Ward № 6.
What do you think is the name of the only enterprise in Ukraine that produces narcotic analgesics? And also drugs for psychiatric clinics? Aminazine, Haloperdol, Halopril, Morphine, Phenobarbital, Promedol?
Do not believe it - "Health to the People", you can see it yourself at the link: https://www.zn.kharkov.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=44&Itemid=42. Judging by the latest reports from this country, it seems that the plant can no longer cope with the required production volumes. And if it's no joke, it sounds very ambiguous and bad, a big request to the brothers Ukrainians to change the signboard, since the name of this company appears in the price lists of almost all medical institutions in the CIS.
All this reminded me of the anti-tobacco and anti-alcohol campaigns in Russia and Kazakhstan. Of course, it’s a good thing. However, there are several "buts". The case concerns a sharp rise in prices for alcoholic and tobacco products. Such campaigns, as a rule, wind down when the state and corporations begin to realize that they have lost control over this market sector, it has gone into the shadows, and large financial resources pass by them. It's clear. But the understanding of another "but", unfortunately, in the power structures, and in society, alas, is not traced.
Sad facts. According to the State Research Institute of Preventive Medicine "Rosmedtechnology", the number of mentally ill patients with various diagnoses in the Russian Federation is approximately 2, 6% of the country's population, or about 3 million 700 thousand people. I will clarify this number: those who were able to register, that is, those who were surrendered by relatives (colleagues, neighbors, etc.), or who surrendered themselves. It is sometimes very difficult to work with statistics, because it can be "sharpened" for other requirements, different from someone's searches. But here is the data that amazed me. 30% of officially registered patients with schizophrenia (one of the main mental illnesses) still suffer from alcohol dependence, that is, in addition to the underlying disease, they are also alcoholics. I wonder which of the two evils is leading in this pair? First, a person tries to pour vodka on the devils sitting in his head, and only then does the squirrel come? It is easier for people to admit that they are drinking than to suffer from a mental disorder. It is impossible to establish the real number of people with mental disorders, but the category of persons without a definite place of residence can be safely ranked among them, since the number of people with mental disorders, borderline states, among them will be a clear majority. For this group, it is imperative to generate separate statistics. Why? It will become clearer below.
Experts will not let me lie, the level of the same nicotine addiction among psychiatric patients with schizophrenia is even higher, in women's wards it reaches 70%, in men's wards up to 90%. To clarify, here we are not talking about a couple or a dozen cigarettes smoked a day, but two or three packs, that is, 30-60 pieces or more. Based on this data, a US university recently began developing a drug that relieves symptoms of the disease based on nicotinic acid. But, be that as it may, it is mental disorders that affect the will of a person, and not just schizophrenia, that make any addiction virtually fatal. In modern narcology, it is customary to separate psychological and pharmacological addiction, and here we literally get a three-in-one cocktail.
How many times has the cost of cigarettes increased recently: twice, more? The social pension of a disabled person of the second group from April 1, 2014 will be 4253.6 rubles! Very few, but even so, for the above reason, they will still rummage in garbage cans for food, die, but they will not stop smoking or drinking of their own free will. That is why the black market will be indestructible, and any additional sanctions will only lead to the self-organization of this part of citizens, we have gone through the rest of history many times, then other, more serious people will come, who will use this resource in their own interests. To get into the pockets of citizens - yes, but no one is going to pull the homeless people out of the hatches of heating mains and treat mental patients from their addictions. The situation in neuropsychiatric dispensaries since the time of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's "Ward No. 6" has not become much better, ask those who were in matings about this. Refusing to take into account the needs (in this case, these are no longer interests, but the needs) of this category of citizens, refusing the rehabilitation and appropriate treatment of these people during anti-tobacco and anti-alcohol campaigns, our legislators themselves create a protest enclave that has become a detonator and the first victim of more than one revolution, committing, in fact, an act of genocide against a part of the population, consecrated by morality. How much of the total population will it be - half a percent, two? It will be possible to speak unambiguously about the number of at least one and a half million people, but in reality more. It would be interesting to calculate the percentage of demshiza currently participating in numerous Maidans in Ukraine.
There is such a cynical thought - well, let the psychos and vagabonds die out. But they are also people, they are someone's brother, son, husband, someone's sister, daughter, wife. Their unique view of the world has given us so many geniuses. In Kazakhstan, in Almaty, he lived, maybe a homeless person, an Olympic champion still lives. Several times his sister pulled him out of the basements, washed him, dressed him, but he returned there over and over again. Once during the competition, he repeatedly experienced the pressure of the strongest psychological load, pushing the limits of human capabilities, and now he broke down. Now he is the eldest in the district among the homeless, just think, there is also a hierarchy among them. It is very possible that he is never registered at the hospital.
If the collapse of the USSR taught us anything, it is that world peace and nobility between states are a pipe dream. That the weak are torn to pieces by the stronger without a twinge of conscience. And the same Swedish intelligence will almost certainly take advantage of our weakness. One of the pillars of Western psychotechnology is precisely the enactment and use of enclaves of tension in society. Take the same topic about homosexuals. If there are no outcasts, then they will try to invent them, there is a percentage, here is a percentage. Then why substitute, where we have real levers of influence on the situation? To clarify, I am not against the fight against alcohol and tobacco addiction, I am for doing it right. Why are poorly thought out legislative acts that provoke social tension in the medium term? Where do the experts work? Does it really turn out, as in the anecdote about psychiatrists - who first put on the white coat is the doctor?
As the completion of the topic. During the Great Patriotic War, not only our soldiers and officers became adept at conducting psychological warfare, which I already wrote about in the first article. And the Germans had a lot to learn.
This story was told to me by one veteran of the Great Patriotic War, perhaps a bike, in any case, domestic historiography does not like to mention such events. So, during the offensive of our troops, an absolutely incredible situation arose in the battles for the small railway station N. In the daytime, ours took it almost without a fight, in the morning the Germans also found themselves there almost without a fight. Moreover, our soldiers disappeared in whole units, no one returned. What an obsession? The Germans do not like to fight at night and, according to intelligence, they have little strength in the area. The secret was revealed after the station was recaptured for the third time, and the regiment leadership went there to clarify the circumstances. There was an open-necked railway tank car with alcohol in a dead end. This is what it means - a good knowledge of the psychological portrait of the enemy. One word - bastards.
Trails and Thrones
It so happened that on January 10, 2014, my first article "Psychological Weapons" was published on the Voennoye Obozreniye website together with the article "Psychotronic Race of Superpowers" by Sergei Yuferev. It seemed that our works should complement each other, but rather it was confusing. Clarification required. The means of psychological influence should be divided into:
1. Means of psychological influence, playing on the natural characteristics of human perception. This should include all means of suggestion, agitation, information attacks and stuffing, ideology. This is actually a psychological weapon. I showed how these funds can be highly effective in my first material.
2. Means that alter human perception as a result of direct exposure to brain tissue, central nervous system, sense organs. I cannot call it a psychological weapon, even if it remains a means of influence of the second kind. Here we got irritating (chemical), psychotropic (chemical, pharmaceutical), psychotronic (based on electromagnetic radiation, light range, etc.) and other means, about which S. Yuferev tried to write unsuccessfully. But there is no need to scold him, in fact, for which discussion and discussion are now needed, so this is in order to subsequently come out on legal definitions of actions and means, which at the moment are unconventional.
In order to determine the place and significance of psychotronic (thrones) means among others, one must first pay tribute to psychotropic means (tropes), the effectiveness of which is amazing.

Definition: A psychoactive substance is any substance (or mixture) of natural or artificial origin that affects the functioning of the central nervous system, leading to a change in the mental state. Psychoactive substances that affect higher mental functions and are often used in medicine to treat mental illness are called psychotropic.
Trails as a means of changing consciousness can and actually play the role of a strategic weapon, destabilizing countries and entire regions of the planet. So during the war of drug trafficking in Mexico in recent years, more than 80 thousand (!!!) people have died, in fact - the second Syria. These weapons kill and maim here and now.
You can simply turn on search programs for queries, at least - "combat psychostimulants." There is a lot of information, experts are a dime a dozen (maybe behind this there is sometimes hidden advertising of drugs?), And I absolutely do not need to insert my three kopecks here. Therefore - a brief overview.
The most famous counter-terrorist operations with the direct use of special equipment are:
- The assault on the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia on December 4, 1979, when 2 tons of paralyzing SB police gas were used.
- The assault on the House of Culture of OJSC "Moscow Bearing" on October 26, 2002, better known as "Nord-Ost" or the terrorist attack on Dubrovka (Moscow, Russia), with the use of an alleged aerosol of two anesthetics - carfentanil and remifentanil. In the list of equipment of the special forces soldier, the front filtering mask has firmly established itself.
Psychotropic drugs have been used by humanity in internal conflicts for a very long time, becoming a symbol of the fact that both culture and lifestyle can kill! So, the body's lack of the ability to produce in the required quantities the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which destroys alcohol in the blood, leads to the fact that the effect of alcohol on it will be similar to heroin addiction. Without wars, large areas were depopulated from the Indians, Africans, peoples of the North who inhabited them …
Alien values and way of life can kill directly, and not only through the exchange of a swill for a sea otter skin. This is how Vladimir Yokhelson described the customs of the Yukaghirs, one of the peoples of the North. "The Yukaghirs are very honest and trusting … They themselves do not understand the value of their labor, therefore they trust the word of merchants …" Naturally, such people had already been considered dying out by the end of the 19th century.
In our time, the peak of perfection is depicted by the liberal model of social structure, crushing the patriarchal, which in turn is portrayed as totalitarian, authoritarian, and so on, whatever you like. However, under the sign of FREEDOM, the reverse side of the consumer society is hidden, which consists in pedaling intraspecific human competition (which, in fact, makes this social model effective in the short term), while the experience of patriarchal society has been aimed at curbing it for many millennia. There is no need to create illusions, this mechanism is not intended to make people happy. And with careless handling of this value, or maybe by deliberate action, you can get a bomb, a war of all against all.

However, until the algorithm of human thinking is described, until scientists have clarity with the work of brain mechanics, all attempts of psychotropic or psychotronic weapons, despite advertising, will be limited only to the ability to cripple and kill, and any attempt to get into the basic settings man will give rise to monstrous monsters. But the desire to have in your hands a finely working, obedient and reliable instrument is very great. Everyone should remember this.
To be continued.