DP-64 - a grenade launcher, created in 1989 by FSUE GNPP "Basalt" under the code "Nepryadva", has no analogues abroad. In 1990 he was adopted by the KGB state security troops (special purpose units). Small parties are currently being produced by JSC ZiD in the city of Kovrov. Grenade launchers are used to arm the crews of the ship and boat composition, the PDSS units of the Navy and the marines, and the DP-64 is also used in their service by the maritime guard of the FSB Border Service and individual units of the FSO. DP-64 "Nepryadva" is designed to protect ships from attacks by underwater combat swimmers and to protect offshore platforms, various hydraulic structures and coastal infrastructure facilities.
The general director of the developer, Vladimir Kurenkov, said that the grenade launcher can be controlled remotely, the crew will be able to organize all-round defense of any vessel, besides, it fires a weapon without a jet stream, like a rifle, so there is no need to fear a fire in enclosed spaces and damage to ships add-ons. Almost silently, the DP-64 is capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 0.4 km, both for combat swimmers and surface targets. Vladimir Kurenkov added that it is possible to use non-lethal ammunition, which will not cause much harm to the health of the attackers, keeping them at a distance from the vessel.

The grenade launcher weighs only 10 kg, it is quite compact, reliable and easy to maintain. DP-64 can be used even from hatches and windows, regardless of weather conditions, climatic conditions and geographic location. The total firing range is 400 m, the aiming range is 160 m.
The grenade launcher has a closed breech, two barrels, one above the other and equipped with a firing mechanism. The mechanical level of the sight allows you to fire both in direct fire and along a hinged trajectory from a closed position. DP-64 "Nepryadva" operates on a recoilless principle and allows the use of high-explosive (FG-45) and signal (SG-45) grenades when firing.
The high-explosive charge ensures target destruction at a distance of up to 400 m and at a depth of up to 40 m, while the hit radius is 14 m. The signal charge allows illuminating the target location for at least 50 seconds.