Ethnic hazing

Ethnic hazing
Ethnic hazing

More and more military analysts agree that ethnic hazing will become the main problem of the Russian army in the near future. Soldiers-fellow countrymen, uniting in cohesive national groups, build their own power vertical in military units. Basically, these are guys called up from the North Caucasus. Today, Dagestan with two million inhabitants supplies as many conscripts as Moscow with twelve million …

Another escape on the basis of ethno-deed happened recently in Samara. Two servicemen escaped from the military unit of the internal troops. On the same day, they gave a press conference, at which they said that their fellow soldiers not only beat and humiliated them, but also forced them to commit crimes. The military prosecutor's office opened a criminal case. Private - Dagestani Arslan Daudov was arrested …

- 1. The chief is right. 2. The boss is always right. 3. The chief is not sleeping - he is resting. 4. The chef does not eat - he strengthens his strength. 5. The chef doesn't drink - he tastes. 6. The boss does not flirt with the secretary - he cheers her up. 7. If the boss is wrong - see point 2.

The chief is Oleg Kitter. In addition to the poster "The Chief's Regulations" in his reception room, Soviet and Tsarist flags, literature prohibited by the law on extremism, and his own portrait in a lifebuoy instead of a frame. Kitter is a Russian nationalist and does not hide it. The nationalist's reception area is adjoined by his weapons shop, security agency and a human rights center that protects the rights of only Russians.

In the past, Kitter had the shoulder straps of a police captain, an unsuccessful attempt to be elected mayor of Samara, and two criminal cases for inciting ethnic hatred. The first ended with an acquittal, the second is still dragging on, but just in case Kitter's newspaper Alex-Inform now comes out with a footnote: "The Jews should be understood as an international stratum of people living off the labor and abilities of others."

The escape of private Stanislav Andreev (Russian) and junior sergeant Azamat Algaziev (Kazakh) from military unit No. 5599 of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is the first time in the history of the army when the fugitives turned for help not to the Military Prosecutor's Office and not to the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, but to a terry nationalist.

“The word“nationalist”is badly perverted,” Kitter complained to me. “Nationalism is just the next stage of kinship after family, it cannot stir up any hatred, unless it insults this kinship. And the real instigator of national hatred is internationalism. Because it is the forced equalization of the unequal that leads to the discontent of the national majority and the corruption of the national minority."

- "Oleg Vyacheslavovich, have you tried to be a cunning nationalist? Not to publish articles about Jews, but to raise your business, establish connections … Weave a web of influence and lobby the interests of your nation" …

- "Here's a joke. Bearded hares started up in the forest. Everywhere they walk in flocks, they beat everyone, rob, rape. The whole forest howls, but no one can cope. Like ordinary hares, but there are too many of them. The fox tried to talk to them - now the wolf is lying in the hospital burrow, the wolf was sorting out the relationship - he got into intensive care, even the bear left a little alive. The last hope remains - a lion. He clogs with them an arrow in the clearing. He comes - and there is darkness, dark bearded hares. All such muscular, eyes are burning. "Guys. -says, - what are you doing? And who are you ?! "- the bearded hares ask the lion." I am a lion. The king of beasts! "" Nope! This is Maskhadov - the king of beasts. And you're just an animal."

- Is that how you evade the answer?"

- This is the answer. To defeat the beast, you need to be a beast yourself, To weave a web of influence you need to be a spider. Russians don't know how to be spiders. Russians know how to be animals, but they are forced to be animals."

- "Who makes you?"

- Those who weave the web.

Private Andreev and Sergeant Algaziev, after escaping from the military unit, were first kept in the regiment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then they were transferred to a unit at the regional Military Prosecutor's Office. Kitter brought me there and identified both fugitives at the checkpoint. But Algaziev was immediately grabbed by the parents who had come on a date. They somehow looked askance at the nationalist and flatly refused to give their child a word.

Stanislav Andreev is 22 years old. Before the army, he trained as a welder and graduated from the College of Law and the Faculty of Criminal Law at Togliatti University. Therefore, he knows how to speak

- “I was brought to the regiment on December 25, 2002. Already at the KMB (the course of a young soldier), out of 90 people there were 45 Dagestanis and Ingush. Those that were urban and with education were nothing. After the KMB, there were fifteen of them in our company - Avars, Dargins, Ingush, Kumyks, but they all stayed together. They called it jamaat - a community in our opinion. They prayed together in the closet, solved problems together, set up a business together."

-- What business?"

- "A robber. At first, as if in a friendly way: they say, you're a local, help - there's no money for a smoke. Bring fifty rubles, I'll give it back later. Once fifty rubles, two, then a hundred, two hundred. And when, with a new call from their fellow countrymen even more came, they already began to demand. Extortion became a system. We were imposed a tribute. They invented different forms. For example, the so-called jamb. For any offense they hung a certain amount on you - from fifty to a thousand rubles. A jamb of two hundred rubles could be charged for that. They could even accuse you of simply reacting slowly to their demands, more serious sums were assigned for real offenses. Once I, sergeant Kuzmenko and junior sergeant Grozdin deviated from the patrol route - they called home. Colonel Lazarev noticed us and told the officer on duty. When we returned, Daudov said: you cant. From the officers - it goes without saying. And from us - separately. In short, you have a thousand. "Then Sergeant Kuzmenko gave us for us."

- "Did the sergeant give it to the private?"

- "And it doesn't matter whether you are a private or who. Among their own dagi they adhere to the subordination, all the rest are nobody for them. The majors are still obeyed, and that is not always the case, but they have been beaten against the lieutenants and captains for a long time. They can send obscenities … Lieutenant Soldiers of the past in the fall he reprimanded the rank and file Ingush - he was beaten. There were no consequences. In December, three rank and file Ingush tried to beat the deputy commander of the regiment, Major Leonov, in the dining room. And also - nothing. Many officers are simply afraid to get in touch with them. In order to somehow control the situation, they put the Dags themselves as foremen, because they will not obey the Russian. As a result, under the command of their fellow countrymen, the service of the Caucasians turns into a resort where soldiers of all other nationalities are assigned the role of service personnel."

- "What else was taxed?"

--- "Dismissals. It was necessary to return either with money or with a telephone card. It was up to six hundred rubles a day. Even the service itself was taxed. Our unit patrols the city streets, helps the police, and our uniforms are similar to those of the police. And each the patrol had to bring them from the city for one hundred rubles a day. The soldiers had to extort money from the townspeople, and sometimes rob. The drunks paid off from us so as not to get into the sobering-up station. And the drunken ones were simply robbed. If you came from the patrol with empty hands., the debt was yours. And sometimes the meter was turned on. Our company patrolled the city four times a week. Every day, nine patrols. So count it. Plus jambs. Plus layoffs. Moreover, they sold us the required free uniforms … And this is only a monetary obligation."

- "And what else?"

- "Labor. Making the bed, washing, cleaning the premises - they consider this to be a woman's work, they say that traditions do not allow them to do it. Therefore, we had to do all this. However, they also forced us to repair the premises. Russian boys used to be They work all night long. They connect only to the arrival of the commander. And he praises: “Well done, zhigits, they did well." For the slightest discontent they began to beat.. In the dining room: bring tea, bring a second portion. Where? Don't worry. Carry yours. Watching TV: bring a pillow! They like to sit, covered with pillows. Resort. They leave the territory when they want. Buy civilian clothes, go for a walk on the embankment. When someone has a birthday, we threw off the birthday party.”Their wardrobes are intact.

They leave for demobilization with such trunks, and there are sneakers, jackets, tracksuits, shoes, mobile phones. There, in their homeland, they even pay money to be sent to serve in Russia, and not to the Caucasus. Khazhukov, a Dagestani, said that he paid five thousand rubles at the recruiting station to be sent here."


- "Yes, because you will have to really serve among your own. And make the bed, and scrub toilets. And imagine, they will appoint you a sergeant and have to command a representative of some noble family. You can run into blood feud. And your parents are there, the elders - you will not indulge ".

- "Have you tried to complain to the unit commander? Or is he also afraid of them?" -

- "No, he's not afraid. But he can't do anything. There were complaints, but everything went into the sand. Well, the colonel will line them up on the parade ground, they will scream, they will pretend that they are afraid, and in an hour they will beat the complainant so much that until the next call-up After such an incident, one private was beaten, and then forced to clean the toilet with his toothbrush. The command tried to hush up every conflict. Why would they have problems in the service? Only once was a Dagestani convicted for a broken jaw. A two-year suspended sentence. Although there were many broken jaws And they broke their fingers. But in general, they tried to hit competently - leaving no marks."

- "Did you tell your parents?"

- "No, I didn't want to upset. Others told me. Parents came to the unit commander. Sometimes they transferred the guys to other units where there are no Caucasians."

- "Why do you have so many of them?"

- "Our regiment is the leader in the brigade, from other regiments they are thrown here out of harm's way. The commander of the unit constantly threatens that there will be no more conscription from the Caucasus, but there are no fewer of them here. You cannot argue against reality. The Russian fertility is falling., and in the Caucasus there is a demographic boom and a 100% turnout at recruiting stations. There our regiment has become famous for a long time, and many of them are aiming right here."

- "Look, half is still not the majority. Have you tried to resist?"

- "Some have tried - to no avail. Do you know what they say? If one cannot break a person, we will break it with all jamaat."

- "Have you tried all the jamaat?"

- “We haven't tried it. Something is preventing us from uniting. I don’t know what. The Russians are not afraid to open their veins - only with me there were three cases. Thank God, everyone survived.

Azamat and I also endured to the last. I still had six months left, and he had to quit altogether. But both of us on the day of our escape were assigned a due date - five hundred rubles each. They told us so: "Don't give it back - you will find out what hell is." So we decided to run to him."

- "Algaziev is a Muslim. He is" their own "for them.

- "Own ?! It's funny. He got even more of me, even though he is a sergeant. And they beat on the kidneys, and pulled the lips, and twisted the ears. On the eve of his escape, he was severely beaten by Sergeant Magomedov. That night Azamat was on duty in the company, while Magomedov and three others in the combat training class drank vodka. When they became happy, they made the Russian privates dance a lezginka in front of them for two hours in a row. When Azamat tried to object, they beat him, took away the bayonet-knife and promised to stab him with this bayonet-knife if he did not buy him out. He wrote all this in a statement. For them, Muslims are only those. who are from the Caucasus. Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Tatars for them are the same pigs as Russians. Because they drink vodka and eat pork."

- "And they themselves do not drink vodka?"

- "They do. But they don't eat pork. And they wash themselves every day. Their tradition is that they don't use toilet paper."

So they say: "Our asses are cleaner than your faces." Their anti-Russian sentiments are very strong. Listening to the songs of the singer Timur Mutsurayev. There, the martyrs are glorified and the whole plan is directly signed how the Mujahideen will become the rulers of the world. I remember one song about how a cowardly Russian soldier comes to a mountain village. And this album is called "Hold on, Russia, we're coming!"

- "And no one took part in the hostilities on the side of the Chechens there?"

- “I haven’t heard that. That's amazing. We had two Chechens in our company. From Urus-Martan. Two brothers - Khasan and Ramazan Basayevs. They grew up during the war, saw the bombings, and everything in the world. They did not have such inclinations. They did not listen to Mutsurayev, did not call us pigs and did not participate in extortion. Moreover, if they saw that Russians were being attacked completely out of bounds, they interceded. They are the only ones who somehow restrained the Dag. were afraid."

- "Why didn't the others run with you?" “They were scared. These are the internal troops. There are many locals serving there.

- "And the Dagestanis in Samara have a large diaspora. You should have seen how demobels are dismissed from our unit. They received clothes and money - and sideways, sideways, until they were taken away."

"You are probably a nationalist too, like Kitter now?"

- "No, I just don't like Latvians. I'm sorry for the Baltics."

The military prosecutor of the Samara garrison, Sergei Devyatov, was recently appointed to this position and never ceases to be amazed at the morals of local conscripts. People from his entourage in confidential conversations admit that the prosecutor is already experiencing pressure from the Dagestani diaspora in Samara. But Devyatov answered negatively to a direct question:

- "Now the biggest problem for the investigation is to get the testimony of Andreev's and Algaziev's colleagues. Nobody wants to. Everyone is afraid."

- "Of course. If there is half from the Caucasus."

- What a half! Twenty percent. Probably, those who fled are just ashamed to admit that they suffered from a bunch of people. And the majority there are from Samara and the region. This is the only military unit in the region where it is allowed to serve locals. That is why everyone They took water in their mouths. They prefer to endure, so long as they are not sent somewhere to Buryatia or to Chechnya. And the arrested Daudov, naturally, denies everything. Commanders? Naturally, they do not need all this. Why should they spoil their reporting? But if if it goes on like this, they will have no time for reporting … We will take the case to court, but I don’t know what will happen next.”

Military unit No. 5599 is located in the very center of Samara. A young Dagestani in civilian clothes is standing at the checkpoint. A soldier walks by. The guy grabs his hand: "Hey, stop. Listen, there are two ensigns in that building on the second floor. Tell them Ramadan is waiting for them. Got it? Urgently." The soldier did not ask again.

The commander of the unit, Colonel Gromov, gives the impression of a person who, even under the current circumstances, does everything he can, but understands that the circumstances are stronger. For a long time he asked me: "What is Kitter singing? And what is Andreev singing?"

- “Soldiers of 56 nationalities serve in my regiment, and it doesn't matter to me who is what. Although, to be honest, the level of combat training among the Caucasians is much better. They are stronger, more initiative, the same Daudov, a week before the arrest, was able to single-handedly detain two criminals. When they patrol the city, I am absolutely calm."

- "And when are they in the barracks?"

- "This is not a closed regime. All of us go on patrols, very often see their relatives. If they were so humiliated here, why were they silent? My opinion is all Kitter's political intrigues. Nobody remembered something about him for a long time. he decided to make some noise."

When I left, five of his fellow countrymen were already hanging out at the checkpoint with Ramadan. Instead of answering my questions, he gave me the phone number of the head of the Dagestan diaspora in Samara, Abdul-Samid Aziev.

Abdul-Samid, a retired colonel of the medical service, looks at the situation not only as a Dagestan, but also as a regular military man of the Soviet temper:

- “We have here a year and a half ago in the training center, twenty conscripts wrote a complaint that they were forced to do work that they were not allowed to do by tradition. I then met with them and said:“Don't make it up! There are no such traditions in the Caucasus and never have been. And in the Qur'an, this is also not written anywhere. At home, yes. There, a man has to do more difficult work, and a woman has to do the housework. But in the army there is a male collective and you are not birds that fly and do not leave dirt on the floor. So be so kind as to share the same responsibilities as the rest."

- "And what to do with Daudov?"

- "I managed to have a short talk with him. He claims that he did not beat anyone and that he was innocent around. I do not think that this is true, but I am not sure that if he is imprisoned, it will do any good. His mother will be angry, angry. We need to look for another way out. Correct education must be started even at recruiting stations and at military training lessons in schools. Because guys come back from military service and boast that, they say, they did not wash the floors in the army and did not peel potatoes. the following recruits will take an example from them, a tradition will be formed, which will then be difficult to overcome. And yet - something must be done with male education in Russia. Is it normal that eighty percent of the soldiers did not fight back twenty percent? There is always a struggle in the men's collective for power and control. And if the majority turned out to be weaker than the minority, what kind of majority is it?"

Lydia Gvozdeva, chairman of the Samara Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, said: “There is a problem, and it is getting more and more serious. I don’t understand what’s going on. How many times we have talked with our soldiers, said that we must stick together. They only moo. All to no avail. The other day a lady called me: "Transfer my son to another unit, there is Caucasian terror." We start to find out - it turns out, Two put a whole company under control. Two! I tell her: "Mother, you'd better go and explain to your son that your dignity in this life needs to be defended. Sometimes with fists. Let them unite, once they sweep away those two "…

- "You are fighting bullying in the army! How can you advise this?"

- "And this is the fight against bullying. There was no bullying among the Cossacks, because everyone there were men. If now our guys grow up to be such bunnies, then why be surprised that they are beaten. Hazing is created by the weak, not the strong. We do everything possible to pacify the strong, but you can’t trample on nature, it’s impossible to forbid a person to be stronger than you, you can only become stronger. something for my guys that allows them to remove the problem for several months. In principle, I know what they are telling them, but this is not for disclosure."

"You have a strange position. Usually your colleagues tend to blame the commanders for everything."

“We have been working with this unit since 1994 and have dealt with all of its commanders. Colonel Gromov is the most worthy of them. Before him there was complete devastation. Drug dealers drilled holes in the fence and sold drugs through them, and under Gromov, even drunkenness there was a real ban. You can, of course, scold the commanders, you can even fire them and imprison them, only it won't make things easier.

Wait, now the generation is growing up that was born in the nineties, during the demographic decline. Then the problem of bullying will be not only in the army, but also in society."
