In early March 2012, news agencies reported that the United States possesses a superweapon, which is a bomb weighing about 13 tons, with such a powerful charge that it can penetrate an underground bunker with a concrete layer of 65 meters thick. The American military has high hopes that the use of this bomb will provide a more effective result when bombing Iran's nuclear facilities.
At the present time, the United States does not hide the fact that the American army is capable of solving practically any problems that cannot be settled by means of diplomacy.
But is the American army really that strong?
It has long been known that even the most hopeless battle can be won by being able to intimidate the enemy into battle. So what horror stories are used by the American authorities?
The first is that the US military budget exceeds the budgets of all countries in the world.
Second: the constant renewal of weapons, which has no analogues in any other country in the world. The main direction of the development of weapons is the implementation of the so-called "remote war", when the battle is conducted by technical means controlled by military operators.
Third: unique training programs for the military personnel of the army, allowing to send highly professional fighters to serve in combat units.
These horror stories immediately raise doubts on several points:
- why "the best army in the world" is defeated by the mujahideen in Afghanistan, fedayeen in Iraq and Somali bandit formations;
- Why do US special forces constantly lose in defensive battles (the question arises - will they be able to defend their territory when an external enemy attacks it?);
- how often, upon hearing new information about the development of a new superweapon by the United States, in reality everything turns out to be a myth;
- the American military-industrial complex, under the guise of new weapons, has long been supplying only improved (modified) equipment already in service with the US Army;
- The US army mainly replenishes its ranks at the expense of migrants (they are promised to obtain a residence permit and money), mercenaries from other countries, as well as US citizens who hope to receive grants from the state in the form of free education, housing, etc.
Therefore, the American army completely lacks such concepts as fighting spirit, motivation for self-sacrifice. After all, if the soldier is killed, then who will be able to use the benefits "earned" by him.
It follows from all that has been said that, by and large, there is no one in the United States to fight for real, therefore all wars in which American troops participate look like propaganda political shows. American fighters can only kill, but there are no people willing to die for the ideas of their country. Therefore, as events in the Middle East have shown, even minor losses in the personnel of the American army lead to a massive exodus of fighters of the most vaunted army in the world.
In order to somehow support the myth of the invincible American army in the world, the country's authorities resort to distorting data on the loss of personnel of American units in military conflicts. For example, according to Western analysts, the United States lost more than 50,000 soldiers in the Korean War, while according to Washington's official figures, only 8,000 are dead and missing. North Koreans confirm the death of 150,000 US Army soldiers. From the available information, we can conclude that the fighters of North Korea, with limited assistance from the USSR, killed more Americans than Germany and Japan during the Second World War.
Also, the losses of the US Army during the invasion of Grenada (1983) to overthrow the regime they did not like were a hundred times underestimated. Only now it became known that during the landing on Grenada, more than a hundred American transport planes were shot down, which led to the death of 2 thousand people at the same time, including special forces from the Delta group.
The story of the elite group Delta is instructive enough. During its existence, this unit has never entered into a real battle. Almost immediately after its creation, Delta lost 40% of its personnel during the release of hostages in Iran, and during the landing on Grenada, almost the entire composition of the special forces was killed.
By the way, the American troops in Grenada were destroyed by Soviet weapons during the Second World War. In the military conflict, the United States had a 30,000-strong military contingent against 3,000 Grenadian soldiers and thousands of Cubans (among them, only 200 people were professional military, and the rest were civilian specialists). Only after the Cubans ran out of ammunition, the Americans managed to break their resistance. It is the superiority of the Cubans in the battle over the Americans that may have become one of the reasons why Washington did not dare to overthrow the F. Castro regime (even after Russia left Cuba to its own devices). This confirms once again that the invincibility of the American army is just a myth. But after the overthrow of the government of Grenada, the Americans, in furious anger over huge losses brick by brick, pilfered the Cuban embassy in Grenada.
Six years later, the Americans fought in Panama in disgrace. It was here that they had a significant number of cases of firing at their positions. This "friendly fire" has since become an enduring tradition of the US Army.
But the dubious victories of the Americans did not force the self-confident Yankees to exterminate the vices of their armed units. The shortcomings in the training of the troops were not eliminated, the mistakes of tactics and strategy during the conduct of combat operations were not taken into account. The result of this inadequate assessment of their military capabilities was a deplorable, for the Americans, result of the war with Iraq (1991). Only with the support of the Western media did the US authorities manage to hide their huge losses from the world community (in six days of fighting, the US army lost 15 thousand servicemen, 600 tanks and 18 newest bombers). The convincing victories of the Iraqi armed forces were associated with good preparedness and experience of personnel, as well as the availability of reliable and modern military equipment purchased from Russia, Ukraine and China.
Iraqi air defenses destroyed the American myth of "stealth aircraft": Soviet radars saw them perfectly (in seven months of fighting in Iraq, the United States and Britain lost more than 300 new aircraft).
Also, the advertised American Abrams tanks were amazed by all types of Soviet anti-tank missiles (this is another proof of the existence of another Washington myth).
The almost instant destruction of a convoy of American armored vehicles by an Iraqi military unit using a Soviet multiple launch rocket system was presented by the Americans as falling under "friendly fire" (a lie has always been and is in service with the United States).
Having assured the whole world of their victory, the American armed forces in Iraq did not achieve the desired results: the Iraqi military units on the territory of Kuwait and southern Iraq were not destroyed, the regime of Saddam Hussein survived.
And again, the American military did not learn any significant lessons from their Iraqi military campaign. The ruling elite of the United States just adopted the methods of bribery of the enemy in order to be able to once again prove the "invincibility and power" of the US army (a similar technique was used during the landing of American troops in France in 1944).
Washington paid for its "Pyrrhic victory" in Iraq with the lives of more than 50,000 soldiers. The result was American chaos in a country with huge oil reserves. The Americans exported more than two billion dollars worth of antiques from Iraq (these actions can only be described as looting). And although the Iraqi authorities "surrendered" the country to the Americans, the resistance of the Iraqis did not stop for a single day: attacks on the Americans were made every day (about 200 per day), the orders of the command of the occupation forces were not carried out. The US Army suffered constant losses in manpower and equipment. The scale of the losses can be judged by the enormous workload of hospitals not only of the US armed forces, but also of NATO. Also, during the conflict, Washington called up 185,000 reservists. News agencies did not post on their pages real information about the US military losses in Iraq.
The significant loss of the American army in the Iraqi conflict can also be explained by the low level of intellectual development of the soldiers and officers of the American army, the complete absence in their midst of such concepts as "professional ethics" and "duty to the Fatherland."
In military conflicts, American soldiers demonstrate low military training and inability to use basic weapons, ignorance of the simplest skills of fortification work, and inability to build the simplest field fortification.
Thus, the US-Iraqi military conflict became a litmus test that highlighted the real state of the American armed forces for the whole world. The great American myth of their military superiority dissipated like a morning fog.
Almost every country in the world has at least two stories: for the masses - ideological and real - for the elite, but the United States has one. And every American will say with confidence that it was the American army that won the Second World War. With such an “invincible army,” why strive to improve your combat capability, let alone study the experience of foreign armed forces?
Famous Russian diplomat Teplov V. A. back in 1898, he said that American self-esteem did not match the result they were achieving.
And this leads to a miserable training system for the command and enlisted personnel of the American army, the inability to manage the most complex military equipment - which is the main reason for the death of soldiers in battle.
More than two-thirds of the officers in the American army are not career officers - they are graduates of civilian educational institutions who received military education at military departments or short-term courses, and practical skills are worked out within six months at camp training (level 9-10 grades of the Soviet school).
Since serving in the army for three years allows free access to expensive education in higher educational institutions in America, the officer corps is formed either from the poor strata of society, or from stupid and lazy graduates who are unable to pass the entrance tests to prestigious US universities.
Officers for the ground forces are trained by the West Point School and the Officers School in the state of Georgia (graduates 500 officers a year, the training period is 3 months). The school graduates one thousand officers a year. You can enter it only on the recommendation of a high-ranking official.
In Russia, the training of a future officer lasts 4 years (an improved secondary school course is mastered: foreign languages, chemistry, physics, mathematics, history, philosophy, literature, law, military administration, etc.). The school curriculum does not provide for the training of an officer for service in a particular branch of the military. Cadets undergo real training only in practice at schools of the combat arms, training centers, sergeant schools, and internships.
In many countries, there is a system for raising the level of education of the current officer corps: the academy of the combat arms, the academy of the general staff. Training in them lasts at least 2 years.
In the United States, there is only a system of advanced training in the form of "military colleges", where the training period is 10 months.
Also in the United States of America, there is a military college that graduates specialists for the military industry, mobilization units, and logistics professionals. The training lasts 10 months. 180 people graduate a year.
The combat effectiveness of any army in the world can be assessed:
- in a real war;
- in peacetime according to the following characteristics: combat and numerical strength; the number of weapons and equipment; quality of personnel training.
Having real information, one can easily dispel the myth, so carefully created by the media, about the invincible and most trained army in the world - the army of the United States of America.