International competitions of sniper pairs of special forces units entered the final and most dynamic phase - the "shooting" of the most famous terrorists began.
The specificity of the combat work of a sniper lies in the guaranteed elimination of the first shot of someone who not only broke the law, but also became a real threat to society, who sometimes has blood on his hands.
There are many situations when only a sniper hunt allows you to accurately identify a criminal and destroy only him without harming others, among whom there may be hostages or their agents.
The most interesting stages of the competition taking place in the Krasnodar Territory are to one degree or another related to the specifics of combat work, and this is not just a shooting competition.
For an outsider, it is probably scary to watch a shooter, dressed in a disguise that makes him look like a walking bush, receives photographs of those sentenced to death, carefully examines them, hides them in his pocket and, taking his rifle at the ready, slowly leaves for work. True, the photographs depict those who themselves laid down a lot of other people's lives and who should have suffered fair retribution long ago.
The "specificity" stage turned out to be the most difficult in the history of the competition. The shooters, rising in alarm and leaving into the mountains even after dark, walked, guided only by the map, ten kilometers, knowing that along the way there could be mine traps and ambushes, which must be able to be identified in advance and somehow bypassed.
The conditional base of the terrorists this time was located in a forest hollow, covered with tall grass and bushes. According to legend, the gang employed four secret employees, outwardly little distinguishable from terrorists - it was strictly forbidden to "kill" them. A maximum of fifteen minutes was allotted for the identification of targets and their elimination. Most of the time was spent figuring out who to shoot. The "liquidation" itself took a couple of minutes.
The road to the base turned out to be so exhausting, and the shooting conditions were so difficult that snipers, it happened, destroyed their illegal immigrants along with the bandits. Although there were groups that performed the task just perfect.
An equally tense and interesting stage is disguise. There was information that in two days a very important terrorist would meet in a certain place, who had to be eliminated with one shot. The sniper pair goes out again at night and in the dark prepares a cache - such that it cannot be noticed when passing by a few meters. At the same time, you need to equip your ambush in such a way that you can lie in it for two days without giving yourself away. After the judges checked and evaluated the camouflage, the command was given to fire. The target the size of a tea saucer was three hundred meters behind bushes, tall grass, some kind of hedge.
According to the judges, all the teams disguised themselves quite professionally, they especially noted the Serbs, the Chinese and the presidential security service - these professionals are still ahead in almost everything. But out of the first twenty-six teams, only ten were able to "destroy" a particularly dangerous enemy, for the sake of which everything was started.
So even the most accurate shooters also "smear". A lot depends on the weapon. Unfortunately, the domestic industry was never able to develop and master the production of a world-class sniper rifle. Until now, some snipers use Mosin's three lines. But they created it the century before last. Now they are allowed to buy weapons from the West. In special forces you can find rifles of Austrian, English, American, German, Finnish production. However, the main one is the SV-98 sniper rifle created in Izhevsk, although there are enough complaints about it.
Therefore, the appearance of the high-precision Russian sniper rifle T-5000 became a real sensation of the competition. Its premiere took place at a recent military exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. And the rifle was brought to the competition directly from the last economic forum in Sochi, where it was also shown, and it made a splash.
In fact, field tests of new weapons began, albeit unofficial ones. The developers of the rifle immediately said that they would be glad to all the comments of the professionals and would definitely take them into account when forming the final appearance of the rifle.

A distinctive feature of the T-5000 is the stainless steel barrel and its filigree processing, which makes the shooting accuracy truly fantastic. At the same time, the price is much lower than the best foreign analogues. The rifle was tested by representatives of almost all teams, one of the snipers asked for a T-5000 to perform a difficult stage - shooting one kilometer. The judges allowed. The chairman of the organizing committee of the competition, a leading expert in the field of sniper weapons, Dmitry Edalin, was the first to shoot from the T-5000 and praised it, although he said: there will be comments.
We lost faith in our own capabilities; when purchasing weapons, we increasingly look abroad. The Ministry of Defense decided to organize separate sniper groups in motorized rifle units and special forces brigades. I would like to believe that they will be armed with high-precision weapons, mainly of Russian production. We have not yet forgotten how to make cool rifles, as can be seen at the current competitions.