Light all-terrain vehicle RPAMS C2 Commander

Light all-terrain vehicle RPAMS C2 Commander
Light all-terrain vehicle RPAMS C2 Commander

Over the past years, the main trend in the field of military vehicles has been to increase the level of protection. Vehicles designed to transport people and goods have acquired massive bulletproof armor and have learned to protect a person from a mine being blown up. However, in some cases, the characteristics of armored vehicles are insufficient to perform certain tasks, which is why you have to sacrifice protection. A prime example of this is the American DPV (Desert Patrol Vehicle) light vehicle. He does not have any protection, but at the same time he copes with the assigned tasks perfectly. In the spring of this year, a new version of the army all-terrain vehicle, built in accordance with this ideology, was presented in the United States.

Light all-terrain vehicle RPAMS C2 Commander
Light all-terrain vehicle RPAMS C2 Commander

The next army transport can be the C2 Commander machine, created by RP Advanced Mobile Systems (RPAMS). This type of equipment belongs to the LTATV class (Lightweight Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle - Light tactical all-terrain vehicle) and for this reason, when it was created, driving characteristics were put at the forefront. The main task of the RPAMS C2 project was to ensure the highest possible speed and cross-country ability. Currently, the designers of RP Advanced Mobile Systems are working on three projects of light army all-terrain vehicles-jeeps, differing in some characteristics, primarily in terms of carrying capacity.

The basis for the new army transport was the Can-Am Commander 1000cc commercial light all-terrain vehicle. When creating the C2 Commander, the design of the original transport underwent major changes associated with an increase in reliability and operation in combat conditions. All the main structural details were reinforced, and in addition, some units were completely redone. So, the rear open differential system of the RODS system was included in the transmission of the car, which made it possible to improve maneuverability on the roads or in the city. Off-road, you can lock the rear differential and thereby increase cross-country ability.


Like the civilian prototype, the C2 Commander is powered by a 976cc twin-cylinder V-shaped engine with 85 horsepower. The transmission transmits torque to all four wheels without the possibility of disengaging one of the axles when driving on the highway. All power plant and transmission units are mounted on a steel frame assembled from pipes up to 2 inches (about 5 cm) in diameter. The spring suspension of the RPAMS C2 jeep is generally similar to the corresponding units of the Can-Am Commander 1000cc, but noticeably strengthened. Also, the military transport received new RP SOF Series II tires, adapted for use in military conditions. It is especially noted that these tires are capable of performing their function even after being hit by a 7.62 mm bullet. With such damage, it is argued, the wheel will allow to travel about 75 kilometers at a speed of up to 45 km / h. The fuel tanks hold 10 gallons of fuel (about 38 liters), which gives the all-terrain vehicle a range of up to 200 kilometers. The maximum speed on the highway is about 70 km / h.

The relatively small machine (3 x 1.5 x 1.83 meters) weighs only 585 kg. At the same time, it is capable of transporting two people on the seats and up to 272 kg of cargo on the rear platform. If necessary, the C2 Commander jeep is capable of towing any trailer with a total weight of up to 680 kg. It is claimed that a wide variety of equipment can be used as a trailer, from loading platforms to a light ambulance system for transporting the wounded.


The lightweight body of the vehicle is made of metal and plastic and is equipped with a frame that can protect the crew during rollover. The body and frame, when reworking the basic project, underwent some changes associated with the strengthening of both individual parts and fairly large units. According to some sources, at the request of the customer, the C2 Commander all-terrain vehicle can be equipped with a light roof, doors or windshield. Official information on the C2 Commander specifically notes that thanks to the new Fatigue Mitigation MOLLE Tactical Seat system, the crew hardly gets tired during cross-country trips. The basis of these seats is a special porous material that dampens vibrations and shaking well, and is also capable of retaining its shape for a long time.

The RPAMS C2 all-terrain vehicle does not have its own armament, but there are some measures designed to facilitate the use of personal weapons by fighters. So, to the right of the passenger seat, a special mechanism is attached for installing a machine gun. The existing photographs of the prototypes of the car show two versions of this system: one of them is mounted in front of the shooter, the other - in the back. At the same time, both versions of the mechanism allow aiming weapons in wide ranges of angles both horizontally and vertically.


The weight and dimensions of the C2 Commander light vehicle allow it to be transported on a large number of US aircraft and helicopters. For example, one CH-47 Chinook helicopter is capable of taking on board several such machines at once. The main purpose of these jeeps is to transport small units, including on the battlefield. In addition, RPAMS C2 can become a transport for special forces during raids on enemy territory. So, together with a group of fighters, you can deliver several light all-terrain vehicles to a given area, which will facilitate the performance of a combat mission.

It should be noted that the absence of any reservation makes both the all-terrain vehicle itself and its crew an easy target for enemy shooters. However, the C2 Commander was allegedly not built for open frontline action. It is, first of all, a light auxiliary transport designed for the rapid transfer of small units. This feature of the RPAMS C2 project can be considered the main reason for its overall ambiguity. On the one hand, special forces really need light vehicles that can be transported by air. But on the other hand, fighters in an open cockpit will constantly risk their health or even their lives.


Loading the C2 Commander jeep into the CH-47 Chinook helicopter

According to reports, the light tactical all-terrain vehicle C2 Commander has been tested and shown that it meets the requirements of the Pentagon. Thus, the serial production of these machines will begin in the very near future. Perhaps the last argument in favor of an interesting but controversial jeep was its cost. One copy of the C2 costs only 25 thousand dollars, which is several times less than the price of any armored vehicle.
