Kharkiv residents offered several options for modernization at once, as they say, to satisfy any wishes of customers.
So, the tank has undergone a deep modernization of the fighting compartment, which will allow, at the request of customers, to install a 125 mm KBM1 cannon or a 120 mm KBM2 (modernized KBM1 for NATO ammunition). This cannon can fire both conventional shells and ATGMs, which makes it possible to confidently hit modern MBT at distances of up to 5000 meters.
An automatic loader is installed in the armored compartment at the rear of the turret. Thanks to this, the number of crew members in the tank was reduced to 3 people. Also, the automatic loader made it possible to increase the rate of fire of the vehicle up to 8 rounds per minute. The machine gun armament of the machine is standard, 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and 12.7 mm anti-aircraft, however, depending on the order, machine guns can be installed ours or NATO.
The modernized T-55AGM tank is equipped with a modern fire control system, which ensures firing by the gunner and commander at stationary and moving targets from the spot and in motion with a high probability of being hit from the first shot.
The fire control complex consists of a 1K14 gunner's day sight, a PTT-M thermal imaging sight with a SAGEM MATIS thermal imaging camera, a PNK-4S commander's sighting and observation complex, a PZU-7 anti-aircraft sight, a 1ETs29M anti-aircraft gun control system, a LIO ballistic computer -B with sensors of input information, 2E42 weapon stabilizer and other devices. The 1K14 gunner's day sight has a line of sight stabilized in two planes, a built-in laser rangefinder and a guided missile control channel. It implements automated gyro slip compensation. The sight's field of view has a magnification of 10x.
The built-in laser range finder measures the target range up to 9990 meters and has an accuracy of up to 10 meters. The measured range is displayed along with the ready-to-fire signal and the type of ammunition in the lower part of the gunner's sight field of view.
The PTT-M thermal imaging sight includes a gunner's optoelectronic device, a monitor and a commander's control panel. The thermal imaging sight allows the gunner and commander to detect targets and fire (commander in the dual fire control mode) at them in almost any weather conditions at long ranges and with high accuracy, which is a great advantage when working in poor visibility conditions, as well as in the dark days. The thermal sight also allows you to ignore some of the common obstructions to observation, such as battlefield smoke.
The sighting and observation complex of the commander PNK-4S consists of a combined day-night sight of the commander TKN-4S and a gun position sensor.
The TKN-4S commander's combined sight has a line of sight stabilized in the vertical plane and three channels: a single day channel, a multiple day channel with a magnification of 7, 6x and a night channel with a magnification of 5, 8x.

The anti-aircraft sight allows the commander to fire at air targets from an anti-aircraft machine gun while under the protection of the turret armor.
The LIO-V digital ballistic calculator for calculating ballistic corrections automatically takes into account the signals coming from the following sensors:
* tank speed
* angular velocity of the target
* roll angle of the cannon axle
* transverse component of wind speed
* target range
* heading angle
Additionally, for manual calculation, the following parameters are entered: ambient air temperature, charge temperature, barrel bore wear, ambient pressure, etc.
The turret drive is electric, and the gun drive is hydraulic. In case of an emergency, manual drives for aiming the gun and turret are provided.
A feature of the tank is the presence of guided weapons, which allows you to fire guided missiles with laser guidance from a cannon and hit targets with a probability of at least 0.8 at ranges up to 5000 m. for conventional tank armament distances.
Rocket shooting can be carried out in motion at a moving target. The missile has a tandem warhead, which allows it to hit targets equipped with reactive armor, as well as modern multilayer armor with improved protection against cumulative ammunition.
A coaxial machine gun can be fired from the gunner's or commander's seat at stationary targets, such as buildings and bunkers.
The power plant proposed for installation in modernized tanks is developed on the basis of the 5TDFM engine with a capacity of 850hp. This power plant is structurally and technologically made in the form of a separate module, welded instead of the cut off aft part of the hull. The specified engine is a two-stroke multi-fuel diesel engine with direct-flow blowdown, liquid cooling, with horizontally located cylinders and counter-moving pistons.
The engine runs on a variety of fuels: diesel, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, or a mixture of these in any proportion.
The power is taken off from both sides of the crankshaft. The engine is mounted using two cylindrical supports (yokes), coaxial to the power take-off shaft and located at the ends of the engine, and a front support located on the lower surface of the engine. This method of mounting the engine does not require adjustment and alignment when installing the engine in the MTO, in contrast to the standard version of the tank.
The main feature of the power plant with a 5TDFM engine is an ejection cooling system, a highly efficient system for cleaning the air entering the engine, the presence of a special air intake device for overcoming a ford to a depth of 1.8 m and a high tightness of the MTO.
Cooling system - liquid, closed, forced, ejection type. The cooling system ejector operates on engine exhaust gases. The absence of a fan and a drive gearbox significantly reduces the weight of the cooling system, provides a high level of reliability and self-regulation, and allows the tank to operate without restrictions at high temperatures. The highly efficient cyclone-cassette air cleaner provides 99.8% dust removal from the air.
After modernization, the following parameters of the tank are provided:
an increase in the average speed on a dirt road by 22%;
ensuring operation at ambient temperatures up to + 55 0С;
ensuring the operation of tanks in dusty conditions up to servicing the cassettes of 35 operating hours or 1000 km;
providing a ford without preparation up to 1, 8 m.
These differences provided an increase in the parameters of the mobility and controllability of the T-55 AGM tank in comparison with the T-55:

* the maximum forward speed on a paved road increased to 70 km / h instead of 50 km / h (by 40%)
* 5 reverse gears made it possible to increase the rollback speed by more than 30 km / h instead of 6 km / h (5 times)
* unlike the T-55 tank, which provides a minimum turning radius in 1 gear only around a braked track, the T-55AGM tank motion control system allows turning both around the braked track and around the tank axis, depending on the amount of movement of the steering control …
The complex of additional protection of the T-55AGM tank (KDZ) is designed to increase the level of protection of the tank against cumulative and kinetic (armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles - BPS) damaging means with the minimum possible increase in the mass of the tank. KDZ consists of passive armor protection and built-in dynamic protection (ERA).
A removable module is installed on the nose of the tank hull.
Power screens and rubber-fabric shields are installed on the sides.
Along the outer perimeter of the frontal and side sections of the tower, there are modular sections, as well as containers installed on the roof of the tower. Inside each section of the VDZ and each container are installed elements of dynamic protection of the new generation of the "Knife" type.
The protective effect of the VDZ on the cumulative agent is based on the destruction, fragmentation and change in the direction of the cumulative jet due to the impact of the EDS parts and detonation products of the explosive inside the EDS and initiated by the cumulative jet.
The protective effect of the VDZ on a kinetic projectile is based on the destruction of its body and a change in the direction of its introduction due to the effect of detonation products of an explosive inside the element of dynamic protection (EDS) and initiated by the kinetic energy of the projectile. Installation of VDZ increases the level of protection of the T-55AGM tank:

* from cumulative damaging agents - 2, 3 … 2, 6 times;
* from kinetic projectiles - 3, 5 … 4, 3 times.
The elements of dynamic protection (EDZ), which are part of the VDZ, do not detonate when they are hit by bullets of small arms and automatic weapons of caliber 7, 62 mm, 12, 7 mm, and automatic cannon projectiles of up to 30 mm caliber, as well as from the effects of incendiary mixtures such as "Napalm" and the damaging factors of the volumetric explosion.
In order to improve the protective characteristics of the T-55AGM tank, it is proposed to use an aerosol curtain system (SPAZ) in its composition.
The aerosol curtain deployment system is designed to suppress ATGM control systems using laser illumination of targets and heads with semi-active laser homing, as well as artillery systems with laser rangefinders, by detecting laser radiation, determining its direction and remote setting of rapidly forming aerosol curtains.