The 8th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment MILEX 2017 was held in Minsk three years after the previous review of the achievements of the defense sector of the Belarusian economy. He, as shown by the compact exposition, keeps pace with world trends. Many of the presented samples not only meet the requirements of the country's Ministry of Defense, but also have a high export potential.
In 2016, Belarus took first place among the CIS countries in terms of military-technical cooperation with Russia, more than tripling its turnover. Minsk received S-300PS anti-aircraft missile systems, Mi-8MTV-5 multipurpose helicopters, Yak-130 combat training aircraft. The issue of service centers for the repair of air defense and electronic warfare systems, as well as armored vehicles is being discussed. Spare parts and components, equipment necessary for the operation of the machines are supplied under the helicopter contract. In June, a regular meeting of the intergovernmental commission on military-technical cooperation will take place in St. Petersburg, and, as noted by FSMTC director Dmitry Shugaev, active work is underway on all requests of Belarusian partners. According to him, there is competition in any mechanism of interaction, but in the relations that have developed between our countries, the possible damage is minimized. “Cooperation ties are developing systematically,” Shugaev emphasized.

According to the chairman of the State Committee for Military Industry (GKVP) Sergei Gurulev, Russia is closely following the developments of the Belarusian defense industry, the exhibition confirms this. Others are also interested in them - the countries of the Persian Gulf, China, Indonesia, the Philippines. By the way, the Chinese delegation at the exhibition was one of the most representative.
In 2016, it was possible to fulfill all plans for the development of the defense sector of the economy (OSE) and the promotion of its products to foreign and domestic markets, Gurulev emphasized. More than 600 units of the latest, modernized and repaired weapons and military equipment have been supplied to the armed forces of Belarus. Among them are means of fire destruction, communications and electronic warfare.
Rhythms of Precision Mechanics
In particular, the armed forces received a division of the MLRS "Polonaise" with a firing range of up to 200 kilometers. The system was created by order of GKVP by the state-owned enterprise "Precision Electromechanics Plant" (ZTEM) with the direct participation of the military department. Designed to destroy infrastructure facilities, communication centers, weapons, infantry and tank units of the enemy. The development of MLRS with a firing range of up to 300 kilometers has begun. This fall, the GKVP plans to conduct the first firing tests of the product. The task is to achieve 85% localization of production.

MLRS V-200 "Polonez" in full force was demonstrated for the first time at MILEX 2017. This is, first of all, the combat vehicle V-200BM. The total weight is about 46 tons, the combat crew is three people. The vehicle is equipped with eight missiles in transport and launch containers (TPK). The chassis is a MZKT-7930-300 truck. The maximum speed is 70 kilometers per hour. The MLRS battery is capable of covering up to 48 individual targets in one salvo with a maximum engagement area of 100 square kilometers. The battalion's ammunition load is 144 guided missiles. The preparation time for launch from an unprepared starting position is 10 minutes, the coagulation time is two minutes.
The MLRS includes the V-200TZM transport and loading vehicle and the V-200MBU modified combat control vehicle. The first is mounted on the same MZKT-7930-300 chassis. It transports two TPKs with four missiles each. The total weight is about 44 tons, the calculation is three people.
V-200MBU based on MAZ-631705-262 provides communication with combat, transport-loaders and command vehicles at a distance of up to 10 kilometers in motion and up to 30 kilometers when parked. Gross weight - 26 tons. Calculation - four people, continuous work time - up to 48 hours.
The exhibition presented further directions of the Polonaise improvement. In particular, the MLRS can receive a guided missile with a range of 100-280 kilometers, equipped with a warhead weighing 480 kilograms. There are four types of warheads: high-explosive fragmentation, armor-piercing cluster, high-explosive, kinetic.
As Dmitry Shugaev confirmed, Russia and Belarus are discussing the possibility of creating a joint production of hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. The Belarusian company BSVT-VV is already developing weapons of this type. After analyzing the features of recent military conflicts, the world market and the needs of potential customers, experts came to the conclusion that the most in demand is a small-sized melee weapon. The grenade launcher received the designation MM-60, has a caliber of 60 millimeters, and weighs about four kilograms without a sighting device (total weight and dimensions reach five kilograms). The RPG will be equipped with a multifunctional warhead that implements high-explosive, fragmentation and cumulative factors. It strikes manpower, structures, any armored vehicles. The fire control device (PUO) eliminates overshoot on targets at a distance of up to 500 meters. This year, it is planned to check the ballistic characteristics of the product, and in 2018 it will be tested.
Middle East view

An impressive exposition of developments was launched at the exhibition by the LEMT scientific and technical center of the BelOMO holding - one of the largest Eastern European manufacturers of optics. The range of new products of STC "LEMT" is wide - from a holographic sight for small arms to systems for monitoring the environment. According to the director of the center, Aleksey Shkadarevich, the PK-12 collimator sight for the AK-12 assault rifle is not inferior to the best world models, for example, the M4 developed by the Swedish company Aimpoint, and withstands recoil when firing from the mounted grenade launcher. Provides work in different lighting conditions, can be used in conjunction with a night vision device. The sight remains sealed when immersed to a depth of five meters, has a mass of no more than 300 grams, in the basic configuration it is installed on a standard Picatinny rail.
STC "LEMT" demonstrated at the exhibition an aiming system for the self-propelled grenade launcher "Quad-2" (Quad-2), created by the Jordanian company "Jadara Equipment". This is a unique complex working with an accuracy of 20 arc seconds, which provides tracking of the target and, taking into account its movement, calculates the ballistic trajectory. It is allowed to make corrections for the wind transmitted by the remote weather analysis station. Designed for firing from the RPG-32 "Nashshab" quad grenade launcher mounted on a movable chassis. Guidance is carried out using a remotely controlled unit, which can be located at a distance of up to 300 meters from the launcher. The sighting system includes a television camera, a thermal imaging device and a laser rangefinder. With a mass of 90 kilograms, the firing range is from 50 to 700 meters, the ascent angle is in the range from 5 to 30 degrees, the angle of horizontal rotation is from -85 to 85 degrees. Operated at temperatures from -20 to +50 degrees Celsius.
The sighting system, for which there is already significant demand, will be produced in Jordan. The Belarusian enterprise has invested its own funds in the construction of a plant in Amman, which will open in July this year, supplied equipment and trained personnel. In addition, the plant will assemble the telescopic sights of the LEMT Scientific and Technical Center for the Jordanian sniper rifle developed by the Jadara Equipment.
The position of the relevant Russian organizations is not clear, which, according to Shkadarevich, have been very cool about the purchase of Belarusian military optics lately. Although manufacturers of small arms highly appreciate the products manufactured by STC "LEMT".
From Grad to Belgrade

The Belarusian 2566th plant for the repair of electronic weapons has developed a version of the modernization of the MLRS "Grad" to the level of BM-21A "BelGrad". In the BM-21A system, the Ural-375 chassis of the base Grad was replaced with an adapted MAZ-631705 truck. The modernized MLRS is equipped with racks for additional ammunition for 60 rockets, while the machine has an improved turntable for loading from the racks. BelGrad also received a new radio station. As a result of the modernization, the maximum speed of the BM-21A increased to 85 kilometers per hour, the cruising range - up to 1200 kilometers, the engine power - up to 330 horsepower, the ammunition load - up to 100 rockets, of which 40 are ready for launch. The salvo time of the BelGrad MLRS is 20 seconds.
The Tula NPO Splav and the Belarusian ZTEM have developed a project to modernize the RS for Gradov, which allows extending the service life of the 9M28F and 9M53F shells created in the 80s and 90s. The Belarusians undertook the full implementation of the project - the modernization of the shells and their testing. As a result, RS modifications were obtained, promising for re-equipment of MLRS.
Cayman and full tanks
Particular attention at the exhibition was drawn to the "Cayman" armored combat vehicle developed by the Belarusian JSC "140th Repair Plant", adopted for supplying the national Armed Forces. "Cayman" is a light all-wheel drive armored vehicle with a 4x4 wheel arrangement, designed primarily for reconnaissance and sabotage operations. The machine is equipped with an independent suspension, providing high cross-country ability, it can overcome water obstacles without preparation thanks to two water jets. The total mass of the armored vehicle does not exceed seven thousand kilograms, the crew is six people. The armored corps provides protection against small arms fire.

One of the main trends in the military field is the creation of various robotic systems. And here Belarus, at least among the states of the post-Soviet space, occupies one of the leading places in the segment of unmanned aerial complexes (UAS) of tactical level of aircraft and helicopter types.
In this direction, tactical short-range UAS "Berkut-1" and "Moskit" were created; short-range tactical UAS "Berkut-2"; multifunctional UAS "Grif-100", operating at a distance of up to 100 kilometers, as well as target loads that can be used independently. Some samples have already been adopted by the units of the Armed Forces and the State Border Committee. At present, the SCVP is taking measures to organize the management of different types of UASs when they are jointly used from a single point developed by OJSC "AGAT - control systems".
The creation of a LHC for various purposes is planned to continue. The long-range and long-range LHC is considered as a priority direction.
The tasks set by the SCVP for 2016 have been completed, emphasized Sergei Gurulev. The growth of industrial production increased by 1.5 times, investments - by 1, 9 times. The plan for net profit has been doubled. Among the priorities for 2017 are diversification and increase in export deliveries, reduction of production costs, reduction of external overdue receivables and excess stocks of finished products, raising wages to an acceptable level with outstripping growth in labor productivity.