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"Neither thieves, nor covetous people, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor predators will inherit the Kingdom of God." he was the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 28, 1925 "On the introduction of
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Act Seven: Death always comes unexpectedly … White chrysanthemum - Here are the scissors in front of her Frozen for a moment … (Buson) About nine o'clock on a cold evening on November 15, 1867, Nakaoka Shintaro from Tosa Khan arrived at the Omiya inn with three companions. Here is one of the samurai who were here
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Something for a long time we have not turned to the history of Ancient Egypt, interrupting our story about the pyramids of the Old Kingdom just on the three pyramids of Father Khufu - the creator of the most famous pyramid to all of us in Giza. And this is hardly surprising, complexes are inherent not only in modern children, but also in the past
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Act Five: Government Intrigues Poor stars! They have no place in heaven - The moon shines there … (Deikin) Although our hero is Sakamoto Ryoma, let's leave him alone for a while - let him rest with his young wife and bathe in hot springs this time let's see what
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“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and all your house will be saved” (Acts 16:31) “The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness … heresies … those who do this will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "
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“The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, impurity, lewdness, idolatry, magic, enmity, quarrels, envy, anger, strife, disagreements, (temptations), heresies, hatred, murder, drunkenness, outrage and the like; I precede you, as I did before, that those who do so
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Probably TOPWAR readers remember the article about Prince Alexander Nevsky, which dealt with the myths that were created by Soviet propaganda around his name, including even the editorial from Pravda dated April 5, 1942. Now disputes are going on around the personality of Grozny, moreover, and this, in my opinion, is the most
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To begin with, the Stirling surname is quite common both in England and in Scotland. That is, if there is Stirling Castle, then why not "Mr. Stirling"? And just such a person - the Scottish priest Robert Stirling, on September 27, 1816, received a British
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“… They exterminated the color of the nation with the sword of Robespierre, And Paris to this day washes away shame.” (Text by Igor Talkov) Probably, in the history of any nation, you can find pages that cannot be called except the word “dirty”. So in France in the last decade of the 19th century. there was one very dirty story about
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On TOPWAR, perhaps, there has never been a story about such a romantic castle like this one. There were castles, mighty as rocks, vast - if you go around - you will knock your feet, ancient, beautiful, as if from a fairy tale, but this will be the first time. But before talking about the castle, let's say where it is. And he is
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“For the empire of all empires, For the map that grows in breadth.” (Rudyard Kipling “By birthright”) the history of the Anglo-Transvaal War was by no means over, as it continued in 1901 and 1902. However, the number of photos in the magazine
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This battle was one of the bloodiest and most significant battles of the Burgundian Wars. Then, on June 22, 1476, near the fortress Murten (in French - Morat) in the Swiss canton of Bern, the Swiss troops and the army of the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold met. Previous defeat to nothing of his
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So, the XVIII century has come. The wind of change has blown up to Sterling. During the Jacobite uprisings, the castle (for the umpteenth time!) Is hastily put in order, but not all, but partially. But these measures did not take into account the historical peculiarities of Sterling, no matter how hard they tried to "comb" it and bring the look of the castle under their
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As a child, I was very lucky, as I now understand it, in the fact that I was born in a large old house built in 1882, and there was a huge one with him, a lot of all sorts of sheds, and there was so much in them. Old history textbooks, tied up in neat bundles, magazines "Ogonyok" and "Tekhnika-youth" 1943
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Many readers of the site "VO" were interested in the history of the Battle of Bannockburn: they say, the Scots taught the English a lesson there. However, in addition to this battle itself, the name of Stirling Castle, or Stirling, as the Scots themselves call it, flashed in the material about it. The questions rained down: “Why
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“… but whoever wandered, he increased knowledge …” (Sirach 34:10) “… gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and lead, …” (Numbers 31:22) More than once and not two in the series of articles on metals of the Bronze Age, we met with scientists' statements that the technology of metal processing in a particular region
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In 2017, the year in the world of archeology is to some extent significant, because exactly 65 years ago, scientists first tried to uncover the secret of the Great Mound in Vergina, in Northern Greece. It should be noted that the mound is surrounded by an extensive "cemetery" of smaller mounds, excavations in which
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Well, now we will return to the East and … but first, let us recall the Indian cuirass charaina - a box-shaped armor consisting of four flat plates. It is interesting what prevented rational Europeans from wearing such armor, because it is difficult to come up with something more rational. True, on some charains
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In the first part of the material about "anatomical cuirasses", it was concluded that they appeared as a result of the antique fashion for male torsos and nude nature, while in the Christian era the canons of faith did not allow hinting that the knight was "under the bottom" … Although during the Renaissance some
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BATTLE. Day Two The intolerable heat of the early morning of June 24, 1314 foreshadowed a sultry day. The early rays of the sun fell on the haggard faces of the Scots who had come to New Park for Mass. In the meantime, on the ground still not dry from the morning dew, somewhere between Bannockburn and Fort, they were wiping
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The Battle of Bannockburn entered the annals of British history as one of the most important battles in the wars between England and Scotland in the 13th-16th centuries, which the latter fought for its independence. This battle debunked the myth of the invincibility of the knightly cavalry. And it was like this … Background … the English army
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In the novel by James Claywell "Shogun", it is described how in 1600 an Englishman set foot on the land of Japan, then still mysterious for Europeans. It is known that in 1653 three Portuguese were thrown there by a storm. But when did the first Russians come to Japan? This is what our story will go on today
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Not so long ago I read the material of Polina Efimova "It was a sacred, high feeling of love and compassion", and it very interestingly described the work of nurses on military medical trains. And then I remembered - b-a-a, - but after all, my grandmother told me in childhood and in great detail about how she
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It is very good that there are so many people on VO who are not indifferent, and they very often suggest what to write about. For example, after the material about the IF castle, many wanted to learn more about the mythical Iron Mask and the castle on the island of Saint-Marguerite, in which it was kept based on Dumas's novel “The Viscount de Bragelon
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“War has always been the guardian of sanity and, in terms of the ruling classes, probably the chief guardian. As long as the war could be won or lost, no ruling class had the right to behave completely irresponsibly.”George Orwell. "1984" It just so happens that people for many
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Any order most often gives rise to its rejection and, as a result, a subconscious unwillingness to execute it. But PR acts on a person in such a way that he begins to consider someone else's will as his own, and accordingly he acts. There are so many examples of such PR that it is not even easy to list all of them. Their
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As you know, money is everything. And the bad is the state in which there are financial problems. That is why, as soon as Ieyasu Tokugawa became a shogun and gained full power in Japan, he immediately began to solve "money issues". This was all the more important, since the monetary
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My life came as dew and as dew will disappear. And all of Naniwa is just a dream after a dream. Suicide poem by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598). Translation by the author. Over the course of several dozen articles, although it may be somewhat in a mosaic form, we are immersed deeper and deeper into Japanese
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An interesting time has come now: advances in science and technology are weaning people off books right before their eyes. First-year students come to me, none of whom have read Fight for Fire by J. Roni Sr. and who can barely read two chapters (!) Of this children's book in two weeks. But also in the second year
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There, in Iwami, Near Mount Takatsunau, Between the thick trees, in the distance, Did my dear see How I waved my sleeve to her, saying goodbye? Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (late 7th century - early 8th century). Translated by A. Gluskina Yes, many probably have such a "tolerance" that took place in medieval Japan, and
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Coldness penetrated to the heart: On the crest of the deceased's wife In the bedroom I stepped. Yosa Buson (1716-1783). Translated by V. Markova It seems that we got acquainted with all aspects of samurai life, and … many VO readers immediately wanted to "continue the banquet", that is, so that materials on the history and culture of Japan would appear
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Throughout its history, the people of Japan have attached great importance to distinctive signs. It is not known exactly what they were like during the existence of the ancient Japanese state. Information about them became more or less complete only when Japanese society finally took shape
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Remember the song from "White Sun of the Desert" - "for whom are you kind, and to whom - otherwise …"? And although in this case we are talking about "Lady Luck", in the same way it could be said about our entire history. To some she turns with a smiling face, and often completely undeservedly, and to others
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Prologue It just so happened that by the end of the 16th century. all of Japan was engulfed in a brutal civil war. Large local clans, led by their princes - daimyo, were engaged in only that they fought with each other, trying to get more land, rice and influence. At the same time, the old ancestral nobility displaced
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How often did “Better Life” uprisings take on a religious connotation in Europe? "When Adam plowed and Eve spun, who was the master?" - asked the followers of John Wycliffe in England and … destroyed the estates of their lords. But was there anything like that in Japan - a country that fenced off at the beginning of the XVII
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“You will also hear about wars and rumors of war. Look, do not be horrified, for all this must be, but it is not the end.”(Matthew 24: 6) Some time ago, material about rumors appeared on the pages of VO. But, let's just say: it's better when the one who teaches such a discipline writes about this phenomenon
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I traveled to Famagusta not only to get to know Varosha - an abandoned area of the city where no one still lives, but also just to look at its ancient cathedrals and … a fortress, unique in its architecture and military power. It is known that when the Knights Templar sold Cyprus
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But the most interesting in "Dzhohyo monogotari", perhaps, is the medical section, which clearly proves that in the samurai army, the wounded and sick were treated and looked after, and by no means abandoned to the mercy of fate and did not force them to do hara-kiri. … Drawing from "Dzhohyo
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The first decades of the new XXI century may well be called the era of political extremism. “Color revolutions”, one more outlandish than the other, occur literally all over the world: the “rose revolution” in Georgia (2003), the “orange revolution” in Ukraine (2004), the “tulip revolution” in Kyrgyzstan, the “cedar revolution”
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"Dzhohyo monogotari" is also interesting because, in addition to the very detailed rules of conducting military operations, this book also shows us what the life of the Japanese army was like in the campaign at that time. Yes, it is clear that the army exists for battle. But most of the time, the soldiers don't fight. They are drinking