The POLUS Research and Production Association (Voronezh), together with military doctors, military scientists and specialists of the military-industrial complex, will present a mobile autonomous multifunctional installation for the disposal of medical waste (UUMO) using the innovative PoliVizor screen (non-solid projection screen based on water microparticles). Analogs of both are presented in Russia in single copies
The presentation will take place every day in Hall 3, stand 3F5-10 (section "Medical support of the Armed Forces") at the II International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2016" September 6-11. on the basis of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Leisure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot" (Moscow region, Kubinka)
NPO POLUS adheres to the policy of openness and presents to the consumer the entire operating principle of the Medical Waste Disposal Unit (incinerator). In the slightly darkened space of the exhibition stand, in the air at the height of a human being, a character appears (a virtual guide in the form of Agent 007), which is absolutely real, you can touch him. He enters into a dialogue with the guests of the stand, talks about the work of the Installation, which, thanks to the capabilities of the polyvisor, appears on the air screen almost in full size. The guests of the stand have a feeling of the presence and functioning of a huge, powerful incinerator online. There is an opportunity to get inside the Installation and study all the elements from the inside, literally touch each one with your hands. At the same time, all those present at the stand can freely pass through the Installation, i.e. through the water screen, and the image will not change at all.
10 copies of the Recycling Unit (UUMO) under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have successfully passed all stages of state tests in various climatic and geographical conditions of Russia. A recycling plant with a capacity of 50 kg of waste per hour is environmentally friendly utilizes medical and biological waste of class A-G.
NPO POLUS will also present a Special Purpose Medical Mobile Complex (KMP-SN), which in terms of its functionality corresponds to a small military hospital operating autonomously in the field.
Since 2002, NPO POLUS, in the interests of the RF Ministry of Defense, the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs and the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations, has been producing mobile autonomous medical complexes for various medical purposes based on the chassis of off-road vehicles, mobile autonomous units for the disposal of medical and biological waste, and medical folding furniture.
At the Army-2015 forum, NPO POLUS was awarded an award by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For providing medical service for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”.
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: "One of the priority areas of the military-industrial complex is the production of advanced medical equipment and medical products."
Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, called "strengthening the health of military personnel" one of the priority projects being implemented within the framework of the "Effective Army" program.
Victor Savvateev, General Director of NPO POLUS: "All our mobile medical complexes and installations are used by military and law enforcement agencies, they are used in emergency situations, in areas of man-made and climatic disasters, in remote areas."

Photo 1. Fragment of the video projection of the polyvisor.

Photo 2. Medical mobile complex for special purposes (KMP-SN)

Photo 3. Location of the exhibition stand of NPO POLUS on the scheme "Army-2016"

Photo 4. Installation for waste disposal (UUMO), placed on a trailer