Russian space development program

Russian space development program
Russian space development program

The current use and research of outer space is aimed at the development of science, technology, the national economy, ensuring the security of the state, as well as fulfilling international obligations in the field of space development. The budget of the Space Exploration Program is 486.8 billion rubles, of which 197 billion rubles were financed for the period from 2007 to 2010. 109 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget; from extra-budgetary sources (commercial organizations) - about 88 billion rubles.

The main areas of space activities that contribute to the achievement of certain goals are:

1. Providing satellite communications, television and radio broadcasting throughout the Russian Federation.

2. Monitoring of the state of the environment and atmosphere, control of ecological disasters and emergencies, research of the natural resources of the planet.

3. Provision of authorities at all levels, local self-government bodies with hydrometeorological, including geophysical information.

4. Implementation of manned space flights in order to solve applied problems, develop the economy and science.

5. Implementation of space projects with the aim of expanding knowledge about the Universe, the Solar System and the Earth, conducting fundamental research in the field of planetology, astrophysics, the physics of the Sun and solar-terrestrial interconnection.

6. Development of technologies for the production of new materials, substances and high-purity substances in outer space.

7. Ensuring equal participation of the Russian Federation in international space projects and programs with the aim of guaranteed access to the final results of their implementation.

Over the past ten years, the numerical strength of Russia's orbital constellation has decreased by 1.5 times, while foreign countries have doubled their orbital constellations, and recently there has been a tendency for their growth. This is largely due to the growing needs of the world community in space services and facilities. At the same time, in connection with a sharp increase in consumer requirements for the quality and volume of communication and broadcasting services, there is a need not only to build up orbital constellations of satellite communication and television and radio broadcasting systems for state purposes, but to constantly update them on the basis of long-life and promising spacecraft, but also modern telecommunication technologies.

It should also be noted that there are practically no orbital facilities for remote sensing of the Earth in the Russian Federation, which significantly limits the possibilities of solving problems of hydrometeorology, nature management and forecasting emergency situations using modern methods and in the required volume. The spacecraft used in Russia, of the old design, do not have the required characteristics. The quality and composition of the terrestrial equipment of consumers are lagging behind the challenges of the time.

It is obvious that the current situation will lead to a completely unusual for Russia lag behind the new world leaders in the field of space research and will not allow satisfying the growing needs with its own means.

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