As you know, in the "union of the indestructible republics of the free" was created "a new historical community - the Soviet notoroth people." “The indestructible bloc of communists and non-party people” regularly gained 99.9% of the votes in the most Soviet elections in the world, “the people respected the soldier and were proud of the soldier by the people”, “my militia protects me”, and the rampant “friendship of peoples” amazed the imagination. All the more terrifying are the reports regularly appearing in our time about clashes on ethnic grounds, pogroms of police stations, riots of "valiant soldiers of the invincible Soviet army", unauthorized demonstrations and strikes that took place in the bright years of overcoming the "cult of personality", "voluntarism" and "stagnation" … There are many, many now all kinds of publications on this topic: articles about individual events, attempts to systematize some kind, even books are being published (the most famous is the work of V. A. … With my collecting itch, I was tempted and tempted to put together references to these inexplicable events in the life of highly spiritual Soviet people, and finally, it washed away. For which I express my gratitude to the user iroman, because it was his post that inspired me and made me finish what I started.
This list brings together data from the above publications, as well as what I was able to dig up in addition to them in the life-giving Runet. Where I could - put links to more detailed articles-notes, here - the date and place of events and a concise description of them, just to have an idea of "what it was". Well, and the chronological framework - in a completely voluntaristic way (despite the fact that such actions were condemned by the decisions of the Leninist Central Committee) I chose the years from 1953 to 1985 inclusive. That is, the "golden age of Soviet civilization" (c). I tried to select events, one way or another, confirmed by sources and evidence. If you missed something or have an interesting link - do not hesitate to let me know
by leaving a comment. Then, it seems, everything, we proceed to historical studies.
1953-1960 - 94 violent conflicts (cases of mass hooliganism, group fights, unrest and unrest) were reported to the Soviet leadership through the channels of the allied Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office. Military personnel took part in 44 episodes.
February 12 - riots in the city of Chardzhou (Turkmen SSR): a conflict between soldiers of a tank regiment and the population of the city. 17 people were injured, 9 were hospitalized (according to other sources, there were even more victims).
May 1 - riots by servicemen at the Volkhovstroy station of the Kirov railway: a fight with local residents, robberies. The patrol squad was unable to restore order, the police were called, which arrested several particularly aggressive brawlers, in response, drunken soldiers attacked the police. They opened fire on the crowd, as a result 2 soldiers were killed and 4 wounded.
May 24 - July 7 - unrest of the prisoners of the special Mountain camp (Norilsk). Caused by the cases of the use of weapons and the killings of "convicts" by the guards of several sections of the camp, in response, a strike was declared. A special commission of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs sent from Moscow accepted the demands of the strikers and went on to soften the regime, but then the armed forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to storm the zones. In total, up to 150 people died during the suppression of the uprising. It is not known whether there were any casualties among the troops.2,920 strike activists were isolated, new cases were opened against 45 organizers. [1]
July - riots in the city of Rustavi (Georgian SSR): drunken soldiers clash with the police, whose officers have been repeatedly beaten, and the OVD is defeated.
July-August - unrest of prisoners in a special river camp located in the Vorkuta region. A strike began, which engulfed 6 of the 17 camp departments (the total number of prisoners is about 16 thousand). The demands of the strikers were the arrival of a commission from Moscow, a softening of the detention regime. During the work of the commission, riots broke out, as a result of the use of weapons by the camp guards, 42 prisoners were killed, 135 people were wounded, 52 were severely injured. Most of them died.
August 4 - riots in the city of Kherson (Ukrainian SSR): a policeman, when detaining a teenager selling corn on the market, used physical force against him, which caused indignation of the townspeople. A crowd of up to 500 people gathered near the building of the regional police department, "anti-Soviet shouts" were heard. The policeman was arrested and put under investigation.
August 9-12 - unrest of "construction battalions" in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye (Irkutsk region). Taking revenge for the wounded comrade by the unknown, they staged a massacre in the city garden, smashed the store and the city cinema, tried to break into the building of the GOVD. In total, 350-400 people took part in the riots. 50 local residents were injured, 1 was killed. The arrested ringleaders continued to misbehave in the guardhouse, they set it on fire.
September - "hooligan war" in the city of Ludza (Latvian SSR), unleashed by students of a local vocational school, mostly former orphanages from Belarus. It ended with the "occupation" of the city by teenagers on September 22-23: robberies, beatings, etc. 43 children from orphanages were detained, 8 were arrested. [1]
September 4 - riots during the match between football teams "Torpedo" (Moscow) and "Dynamo" (Tbilisi). Angry at the referee's mistake (incorrectly scored goal), the fans destroyed the stadium, tried to find and lynch the referee, but left with nothing - the players hid it.
September 16 - a conflict at the Khabarovsk station between conscripts traveling to the Far East from the cities. Novosibirsk and Tashkent. The riots continued for several hours, during their course weapons were seized, as a result, 5 people were killed, 6 were seriously wounded. The clashes ended only after the intervention of the duty units of the Khabarovsk garrison, about 100 of their active participants were detained.
October - a collective fight between tankmen and local residents in the village of Urechye, Slutsk district, Bobruisk region (Byelorussian SSR), 1 person was killed.
May-June - the largest prisoner uprising: in a special Steppe camp (Kengir, Karaganda region, Kazakh SSR). It mainly contained Western Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Chechens, residents of Central Asia. The guards repeatedly used force, killed and wounded several prisoners, while trying to penetrate the newly arrived criminals into the women's zone, they shot several dozen people. The criminals were supported by the political ones, the guards were ousted from the territory of the camp. The rebels put forward a demand for a softening of the detention regime. During the suppression of the uprising, more than 700 prisoners were killed and wounded. [1]
August 15 - a drunken brawl at the Kupino station of the Omsk railway: drivers traveling to the Altai Territory to export grain attacked passengers on a train passing by, then staged a massive stabbing fight with local youth in the city garden. The police were resisted, they had to use weapons, 1 bully was killed, 1 more was wounded.
August 22-24 - riots in the city of Barnaul (Altai Territory): clashes between soldiers and construction workers and nearby enterprises. The conflict spread to the city, where the soldiers broke windows, rampaged, started fights, while the workers caught and beat the soldiers. 22 soldiers were hospitalized, 5 of them died from beatings; 2 workers were admitted to the local hospital. The clashes were stopped by the police.
December 12 - in the village of Elizavetinka (Akmola district, Akmola region, Kazakh SSR), a fight between cadets of the mechanization school and special settlers (Chechens and Ingush). About 30 people participated from both sides.
March - unrest of workers mobilized in the coal industry and for the construction of mines in the Kamensk region: mass fights, brawls, disobedience to the police. 5 people were killed, dozens were injured.
May 17 - riots in the city of Ekibastuz (Pavlodar region of the Kazakh SSR): beatings by Russian workers and demobilized Chechen soldiers mobilized by the military registration and enlistment office. The police tried to protect the latter, but to no avail. As a result of the beatings, 3 Chechens were killed and 4 were injured. In order to avoid further excesses, a special operational brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been introduced into the region.
October 13 - in Yerevan (Armenian SSR) the football match between the local "Spartak" and the District Officers' House (Sverdlovsk) was played to the end, but the uncounted goal against the guests with the score 2: 2 brought the spectators into a state of extreme excitement. They started throwing stones from the stands, wounded the lateral referee. After the meeting, the crowd began flipping and setting fire to cars and motorcycles in the vicinity of the stadium. Neither the ambulance nor the police patrol cars were spared. Law enforcement officers, together with firefighters, used water cannons, but this did not help. The incident resulted in casualties on both sides. [1]
January 9-10 - riots in the city of Novorossiysk. When a group of hooligans was detained, a fight broke out with the police, a huge crowd (about 1000 people) threw stones at the police station, broke into it and attacked employees, attacked the State Bank building, and tried to break into the post office. Several people were killed, 3 policemen and 2 soldiers were injured, 15 hooligans were detained.
January 21 - "market riot" in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). A crowd of 500 people attacked the police officers, accusing them of killing a herring dealer (in fact, he has an epileptic seizure). The building of the police stronghold was thrown with bricks, then the building of the GUVD-UKGB was attacked.
March 5-11 - political unrest in the Georgian SSR after the XX Congress of the CPSU: Tbilisi, Gori, Sukhumi, Batumi. Demonstrations and meetings of many thousands were in the nature of a protest against Stalin's revelations. To the slogans "Down with Khrushchev and Mikoyan!" appeals were added to "drive the Russians out of Georgia!", "beat the Armenians!" In Tbilisi on March 8-11, riots, clashes between demonstrators and police, an attempt to storm the House of Communications, calls for pogroms of Russians and Armenians. When the unrest was pacified, 15 people were killed and 54 injured (of which 7 later died). [1]
July - mass riots in the city of Orenburg of young workers (1,700 people), who were traveling from Armenia to harvest the harvest in the Kustanai region of the Kazakh SSR. Outraged by the lack of food trade at the station, the workers scattered around the city, hooligans, molesting women, and fought with each other and local residents.
September 4 - riots in Kiev (Ukrainian SSR) at a football match between the local team "Dynamo" and "Torpedo" (Moscow). The crowd, dissatisfied with the loss of their fellow countrymen, rushed into the field to beat the Muscovites. The "Torpedoites" barricaded themselves in their locker room, but their goalkeeper A. Denisenko did not flee from the field, hoping that "the Ukrainians of the Ukrainians would not be touched" - and was severely beaten. An angry crowd beat shop windows, overturned cars, chaos reigned in the area of Gorky and Krasnoarmeyskaya streets. It was possible to calm down the fans only with the help of internal troops in full combat gear. [1]
October 28 - riots in the city of Slavyansk (Stalin region of the Ukrainian SSR). A crowd of 500-600 people gathered near the building of the city police department and, inflamed by rumors about the beating of the detained drunk locksmith and other prisoners, tried to seize the GOVD, pelting him with stones. A number of militiamen and party workers were beaten up. The riots were stopped only with the help of the police from neighboring cities.
April - mass demonstrations and unrest among the Abkhaz population demanding the withdrawal of the Abkhaz ASSR from the Georgian SSR.
May 14 - in Leningrad at the stadium. Kirov after a football match between the teams "Zenith" and "Torpedo" (Moscow), riots, in which more than 150 people took part. Caused by the rough treatment of one of the fans by the police, the police were beaten. The stadium is cordoned off by additional forces, the unrest is brutally suppressed. Subsequently, 16 people were convicted of hooliganism. [1], [2], [3]
June - riots in the city of Podolsk (Moscow region): 7000 people demand the punishment of police officers who beat to death a detained driver. The events were qualified in the press as "hooligan actions of a group of drunk citizens spreading provocative rumors." During the suppression 15 people were injured, 9 instigators were convicted. [1]
July 2-3 - mass brawls in the city of Krivoy Rog (Ukrainian SSR) between groups of young people from a local combine and from a Komsomol town. About 100 people took part in the fights, about 10 were injured, 9 active participants were detained by the police.
August 26-27 - "Russian riot" in Grozny (Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), caused by the criminal lawlessness of the Chechens (robberies, murders, hooliganism) and the inability of the authorities to protect residents. The funeral of the murdered Russian worker turned into a demonstration with the participation of 2-3 thousand people, demands were made to expel the Chechens from the city. The building of the regional committee was seized, several Chechens were beaten, clashes with the military and the police were recorded. More than 100 people were arrested, sentences: from one year probation to 10 years in prison. [12]
- at the beginning of the month militiamen from the town of Taiga (Kemerovo Region) prevented a mass brawl between local youth and visiting builders involving up to 400 people from both sides. They had to fire up to 60 warning shots into the air.
- at the end of the month, during the harvest in the Komsomolsk district of the Stalingrad region, on the basis of "hostile relations" there was a clash between newcomers from the city (80 people) and local residents. 8 people were injured, 2 of them were seriously injured.
September 7 - riots in Riga (Latvian SSR). The policeman demanded that the local residents, former "convicts", stop drinking alcohol, for which he was attacked and, defending himself, killed one of them, after which he disappeared into the building of the tram depot. The assembled crowd, incited by the friends of the murdered man, broke down the doors of the depot and beat the policeman and his colleague again. After that, by a special decision of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia, a 40-kilometer zone around Riga was established, in which it is forbidden to register convicted persons for serious criminal offenses. [1]
October 16 - a clash between two groups of young people who came to harvest the harvest in the Kytmanov grain state farm in the Altai Territory. The barrack in which the workers lived was set on fire, and those who ran out of the fire were severely beaten. 1 killed, 3 seriously wounded.
August 1-3 - the conflict between workers and the authorities in the city of Temirtau (Karaganda region of the Kazakh SSR), which resulted in riots. About 5,000 people, Komsomol builders who came to the "virgin land" construction site, were dissatisfied with the living conditions, lack of amenities and work, and a meager salary. They barricaded a construction site and then tried to storm the city services buildings. The city authorities decided to use weapons, as a result of "spontaneous" shootings 11 people were killed, 32 were wounded; over 100 soldiers were injured. 40 instigators were convicted, several people were sentenced to death. [1]
August 22 - a group fight between Russian youth and Chechen-Ingush in the city of Gudermes (Chechen-Ingush ASSR). About 100 people took part, 9 were injured, 2 of them were grievous. It was possible to end the clash only with the help of the military personnel of the local garrison.
September 10 - a mass brawl at the Magnai station of the Karabalyk region of the Kustanai region (Kazakh SSR). About 50 servicemen in the "Zagotzerno" club, in revenge for the beating of their comrade, organized the beating of the Armenians who had arrived for the harvest. As a result, 1 Armenian was killed, 5 participants in the brawl were injured.
September 20 - in Stalin (Donetsk) the local Shakhtar played against CSKA Moscow. The guests were leading 2: 1, but 6 minutes before the end the spectators ran out onto the pitch, the match was interrupted. The replay ended with the same score, but in favor of the miners. The first match is completely "erased" from references, and only thanks to the statistics we know about it.
March 6 - a fight at the Riga Polytechnic Institute (Latvian SSR) at an evening dedicated to March 8 between Russians and Latvians.
June 23 - strikes at enterprises and institutions in Riga due to the cancellation of the Janov day (the ancient Latvian summer solstice holiday).
July 19 - in Moscow, a football match between CSKA and Dynamo (Kiev) was interrupted due to riots caused by the hosts' fans dissatisfied with the course of the match. The spectators broke through to the field, none of the judges and players were injured, but the fans carried their favorites in their arms.
July 31 - riots perpetrated by demobilized sailors, and the pogrom of the Ingush family of the Sagadaevs in the city of Dzhetygar (Kazakh SSR), from 500 to 1000 people participated in the events, firearms were used. The Sagadaevs' family was brutally killed, during the storming of their house a sailor was killed, about 10 people were wounded. The house and all property of the family were burned down, the police station was seized, and the bullpen was opened.
January 15 - riots in the city of Krasnodar due to rumors about the beating of a serviceman by police officers during arrest for violation of wearing a uniform. 1,300 people took part in the events, the crowd surrounded the building of the GOVD and even seized for some time the building of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. With great difficulty, the situation in the city was normalized, firearms were used to disperse the crowd, 1 person was killed. 24 participants in the unrest were prosecuted. [1]
June 25 - "Biysk pogrom", one of the largest public unrest in the history of the USSR. In the city of Biysk (Altai Territory), a conflict arose in the city market between residents (500 people) and the police, which escalated into a fight and riots, during which several people died. The unrest was extinguished only 5 hours later with the help of the police and the military. According to some reports, the crowd was shot at. 13 people were tried, 3 were sentenced to death (commuted to a term), the rest - to long terms of imprisonment. [1]
June 30 - mass riots in the city of Murom (Vladimir region): workers of a local radio plant stormed the building of a sobering-up station, in which their comrade died at night, detained (and rumored to be beaten) by policemen, ransacked the premises of the city police department, released 48 prisoners, plundered weapons warehouse. By the end of the day, order in the city was restored. 13 people were convicted, 3 were sentenced to death. [1]
July 23-24 - a riot in the town of Alexandrov (Vladimir region), in which about 1500 people took part. The crowd (at the peak of the riots amounted to about 500 people) tried to free 2 detained drunk soldiers, tried to storm the building of the city police department and burned it down. The military units that arrived in the city used weapons, 4 people died, more than a dozen were wounded. 19 people were convicted, 4 were sentenced to be shot. [12]
September 15-16 - riots in the city of Beslan (North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) due to an unsuccessful attempt by the police to detain 5 drunken people in a public place. Armed resistance was rendered to the guards of order, the total number of rioters was 700 people. During the events, 1 person was killed. 7 of the most active participants were brought to trial.
October 1 - a football match in Tbilisi (Georgian SSR) between the local team "Dynamo" and "Spartak" (Yerevan) was interrupted due to riots in the stands. Sticks and bottles were thrown onto the field, but the security forces managed to get the players and the refereeing team out of the fire. A few days later, at a meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Football Federation, the Dynamo team was credited with a defeat, and a victory for Spartak. [1]
May 31 - June 1 - a strike at the Chernyshevsky floating plant engaged in crab fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk. All 70 workers refused to go to work, demanding an increase in wages. 3 people, recognized as instigators, were convicted.
June 1-3 - the most famous episode of popular unrest in the history of the USSR: the events in the city of Novocherkassk (Rostov region). [1]
A strike in the port of Odessa (Ukrainian SSR). The workers refused to load food, intended to be sent to Cuba, arguing that food was bad in Ukraine.
June 16-17 - riots in the city of Krivoy Rog (Dnepropetrovsk region of the Ukrainian SSR). The militiamen tried to detain a drunken soldier, used force, which caused indignation of people, the formation of a crowd of about 200 people. In an attempt to disperse it, the police used weapons, wounding several people. The next day, a crowd of up to 600 people gathered at the district police department, the most active group broke into the building and started a pogrom there. 2 people were mortally wounded, more than 20 were injured and injured. The unrest was stopped by the arrival of soldiers of the internal troops. [1]
November 7 - "Stalinist" riot in Sumgait (Azerbaijan SSR). During the demonstration, the police tried to take away from the citizens "unauthorized" portraits of Stalin, which they carried in the columns of demonstrators. A serious fight ensued - policemen and people's vigilantes on the one hand, about 100 demonstrators under the portraits of the generalissimo on the other. More than 800 residents joined the demonstrators, an attack was made on the building of the city police department, weapons were used (1 person was wounded). Subsequently, 6 people were convicted. [1]
December 18 - After the murder of a Ghanaian citizen, African students studying in the USSR riot on Red Square in Moscow. [1]
April 16 - riot in Bronnitsy (Moscow region). In the city bullpen, a local resident died from police beatings. The gathered crowd of about 300 people laid siege to the bullpen building, captured and destroyed it. Subsequently, 8 participants in the events were put on trial.
April 18 - riots in the city of Stavropol: a crowd of about 700 people tried to free the detained drunk hooligan "unjustly". The building of the police station was destroyed, a policeman was beaten and a patrol car was burned. Soldiers' patrols were brought into the city, the ringleaders were arrested.
September 29 - October 3 - riots in the city of Khasavyurt (Dagestan ASSR). Chechen raped a girl of Lak nationality, her fellow tribesmen went to take revenge. Up to 700 people took part in the fights. 9 people were brought to criminal responsibility.
A strike of shipyard workers in the city of Sevastopol.