
Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part one)

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Beware, every one of your friends, and do not trust any of your brothers; for every brother stumbles another, and every friend slanders. " (Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 9: 4) Today it has become fashionable to talk about color revolutions. Despite the fact that the concept of the revolution itself has stuck in the head of many

Czech castles: castle-palace Troy

Czech castles: castle-palace Troy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Usually the name Troy is associated with the city, which, as everyone knows, was ravaged by the Achaeans. Well, the blind man Homer sang this act of violence and vandalism in poetry that spoiled the mood of more than one schoolboy who studied the Greek classics. I thought so too, until I ended up in the city of Prague, which also has its own

Nikopol 1396 Crusaders against "fence"

Nikopol 1396 Crusaders against "fence"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the defeat of the Crusader forces at the Horns of Hattin in 1187, a little over a hundred years passed before they were finally expelled from the Holy Land. Another Christian power in the East also had a hard time. We are talking about Byzantium, which was attacked from both the West and the East and which had no one to attack

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Aztecs on a hike (part five)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Aztecs on a hike (part five)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Prepare for war, rouse the brave; let all the warriors rise up. Beat your plowshares into swords and your sickles into spears; let the weak say: “I am strong.” (Joel 3: 9) Well, now that we have become acquainted with written sources of information (except for artifacts in museums) about life

The heads of the dead tell

The heads of the dead tell

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On VO, questions are often asked about the specifics of the work of historians and archaeologists, and it makes sense to start talking a little about this. Because it is often really quite difficult and unpleasant. For example, imagine that you are an archaeologist and are digging in the ground in the hot sun, and even in

Armament of Turkic Warriors of the Early Middle Ages (Part One)

Armament of Turkic Warriors of the Early Middle Ages (Part One)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“And I saw that the Lamb had removed the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four animals, saying, as it were in a thunderous voice: go and see. I looked, and, behold, a white horse, and on him a rider with a bow, and a crown was given to him; and he went out victorious, and to conquer "(Revelation of John the Theologian

Forerunners of epaulettes

Forerunners of epaulettes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If we once again look at the knights from the Bayesian Canvas and the miniatures from the Maciejewski Bible, it is not at all difficult to notice that, although the changes in their equipment are undoubted, new helmets have appeared, that they began to wear multi-colored surcoats over their armor, in general the whole figure of the knight is initially bright and

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Ancient codes recount (part four)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Ancient codes recount (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"And I went to the angel and said to him:" Give me a book. " He told me: “Take it and eat it; it will be bitter in your womb, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey. " (Revelation of John the Evangelist 10: 9) Now let's talk about the ancient codes of the Aztecs and Maya in more detail. Let's start with the "Grolier Codex" - manuscripts

Poisoned Feather. Poverty, Wealth, and Zemstvo Seal (continued)

Poisoned Feather. Poverty, Wealth, and Zemstvo Seal (continued)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I passed the field of a lazy man and past the vineyard of a poor-minded man: and behold, all this was overgrown with thorns, its surface was covered with nettles, and its stone fence collapsed. And I looked, and turned my heart, and looked and learned a lesson: sleep a little, take a little nap, a little

Poisoned Feather. Provincial press from February to October and the first years of the victory of Bolshevism (Part 8)

Poisoned Feather. Provincial press from February to October and the first years of the victory of Bolshevism (Part 8)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“… Loosen the shackles of untruth, untie the chains of the yoke, and release the oppressed to freedom, and break every yoke; Share your bread with the hungry, and bring the poor who wander into the house; when you see a naked man, clothe him, and do not hide from your soul mate.”(Isaiah 58: 6) As you know, revolution is nothing but

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Who wrote to us about them? (part three)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Who wrote to us about them? (part three)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How long, ignorant, will you love ignorance? .. (Proverbs 1:22) Today we will deviate somewhat from the topic of studying the military affairs of the indigenous population of Central America during the years of the Spanish conquest. The reason is trivial. Past publications again caused a number of comments, well, let's say, containing

Armor and chains

Armor and chains

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“… Removing a thick gold chain from his neck, the Marked One tore off a piece of four inches long from it with his teeth and gave it to a servant.” (“Quentin Dorward” by Walter Scott) Let's start by defining what will be discussed here. Not about the chains mentioned in the epigraph. This is so … for beauty! She will go about very

Japan: traditions, revolution and reforms, traditionalists, revolutionaries and reformers (part 3)

Japan: traditions, revolution and reforms, traditionalists, revolutionaries and reformers (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What a fortune for our country of rice growers - such a heat! Issa The greatest ruler in the history of Japan It is noted and very rightly that when God wants to punish someone, he takes that person's mind. And then right in front of your eyes the most faithful betray, the brave - shamefully "celebrate the coward", the clever of

Lord of the world. Toy Soldiers: Fun or Serious? (part 3)

Lord of the world. Toy Soldiers: Fun or Serious? (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How to find your place in the sun? After the release of the two previous materials, probably everyone who read them took and figured for himself: "What if I should do this?" But it is clear that 99.9% decided that "yes, not bad", but "I feel good already" and "it is hardly worth changing anything!" And … right! because

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Weapons and armor (part two)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. Weapons and armor (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“O Tezcatlipoca! .. The God of the earth opened his mouth. He's hungry. He will eagerly swallow the blood of many who will die … "(" The Secret of the Mayan Priests ", V. A. Kuzmishchev) very

"Massacre in the steppe" - or the battle of Adrianople on April 14, 1205

"Massacre in the steppe" - or the battle of Adrianople on April 14, 1205

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“… we struck them with arrows;” (Numbers 21:30) And it happened - this is a prelude to the very story of the battle - that the completely blind Doge of Venice Dandolo turned out to be a man of great intelligence, and when by 1202 many crusaders gathered there, to sail to Egypt, I decided to take advantage of this circumstance and

Ballad about honest Soviet people's commissars (part two)

Ballad about honest Soviet people's commissars (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“The Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave.” (The play by F. Schiller “The Fiesco Conspiracy”) According to some sources, Heinrich Yagoda was arrested by the NKVD on March 28, 1937, according to others - on April 3. Well, on April 4, all the central newspapers of the USSR published an official document signed by the chairman

"They had no choice!" Horse in battles and campaigns (part two)

"They had no choice!" Horse in battles and campaigns (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“… His arrows are pointed, and all his bows are drawn; its horses' hooves are like flint, and its wheels are like a whirlwind.”(Jeremiah 4:13)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. "Road" to the brotherhood of warriors (part one)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. "Road" to the brotherhood of warriors (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Brothers, let us follow the cross! Having faith by this sign we will win!”(Fernando Cortes) One of the“favorite topics”of Russian journalism is, and this has been the case for a long time, the so-called“anniversary dates”. It can be either a date that is a multiple of the time of some event, or just a "coincidence in numbers"

Master of the World, Toy Soldiers - Fun or Serious Business? (part 2)

Master of the World, Toy Soldiers - Fun or Serious Business? (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When "white metal" is the head of everything … In the first part of this material, it was said that since there are certain hobbies, and therefore people who are fond of these hobbies, there may well be those who earn on these hobbies. figurines made of "white metal" by David Kass (firm

"They had no choice!" Horse in battles and campaigns (part one)

"They had no choice!" Horse in battles and campaigns (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Did you give the horse strength and clothed his neck with a mane?” (Job 39-19) “Praise of stupidity” It is simply amazing what abysses of human ignorance are opening up today thanks to the capabilities of the Internet system. I read recently in the comments that the Iron Age, it turns out, preceded the Bronze Age (and of course

Neck protection (part two)

Neck protection (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, somewhere around 1250, judging by the miniatures from the "Bible of Matsievsky", the infantrymen, who wore helmets, had neck protection, reminiscent of … "dog collar". The knight riders were content with a chain mail hood, under which (possibly) they also put on something quilted and descended around the neck

Neck protection (part one)

Neck protection (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the advantages of publishing materials on TOPWAR is that among the readers there are a lot of people “seeking knowledge” who not only read and write “whether they like it or not,” but also ask interesting questions and thus suggest topics for new interesting articles. … So, for example, in the topic about

The ballad about honest Soviet people's commissars (part one)

The ballad about honest Soviet people's commissars (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"This world is ancient, pre-ancient. It is a law to itself. No rules, believe me, he does not want to know. Day and night in it, without ceasing, Laughter sounds and cry. From what is not enough, Pies for everyone." ("The ancient world ", Song from the film" Dear Boy ", music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by L. Derbenev.) In his book" 1984 "George

Features of science in the USSR or graduate students on potatoes

Features of science in the USSR or graduate students on potatoes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

May ends, many people spend more and more time in the country, planting tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes. I plant her in my dacha and I, however, a little. And every time I remember at the same time a funny and instructive episode from my life, how I had to prepare potato planting material in one of the

Yam-Yamgorod-Yamburg-Kingisepp. The history of the forgotten fortress

Yam-Yamgorod-Yamburg-Kingisepp. The history of the forgotten fortress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I don't give a damn where you are from, son. No one here has the right to wander around without my permission. Soldiers, fire at will.”General Edmund Duke, computer game“StarCraft: Brood War”Coat of arms of Yamburg. Approved on May 7, 1780 by decree of Catherine II Each work has its own characteristics. The Romans would say:

New multivolume history of the Second World War: in how many volumes?

New multivolume history of the Second World War: in how many volumes?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on June 22, a special section was launched, on which unique archival documents were published - testimonies of Soviet military leaders about the events of June 22, 1941 and the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Previously never published archival documents contain answers

TAJ-MAKHAL: a symbol of fate, a symbol of love

TAJ-MAKHAL: a symbol of fate, a symbol of love

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Say:“Truly my Lord guided me on the straight path, on the correct religion, the faith of Ibrahim, true monotheism. After all, he was not one of the polytheists. " Say: “Indeed, my prayer and my sacrifice (or worship), my life and my death are dedicated to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. There is no him

Mordovian horsemen of the Middle Ages and the problems of "historical amateurism"

Mordovian horsemen of the Middle Ages and the problems of "historical amateurism"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts to bake the pies, And the cake-maker makes boots: And it won't go well, Fable I.A. Krylova "Pike and Cat" To begin with, one amusing illustrative example is a little off topic. When I teach PR students, I always tell them that their profession is a little akin to that of a detective or a spy

Board shields (part two)

Board shields (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"The forest in the rain arrow-iron rdel. Eirik shook Zhalslav from the fields" (Egil Skallagrimsson. Translated by S. Petrov) Last time the material called "Shields from boards" caused a lot of comments, although not all of them dealt with this topic. One of the readers suggested that it would be more correct to call it "shields

Knights of the East (part 4)

Knights of the East (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

My father told me - and I believe my father: The end must correspond to the end. Let there be grapes from a single vine! Let there be all vegetables from kindred ridges! Live like this, children, on a sinful earth, As long as there is bread and wine on the table! (“Stranger "Rudyard Kipling) However, on the very armor and weapons of the Turkish knights all these

War, Gold and Pyramids End of the Pyramid Age (Part Ten)

War, Gold and Pyramids End of the Pyramid Age (Part Ten)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The XII dynasty of the era of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt was very significant for him. And not only by the fact that its pharaohs again annexed Nubia, Sinai, Libya, Palestine and Syria to the possessions of Egypt; other Egyptian kings before them, and then more than once did the same. It was nothing new for the country that they

Chittorgarh: Fortress of Rajputs, Waters and Temples (part two)

Chittorgarh: Fortress of Rajputs, Waters and Temples (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Although most of the temple structures are examples of typical Hindu architecture, for example, the Kalikamata Temple (8th century), the Kshemankari Temple (825-850), the Kumbha Shyam Temple (1448), there are also Jain temples such as Sattai Devari, Sringar Chauri ( 1448) and Seth Bis Devari (mid XV

War, gold and pyramids Pyramids of the Middle Kingdom. (Part Nine)

War, gold and pyramids Pyramids of the Middle Kingdom. (Part Nine)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently, we have somehow lost sight of the topic of the Egyptian pyramids. And it is by no means closed. As evidenced by the recently appeared on VO material "from a madhouse" that they were built using a sluice system larger than the pyramid itself. So the last article about

Chittorgarh: Fortress of Rajputs, Ponds and Temples (part one)

Chittorgarh: Fortress of Rajputs, Ponds and Temples (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is always pleasant when, after the publication of the first article, you are asked to continue the topic and give it a continuation. So after the material about the Kumbhalgarh fort, I was asked to tell about the Chittorgarh mentioned in it - a fortress that clearly deserves attention. And here both I and the readers of VO can be said to be lucky

Ice and blood. On the role of ice in the Battle of the Ice

Ice and blood. On the role of ice in the Battle of the Ice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

To be honest, having published eight (as much as eight!) Materials about the Battle on the Ice on VO, I thought that this topic could be considered closed. It was possible to find out, relying on the texts of the chronicles, that the source base does not allow drawing the conclusions that were made by Soviet historians. What is the most

Swamp robbers

Swamp robbers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“There is nothing more difficult in the Celestial Empire than to eat” (Chinese proverb) As you know, today the Celestial Empire (even if it is not called that way, the ancient meaning of its existence remains the same!) Is the world leader in terms of the number of inhabitants living in her. But she is known not only as

Army of deserters

Army of deserters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Deserters Two Hundred Years Ago Not so long ago, reports began to appear on the Internet that nearly 40,000 Russian soldiers deserted in France when Russian troops entered Paris in 1814. The figure is very large and this alone raises doubts. It turns out that we have scattered a whole

Knights from Polotsk

Knights from Polotsk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“We will say:“The amazing is near, but it is forbidden to us!”(Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky) We are all different (and this is wonderful). This applies not only to nationality, religion, place of residence, body structure, age, personality type and gender-role orientation (the list is endless)

Knights of the East (part 3)

Knights of the East (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When a stranger knocks at my gate, He is evil or kind, I do not understand in any way. And how much love does he have in his heart? And how much pepper is in his blood? And God that his grandfather commanded him, He honors today, in no way understand. ("Outsider" Rudyard Kipling) Bow and arrows in the XVI century continued to be the most common