Electronic intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Electronic intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Electronic intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Electronic intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Electronic intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

As a legacy from the Soviet Army, the Armed Forces of the newly created Ukrainian state inherited a powerful electronic reconnaissance system (RER).

Despite the large-scale reduction of the Ukrainian army and constant underfunding, the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to maintain and improve the electronic intelligence system.

The main task in creating our own RER system was the formation of a centralized system with its integration into the general structure of the Armed Forces of independent Ukraine. Prior to that, all RER units were an integral part of the unified electronic intelligence system of the Soviet Army, and, accordingly, were subordinate to the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

To solve this problem, a control body for the forces and means of the RER was created in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and on the basis of special-purpose radio engineering brigades and individual units, regional centers of electronic intelligence (RC RER) and other units were created.

Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a powerful electronic intelligence system, which is an important component of Ukraine's military intelligence.


The RER system of the APU has a specific structure. It includes: the main center of the RER (control body), units and subdivisions of the RER of the Ground Forces, the Air Force and the Navy.

Also an important source of information for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MOU) is the National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (NC UVKZ). The NC UVKZ is not a military formation and is not included in the electronic intelligence system, however, it is an important source of information obtained by special technical means, including for the power steering of the MOU.


RER control scheme


Structure of the RER of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

General structure:

The main center of the RER (Kiev region)

Subordinate to SV:

Regional Center RER "North" (Chernigov)

-Separate RER center (Kharkiv region)

-Separate RER maneuvering center (Luhansk region)

Regional Center RER "Yug" (Krasnoselka village)

-Separate RER center (Odessa region)

-Separate RER center (Odessa region)

-Manoeuvrable center RER (Odessa region)

-Separate RER center (ARC Crimea)

-Separate center for reconnaissance of radio emissions from space objects (Odessa region)

Regional Center RER "West" (Brody)

-Separate RER center (Transcarpathian region)

-Separate RER center (Vinnytsia region)

-Manoeuvrable center RER (Volyn region)

Subordinate to the Air Force:

19th separate regiment of radio and radio technical intelligence (Nikolaev)

-Separate RIRTR center (Odessa region)

-Separate center RIRTR (ARC Crimea)

-Separate RIRTR center (Volyn region)

-Division RIRTR (Mykolaiv region)

Subordinate to the Navy:

RER Navy Center (Crimea)

Large reconnaissance ship "Slavutich"

Specialists for the RER units are trained at the Zhytomyr Institute of Radio Electronics (National Aviation University) - officers, and at the 9th EW and RER training center (town of Guiva) - junior specialists, operators.




RC RER "North"


RC RER "South"


RC RER "West"






BRZK "Slavutich"


Zhytomyr Military Institute of Radio Electronics

All the above-described parts of the electronic warfare system are intended for conducting strategic electronic reconnaissance, in addition to them - operational-tactical radio intelligence, using the available technical means, can be conducted by a battalion (regiment) of electronic warfare (EW) of corps or specific subordination, posts of radio-electronic warfare systems of warships.


Separately, it should be told about the National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities (NC UVKZ).

NTsUIKS of the State Space Agency of Ukraine was created in 1996 on the basis of military units of the 1272nd Main Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

NTsUIKS is a part of DCAU, where it is entrusted with the tasks of spacecraft control and monitoring of outer space. Despite the participation in the civilian programs of the DCAU, the main tasks of the NTsUIKS are to participate in ensuring the defense capability of Ukraine.



Although the NTsUIKS is a civilian structure, most of its personnel are servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (and other military formations) seconded to the DKAU.

Tasks of NTsUIKS carried out in the interests of defense:

• Remote sensing of the Earth by space vehicles, essentially conducting space reconnaissance, in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (and other military formations and intelligence agencies). For this, at the moment, Ukraine uses a satellite of its own design "Sich-2M", in the future, the constellation of spacecraft is planned to increase.

• Monitoring of seismic activity of the Earth. For this, the NCUIKS has a Main Center for Special Control, which, using 14 observation points, monitors both natural and artificial sources of seismic activity. The data obtained can be used both for peaceful purposes - to predict earthquakes, and in military - to control nuclear tests.

On February 12, 2013, the Main Center for Special Control probably recorded the DPRK's nuclear tests (https://mil.in.ua/news/svit/4958-dkau-zafiksuvala-iaderni-vyprobuvannia-kndr)

This information is important for the analysis and forecasting of threats to the national security of Ukraine.

• Monitoring outer space - these functions provide for monitoring foreign spacecraft (including military ones) to identify threats to national security and make decisions on counterintelligence measures - there is counteraction to "spy satellites" and the provision of information for timely counteraction to technical means intelligence.

• Radio-technical monitoring - the structure of NTsUIKS includes: "Yuzhny" and "Zapadny" radio-technical observation centers (former over-the-horizon radar stations, which until recently were leased by the RF Ministry of Defense). Now there is no information about their functions and activities in open sources, but the stations are still used in the NTsUIKS system.

In the short term, during 2013-2015, it is planned to liquidate the Western Center for Radio Technical Surveillance and take a set of measures to extend the technical resource of the Southern Center for Radio Technical Surveillance in order to continue performing the tasks of controlling outer space by means of the Southern Center for Radio Technical Observation in the system for monitoring and analyzing the space situation.

And starting from 2017, it is planned to put into operation a new radar complex using digital diagramming technology. After the commissioning of the new complex, the Southern Center for Radio Engineering Surveillance is planned to be disbanded.


Underground facility with seismic control equipment GC special control


NTSUIKS facilities


"Southern" center of radio technical supervision

RER technique:

Ukraine possesses significant scientific potential, which allows it to modernize and create new models of equipment and weapons of the RER.

Among the achievements of Ukrainian scientists should be noted the most famous in the world (thanks to information wars with competitors of our defense industry), the modernized version of the radio intelligence station "Kolchuga-M" and "Kolchuga-KE".

The modernized versions of the Kolchuga RTR station, although not intended for conducting electronic reconnaissance in full (their function is electronic intelligence), are, however, part of the RER structure.

Ukraine has the scientific potential to create both individual samples of electronic radioactive resources and automated systems based on them. Among modern types of weapons, the following can be noted:

-Station of radio monitoring "Kolchuga"

-Station of radio monitoring "Barvinok-B" (and modifications)

-Station of radio monitoring "Ukol - RK"

-Stationary radio monitoring system "Vostok"

-Mobile radio monitoring station "Scorpion-M"

-Mobile radio monitoring station "Berkut"

-Portable radio monitoring station "Filin-A"

-Portable radio monitoring station "Panorama"


RTR station "Kolchuga"

The principle of operation of the Kolchuga-M SRTR is based on passive processing of the radio signal of the enemy's radar equipment.

- "Kolchuga-M" can be part of a complex of 3-4 stations, which detects and identifies ground and surface objects at a distance of up to 600 kilometers, and air objects - up to 10 kilometers in height and up to 800 kilometers in range.

- the station uses 5 antennas of m / dm / cm ranges with a sensitivity of 90-110 dB / W;

- has a 36-channel parallel receiver with instant detection of objects without frequency search, carrying out analysis and subsequent classification of the detected signals in the frequency range 130-18000 MHz;

- provides automatic detection and recognition, using the power of the on-board computer and a databank of various parameters with the output of the results to the monitor;

- special selectors made it possible to exclude signals interfering with detection and identification and track up to 200 objects;

- sector scanning range from 30 to 240 degrees;

- bearing error (RMS) 0.3-5 degrees;

- measurement range of impulses by duration 0.5-31.25 μs;

- measurement range of impulses on the passage of 2-79999 μs;

- measurement range error (RMS) no more than 0.1 μs;

- frequency error ± 11 MHz;

- warranty period 24 years;

- operating temperatures ± 50 degrees;

- round-the-clock combat crew of 7 people, in peacetime - 3-4 people;

- used chassis KrAZ-6322REB-01.


Radio monitoring station "Barvinok-K", "Barvinok-B"


Control of the electronic situation in the area within the limits of radio visibility, i.e. up to 30-40 km.

Search, detection and direction finding of new sources of radio emission (IRI), including sources using the frequency hopping mode in specified areas in the following ranges:

20 - 180 MHz in stationary mode, 20 - 300 MHz in mobile mode.

-Classification of radio networks and measurement of radiation parameters of detected radioactive sources.

- Control over the work of known, put on observation, radiation sources.

- Opening of the radiation modes and the composition of radio networks operating at fixed and "jumping" frequencies (Frequency Hopping), with the selection of individual sources according to the frequency-bearing panorama.

-Automatic detection and control of suppression of radio frequencies of sources in the frequency range of 30-100 MHz.

-Registration of signals at the outputs of the audio and intermediate frequency of the tracking receiver.

-Carrying out technical analysis of IRI signals in real time.

-Determination of the coordinates of the location of the IRI with display on the map of the area.

-Management of parameters and modes of operation, collection of information from the slave stations of the direction finding network.

-Automated processing and documentation of electronic data.

-Information interaction with similar stations.

-Information interaction with the control station of the suppression complex via the UHF radio link.


Radio monitoring station "Ukol-RK"

The Ukol-RK mobile HF radio monitoring station for short-term radio emission sources is used for automated monitoring of the operation and location of modern radio communications in the frequency range 1.5-30 MHz in order to obtain operational information about the radio-electronic situation in the controlled area and form a task for setting radio interference.

Station "Ukol-RK" is based on two off-road vehicles such as "KrAZ", "KAMAZ" (or another type at the request of the Customer in agreement with the Contractor) with a KUNG van. Inside the first car there are two automated workstations for operators, equipped with equipment for a high-speed panoramic detector-direction finder and an executive direction finder. Operator workplaces are equipped with a computer, receiver-detectors and equipment for digital recording and classification of signals (W-CODE).

Navigation equipment (GPS-receiver) together with radio communication equipment provide the possibility of synchronous operation of Ukol-RK stations in the direction finding network, both in the slave mode and in the mode of the leading station of the direction finding network. In addition, the Ukol-RK station provides reception via the HF radio channel of synchronous direction finding commands from the Vostok complex (option).

The antenna elements of the direction finding antenna system are deployed around the station within a radius of 25-50 meters.

The Ukol-RK mobile HF radio monitoring station is capable of solving the following tasks:

Control of the radio-electronic situation in the area within the limits of radio visibility: up to 30-50 km and more than 100 … 150-2000 km (reception of ionospheric waves);

Search, detection and direction finding of new sources of radio emission (RES) in the specified sections of the HF frequency range (1.5-30 MHz);

Command-executive direction finding of newly detected signals, as well as by commands from the synchronous direction finding system of the Vostok complex (option);

Classification of radio networks and measurement of parameters of signals detected by radioactive sources;

Monitoring the operation of known radiation sources set for observation;

Determination of the radiation parameters and the composition of radio networks operating at fixed (Conventional) and "jumping" frequencies (Frequency Hopping), with the selection of individual sources according to the frequency-bearing panorama;

Registration of signals at the outputs of audio and intermediate frequency of the tracking receiver;

Real-time technical analysis of IRI signals;

Determination of the coordinates of the location of IRI with display on the map of the area (including the SSL method, in the presence of forecast data of ionospheric sounding);

Managing parameters and operating modes, collecting information from slave stations of the direction finding network using the channels provided by the Customer;

Sending commands to the direction finding system (option);

Automated processing and documentation of electronic data.


Stationary radio monitoring system "Vostok"

It is intended for automated acquisition of data on new radioactive sources in the specified sections of the frequency range of 0.5-30 MHz against the background of the existing radio air load with station interference and provides:

search and detection of radioactive sources in specified parts of the frequency range (0.5 - 30 MHz) against the background of their actual load;

measurement of the bearing of a radio signal by a three-dimensional radiation pattern during a panoramic view of frequencies, as well as during service of the flow of requests for detected radioactive sources;

"Self-training" of the detector in a real electromagnetic environment in order to optimize the detection thresholds with displaying the average noise level in the corresponding sub-bands; distribution of applications for processing posts of signals detected by radioactive sources;

control of the work of the sources detected and put under control;

reception and continuous digital recording of the original form of signals from the outputs of control and direction finding receivers (including the three-dimensional directional pattern of the automatic sector survey);

indication of the amplitude-frequency, frequency-time and frequency-bearing panorama of the radio broadcast;

observation of the signal shape of the detected IRI (amplitude spectrum, autocorrelation function of automatic sectorial view) in real time;

sending commands "ANALYSIS" to the external system of technical analysis when detecting radio emissions with new types of transmissions;

digital registration into the database of information about the detected signals synchronously with the panoramic recorder of HF-band signals "Barkhan-PRSK";

determination of the radiation parameters and the composition of radio networks operating at fixed frequencies and with frequency hopping, with the allocation of individual sources according to the frequency-bearing panorama;

work in the direction finding network as a master or slave station;

control of parameters and operating modes, collection of information from slave stations of the direction finding network;

information interaction with stations included in the direction finding network via LAN and FOCL channels;

estimation of the location of a radio emission source from one point (SSL method);

sending direction finding commands to the radio data processing equipment of the Vostok-ORD receiving radio center.


Mobile radio monitoring station "Scorpion-M"

VHF-UHF mobile radio monitoring station "Scorpion-M" is designed for detection, direction finding, auditory and visual control, as well as registration of signals from radio sources in the frequency range 25 - 3000 MHz.

VHF-UHF station "Scorpion-M" provides scanning of specified frequency sub-bands or lists of frequencies, spatial search and localization of the location of radio emission sources (SRI) by surface radio waves with vertical polarization.

The equipment of the Scorpion-M station is installed on the Customer's car (minibus or car), in the cabin of which there is a high-speed panoramic VHF-UHF frequency range detector-direction finder, a VHF-UHF frequency range executive direction finder and an operator's automated workstation equipped with a Notebook personal computer and communication equipment.

VHF-UHF antenna-feeder system for detection, direction finding, tracking and communication is installed on the roof of the carrier in a radio-transparent car cargo box.

Mobile VHF-UHF radio monitoring station "Scorpion-M" solves the following tasks:

Control of the electronic situation in the area within the limits of radio visibility, i.e. up to 20-30 km in the frequency range 25-500 MHz and up to 5-10 km in the frequency range 500-3000 MHz;

Search, detection and direction finding of new sources of radio emission (RES) in the specified sections of the VHF-UHF (25-3000 MHz) frequency range (including signals from satellite communication lines Turaya, Iridium);

Scanning the specified frequency channels according to the list;

Express analysis of signals and auditory control of detected radiation sources;

Digital registration of signals at audio and intermediate frequency;

Automated processing and documentation of data on the electronic situation;

Determination of the coordinates of the location of the IRI with display on the map of the area;

Managing parameters and operating modes, collecting information from slave stations of the direction finding network;

Information interaction with stations included in the direction finding network via a GSM radio communication channel;

Interaction with the "catcher" when searching for radiotelephone handsets GSM 900/1800 MHz.


Mobile radio monitoring station "Berkut"

Mobile radio direction-finding station "Berkut" is intended for detection and direction finding of signals from radio sources in the frequency range 1.5–30 MHz. The station provides scanning of a given frequency range, spatial search and localization of the location of the radio emission source (RSI) along the surface and gently dipping radio waves of vertical polarization.


Direction finding of radio emission sources at a given frequency;

Scanning in a given frequency range or according to a list of frequency channels in order to detect IRI;

Indication of the amplitude spectrum of the bearing signal on the computer screen;

Registration of bearing information and speech signals to the hard disk of the computer;

Displaying the location of the source and direction finding station against the background of a digital terrain map;

Information exchange via a communication channel with an external radio monitoring system or similar radio direction-finding stations;

Archiving and automated processing of measurement results;

Automatic performance check, equipment diagnostics and battery discharge monitoring and automatic recharging while driving.


Filin-A portable radio monitoring station

The Filin-A radio direction finder is designed for passive detection, reception and determination of the direction to the radiation source of radio signals with vertical polarization in the frequency range from 25 MHz to 3000 MHz on a pre-set channel or when scanning the radio receiver through the channels. The Filin-A radio direction finder is a portable small-sized radio direction finder with automatic bearing reading and a set of antennas.

During the operation of the product, the following functions are provided:

in manual mode - direction finding of radio emission source signals by turning the operator's body and determining the direction to the source of the received signal by changing the tone with an instrumental error of no more than 20 degrees (RMS);

in automatic mode - automatic circular direction finding of radio emission source signals with an instrumental error of no more than 25 degrees (RMS);

listening to the received signal during direction finding;

RPU IC-R20M provides reception of signals both in autonomous and automatic modes of operation.


Portable radio monitoring station "Panorama"

The panoramic detector of signals "Panorama" is designed for operational control of the operation of radio electronic equipment in the frequency range 20-3000 MHz.


scanning parts of the frequency range 20-3000 MHz with automatic detection and selection of signals according to specified parameters;

displaying the amplitude-frequency and frequency-time panorama of the radio frequency spectrum loading on the screen of the operator's console;

logging of the loading of the group radio frequency spectrum to the hard disk of the computer, visual analysis of the signal spectrum and measurement of frequency parameters;

auditory control AM / FM detector;

operational tuning of the auditory control radio receiver to the frequency of the detected channel (optional);

formation of a queue of detected signals with their subsequent processing (listening, observation, registration) and the possibility of extraordinary processing of signals from the list of priority frequencies;

registration of the fact of detection of broadband signals with a frequency band of up to 300 kHz;

registration of IF signals in the form of a sequence of I / Q-samples to the hard disk of the computer;

visual analysis of detected signals and measurement of their frequency parameters;

viewing, sorting and analysis of the accumulated data on the electronic situation

Prospects for the development of electronic intelligence:

Ukraine has significant potential for the development and improvement of the electronic intelligence system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There is a gradual re-equipment of RER units with new equipment and automated RER complexes: In 2005 RC RER “Yug” received a multifunctional automatic reconnaissance post, and in 2008 - “Kolchuga-KE-20” complex. The united system of radio direction finding "Ring" was put into operation and is functioning.

The positive aspects of the prospects for the development of RER include:

-The presence of a powerful scientific base (research institutes, institutes, research and production associations)

-Saving the production base

-Implementation of an automated system for collecting, processing and analyzing electronic intelligence data

-Presence of a spacecraft for conducting space reconnaissance

The negative aspects of the development of the RER system include:

- "Aging" of scientific personnel

-Lack of investment in production and research

-Low level of funding for rearmament and low rates of rearmament

-Lack of an aviation component of electronic intelligence (RER aircraft)

In the short term, despite the adoption of a new program for reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the RER system will experience structural changes - there will be a transition from the specific structure of the RER to the interspecific (i.e. management of RER parts will be carried out by interspecific bodies)
