, near the village of Sofrino. Looks like an Egyptian pyramid. And it is intended for additional reconnaissance of targets, messages about which come from the missile attack warning system, their accompaniment and for aiming interceptor missiles at these targets. It is clear that such targets may not be North Korean and Iranian missiles, but the real ones - strategic ones, which are not possessed by Tehran and Pyongyang at all.
That is why the Moscow region "Pyramid" is called - shooting. It is on it, in particular, that the presidential "black suitcase" is locked, which in which case should unlock the "start" button. It is "Don" that should launch several anti-missile missiles with the exotic names "Kalosha" and "Gazelle", which they were given in the West.
The first B-1000 interceptor missile intercepted and destroyed the warhead of an attacking ballistic missile on March 4, 1961. I got, as the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev said from the UN rostrum, "a fly in the eye." The Americans did it only thirty years later. The speed of that rocket was 1000 m / s, that is, three times the speed of sound. Today's rockets fly ten times faster. And for them this is not the limit.
By the way, although these "interceptors", as is clear from the text, are already many years old, they have not lost their combat qualities. The military quite often carry out their tests at the Sary-Shagan training ground in Kazakhstan. The last time was in 2004. And there was no case that our "Galoshes" and "Gazelles" did not get to the right place. Tunic in tunic. The newest American interceptor missiles, as many know, have succeeded only six times out of eight in recent years.
In order for this "shot" of anti-missiles to be accurate, on each of the four faces of the Sofrino giant (its height above the earth's surface is more than 30 meters - about a ten-story building, seven more floors underground) there are round arrays of target tracking antennas and anti-missiles (diameter 16 meters), and square (10 x 10 meters) missile guidance antennas. The range of these antennas is three thousand kilometers. It is at this distance that the "Don" can detect an adversary flying towards our capital.
For seven years of shock work (from 1980 to 1987), 32 thousand tons of metal, 50 thousand tons of concrete were thrown into the construction of the Sofra Pyramid, 12 thousand tons of cable were laid … And water and electricity, according to experts, “Don-2N spends monthly as much as is required for a decent regional-scale city like Kostroma.
By the way, the detente of world tension almost played a cruel joke with Moscow's missile defense system. In the days of romantic democracy, when it seemed to everyone that the missile threat to the capital was no longer possible, it was as if we did not need the A-135. They stopped allocating funds for it. But common sense won out.
The United States, this peaceful country, suddenly began deploying radar stations in Latvia and Norway. Such radars are being improved in Greenland and Great Britain. Anti-missile launchers are being built in Alaska, and their deployment in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic is being prepared … So the A-135 will still serve us.
Facets of the "Pyramid"
The A-135 began to be created in the early seventies of the last century. Includes Sofra radar. The warning system is closed on it, whose ground stations are located along the borders of the former Soviet Union - in Olenegorsk (Murmansk region), Pechora (Komi Republic), in Gantsevichi (Belarus), Beregovo (Mukachevo region of Ukraine) and Nikolaev (Sevastopol region of Ukraine), in Gabala (Mingechaur region of Azerbaijan), on Balkhash (Kazakhstan) and in Mishelevka (Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region). It also includes the Space Control System, which consists of three satellites.
In addition, the A-135 includes one hundred interceptor missiles. The very same "Galoshes" and "Gazelles", which are designed to intercept a missile attack in the extra-atmospheric space and in the atmosphere of the Earth. They are located in the mines at eleven starting positions not far from the "Pyramid" itself. But within a radius of 150 km from the center of Moscow.