SSGN - Project 949A Antey (OSCAR II)

SSGN - Project 949A Antey (OSCAR II)
SSGN - Project 949A Antey (OSCAR II)

After the first two ships built according to Project 949, the construction of submarine cruisers according to the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”) began. As a result of the modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the displacement of the ship increased somewhat, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.


According to the estimates of a number of domestic experts, according to the criterion of "efficiency-cost" SSGN 949-th project is the most preferred means of fighting enemy aircraft carriers. As of the mid-1980s, the cost of one Project 949A submarine was 226 million rubles, which at par was equal to only 10% of the cost of the multipurpose aircraft carrier Roosevelt ($ 2.3 billion, excluding the cost of its aircraft wing). At the same time, according to the calculations of experts of the Navy and industry, one nuclear submarine could with a high probability disable the aircraft carrier and a number of its escort ships. However, other fairly authoritative experts questioned these estimates, believing that the relative effectiveness of the SSGN is overestimated. It was necessary to take into account the fact that the aircraft carrier was a universal combat vehicle capable of solving an extremely wide range of tasks, while submarines were ships of a much narrower specialization.


After the first two ships built according to Project 949, the construction of submarine cruisers according to the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”) began. As a result of the modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the displacement of the ship increased somewhat, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Currently, the boats of Project 949 have been put into reserve. At the same time, the Project 949A submarine group, along with the Tu-22M-3 naval missile-carrying and long-range aircraft, is actually the only means capable of effectively countering the US strike aircraft carrier formations. Along with this, the combat units of the grouping can successfully act against ships of all classes during conflicts of any intensity.

The sturdy steel hull of the double-hull submarine is divided into 10 compartments.

SSGN - Project 949A
SSGN - Project 949A

SSGN Project 949A "Antey" (Enlarged diagram)

1 - GAK antennas

2 - Shelves with longitudinal and transverse feed devices from UBZ torpedo-missile armament complex

3 - Forward (torpedo) compartment

4 - Rechargeable batteries

5 - the running bridge

6 - The second (central) compartment

7 - APU

9 - Third compartment

10 - PMU

11 - Fourth (residential) compartment

12 - Containers with PU SCRC "Granite"

13 - Fifth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)

14 - Sixth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)

15 - VVD cylinders

16 - Seventh (reactor) compartment

17 - Reactors

18 - Eighth (turbine) compartment

19 - Nasal vocational school

20 - Nasal main switchboard

21 - Ninth (turbine) compartment

22 - Fodder vocational school

23 - Aft main switchboard

24 - Tenth compartment (HED)

25 - GED

The power plant of the ship has a modular design and includes two water-water-type reactors OK-650B (190 MW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9, operating on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the rotational speed of the propellers …The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are two turbine generators of 3200 kW each, two diesel generators DG-190, two thrusters.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 “Skat-3” sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence data from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out underwater on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated "Symphony-U" navigation complex with increased accuracy, increased range and a large amount of processed information.


The main armament of the missile cruiser is 24 supersonic cruise missiles of the P-700 "Granit" complex. On the sides of the wheelhouse, which has a relatively large length, outside the robust hull, there are 24 twin onboard missile containers, inclined at an angle of 40 °. The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 Kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a cruise turbojet engine KR-93 with an annular solid-fuel rocket booster. The maximum firing range is 550 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M = 2.5 at high altitude and M = 1.5 at low altitude. The launch weight of the rocket is 7000 kg, the length is 19.5 m, the body diameter is 0.88 m, the wingspan is 2.6 m. Rockets can be fired both singly and in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, starting at a high pace). In the latter case, target distribution is carried out in a salvo. The creation of a dense grouping of missiles is ensured, which makes it easier to overcome enemy missile defense systems. The organization of the flight of all missiles of the salvo, additional search for the warrant and “covering” it with the included radar sight allows the anti-ship missile to fly on the marching sector in radio silence mode. In the process of missile flight, the optimal distribution of targets between them within the order is carried out (the algorithm for solving this problem was worked out by the Institute of Weapons of the Navy and NPO Granit). Supersonic speed and complex flight trajectory, high noise immunity of radio electronic means and the presence of a special anti-aircraft and air missile diversion system ensure that Granita, when fired in full salvo, has a relatively high probability of overcoming the air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier.


The submarine's automated torpedo-missile system allows the use of torpedoes, as well as missile-torpedoes "Waterfall" and "Wind" at all diving depths. It includes four 533 mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

Complex "Granit", created in the 80s, by 2000 was already morally obsolete. First of all, this applies to the maximum firing range and anti-jamming missile. The element base, which is the basis of the complex, is also outdated. At the same time, the development of a fundamentally new operational anti-ship missile system is currently not possible for economic reasons. The only real way to maintain the combat potential of the domestic "anti-aircraft" forces is, obviously, the creation of a modernized version of the "Granit" complex for deployment on the 949A SSGN during their planned repair and modernization. According to estimates, the combat effectiveness of the modernized missile system, which is currently in development, should increase approximately three times compared to the Granit missile system in service. The rearmament of submarines is supposed to be carried out directly at the basing points, while the time and cost of implementing the program should be minimized. As a result, the existing grouping of Project 949A submarines will be able to function effectively until the 2020s. Its potential will be further expanded as a result of equipping ships with a variant of the KR "Granit", capable of hitting ground targets with high accuracy with non-nuclear weapons.
