For obvious reasons, a significant number of defense, security and military policy publications are published in English. However, the Russian-speaking public does not stand aside and gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the materials of interest, even if with a certain delay. Recently, the Russian version of the SIPRI Yearbook "Armament, Disarmament and International Security" for 2017 was published. At the same time, the original book was supplemented with a Special Supplement authored by Russian specialists.

As in the past, the Russian version of the yearbook is the result of collaboration between the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations. EAT. Primakov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS). The Center for International Security of the IMEMO RAN has prepared a translation of the English-language edition, and in addition, has formed a Special Supplement with a number of new articles.
It should be noted that the Russian translation of the SIPRI Yearbook "Armament, Disarmament and International Security" for 2017 came out quite late: there is already a new issue of this publication. Nevertheless, it has not lost its relevance and is of great interest to both specialists and the general public. In addition, it should be noted that the Russian translation of the yearbook with the appendix is freely available, while the original books are distributed only on a paid basis.

Topics and Articles
The yearbook with the appendix is distinguished by a solid volume - over 770 pages. The book itself from SIPRI contains 15 chapters in 4 sections, not counting a few supplementary articles, prefaces, etc. These sections and chapters contain all the basic information about the processes in the field of international security and the military-political sphere that took place in 2016. As always, the introduction of the yearbook describes general trends and issues, followed by a detailed discussion of them in different parts and chapters.
The book's introduction is followed by the chapter "Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes", which opens Part I "Armed Conflicts and Their Resolution." The chapter examines the problems of the wars of 2007-2016, the situation in Colombia and the specifics of conflicts with the participation of Islamist armed organizations. In addition, a separate article was devoted to the Global Peace Index 2017.
The next chapter is devoted to conflicts and the general situation in Africa and the Middle East. It provides an overview of the events of 2016; the processes of combating large terrorist organizations are considered; and also examines the military spending of the Middle East and African countries.
The fourth chapter is devoted to European security. The authors of the articles draw attention to the growing instability in the region, examine the conflicts in the countries of the former USSR, and also study the situation in Turkey. In all cases, we are talking about the events of 2016.
Chapter 5 is titled Peacekeeping Operations and Conflict Resolution. A brief overview of the situation in this area is followed by detailed articles on global and regional trends, as well as on specific events. An article is published on the protection of civilians in armed conflict. It takes the events in South Sudan as an example. Finally, a summary table for peacekeeping activities in 2016 is presented.
Part II of the book focuses on security and development in 2016. It contains three chapters of a small volume. For certain reasons, the full texts of these chapters were not included in the Russian-language edition of the yearbook, and only notes with a brief overview of the situation remained. The second part of the book examines the preservation of peace and the problems of sustainable development in hazardous places; responding to crises and displacement in volatile conditions; and the relationship between climate change and armed conflict.
Part III has a simple and understandable title "Military expenditures and armaments, 2016". It starts with Chapter 9, "Military Expenditures." Along with an overview, the chapter contains five separate articles on different topics. The SIPRI authors consistently reviewed global trends in the arms trade, separately studied US spending, assessed the impact of oil shocks on the arms market, and performed SIPRI Extending Military Spending Data to the Past. The last article in the chapter focuses on the transparency of military spending data.
Chapter 10 describes the international arms trade and the dynamics of its production. Experts have studied the actual trends in the arms trade in 2016. It then discusses the supply of arms as military aid and the transparency of such supplies. Two more articles are devoted to the value of countries' exports, as well as the production of goods and the provision of military services.
Chapter 11 deals with the "Nuclear Forces of the World". In 9 articles, the nuclear potentials of a number of countries are consistently considered. The nuclear weapons of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have been studied. Also in the chapter there is a separate article on the topic of global stocks and production of fissile materials in 2016. The chapter closes with the publication "Nuclear explosions in 1945-2016."
This is followed by Part IV, "Non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament." Chapter 12 is devoted to the control and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. It examines Russian-American cooperation in this area, international projects to strengthen security, as well as initiatives and multilateral treaties in the field of nuclear weapons. Another article is devoted to the implementation by Iran of the so-called. a comprehensive plan of action.
The next chapter deals with chemical and biological safety issues. The first article in this chapter looks at the Syrian chemical weapons situation and suspicions of using them. Further, the suspicion of the use of BOV in Iraq is considered. Two more articles are devoted to the issues of control over chemical and biological weapons.
Chapter 14 deals with conventional arms control and contains three articles on this topic. The first looks at international humanitarian law and the involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Humanitarian arms control regimes are also being explored. The last article raises the question of restarting conventional arms control in Europe.
The last chapter is titled "Control of the Trade in Arms and Dual-Use Goods". It contains articles on the arms trade treaty and the multilateral embargo on the sale of weapons and dual-use goods. The regimes of export control, as well as developments in the sphere of control over trade by the forces of the European Union are considered.
Three supplements to the yearbook contain arms control and disarmament agreements; international organizations for security cooperation and the chronology of 2016.
Special application
A special supplement to the yearbook "Armament, Disarmament and International Security" from IMEMO RAN is divided into three parts: "Analytical articles, forecasts, discussions", "Scientific expertise" and "Documents and reference materials". In terms of its volume, the application is inferior to the main book, but it is of no less interest.
The first part of the Special Appendix contains articles on the topic "Erosion of Strategic Stability", problems of multilateral nuclear deterrence, especially the American Nuclear Review of 2018. There are also materials on the nuclear potential of the DPRK and its impact on the situation in the region; problems of the treaty banning the production of fissile materials and the crisis of European security.
The second part of the appendix includes articles on the evolution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; relations between China, India and Pakistan; conflicts in the Middle East and Syria; as well as changes in the Russian State Armaments Program. This is followed by the third part with an overview of the main documents of Russia in the field of national security, defense and arms control. It examines the legislation and regulations that were in force in 2017.
Introduction to International Security
The content of the yearbook opens with an introduction by SIPRI Director Dan Smith. He reviewed 2016 and drew general conclusions about its achievements and challenges. In addition, he compared 2016 with the previous year, which also led to certain conclusions. Finally, in the introduction of the new book, a summary of all major articles is provided, highlighting the main trends and challenges during the period under review.
D. Smith writes that 2016 did not bring any major changes in the field of international treaties. At the same time, this year the negative phenomena in the international sphere were compensated by the fact that the existing agreements continue to function and cope with their tasks. However, there were grounds for concern about the further development of the situation and the long-term prospects.
In general, in 2016 it was not possible to resolve any of the main problems that have a negative impact on security and international stability. In a number of regions, armed conflicts continue, although in some cases positive trends are emerging. Thus, the scale of wars in the Middle East in 2016 decreased in comparison with the previous one. However, conflicts do not stop, and some of them are intervened by foreign states in pursuit of their interests.
The Director of the Institute notes that in 2016 there were some encouraging developments, but the overall situation has not improved. All major global indicators for security and peace have deteriorated. Military spending and arms trade grew steadily. The development of military technology has intensified, and the number of armed conflicts has increased.
D. Smith also writes that in 2016 several awkward questions appeared on the agenda. First of all, the question arises about the gradual loss of the achievements in building peace, obtained shortly after the end of the Cold War. In addition, there is a risk that the leading countries of the world, entering into competition with each other, will not be able to join forces to jointly solve problems. The SIPRI director believes that interest in international institutions has decreased in the US and European countries. The course towards protecting one's own interests can become an additional destabilizing factor.
Separately, D. Smith mentions the interaction of man and the environment. In connection with the influence exerted by man on nature, it is proposed to call the current geological era the Anthropocene. The concept of this era has not yet been fully formed, but, according to SIPRI, it should be taken into account when studying the issues of peace and security. Protecting nature from the negative impact of humans requires the joint efforts of many countries. The leading states have again entered into serious competition, and against this background, the proposal for cooperation can be useful.
The arms trade continues to grow, according to SIPRI. In 2016, the planet's total military spending reached $ 1,686 billion - 0.4% higher than in 2015. At the same time, the record for trading volumes after 1990 has been updated. In 2012-16, the total volume of transfers of military products increased by 8.4% compared with the previous five-year period and exceeds the indicators of any other "five-year" since 1990. At the same time, sales of hundreds of the world's leading defense companies fell by 0.6%. This means that 100 leaders are reducing their presence in the market, and their places are gradually being taken by manufacturers from outside the first hundred.
Recommended for review
For certain reasons, the Russian version of the SIPRI Yearbook "Armament, Disarmament and International Security" is published with a noticeable delay relative to the original book. As a result, the Russian-speaking audience, who prefers localized publications, only at the end of 2018 gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of the international situation in 2016.
However, this situation has some advantages. First of all, unlike the original version, the translation of the yearbook is available to everyone free of charge. In addition, the book is accompanied by a Special Supplement from the specialists of the Russian IMEMO RAN, prepared this year on the basis of current data. It should also be noted that the reader, studying last year's yearbook, can compare the conclusions and forecasts of its authors with the further development of events in real life.
There is an opportunity to consider not only the situation in different areas, but also to see the views on it, as well as to study the assessments that are relevant for the recent past. Such a study of the situation in the world, various events and reactions to them can be of great interest.
The Russian edition of the yearbook of the Stockholm Peace Research Institute comes out with a certain delay relative to the original version, but this does not make it less valuable. The translated 2017 edition of the book "Armament, Disarmament and International Security" is recommended for reading by anyone interested in strategic security, international relations and sales of military products.
Russian edition of the SIPRI yearbook with an appendix from IMEMO RAN: