Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
To date, the most realistic image of the Zircon remains a snapshot of the experimental hypersonic vehicle X-51A Waveraider. It is the photograph of the Waverider under the wing of the carrier (B-52) that is issued in the domestic media for the newest hypersonic missile of the Russian Navy. Editors are not confused by any English-speaking
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Powerful falcon hides its claws The ship was named "Shiranuhi" ("sea glow" - an unexplored optical phenomenon observed off the coast of Japan). Meanwhile, the lead "Asahi", launched in 2016, has already
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Whoever does it does not speak. Who says it does not In the United States, they are not used to waiting for holidays and anniversaries for the solemn acceptance of military equipment. Instead of beautiful television plots with officials' speeches against the background of ships under construction (and very rarely - completed) ships, in the United States there is a daily painstaking
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A viscous and viscous void fills the space. An inexplicable substance with the density of a neutron star, owing neither time nor space. Its tiny particles form patterns with such high degrees of symmetry that the void seems to be an artificially created, intelligent organism
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Weapons, without the possibility of using them, are a pile of scrap metal. Exposing liberal myths about the weakness of the Russian Navy, the obsolescence of the ship structure in the absence of replacement under construction, the slow construction time of ships and the general uselessness of the fleet. The dilemma: high quality, fast and cheap. Select
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“Two diesel-electric boats of Project 677 Lada will be handed over to the Russian fleet in 2018-2019. The next boats will be built according to the new Kalina project. The Kalina project, developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT, is already in place, but it has not yet been approved and agreed with the Ministry of Defense. The main features of this
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In response to Stalin's proposal to divide the remnants of the German fleet, Churchill made a counter-proposal: "Flood." To which Stalin objected: “Here you drown your half.” Here is a legend in its various interpretations associated with the division of the fleets of the Axis countries. With the end of the war, a real “hunt for
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
A new action series about the confrontation of means of attack and defense. The modern naval battle will end quickly and ingloriously. The shot is a shipwreck. There are no survivors. Air defense systems? Anyone who dares to fight back will be slashed to death by the debris of downed missiles. Real facts recorded at landfills all over
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“President Rodrigo Duterte has allowed Russian warships to enter the territorial waters of the Philippines …” March 23, 2017 The agreement on naval cooperation with the Philippines could make at least some sense if the Russian Navy had ships. You can discuss strategic
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Japanese ships can be distinguished by the perfect condition of their decks and sides. Beauty is achieved in two ways: 1) traditional Japanese neatness and attention to detail; 2) extremely young age, which for many ships does not exceed 10 years. In just one decade, the composition of the Navy
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From the depths of centuries and waters the outlines of “Victory” appear. In the name of His Majesty … a ship of the line … in the name of military victories … to allocate 61,136 fnl. From the treasury. According to modern experts, in the 18th century, the creation of a 104-gun sailing ship was equivalent to the construction of a nuclear aircraft carrier (1% of
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In nineteen military campaigns, she sank 226 ships. The U-35 trophies were not paper ships, as evidenced by the total tonnage of the drowned - half a million tons. Well, to be precise, 575 387 tons is unimaginable. And, frankly, scary. At the end of the 12th combat patrol, the only
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The sailors themselves nicknamed them “well, very large light cruisers.” With a hull length of 207 meters, “Worcester” surpassed in length all ships of its class built at that time. Standing vertically, it would be 30 meters higher than the skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment
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The undoubted positive factor of the Falklands War was the absence of civilian casualties. The knightly duels of pilots and sailors were fought in an uninhabited environment. Smoke drifted, flashes of traps blossomed, traces of fired missiles melted. Sheffield and Coventry burned, debris fell
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And it will go, it will go to glory, / How to blow from the forge with heat, / With a howl, with a lisp squeal / Clear the path for the infantry, / Beat, break and burn into the encirclement. / Village? - The village. / Home is home. Dugout - dugout. / You lie, if you don't sit out, you will give it up! The harder the battles, the more the army relies on artillery
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Units of the Black Sea Fleet will soon get acquainted with one of the most advanced warships of our time. According to Western news agencies, the destroyer HMS Diamond headed for the shores of Ukraine. HMS (Her Majesty's Ship, Her Majesty's Ship) is the standard prefix of the Navy ships
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On that day, 356 tremors with a magnitude of up to 8 on the Richter scale completely destroyed the Japanese capital. The suburbs were also seriously affected. The number of people trapped under the rubble and in the flames of the fires exceeded 4 million people. The Great Kanto Earthquake caused
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In the 90s, the Russian navy did not lose a single valuable ship. All combat units that could solve tasks at the level of the best world analogues were equipped and armed with the most modern weapons - they remained in service and are in great health to this day. how the damned
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The old man remembered how Mussolini's footsteps thundered over the flat timpani of its decks. He remembered the shots and the furious shouts of the gun servants in the battle at Calabria. Remembered the breaker from the HMS Upholder periscope. He remembered a pillar of water mixed with oil that shot up from his side on July 28, 1941. Then it seemed to him comes
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The Orlan's hull is only 8% shorter than that of the Iowa. Despite the double difference in displacement, both giants are practically identical in size. "Iowa" is wider midships (33 m), however, her hull narrows sharply towards the extremities; the lines of the high-speed battleship resemble a "bottle" in shape. V
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They've learned to live; now they'll have to learn to fight Warships are united by a single architecture. A high freeboard, over which a box superstructure soared, covering the upper deck from side to side. The price of such delights is thousands of tons of hull structures, and the extreme
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The crazy entertainments of the patricians were not limited to the arena of the Colosseum. On holidays, crowds of people flocked to the hillsides to watch the Naumachia. A sea battle of gladiators with the participation of dozens of galleys and thousands of fighters! This is the scale, this is the scale! Today, friends, I suggest you break away from boring
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The scandal with the sailor, whose selfie on the social network revealed the position of the cruiser Peter the Great, deserves a separate article. Why is Internet access on board a warship dangerous? And is it really the fault of the sailors who posted the pictures of their campaign on the network?
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The ship and its crew disappear into fire and water. Their approximate place of death remains in the format xx ° xx ’xx’, and shells fired by dead sailors fly towards the enemy for another minute. The sea battle is epic and beautiful. But few people living on the shore are able to imagine the true power
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Huge striking power at minimal cost. "Ticonderoga" is an absolute record holder among ships with a displacement of less than 10 thousand tons. Eleven radars. 80 antenna devices. 122 missile silos. Combat information and control system "Aegis". The choice of names of ships - in honor of the places where
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With its harsh simplicity and laconic form, it resembles a German combat knife. "Zamwalt" is preparing to share the fate of the "Dreadnought". He is glorious not for what he accomplished, but for who he is. Such can stand all their life in the port, changing the entire paradigm of the fleet with one fact of their existence. But to represent "Zamvolt" only
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During naval exercises, they land troops, search for submarines and sometimes shoot at targets in the form of anchored barges with container barricades lined up on the deck. (Why? To facilitate missile guidance and report success "up".) If the opportunity arises, they bomb and
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Ammunition "Zamvolta" is located in 20 MK.57 launchers along the perimeter of the ship's hull. Each of the installations represents an independent section of four mines, designed for storage and launch of missile launchers with a launch weight of up to 4 tons. According to official press releases, a promising system
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This story has already passed three hundred years. How was the French frigate Serpan (Snake) with a cargo of gunpowder for the Brest garrison intercepted by a Dutch warship? In the midst of the battle, the captain noticed how the little cabin boy was hiding in fright behind the mast. "Lift him up," shouted the captain, "and tie him to the mast
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The ratio of victories and defeats in battles involving large ships is described by the well-known “Gauss curve”. Where on both ends of the spectrum there are epic heroes and clear outsiders, and in the middle - the "middle class", with its periodic successes and failures. That is why the statement that heavy cruisers and
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Ocean lords have become, you are not the brainchild of darkness or light. You are only strength. You are outside of morality. Although not everyone realized this. And the descendants will learn, The noble lords of steel, And they will learn about how you died in battles! New visitors to the forum ask all the same old questions. I don't know where this misconception about
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MED. The SWG-1 panel flashed and shone with an alarming ruby, the operators of the CIC of the destroyer Rafael Peralta began preparations for the launch of an experimental rocket. The guidance systems woke up, data on the coordinates of the launch point flowed into the on-board computer of the anti-ship missile system and
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Seas and oceans cover seven-tenths of the Earth's surface, but most people have never seen ocean sunsets or real ships in their lives. It is difficult for those living on the coast to imagine the true dimensions of marine technology. Without seeing the ships up close, it is impossible to understand how colossal these
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The factor of the participation of "Harriers" and aircraft carriers in that conflict was somewhere in the twentieth place after destroyers and frigates, a hundred helicopters, numerous landing forces and excellent training of British crews. The damaged destroyer "Glasgow" continuously described the circulation for a couple of hours
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In total, according to the calculations of historians and oceanographers, the remains of at least a million ships of all eras rest on the seabed. Most of the "drowned" found their end under the abyss of the waters above, far from the sun's rays and storms raging from above. Nevertheless, rare lucky ones managed to sink in shallow water
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In the "Fleet" section, a number of articles have been published that inspire certain fears for the immature minds of the younger generation. It is clear that spring is in the yard, and the Unified State Exam will soon come, but no one forbids learning to think logically before rushing to multiply the first numbers that come across
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Having received the message about the torpedo hit, the commander of the cruiser "Kenya" nodded curtly. Everyone on the bridge immediately took out their service weapons and shot themselves. Hundreds of sailors gazed at them from the deck. Realizing the futility of further resistance, they pulled the grates out of the cauldrons
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A special threat is posed by torpedoes with proximity fuses that explode under the keel of a moving ship. Further, everything is obvious. Water is an incompressible medium. The entire force of the explosion is directed upwards towards the body. He can't stand it. The blow breaks the keel, and the ship falls in half
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The trigger for writing this review was a phrase from an article on the ratio of volumes and loads of ships. Modern ships need large volumes to accommodate weapons and equipment. And these volumes in comparison with the armored ships of the Second World War have grown significantly. And despite
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Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. The professionals built the Titanic. Any work is easy for a person who is not obliged to do it, therefore so many inventions belong to enthusiasts. While the generals are preparing for the past wars, and the graduates propose to abandon