Hide behind the smoke. New technologies for the RChBZ troops

Hide behind the smoke. New technologies for the RChBZ troops
Hide behind the smoke. New technologies for the RChBZ troops
Hide behind the smoke. New technologies for the RChBZ troops
Hide behind the smoke. New technologies for the RChBZ troops

One of the tasks of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection (RHBZ) is the masking of forces and assets using a variety of systems and equipment. In connection with the rapid development of observation and detection equipment, increased requirements are imposed on camouflage, and therefore new methods and means of protecting troops appear. Some promising developments are already being implemented in the RChBZ troops and are being tested in full-scale exercises.

Latest news

Not so long ago, in early February, the press service of the Eastern Military District announced the holding of exercises of the RChBZ compound stationed in Buryatia. During these events, pilot training sessions were held on the setting of "innovative aerosol curtains". With their help, the camouflage of mobile command posts was carried out.

A few days later, there were new reports on the progress of these exercises. With the help of "unique remote-action radio equipment", the RCB protection unit masked a large area where troops were stationed. The personnel, equipment and various objects were protected from detection by ground, air and space reconnaissance of the conditional enemy. In addition, with the same measures, the troops were protected from high-precision and laser weapons.

Approx. 100 servicemen and 30 units of special equipment and weapons were used. All tasks were successfully completed, and promising camouflage means fully confirmed their capabilities. It should be expected that in the near future they will find application in new exercises of the RChBZ troops.

Technical details

In the messages of the Ministry of Defense, some interesting information was given about the used models of equipment and other systems. On March 10, Izvestia published new data on the course of the February exercises, which included no less interesting details. All this allows us to imagine what methods of concealment are proposed to be used in the future, and what results they will provide.


It is reported that at a recent exercise, a full-fledged automated control system (ACS) was tested for the NBC protection troops. It includes various means of intelligence and data processing, as well as communication systems for the direct issuance of commands. Such a sophisticated system ensures the setting of the most effective curtain in a given situation.

Reconnaissance assets associated with the ACS are responsible for identifying enemy surveillance systems and determining their type. It is argued that it is possible to detect means of ground, air or space reconnaissance. The collection of meteorological data in the area of operation is also carried out. Using all available information, an action plan is developed. This is followed by a command for air curtain systems, taking into account the specifics of the current situation. After that, the smoke outlet is carried out directly.

The RChBZ troops have a wide range of special equipment and systems for setting up curtains. One of the main examples of this kind is the TDA-3 vehicle on a truck chassis. Also used are the so-called. aerosol countermeasures placed in a given area. These stationary systems are controlled by the RPZ-8XM electronic control complex.

According to the Ministry of Defense, in February, new types of aerosol-forming compounds were used in the exercises. Composite and polymer liquid mixtures made on the basis of petroleum products have been applied and tested. Movable thermo-smoke equipment of the type of the TDA-3 machine, using such compositions, can maintain an invisible curtain for 4-8 hours.


Izvestia clarifies that the RChBZ troops have at their disposal a wide range of aerosols and additives that provide effective camouflage from various surveillance equipment. So, to counter optical reconnaissance from the ground or from the air, simple opaque fumes are used. Special chemical fillers are added to the smoke launcher mixture, blocking observation with thermal imaging equipment. Radars are interfered with by finely dispersed metal particles that reflect radiation. It is possible to create combined curtains that combine several additives.

Against detection and attack

In recent exercises, new designs and systems have been tested and proven to be beneficial. The positive qualities of the updated concealment tools are obvious. Such measures make it possible to timely identify the threat and disguise the troops or other object. Due to this, the enemy will not be able to obtain accurate intelligence data and organize an attack. Also, camouflage means are capable of disrupting an already begun blow.

The existing means of setting up curtains make it possible to cover large areas. In combination with the new automated control system and other systems, their quantitative characteristics are complemented by the quality of work. Now concealment units can identify the enemy and apply the most effective means of countermeasures.

In fact, regardless of the methods of reconnaissance, the enemy in all spectra will see only a cloud of smoke - individual objects under it cannot be distinguished. Due to this, the organization of false targets is also possible. The enemy will not be able to determine which cloud the troops are under, which will seriously complicate his actions.

Smoke screens with different functions are also a convenient means of countering modern precision weapons. Guided missiles and bombs from ground-based or airborne systems use radar, infrared, optical, or laser guidance. In all cases, aerosols are capable of reliably blocking the protected object and disrupting the attack.


The latest reports of the Ministry of Defense and the press did not reflect the issue of interaction between the automated control system of the RChBZ troops and other control systems of the armed forces. The ability to exchange data between different branches of the armed forces can increase the efficiency of the work of all forces as a whole. Thus, units of the NBC defense will be able to receive data on enemy reconnaissance assets not only from their sources, but information from them will be used when planning attacks on enemy systems.

Old and new

The need to camouflage troops and objects with all available means is obvious. The RChBZ troops have a wide range of necessary systems and models of equipment that make it difficult to observe the covered area or even exclude it altogether. At the same time, such technologies do not stand still and are constantly developing.

As follows from the latest news, the development of camouflage means in the single context of setting up curtains goes along several paths. New aerosol-forming compositions are being created that counteract various means of reconnaissance, and in parallel, promising systems of command and control of troops, units and subunits are being formed. All these innovations are tested in the conditions of landfills and confirm their broad capabilities.

Thus, old and well-known methods and tools are evolving through new technologies and solutions. This combination of old and new allows you to get all the desired results, which is confirmed by practice.
