The Ukrainian company "Arsenal" together with the German "Rheinmetall Defense" have created a new modern mobile anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) ASGLA. This complex was developed on the basis of the Igla air defense missile system and the German ASRAD-2 and is designed to protect important strategic objects on the ground, as well as places of deployment of troops.
ASGLA is made on the basis of the BTR-80 chassis, which in the best way affected its mobility and maneuverability, this is also facilitated by the relatively low weight of the complex - 1300 kg. The launcher itself is an almost complete copy of the German ASRAD-2. The crew of the air defense missile system consists of three people - the commander, the driver and the gunner. As means of destruction, four Igla-1M missiles, ready at any time for launch, are used, as well as a 12, 7 mm machine gun capable, in addition to air targets, to also strike ground targets. Eight more missiles are inside the air defense system. The tower of the complex allows for horizontal guidance in the sector of 360 degrees, and vertically from -10 to +55 degrees. The turret traverse speed is 60 degrees per second.

Thanks to the presence of a night vision device, a laser rangefinder and an optional day camera, ASGLA is able to successfully perform tasks for detecting and identifying targets in all weather conditions. The detection range is just over 12 km, and the successful defeat zone is 7 km. Target interception can be carried out at a distance of 5 km or more, depending on the technical characteristics of the missiles.
The ASGLA platoon includes: a fire detection and control post, a platoon command post, as well as up to 8 launchers themselves.
The command post is responsible for coordinating actions between all launchers, and also evaluates the results of firing. The command post includes: commander, driver and operator.
The fire detection and control post includes an X-Tar 3D radar station developed by Rheinmetall Defense. The station monitors the situation in the air and has a "friend or foe" recognition system. X-Tar 3D is capable of detecting all airborne objects within a radius of 25-30 km, and the update period for each target is from one to two seconds.
As you can see, with the help of Germany, Ukraine managed to create a fairly modern and effective anti-aircraft system, which will be useful not only for protecting its own borders, but can also bring good financial benefits, because such mobile air defense systems are traditionally in great demand in the world market.