Several years ago, in the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces, a new 15M107 “Foliage” remote demining vehicle was created, designed to provide combat duty for mobile ground-based missile systems. Such equipment has already entered service with a number of units, and in addition, it managed to take part in exercises and real service. While the general public could see "Foliage" only in photographs and videos from combat training events, but soon the first public demonstration of this sample should take place.
The information support group of the Strategic Missile Forces reports that a number of modern models of missile troops will be presented at the future Army-2018 international military-technical forum. Among them will be the latest 15M107 remote demining machine (MDR). All visitors of the future forum, which will take place at the end of August at the Patriot exhibition center (Kubinka), will be able to familiarize themselves with the presented samples, including the "Leaf".

While the missile forces are preparing for the first public display of special equipment, you can recall the history of "Foliage" and consider its technical features. According to official data, MDR 15M107 is intended to increase the survivability of components of a mobile ground missile system in field positions and patrol routes. The vehicle and its crew are capable of searching for various explosive devices and neutralizing them in one way or another. The possibility of combating a wide range of threats has been declared. Some methods of influencing the detected object allow us to classify "Foliage" as the so-called. a tool based on new physical principles.
The SBA-60-K2 Bulat three-axle all-wheel-drive armored car, which is a modernized version of the older KamAZ-43269 Vystrel, was used as the basis for the Foliage MDR. The armored body of such a vehicle provides protection for the crew and equipment from small arms bullets and shell fragments. The available power plant and chassis with high cross-country characteristics allow the mine clearance machine to work in the same order as the existing missile systems.
During the assembly of "Foliage" the habitable volume of the hull of the base "Bulat" is divided into three main compartments. The front seat houses the driver and commander of the vehicle, behind them is the operator's compartment. The aft compartment is intended for transporting sappers and their equipment. At the same time, significant volumes inside the case are given for the placement of one or another equipment. A significant number of units, including large ones, are installed on the roof, outside the protected volume.
There are several main systems on board the "Foliage" designed to solve a number of tasks. First of all, during combat work, MDR 15M107 uses an explosive device search station. A search module with 16 induction sensors is located on the outrigger frame installed in the front of the machine. The search module detects objects that contain metal parts. Information about the state of the investigated sector is displayed on the screen of the operator panel.

Using the search module, the demining vehicle can explore a 30 ° wide sector at a distance of up to 100 m. Similar detection characteristics are provided when moving at a speed of 15 km / h. This is enough for escorting missile systems and simultaneously searching for potentially dangerous objects. When switching to the stowed position, the frame of the search module is folded, and it is placed next to the hood of the armored car.
In case the enemy uses radio-controlled explosive devices, the "Foliage" vehicle is equipped with an electronic warfare system. While driving and searching or performing other actions, the operator can turn on the jammer. This eliminates the detonation of a mine on command from the outside, both in front of the vehicle or other components of the missile system, and during the work of the sapper. According to some reports, the electronic warfare system is also capable of provoking the premature operation of mines.
One of the largest and most noticeable elements of the special equipment MDR 15M107 is a parabolic antenna located on the roof of the hull. In the stowed position, it leans forward and partially rests on the roof. In the working room, it rises to the required angle. The antenna is connected to electronic equipment that generates a microwave pulse of sufficient power. During operation, the neutralization system is capable of acting on metal parts of explosive devices in a sector with a width of 90 °. The maximum width of the clearance strip is at least 50 m.
The principle of operation of the demining system from the "Foliage" consists in electromagnetic action on metal parts, including components of electrical or electronic devices. A microwave pulse triggers an electronic fuse or simply burns it out, rendering the mine unusable. In this case, a continuous clearance strip is formed, along which people and equipment can pass.
According to known data, the operator of electronic equipment can use the existing systems both separately and simultaneously. Depending on the current situation and the need, it is only possible to search for explosive devices or search for mines with their simultaneous destruction. It is curious that the crew of MDR "Foliage", if necessary, can take on part of the tasks of finding and neutralizing dangerous objects. On board the vehicle there is all the necessary "traditional" equipment used by sappers to independently work with explosive devices.

The crew of the 15M107 "Foliage" remote demining machine consists of five people. The front crew compartment houses the driver and commander. Behind them there is a compartment with a workplace for an operator who controls all equipment. Two sappers and their equipment are transported in the aft compartment of the vehicle. Access to the front "control compartment" is provided by a pair of hatch doors in the lower side plates. There is a similar hatch in the central compartment with the operator's workstation. A pair of sappers can enter their compartment through a door in the stern sheet.
Due to the use of very powerful electronic systems, the radiation of which can pose a danger to humans, all habitable compartments are adequately protected. So, the body and glazing of the machine received the necessary shielding. For some crew members, special protective suits made of fabric with metal threads have been developed.
In terms of its dimensions, MDR "Foliage" differs little from other modern domestic armored vehicles, and its mobility meets the requirements of the Strategic Missile Forces. Such vehicles can accompany mobile ground missile systems on all patrol routes, including overcoming various obstacles. During such work, the mine clearance machine must go at some distance in front of the missile complex units, timely finding and neutralizing dangerous objects.
The first known information about a promising 15M107 demining machine dates back to mid-2013. Then the Ministry of Defense reported that a promising sample of special equipment managed to pass part of the necessary tests. In the near future, it was planned to complete all the necessary tests, after which the "Foliage" could receive a recommendation for adoption. A little later, representatives of the Strategic Missile Forces, having published new information about the tests of a new special vehicle, revealed some technical details. In particular, then it became known about the composition of the onboard equipment and the basic principles of its operation.

In the same year, deliveries of the first serial 15M107 MDRs began to units of the strategic missile forces. The first operator of this equipment was the Teikovo division, which is armed with the Topol-M and Yars mobile soil complexes. In 2014, several units of "Listvy" were transferred to formations serving in Novosibirsk and Nizhny Tagil. Soon, the Strategic Missile Forces announced their plans for demining vehicles. Until 2020, it was planned to transfer two dozen 15M107 to all the main formations of the missile forces. However, later these plans were adjusted and reduced by four times - to five cars.
In September last year, the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense announced the first use of remote mine clearance machines as part of the Strategic Missile Forces exercises. According to the legend of the maneuvers, the saboteurs of the imaginary enemy planted two dozen remote-controlled explosive devices built on the basis of mobile phones along the route of the missile system. The electronic warfare system on board the "Foliage" successfully drowned out the mine control signals and prevented them from being blown up by saboteurs. At the same time, other MDR devices ensured the explosion of mines at a safe distance. At the same time, the Yars protected complexes were located at a great distance from explosive devices and were not exposed to any risks.
Since the fall of last year, the Ministry of Defense has several times reported the use of MDR 15M107 "Foliage" in various exercises of the strategic missile forces. According to the published data, in all cases, the crews of such equipment successfully coped with the tasks of detecting and neutralizing explosive devices of a simulated enemy.
In December 2017, the interested public was able to learn more about the "Foliage" machine, see this technique from the outside and from the inside, and also observe its work in the conditions of the exercises. Curious footage and information were published by the Zvezda TV channel in the next issue of the Military Acceptance program. It is safe to say that this was the most complete story about MDR 15M107 of all known.
According to recent reports from the Ministry of Defense, in the very near future, everyone will be able to see the Foliage remote mine clearance vehicle not only in photos and videos. This sample of modern domestic technology in August will become one of the exhibits of the exhibition within the framework of the international military-technical forum "Army-2018". Apparently, the car will be part of the static display. However, it cannot be ruled out that she will have to take part in a dynamic display.
Russian strategic missile forces are acquiring new equipment of various classes and types, including those designed to provide combat patrols and watch missile systems. At the same time, the Strategic Missile Forces find an opportunity not only to update the fleet of equipment, but also to show the public the results of their rearmament. At the end of August, another exhibition will take place in the Patriot park near Moscow, during which the Russian armed forces, including the missile forces, will show their new models of equipment. It is expected that the 15M107 "Foliage" remote demining vehicle will attract the attention of the public and become one of the most popular exhibits.