"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technologies" - ours to the screw

"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technologies" - ours to the screw
"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technologies" - ours to the screw

It's time to tell about another unique enterprise, the exhibition of which we visited within the framework of the Army-2015 forum. As they say, "cooled down", shoveled a bunch of pictures and minutes of video, and put everything on the shelves for yourself.

So, meet "Innovative Weapon Technologies".

The company is a developer of modern and unique integrated solutions based on thermal imaging equipment for hunting, anti-terrorist activities and security systems. And also thermal imaging intelligent automated sighting and observation systems, thermal imaging video surveillance systems and modernized radio-controlled products.

The company conducts a full cycle of product development and support, starting with research and development work and experimental research, organization of production, and ending with the release of serial products, design of facilities, installation and maintenance of equipment at customer's facilities.

"IWT" is also a developer of its own exclusive software, which is installed on the created equipment. As representatives of the company told us at the stand, "from the first screw to the last byte, everything is Russian."

Having tried several products, "having felt", I will say that I believe it. I had to communicate with thermal imagers of Chinese and Belarusian production, there was something to compare with. Ours looks somehow more substantiated, I suppose. Although it clearly loses in weight. But there is a feeling that if this device is dropped, then nothing will happen to it.

Each of the devices produced (the hand does not rise as a sight) should be described separately and in detail. What we are planning to do in the near future by visiting the manufacturers "on the spot" in more detail.

I will share now what impressions I got from taking a short look at some of the devices.


This masterpiece is called "IWT SHADOW 3D Thermal Imaging Glasses". Glasses … Well, yes, glasses, yes, with a three-dimensional image. And a wagon of additional options. In general, they are a kind of center of the IWT device complex, and allow not only detecting "warm" targets at a distance of up to 700 meters, but also recording the current image, transmitting it, terrain maps with determining their location, telemetry, text information to any PC and smartphones with "Android".

Perfectly communicates wirelessly with any IWT device. It can project an image, for example, from a telescopic sight onto its own sight and record it. Useful when shooting from cover.

The "glasses" have a built-in navigation complex consisting of a GPS / GLONASS module and an electronic compass. There is a GPS tracker.

The device has an integrated "friend or foe" recognition system developed by IWT. When the system beacon goggles enter the field of view, the eyepiece displays information about the belonging and condition of the soldier or equipment.

There is a warning system for irradiation with rangefinders, both military and civilian. When the device enters the rangefinder coverage area, an alarm is triggered.

There is generally a cool option - independent detection of moving targets. This is if the soldier removed the device or simply fell asleep. Then the signal will go to the remote control, which is made in the form of a wristwatch. The vibration alarm will wake anyone up. The hand will not be torn off, of course, but it vibrates strongly.

I don't even want to talk about such things as "zoom" and image stabilization. There is.

The weight is small. 330 grams. The lion's share, of course, is taken by the battery, which allows you to work up to 16 hours. You get used to the battery hanging on the back of your head very quickly.

It is easy to walk in these glasses. The stabilizer is good, there is no "bleeding" of the image and the trail, as on cheap Chinese models. The contours are clear. The volume is simply excellent: 5-6 steps, and it becomes addictive. Since I walked in a room where the temperature was much lower than outside, I immediately distinguished people who had been in the pavilion for a long time from those who had just entered.

A very interesting device. And I think we will do a more detailed test soon. It's worth it.

It should probably be added that there are no analogues in the world. In many respects, including the price.

"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technologies" - ours to the screw
"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technologies" - ours to the screw

The second device that came into my hands is also unique in its parameters and also has no equal.

To our greatest regret, we got to the IWT stand just before the closing of the exposition, so there was no way to properly photograph everything. So I had to insert a picture from the manufacturer.

This is the IWT 640 MICRO 2 micro thermal imager. The smallest thermal imager in the world.

Weight is no more than 100 grams. But it is also a rather sophisticated device. Can shoot, take pictures, send to other devices. There is a "zoom". There is a compass. Working time is about two hours. From batteries.

The range is impressive too. It can detect a person at a distance of up to 1300 meters, recognize - 800 meters. It can detect equipment at great distances, of course.


Again, we could not pay enough attention to the products of the IWT company, but there is an intention to correct this situation. Such products deserve to be told in more detail. Moreover, we did not appreciate the transportable and airborne tracking systems. And they are already working on detecting hidden fires in peatlands.

I am pleased to end this material with the words "To be continued."
