The anniversary (which is exactly how the 50th anniversary is translated from Latin) will be next year. But almost in hot pursuit, there is an equally ardent desire to say a few words about the oldest research institute in the country dealing specifically with robotics. And about the coming jubilee.
The most boring readers will immediately ask the question: what kind of robots are we talking about? Moreover, 50 years ago? But what about.
The enterprise, which today is called the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, is engaged not only in robots, but also in cybernetic systems. That is, devices capable of acting independently without human assistance.
The history of the center began back in 1965, on March 23, when the laboratory of technical cybernetics of the Department of Automation and Telemechanics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after V. I. M. I. Kalinin (LPI), under the leadership of Evgeny Ivanovich Yurevich, received a technical assignment for a gamma-ray altimeter ("Cactus") to control the soft landing engines of the Soyuz spacecraft.
And already on July 7, the first business agreement No. 435/1180 was concluded between the Department of Automation and Telemechanics of LPI and OKB-1 (now JSC RSC Energia named after SP Korolev) for the development of the Cactus system.
On January 29, 1968, the laboratory received the status of the Special Design Bureau of Technical Cybernetics (OKB TK).
The first regular operation of the Kaktus system as part of the Soyuz-3 manned spacecraft took place on January 30, 1968.
And then work began both in the space sphere and in others, where the use of cybernetic systems was required.
Here is the creation of manipulators for deep-sea vehicles, the Kvant soft landing control system and the control of the soil taken from the automatic interplanetary station Luna-16, which successfully delivered samples of lunar soil to Earth, the Vector-TK photonic system for controlling the close formation of sea ships.
Again, the Ars photonic manual docking system for the Soyuz spacecraft and the Salyut orbital station, complexes of instruments for monitoring the onboard power supply systems of orbital spacecraft. It was here that the manipulator for the ISS "Buran" was created and tested.
In general, over 50 years, many systems have been created and put into operation that we are not particularly aware of. But they are, and they are successfully applied.
Today the Center is successfully working in several directions.
Monitoring systems for VVER-1200 power units for Russian NPPs;
Robotic complexes for radiological and biological reconnaissance;
Robotic systems for search and rescue in the Arctic;
Analysis and control systems;
Space program;
Educational and training robots.

Last year we talked about a unique mobile radiobiological complex. Its equipment includes the RTK-08 system, which is produced by the Center.

The main tasks that the complex can perform:
Elimination of the consequences of technogenic emergencies;
Work in areas with high radiation levels;
Localization of gamma radiation sources in hard-to-reach areas of the terrain, in industrial and residential buildings, transport facilities, etc.
The system consists of two machines and a mountain of special equipment.
The Big Man on Wheels is an RTS-RR scout robot weighing 270 kg. Resistant to radiation, able to climb anywhere, take samples, take measurements and put all this on a map. In addition, as the practice of combat use has shown (there was a case of the theft of radioactive materials in Chechnya in the 2000s), it may well detect a radiation source, reach it, seize it with a manipulator and transport it to the place where the radioactive materials were placed in a special container.
This was a real case, for which two employees of the Center were awarded military state awards. Two thugs in Grozny stole a container with a highly radioactive isotope. For what purpose, it is difficult to say, because to facilitate transportation, they pulled the cassette out of the lead container. And they took it to a "secluded place" where they hid the cassette.
The first died on the way to the city, the second, before his death, managed to tell where they hid the material.
A military operation was carried out (the DBs were in full swing then), as a result of which the RTS not only found the cassette, but also pulled it out to a more or less open place, there was a container. Fortunately, the manipulator with a lifting capacity of 10 kg does not allow that. The only weakness is speed. Only 0.5 km / h.
The second is RTS-TO, a robot for technological operations. Much less, but also lighter, only 30 kg. But it is able to climb where it cannot fit in the dimensions of the PP. And, if necessary, it can carry up to 5 kg of cargo.
Small-sized robotic complex "Captain"

Similar to RTS-TO, but this is only outwardly. This is a full-fledged observer or scout.
Is able to:
Audiovisual Survey of the Environment
Inspection of premises, basements, caves, shelters, car bottoms, etc.
Inspection of potentially explosive objects
Delivery and installation in specified places of light loads (up to 5 kg)
Covert surveillance of objects
Clarification of cartographic information and floor plan
Control of protected zones with automatic alarm signaling
Remote patrolling of protected objects
At the same time, he is very smart. 2 m / s or 7.2 km / h.
Combat modules capable of carrying various weapons are being developed and already exist in metal.

Heavy modular platforms that can be used as transport or evacuation vehicles.

Communication support systems based on the universal platform RTK-06, or vice versa, the platform can accommodate electronic warfare equipment.

Peaceful robots also have a place to be.
"CardioRobot". Automated complex for chest and limb compression.

45 minutes (on batteries) is able to perform the following functions:
Indirect cardiac massage.
Maintaining blood circulation in a patient in cardiac arrest.
Supplying the brain and a number of organs with oxygen, removing decay products.
"Prometheus". Perfusion complex for restoring and maintaining the viability of donor organs for transplantation.

Here, probably, it is not even worth explaining what it is intended for.

In general, the Center will celebrate its anniversary with very, very worthy results. We have robots and cybernetic systems, and work on them continues. And we will tell about the anniversary itself in January next year.