An amazing machine that took a direct part in the localization of the Chernobyl disaster is a highly protected vehicle "Ladoga". The design and creation of this machine was carried out by KB-3 of the Leningrad plant named after V. I. Kirov. The plant receives a project assignment for a highly protected vehicle in the 70s. Basic requirements for VZTS:
- good maneuverability;
- high level of security;
- the ability to work autonomously for a long time;
- to guarantee the protection of the crew from bacteriological, radiation and chemical effects;
- movement of the car in emergency situations should not cause inconvenience to people;
- the machine must be provided with constant communication, both external and internal.
The VZTS was supposed to be built in a fairly short time, the new vehicle had to have good unification with earlier releases of cars. To develop the machine, a special subdivision of the KB-A design bureau is created. It is 82 years old and begins to implement the required solutions of the VZTS. The head of the VZTS project department was V. Burenkov.

Machine device
The VZTS base is a well-proven tracked chassis from the T-80 tank. A body with reinforced armor was installed on the base, a fairly comfortable salon was made in the body with separate seats and lighting. Air purification and humidification, life support equipment, communication and observation devices, instruments for measuring the parameters of the contaminated environment - providing the machine at the level of systems with autonomous life support for the space area, absolute sealing of the inner cabin is required. The power plant is a GTD-1250 gas turbine engine. A unique property of the engine is shaking and ejection of trapped dust. This is a necessary property of working in radioactively contaminated areas. The machine is designed to be quickly decontaminated. When working in contaminated areas, air is supplied from a cylinder installed above the engine compartment. Inside the case is protected by a lining - anti-neutron type protection. The basis of protection is boron isotopes. In addition to the usual surveillance equipment, Ladoga has 2 more video cameras. VZTS "Ladoga" is undergoing factory tests in the early 80s.
Use of VZTS "Ladoga"
Eight days after the Chernobyl disaster, the car was delivered by plane to Kiev. “Ladoga” reached Chernobyl on its own. Upon arrival at the crash site, the car is immediately put into operation. A special squad of various specialists is being created. Total VZTS "Ladoga" during its operation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has covered about 4,700 kilometers. The car overcame contaminated areas, where the background was more than 1500 roentgens per hour, went inside the station, made reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity, filmed dangerous places with a video camera and was used for many other works. Many of the vehicle's designers were directly involved in the elimination of the accident. VZTS "Ladoga" was created at the right time, the participation of the machine made an invaluable contribution to the elimination of the consequences of the disaster. A vast experience has been gained in the work of specialized equipment. Until now, VZTS "Ladoga" is a unique machine in terms of its performance and operating time in contaminated areas. Nobody else in the world has such machines.

Main characteristics:
- weight 42,000 kilograms;
- capacity for 6 people;
- autonomous work 2 days
- speed up to 75 km / h;
- cruising range up to 330 kilometers;
- power plant 18 kW;
- width 3.52 meters;
- rise up to 32 degrees;
- moat up to one meter;
- ford up to 120 centimeters;
- temperature characteristics from + 40 to -40 degrees;
- air up to 2.5 g / m3;
- engine start in less than 60 seconds;