In accordance with earlier decisions, the Pentagon began deploying the latest low-power thermonuclear warheads, the W76 Mod. 2 (W76-2). Trident II missiles with such combat equipment were recently loaded onto one of the US Navy submarines. She is now on patrol routes. It is expected that in the near future, new warheads will receive other SSBNs of the American fleet, and this will affect the international military-political situation.
From plans to practice
The development of a promising thermonuclear warhead for SLBMs was announced in February 2018 in the new US Nuclear Posture Review. The creation of such a product was associated with the specifics of the situation in the world. It was supposed to be a response to new characteristic threats from some states.
Already in February 2019, the Pantex plant (Texas) completed the assembly of the first product, the W76 Mod. 2. At the same time, the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) announced that the production of such weapons is gaining momentum, and by the end of this financial year, new warheads will reach the stage of initial operational readiness. Exact production rates, plans, etc. were not named. At the same time, it was mentioned that the release of new weapons will continue until 2024.
On January 29, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) published new data on the progress of work on W76-2, obtained from its own sources. There are also some estimates that have not yet received official confirmation or refutation.
FAS reports that the first warheads of the new type arrived at the King's Bay naval base in Georgia at the end of last year. They were mounted on the Trident II SLBM and loaded onto the USS Tennessee nuclear submarine (SSBN-734). Then the ship with promising weapons went on alert in the specified areas of the Atlantic Ocean.
FAS suggests that over the past year, the industry has managed to produce about 50 W76-2 products. At the same time, not all of them are involved in the current duty. According to the Federation, the USS Tennessee (SSBN-734) nuclear submarine carries only one or two missiles with new combat equipment. The remaining 18-19 Trident II products on board have old warheads - W76-1 or W88.
Technical features
The new W76-2 thermonuclear warhead is a slightly redesigned version of the existing W76-1 product. A modern project provides for relatively simple and inexpensive measures to extend the resource and change the characteristics.

The W76 warheads available in the troops were mass-produced from 1978 to 1987. In total, about 3400 such products were manufactured in two modifications, W76 Mod. 0 and W76 Mod. 1. In the future, measures were taken to extend the resource. The basic version of the warhead has a capacity of 100 kt TNT, modification W76-1 - 90 kt. The charges are mounted in warheads Mk 4 or Mk 4A. The latter are used on the Trident II missiles in service with the US and British navies.
The advanced W76-2 warhead is manufactured by reworking the existing W76-1 product. The charge instrumentation is being replaced by modern components. In addition, the power is reduced. Due to the special tactical role, this parameter is limited to 5-7 kt. After such an upgrade, the Mk 4 / W76-2 warhead remains fully compatible with the Trident II SLBM and can be used with the US Navy SSBN. With the exception of the explosion power of the warhead, all the characteristics of the updated strike complex remain the same.
According to the 2018 US Nuclear Posture Review, the W76-2 project was developed in response to new challenges from third countries. The main reason for its appearance is the recent actions of Russia, China and other countries in the field of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.
Several years ago, Russia revised its defense doctrine and changed the principles of the use of nuclear weapons. According to the US, this has led to a decrease in the threshold for use, which significantly changes the balance of power and can affect the military-political situation in the world. In response to Russia's actions, Washington launched several new projects, incl. modernization of cash warheads according to the modern project W76-2.
The main feature of the W76 Mod. 2 is the reduced detonation power while maintaining all other characteristics and compatibility with the standard carrier. Due to this, it is proposed to obtain new opportunities that more fully correspond to modern challenges.
According to the NNSA, the main task of submarines with Trident II missiles and W76-2 warheads will be to expand the capabilities to deter a potential enemy. Scenarios are possible in which the enemy organizes a low-yield nuclear strike. In this case, a response from the United States with a full-scale nuclear missile strike is considered inappropriate and redundant. As a result, the nuclear forces need some new means that combine the basic qualities of tactical and strategic weapons.
It is for this purpose that the W76-2 warhead was developed. It must guarantee the possibility of a symmetrical response to a low-power nuclear attack. It is believed that such a response will stop a potential adversary and prevent a new blow from his side. Such a strategy is called "escalation to de-escalation" and enjoys some popularity among the US military and political leadership. Preparedness for such scenarios is considered an effective containment measure.

The formal reason for the creation of the W76 Mod. 2 were the actions of Moscow. At the same time, the Russian authorities have repeatedly said that the change in defense doctrine is not associated with aggressive intentions. In addition, it was noted that it is the new low-power charge of the American development that is the very factor that lowers the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons and leads to serious risks.
As you can see, the United States did not heed the Russian statements and continued the work already begun. Their result was the appearance of serial warheads and their placement on a submarine going on alert. Obvious conclusions about Washington's plans and intentions follow from this.
Escalation or de-escalation?
Promising thermonuclear warhead W76 Mod. 2 is offered as a special tool for some specific situations. The concept of a low-power retaliatory strike is proposed, which will not provoke further exchange of warheads.
However, this concept has long been criticized for a variety of reasons. First of all, the very possibility of a limited exchange of strikes without further escalation of the conflict, regardless of the type and parameters of the weapons and means used, raises doubts. Nuclear weapons are a last resort, and their use should provoke an appropriate response.
The installation of limited-power warheads on full-fledged SLBMs leads to great risks. A probable enemy or third countries will be able to reveal the fact of a missile launch, but the determination of its combat equipment is impossible until the moment the warhead is detonated at the target. Accordingly, the enemy will expect the worst case scenario, expect a high-power strike - and act accordingly. All this also leads to rapid escalation and does not allow keeping the conflict in the initial stages.
It is unlikely that the military and political leadership of the United States does not understand all the risks associated with the creation and deployment of new low-yield thermonuclear weapons. However, the production of W76-2 products has been launched, and the first such samples have already gone on duty along with the carrier submarine. It is to be expected that in the near future several submarines will be on alert with new thermonuclear charges.
Thus, under the guise of dubious rhetoric and ambiguous concepts, the United States has created and brought to operation a new type of strategic weapons for solving special problems. How effective such a tool will be in solving the stated tasks is a big question. However, it is obvious that the appearance of this means will not improve the strategic situation in the world and will not increase overall security.