Huge punching power at a fraction of the cost.
"Ticonderoga" is an absolute record holder among ships with a displacement of less than 10 thousand tons.
Eleven radars.
80 antenna devices.
122 missile silos.
Combat information and control system "Aegis".
The choice of the names of the ships - in honor of the places where the battles and battles of the past took place.
Among the achievements and records:
- participation in military conflicts in Libya (1986), Iraq (1991, 2003) and Yugoslavia. "Ticonderogs" provided cover for naval groupings and attacked ground targets;
- destruction of a space satellite moving at an altitude of 247 km at a speed of 27,000 km / h (Operation "Scalding Cold", 2008)

Missile cruiser created on the destroyer platform. Originally assigned to the family of guided missile destroyers (DDG), but later "promoted" to the level of a cruiser (CG). In comparison with other cruisers of the same age, the Ticonderoga is 80 meters shorter than the nuclear-powered Orlan, its width is 1.5 times less midships, and its total displacement is 2, 6 times less. On this scale, the difference in the meanings of the word "cruiser" and the differences in approaches to designing ships on both sides of the ocean become clearly visible.
Reference. About what is not visible from the shore
The dimensions and contours of the hull, the power plant, as well as a significant part of the mechanisms and weapons are unified with the destroyers of the "Spruence" type.
The hull is divided by watertight bulkheads into 13 compartments.
Two decks and eight platforms of the cruiser (five of which are superstructure levels) are parallel to the structural waterline to simplify ship assembly and equipment installation.
Gas turbine power plant, consisting of 4 General Electric LM2500 turbines. A herd of 80 thousand "horses" is able to accelerate the ship from zero to max. speed (~ 32 knots) in just 15 minutes.

The Ticonderoga surpasses even the larger and more modern destroyer Arlie Burke in terms of the number of weapons. The reason for the paradox lies directly in the construction of the "Burke" - it is completely steel. While the superstructure "Ticonderogi" is made of aluminum-magnesium alloy "5456" and literally falls apart under the weight of its own weight.
This drawback did not prevent the cruisers from serving for more than 30 years. But the conclusions were drawn. All subsequent American ships are made entirely of steel.
The main purpose of the Tikonderoog is anti-aircraft and anti-submarine security of aircraft carrier and multipurpose ship groups, formations and convoys in open sea areas.
The cruisers are highly autonomous and capable of covering 6,000 nautical miles at an operational speed of 20 knots. Which is equivalent to the distance from the Norfolk naval base to the Persian Gulf.
The first five Ticonderogs were equipped with MK.26 beam-type launchers, with a limited arsenal of anti-aircraft and anti-submarine missiles. The ability to launch Tomahawks was not considered a priority; The arsenal of cruisers was replenished with SLCMs only with the appearance of the mine-type launcher MK.41 on the Bunker Hill cruiser.
The main idea, raison d'être and purpose of the Aegis cruisers are still air defense / missile defense.

Air defense system
All hopes are pinned on the Aegis BIUS (Aegis), which has linked computers, radars and fire control systems into a single network.
The main component of the "Aegis" is a multipurpose radar AN / SPY-1 with four fixed HEADLIGHTS. Working range - decimeter (S). The peak radiation power is 6 megawatts, which allows the radar to distinguish targets in near-earth orbit.
SPY-1 performs azimuth and elevation search, capture, classification and tracking of targets, control of the autopilots of anti-aircraft missiles at the starting and cruising sections of the flight path.
The only problem with the SPY-1 is that the radar has difficulty distinguishing fast-moving targets flying near the surface of the water.
The fire control system is archaic, based on four SPG-62 target illumination radars. It is curious that in this aspect the Ticonderoga again has an advantage over the Arleigh Burke (4 radar illuminators versus three for the destroyer).
The main incorrigible drawback of the SPG-62 is mechanical scanning (turning speed 72 ° / sec). At any given time, each radar is capable of illuminating only one target. As a result, if the capabilities of the SPY-1 allow you to control up to 18 launched anti-aircraft missiles, then only 4 air targets can be attacked simultaneously (and, most importantly, no more than two from each side).
The only advantage of this scheme: in contrast to dozens of beams of newfangled AFAR and missiles with active seeker, the outdated radar illumination has a directional pattern with a narrow main lobe, which makes it possible to produce effective and highly selective target illumination when using electronic warfare equipment.
Currently, a small number of illumination channels are leveled by the appearance of anti-aircraft missiles with active homing (SM-3, SM-6, ESSM Block-II).

Selecting targets, assessing threats, controlling the sequence of launched anti-aircraft missiles - this is the purpose of the Aegis system. In real conditions, the theory failed, and the first battle came out "lumpy". In the confusion of the battle with the Iranian Navy, the cruiser Vincennes overwhelmed the civilian Airbus.
However, three decades have passed. American Aegis ships have spent a total of 1250 years on military campaigns, firing over 3800 missiles during combat and training missions. Presumably they've learned a thing or two.
In addition to four SPY-1 plates and four SPG-62 target illumination radars, an auxiliary station SPS-49 is included in the cruiser detection system. Two-dimensional surveillance radar L-band with a rotating parabolic antenna. Currently recognized as completely obsolete, there is a project to replace it with the SPQ-9B (Back-to-Back Slotted Array) radar with two PARs operating in the centimeter range. The appearance of this device promises to "cure" one of the main drawbacks of the "Ticonderoga" - the problem of detecting low-flying targets.
The anti-aircraft arsenal of the cruiser is located in the bow and stern launchers of the MK.41 type, the number and type of missiles vary depending on the mission. In theory, the cruiser is capable of carrying up to hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles (with the possibility of maintaining moderate versatility by placing the Tomahawk and ASROK missiles in the remaining silos).

The ammunition load includes the following types of ammunition:
- SAM family "Standard". The latest modifications RIM-156 SM-2ER and RIM-174 ERAM (with an active head from an air-to-air missile launcher) are, in theory, capable of intercepting targets at a distance of 240 km from the ship;
- exotic RIM-161 "Standard-3", whose interception height extends beyond the stratosphere. The SM-3 is focused exclusively on missile defense missions and is not intended against "conventional" aerodynamic targets. The scheme implements kinetic interception (direct hit on the target). External illumination for space purposes is not required (and even impossible) - the SPY-1 radar brings the rocket into a given area of space, then the SM-3 orientates itself using an infrared seeker;
- medium / short-range anti-aircraft missile RIM-162 ESSM with an effective firing range of 50 km. Optimized for intercepting high-speed low-flying targets (anti-ship missiles). Due to its unusual layout and the presence of a deflected thrust vector, the ESSM is capable of maneuvering with overloads up to 50g. The missiles are stored aboard the cruiser, four in one launch cell.
The close line of defense is formed by two Falanx anti-aircraft guns. The main advantage of automatic anti-aircraft guns is the presence of its own radar and complete independence from the rest of the ship's systems (except for power supply). Disadvantage (common to all such systems): there is a threat that in a real battle "Falanx" will be useless. The wreckage of downed missiles in the near zone will fly by inertia and fatally cripple the ship.
As a weapon of "last chance" on board there are 70 sets of MANPADS "Stinger".
General conclusions: due to the selected range and radar power, the Ticonderogi air defense system is ideally suited to intercept targets in the upper atmosphere. At the same time, there is a whole range of problems with the interception of low-flying targets.
However … Only the Zamvolt and a few European and Japanese destroyers have more effective air defense in the near zone compared to the Ticonderoga.
Anti-submarine defense
The cruiser has a full range of anti-submarine weapons that are traditionally installed on board large surface ships. It includes:
- AN / SQS-53 active under-keel sonar;
- towed low-frequency antenna TACTAS;
- two anti-submarine helicopters of the SH-60 family;
- anti-submarine missiles RUM-139 ASROC-VL - max. the firing range is 22 km, the warhead is the MK.54 small-size deep-water torpedo;
- two torpedo tubes for launching small torpedoes (caliber 324 mm). Purpose - to combat submarines in the immediate vicinity of the ship.
PLO is a network task, it is not solved by one ship. In this sense, the Ticonderoga is an important component of the warrant's anti-submarine defense.

Impact weapons
The MK.41 silos can carry Tomahawk cruise missiles. As in the case of anti-aircraft ammunition, it is impossible to establish the exact number of SLCMs on board the cruiser, it changes, depending on the tasks assigned.
In the course of combat use, cases were recorded when cruisers fired 40 … 50 cruise missiles in one night. Obviously, their number can become even larger due to the reduction or complete abandonment of anti-aircraft ammunition.
Also on board are eight anti-ship missiles "Harpoon" (located in the stern, launch - from the inclined installation Mk.141). The scale allocated for this weapon indicates its secondary importance. "Ticonderogs" are not going to engage in combat with a surface enemy, relying entirely on aircraft and submarines. The cruiser "Yorktown" used its anti-ship missiles only once - against a Libyan speedboat, and, as usual, with an unclear result.
At present, with the change in the tactics of using the fleet and the transition to the formation of multipurpose combat groups, it became necessary to equip the cruisers with full-fledged anti-ship weapons. This weapon will be the promising AGM-158 LRASM. An inconspicuous anti-ship missile of a new generation, combining new technologies, moderate size and versatility of the "Harpoon" with the range and power of warheads of heavy Soviet missiles.
Aircraft armament
In stormy weather, the Ticonderoga has one imperceptible, but extremely important advantage over any other cruiser or destroyer. Its helipad is located in the middle of the ship, where the oscillation amplitude is less during pitching.
To facilitate the landing and movement of helicopters on the deck in stormy weather, all cruisers are equipped with the RAST system as standard.

There is a hangar for two anti-submarine helicopters of the SH-60 Sea Hawk family.
Up to 40 small-sized anti-submarine torpedoes, Penguin light anti-ship missiles, NURS blocks and ammunition for aircraft cannons are stored in the aviation armament cellar.
Artillery and auxiliary weapons
The cruisers are armed with two 127 mm MK.45 cannons. A compact artillery system with nothing outstanding characteristics. 16-20 shots. per minute, firing range 13 miles (24 km). Due to the low power of 5 'shells, it is suitable only for firing at Iranian corvettes and finishing off "wounded".
The artillery fire is being adjusted according to the AN / SPQ-9 radar data.
After the incident with the EM "Cole", a pair of 25 mm automatic "Bushmasters" appeared on board the cruisers for firing at the fast boats of terrorists.

Electronic warfare means
On board there is an electronic warfare system standard for all American ships for conducting electronic reconnaissance and suppressing the guidance systems of SLQ-32 missiles with a maximum radiation power of 1 megawatt (antenna devices are mounted on two "balconies" in the central part of the superstructure).
There is a system for shooting dipole reflectors MK.36 SRBOC and a towed anti-torpedo trap ("rattle") SLQ-25 "Nixie" (released overboard through the tailgate ports in the stern of the ship). Taking into account the results of clashes at sea over the past half century, it is the means of electronic warfare that are the "insurance policy" and the most effective means of protection on board the ship.
There is nothing more on board the cruiser to tell about.
The ending
Currently, the US Navy has 22 cruisers of this type. Despite the obvious dilapidation, the Yankees are in no hurry to abandon the Ticonderogo. The cruiser outperforms modern destroyers in all the most significant aspects by 25% (number of radars, ammunition load, autonomy, presence of a flagship command post).
The Ticonderogs continue to play the role of leaders in the air defense protection of ship formations and aircraft carrier groups. The complete decommissioning of ships of this type is scheduled only at the end of the 2020s. At the same time, in the opinion of the military, an adequate replacement for them is not visible, and the terms may be shifted "to the right" for another whole decade.