Bear the burden of the whites, -
And the best sons
For hard labor, send
Over the distant seas;
To the service of the conquered
To the gloomy tribes
At the service of half-children, Or maybe - to the devil!
The White Man's Burden by R. Kipling
To begin with, Kipling wrote these lines, referring not only to Britain itself and the British, but also to all those who, by their labor, raise to their level those for whom this level is still low.
Not so long ago, the Penza newspaper Molodoy Leninets published an article by Ksenia Vdovikina “Penziak visited a non-existent country” and since the popularity of the VO and ML websites is incomparable, I wanted, so to speak, to expand its readership by retelling this material in my own words. It was about how a resident of Penza Pavel Votchintsev went to Somaliland as a volunteer. There, within the framework of the program of the American businessman Jonathan Starr, in the capital of the country, the city of Hargeisa, it was necessary to open … a high-tech boarding school. In a group with my fellow countryman, two more Russians, two Canadians, ten Americans, a Brazilian and an Englishman went there.

At one time, the Polish writer Janusz Korczak, who died in the Nazi gas chamber, wrote in his wonderful book "King Matt on a Desert Island" that there are caring people with warm and kind hearts who believe that their goal is to help others. So, probably, all these people were just like that (and it pleases!), Although it is quite possible that someone went for the sake of money or adventure, and … there is also nothing reprehensible in this. "All works are good, choose your taste!" Someone picks up and treats stray cats, someone teaches blacks - who likes what!
Our volunteer had to not only open a software faculty there, but also to work with whom - well and so. He walked there (like others) under the protection of a personal submachine gunner with a Kalashnikov. Usually such a guard - and in this unrecognized and seemingly non-existent country, a white man cannot be without guards with a machine gun - costs $ 100 a day, but the participants in the program were given machine gunners free of charge. Wherever you go - the guard follows, when necessary and how long it is necessary to wait, and this is … right, if life is dear to you. Well, the wallet too.
It turned out to be not so easy to feed, even according to the American program. Pork is not eaten there - all Muslims. There is no beef, because there is nowhere to graze the cows. Camel meat (ugh!) Is sent for export (I never thought about it!). Well, you simply can't eat everything else, you can't buy anything at the market either, because it's much cleaner in our street closet.
And our respected Penza citizen ate unleavened flatbreads with bean paste flavored with red pepper and pâté in tuna jars. Water … with water is even worse! They pump it from wells, clean it at a Soviet-era cleaning station, then throw bleach into the pool and stir it with a stick - "the drink is ready!" But even with bleach, you can't drink it raw. Although the Americans warmed it up a little and … drank it! Apparently at school they were bad with biology and physics. After all, heating and boiling are different things! So Zadornov is right here in their attitude!
God forbid getting to the hospital there. Everything is shabby, but the supplies of dusty syringe packs sent by humanitarian aid will last for a long time. They treat - as God puts it on the soul. They may well put a plaster cast on an open fracture without treating the wound! And what? Local and so it will do!
Money in this "country" is considered in kilograms - this is the inflation rate. And the prices are as follows: for one American dollar you can eat in a diner and buy a Kalashnikov cartridge! Since nobody wants to carry purchases for a kilogram of money, all payments are made via mobile phones. That's even how! In Russia, we are clearly lagging behind! The seller calls his "id", you enter it into the phone, and the money is debited from the account. I beep the phone at the seller - you paid! Even bus tickets are bought like that. At the same time, people cannot count in their mind how much 2 + 2 will be. But everyone has mobile phones. And how they use them, our volunteer did not guess this riddle!
However, the locals do not really suffer from this. Moreover, no one really works there, and sheer parasitism is the norm of life. It's just that tribal clans, of which there are eight, run everything. And so they share everything and give each man $ 40 a month. He receives the same amount in the form of a salary, that is, he has enough to eat well twice a day, but he doesn't need more. None of the locals went to a salary of $ 150 for a secretary position at this very high-tech college. "Need to work!" There was one enthusiast from Saudi Arabia, but how long will it last? The clan decides everything, supports everything, so why bother? Such is the mentality that these same volunteers - in my opinion, it is not clear why - decided to overcome.
And… overcame! At first, there was one socket for the whole class - they made a computer network. They taught 50 students, including 18 girls - by local standards, it's nonsense at all. And in the end it all ended with the fact that 13 graduates of this college received scholarships in universities … in the United States. "And their number is growing every year!" - the volunteer said happily to ML. Of course, there is reason for joy, although I personally would have preferred to see them at our Penza University, studying for money from their government - at least some benefit to our country. But no - they went to study in the USA. There they again feel like second-class people. They will remember their childhood with affection in a reed hut smeared with clay, where 20-30 people sleep side by side on the floor, and they will never be equal to 100% Yankees! "I dream of my village, my homeland cannot let go!" - it is written about our people, with a common mentality for Russia, whose age is estimated at more than one hundred years. And what's in there? Clans? "Kalash", parasitism ingrained in flesh and blood? In the States themselves, this has not been achieved in 150 years. Many blacks do not work to this day, explaining that their ancestors were slaves. Sociologists define the century as the life span of three generations. So how many generations ago were this man's ancestors slaves? And then … graduated from college under the program of "brain export" and immediately changed his psychology? It's funny even to talk about it.
If you want and have patience, as they say, you can even teach a hare to smoke, but what pleasure will he get from it? After all, how many volunteers from all over the world have already visited Africa, and in what way have they succeeded? Have you managed to prevent the Ebola epidemic? No! Have you managed to eradicate the custom of male circumcision with a blunt razor or hunting knife and female clitoris from the tribes there? No! Overcome the custom of knocking out teeth during initiation - also not. End wars, hunger, mass illiteracy? Someone will say that there are few of them and that they are not given enough. No - there are a lot of them, and they give them a lot. So after all, the same "humanitarian aid" in the fight against hunger is not accepted by the local regimes: "food with GMOs!" Are you picky - you want to ask them?
Of course, considerations of humanism seem to require raising all people to our level with you. It is known that only 24% of the adult population of Burkina Faso, for example, can read and write, while the number of literate women is almost half that of men. Well, let's make them all literate without exception ?! And they will come to us in gratitude and … destroy our culture!
We see today the consequences of the civilizing mission of the West on the example of Europe. Masses of migrants with cell phones are crossing its borders and … destroying its economy and culture. There are too many migrants and they multiply too quickly compared to the local white population. At the same time, they preserve their own culture. They do not want to adopt the local culture, and they are in their own right. But how does the local people feel about it? Well, as a result, again an excerpt from Kipling: Bear the burden of the whites, -
And let no one wait
No laurels, no awards
But know, the day will come -
You will wait from your peers
You are of the wise judgment, And indifferently weigh
He was your feat then.
And here's the question: has anyone waited for a "wise judgment" from the inhabitants of the African continent? For the most part, Africans look at Europeans as a consumer, nothing more. And here's another thought I have: if you go somewhere as a volunteer, then it's best to visit us, to the North, or to the Far East. There, too, there is where to bear the "burden of the whites", and there is our land!