There are castles that look like palaces and palaces that look like castles. But there is a palace, which on the one hand is like a castle, but on the other - like a palace, but for some reason such eclecticism does not spoil it. We are talking about the famous Vorontsov Palace …

Here it is - the Vorontsov Castle-Palace. On the north side, this is a castle …
Well, now let's remember that, probably, every person living on the territory of Russia, at least once in his life, has visited … the Crimea. And almost everyone, both then and now, passionately wishes to visit little Alupka, and in it the famous Vorontsov Palace. Vacationers are not stopped either by the prices for excursions, or by the time that will have to be spent on acquaintance with this unique palace complex. The palace beckons and attracts with its uniqueness, some special spirit of a bygone era, and even a bizarre combination in architecture of two such different styles: strict "castle" British and intricate Moorish. But first things first…
The history of the castle-palace began in 1783, when the Crimean peninsula was annexed to Russia by the highest manifesto of Empress Catherine II.
The inhabitants of the peninsula began to plant trees and shrubs in the arid territory of ancient Taurida. And at this time, Russian nobles who wanted to build estates in the Crimea began to actively offer land. One of the first who bought himself a hefty piece of land was F. Revelioti, the commander of the Balaklava Greek battalion. The joy of the purchase was soon replaced by disappointment: for something to grow on this land, a lot of financial investments were required. The lack of water on the peninsula and the hot climate did not allow growing something worthwhile on this land. Therefore, the implementation of the plans required a lot of money. And then a lucky chance fell out: in 1823, the Governor-General M. S. Vorontsov asks F. Revelioti to cede this plot of land to him. Revelioti did not hesitate for a long time, set the price, and the deal took place, to the mutual satisfaction of both parties.
The Governor-General liked this place so much that he decides to start building the summer residence as soon as possible. Winter, where he worked, was located in Odessa. At first, Vorontsov wanted to build the Alupka Palace on the model of the Odessa one. But fate decreed otherwise.
In 1827, Count Vorontsov went on a trip to distant Britain. There he spent his childhood and youth. His father remained there, whom his loving son was going to visit. After visiting Britain, his Excellency's plans regarding the style in which they were going to build the palace changed radically.

But this is the South facade - India is not otherwise …
The first architects of the palace were the Italian Francesco Boffo, who built the first Vorontsov Palace in Odessa, and the Englishman, neoclassical lover and engineer Thomas Harrison. After Harrison's death, the Earl suddenly decides to stop construction and change the style of the palace. Then they found a new architect - the famous throughout Britain architect Edward Blore, who proposed to build a palace in the English Gothic style. An interesting fact is that Blore, who had never visited the Crimean peninsula in his life and was not going to go there at all, was able to sketch out a plan for the construction of the palace, taking into account the peculiarities of the place where its construction was planned, according to the drawings of the Alupka neighborhood brought from overseas.
The palace ensemble, at the behest of Count Vorontsov and the wish of the architect, was supposed to organically fit into the stunning coastal landscape of Alupka and "shade" the beauty of this area, but in no way enter into dissonance with it. On that and decided …
The beginning of the construction of the count's "apartments" began with the search for material for the foundation. They were looking for him for a long time. Finally they found what they were looking for: it was diabase (or dolerite): a gray-green mineral that was mined in the vicinity of Simferopol, which had extraordinary strength. Dolerite began to be massively taken to the place where the palace was built, the work began to boil and after a while the heavy-duty foundation, capable of withstanding any load, was already ready.
Sovereign Emperor Nicholas I, who visited Crimea in 1837 and personally visited the construction site of the palace, noted the beauty and originality of this structure.
It is worth noting that almost sixty thousand serfs were building the palace to His Excellency Count Vorontsov, and a sapper battalion was attracted for earthwork! Servicemen toiled on the south side of the palace, erecting terraces.

Courtyard. A ready-made location for filming a movie about the Middle Ages.
In 1851, when the palace was finally built, the last terraces were laid, vases, sculptures and fountains were installed, bushes of roses and oleanders were planted, it became clear that something extraordinary had turned out that combined two styles, but at the same time did not lose its own individuality, nor the peculiarities of both architectural directions.
On the north side of the palace there is a closed front courtyard, which can be entered by passing through a gate made in the late English Gothic style. From this side, the palace looks very much like a feudal English castle. The cannon loopholes, located at the height of the second floor on both sides of the gate, give its walls a stern "defensive" look. To the right of the entrance gate is a tower with a clock built into the wall. Surprisingly, this palace clock, in addition to giving a finished look to the palace ensemble, is still serviceable and accurate, “keeping pace with the times”, not running forward and not lagging behind.

Coat of arms of the Vorontsovs.
The southern side, facing the sea, is made entirely in oriental style. This is the whole uniqueness of the architecture of the palace: it is worth going around it, and from the aristocratic West you are instantly transported to the East, enchanting with its delights. Ornate inscriptions, sculptures, columns, so thin and graceful, giving an amazing lightness and airiness to this half of the palace, domes - all this creates the feeling of an endless holiday.

South facade and the famous roaring lion.
The magnificent staircase, "Lion's Terrace", with three pairs of marble lions, is amazing. A tremendous impression is left by these "gradually alert" animals: first "sleeping", then "sitting" and, finally, menacingly "roaring". The figures are made of white Carrara marble, and were made in the workshop of the Florentine master Bonnani. A staircase leads to a central portal ending in a high dome. Under it is an inscription in Arabic, which is repeated six times, and means: "There is no winner but Allah!" The turrets with domes, very similar to the domes of minarets, give the palace an oriental flavor, which is why the whole structure gives the impression of exceptional airiness and lightness.
Yes, indeed, the structure turned out to be extraordinary … On the one hand, it is possible to shoot films "about knights" in it, on the other, about the adventures of Sinbad the sailor and the "Baghdad thief"!
The Vorontsov Palace has always attracted attention: in the pre-war period, visitors came here in droves, but at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the palace had a different mission …
It was February 1945. The war was coming to an end. And then in the Crimea, or rather in Yata, a meeting of the leaders of the three countries of the anti-Hitler coalition was to take place: the USSR, Great Britain and the United States, the "big three", as they were then called. The conference participants were accommodated in three palaces. The British delegation, headed by W. Churchill, was located just in the Vorontsov Palace. The Germans wanted to blow it up, but … they did not take into account the strength of the diabase. Be that as it may, it was there that a funny story took place, which happened, as they say, during the walk of the Prime Minister through Vorontsovsky Park with Stalin.

But this is a sleeping lion. The same …
The fact is that Churchill really liked the famous staircase with sculptures of guarding lions, especially the figure of a sleeping lion. For some reason, the prime minister found in her a resemblance to himself, and asked Stalin to sell the lion for good money. Stalin at first flatly refused to comply with this request, but then invited Churchill to "guess the riddle." If the answer is correct, then Stalin promised to simply give a sleeping lion. And the question was simple: "Which finger on your hand is the main one?" Churchill, considering the answer obvious, without hesitation, replied: "Well, of course, indicative." "Wrong" - Stalin answered and twisted from his fingers a figure, popularly called a fig. Fortunately, to this day, the sleeping lion, however, like everyone else, pleases the eye of numerous visitors. But he could have ended up in England …

"Blue living room"
The uniqueness of the palace lies not only in its architecture, but also in the park adjacent to the palace. The park, in fact, has become a magnificent continuation of the entire palace structure and at the same time an independent, unique place that also attracts a considerable number of tourists.

Winter garden and marble sculptures.
The park was founded in 1824 by the gardener Karl Antonovich Kebach specially ordered from Germany, in honor of whom a memorial plaque was opened at the entrance to the park. Kebakh was engaged in planning the park and planting plants for more than a quarter of a century. He attracted a huge number of serfs to lay out the park. All the hard work was done by their hands: clearing the ground from stones and wild bushes, leveling the soil, creating artificial layers. The soil for the plants was transported on carts in bags, and then pulled across the entire territory of the future park. The layers of soil, especially for the creation of meadows, sometimes reached up to eight meters.

Vorontsovsky Park is simply beautiful! It is a pleasure to walk in it!
A myriad of trees have been planted. Moreover, when planting, not only the type of plant was taken into account, but also external features: the unusual shape of the crown, the color of the leaves and trunk. And in accordance with the characteristics, the plant was planted in the place where it would fit into the natural environment. The seedlings ordered by a German gardener were brought from all parts of the world: there were plants from Japan, South America, and the Mediterranean countries. Indian lilacs, Japanese sophora and North American Montezuma pine perfectly coexisted here with Chilean araucaria and coral trees. Behind each tree, so that it takes root well and takes root, Kebakh ordered special care: the workers maintained a certain moisture content in the soil, fertilized the soil well (they even watered the killed animals with blood). Especially delicate heat-loving plants were carefully covered for the winter.
To this day, more than two hundred species of unique trees and shrubs grow in the park. Some specimens, planted by the loving hand of a botanist gardener, still grow in the park.
In addition, three ponds were dug in the park: Verkhniy, Lebyazhy and Trout. Swans really swim in Lebyazhy; a house was specially built for them, where they spend the night. The swans are fed, so they don't fly away. An interesting fact. For Lebyazhy, Mikhail Semenovich ordered twenty bags of Koktebel semiprecious stones: jasper, carnelian, chalcedony, which were poured to the bottom and played fancifully, refracting the sunlight. Further behind the ponds, there are four glades that do not create a sense of artificiality at all: Platanovaya, Solnechnaya, Contrasting with a giant Himalayan cedar and berry yew, and Chestnut.

"Mirror Pond"
You can endlessly admire this miracle. The works of Karl Antonovich, a talented master with a subtle sense of natural beauty, were not in vain. The most unique “pearl” of Crimea, this “treasure peninsula”, is perhaps the most precious of all that ancient Taurida possesses.
And lastly wishes from the bottom of my heart: for those who have not been - take the time and money, come and see all this splendor. And to everyone who was, I wish to return there again and again, as to a good, kind friend. I wish every time to feel excitement before meeting the past, and walking along the paths of the parks, remember with a kind word a hardworking gardener-botanist, endlessly devoted to his work and who has devoted his whole life to his brainchild - Vorontsov Park, Karl Antonovich Kebakh …