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There is such an opinion - with approximately equal technical equipment and morale, it is not heroism, not willpower, but logistics and supplies that wins, generals can be smart, soldiers are brave, weapons of the best world standards, but if the theater of war is not prepared, if the delivery of goods and reinforcements
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Napoleon in 1806. French artist Jean Baptiste Edouard Detail "Oh, how this young Bonaparte walks! He is a hero, he is a giant, he is a sorcerer! He conquers both nature and people.”Alexander Suvorov Russia - the gravedigger of Napoleon's empire It was Russia that stood in the way of the possible world empire of Napoleon. Ruler
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Hara-Hota. Border town on the border with the steppe. It was discovered by the Russian traveler P.K.Kozlov, thanks to whom we have the world's largest library of texts in the Tangut language. Xi Xia was the first empire in China to be attacked by the sword of the Mongols, united into a single
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The operation to seize the Taj Bek Palace, carried out in December 1979 in Kabul, has no analogues in modern history. The forces for this action were gradually formed. In mid-September, immediately after the seizure of power by Hafizullah Amin, 17 officers from the KGB special forces arrived in Kabul
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Peter III did not dare to follow the advice of the only person who could save him, B. K. Minich, and under pressure from cowardly courtiers decided to surrender to the mercy of his wife and her accomplices. Catherine II and Grigory Orlov only together with
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The article uses the following abbreviations: VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, Far Eastern Front - Far Eastern Front, ZabVO - Zabaikalsky VO, ZAPOVO - Western special VO, SC - Red Army, KOVO - Kiev special VO, MD - motorized division, NKO - People's Commissariat of Defense, OdVO - Odessa VO, PribOVO
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Siege of Pskov: ill. Boris Chorikov from the book "Picturesque Karamzin" (1836) 440 years ago, the heroic defense of Pskov began. The city was besieged by the 50,000-strong army of the Polish king Stefan Batory, in which mercenaries and military specialists from all over Europe served. Russian garrison headed by Ivan Shuisky and
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The article uses the following abbreviations: VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, ZAPOVO - Western special VO, SC - Red Army, KOVO - Kiev special VO, NKO - people's commissariat of defense, OdVO - Odessa VO, PribOVO - Baltic special VO, RM - reconnaissance materials, RU - reconnaissance
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And everything began as typical for the Lubents, as well as for many other regiments of the Russian army. In 1807, the country was already at war with Napoleon, and this war required many new units, one of which was the hussar regiment, formed according to the state of 1802 in the Mogilev province. Why Lubensky?
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1933 was a good year for German lawyers. Previously, jobs were scarce due to the global economic crisis. Positions are now available due to the forced retirement or emigration of Jewish, liberal or social democratic civil servants, judges and lawyers
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El Cid Campeador. Plaza del Mio Cid, Burgos In the last article (El Cid Campeador, a hero little known outside of Spain), we began the story of Rodrigo Diaced Bivar, better known as Cid Campeador. It was told about the origin of the hero, about his weapon and his beloved horse, as well as about how he
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National Assembly in Athens. Illustration from a textbook for the 5th grade by F.I.KorovkinLiving power is hateful for the rabble, They only know how to love the dead. We are mad when the splash of the peopleIl ardent cry disturbs our hearts! God sent our glory to the earth, The people howled, dying in torment; I opened them
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Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the memory of the heroes of the North Seas. In my previous materials, I have repeatedly put forward the idea that the combat value of the Kriegsmarine, especially (80%) of its surface part, was very conditional and questionable. By and large, if not for the actions of Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, heavy
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Sviyazhsk. Facial annalistic set. The caption under the image: “And they surrounded the city and laid the church in the city in the name of the Nativity of the Most Pure and the miracle-worker Sergius, from the image of the miracle-worker Sergius, miracles were done” How the weather disrupted the Kazan campaign in 1547-1548
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The Preobrazhenians proclaim Elizaveta Petrovna Empress. Painting by E. E. Lancere The offensive of the Russian army Swedish troops in Finland were divided into two corps, each with 4 thousand soldiers. Both detachments under the command of Generals Karl Wrangel and Henrik Buddenbrock were in the area
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Viktor Talalikhin poses against the background of a bomber he shot down. He forever entered the military history of our country and is widely
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After many years of stubborn and unsuccessful battles, the English king Edward I finally achieved the conquest of Scotland. Despite the crushing defeat of the bulk of William Wallace's rebel forces at Falkirk in 1298, resistance continued throughout the countryside. It took years
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Battle of Cape Kaliakria on July 31, 1791. The artist I. N. Dementyev Turkey is defeated The campaign of 1790 was deplorable for Turkey. The Russian army on the Danube takes the fortresses of Kiliya, Tulcha and Isakcha. Alexander Suvorov destroys almost the entire Turkish army in Izmail. Russian fleet under the command
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Dutch Courage The phrase “Dutch courage” is still used in the world today to describe any increase in confidence brought on by alcohol. This phrase originated during the support by the English fleet of the Dutch battle of independence around 1570. Then, however, it was the genever (early
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On July 28, 1914, La Grande guerre began, or the First World War, or the Second Patriotic War, or the German War. More precisely, for Russia it began on August 1, when Germany declared war on Russia, but not the point, we are not interested in Europe, but quite Asia. Just like Russia and France and all
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Fort Boyard in 2015 Fort Boyard is a symbol of modern television and the name of a popular TV game, the rights to which are successfully sold around the world. Dozens of countries have already shown national versions of the game, Russia is no exception. In the fall of 2021, the next season of the Russian
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Caligula's grandfather, Nero's great-grandfather, Augustus' best friend and faithful deputy, Mark Vipsanius Agrippa is a man whose closeness and relationship with some of the most famous names in ancient history is adjacent to the fact that his name is little known to the public. Many have heard of the madness of Caligula or Nero, oh
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Monument to Sid Campeador, Buenos Aires, sculptor - Anna Hayat-Huntington. Copies of this sculpture can be seen in Seville, Valencia, New York and San Francisco.It must be admitted that medieval Spain was very unlucky with its image. Tommaso Torquemada alone is worth something with his
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The third son of the unhappy emperor Paul was not prepared for the reign, but it so happened that Alexander had no children, and Constantine abdicated the throne. By that time, Russia was in the position of a brilliant catastrophe, which, on the one hand, was obvious to any knowledgeable person, on the other hand
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The son of an officer, a professional revolutionary Historians are still arguing over who was the first to propose calling the "Red" revolutionary army, which was supposed to replace the imperial army in Russia, which never became a republican one. This name literally suggested itself, since the color red became
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"The Battle of Aur" from the "Chronicles" by Jean Froissard. National Library of France, Paris. We look at the foot soldiers and what do we see? That someone has armor on their legs and arms, and someone has only a helmet and, most likely, chain mail under their clothes or a jacket - a jacque. Only two warriors have shields
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Miniature from the "Collection of Chronicles" ("Jami at-tavarih") Iran. XIV century. Berlin. In this article I will talk about modern scientific views based on political and anthropological theories, explaining how the unification of the Mongol tribes under the leadership of Genghis Khan could have happened
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Theater of military operations of the Russian-Swedish war of 1741-1743 Map of 1742 The Russo-Swedish War began 280 years ago. Sweden, hoping to return the lands lost during the Northern War, declared war on Russia. Never before have Swedish weapons been covered with such shame: the Swedish army surrendered, and
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Siege of Obenton (1340). Miniature from Jean Froissard's Chronicle. Copy from Bruges, Belgium, circa 1470-1475 National Library of France, Paris. Well, just a very interesting miniature, isn't it? The besieged throw benches, stools, stones and jugs on the heads of the besiegers, shoot them from
Woe from wit. On the methods of concentrating artillery fire on one target in the Russo-Japanese War
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The article "On various methods of fire control of the Russian fleet on the eve of Tsushima" compared the methods of artillery fire adopted by the Pacific Squadron (author - Myakishev), the Vladivostok cruiser detachment (Grevenits) and the 2nd Pacific squadron (Bersenev, with corrections by Z.P. Rozhdestvensky)
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Faith and class A begins with a memo or the language of a document - with a testament to a soldier, and the following portrait of the reigning emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, so that, therefore, it is clear to whom to fulfill the oath. Further there is a brief memo on the history of the unit, the date of the regimental holiday and awards
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Photo of the planet Earth from the Freedom 7 spacecraft The first Soviet man to go into space on April 12, 1961 is our Yuri Gagarin. But the Americans made their flight into outer space only a month later. Selection In total in the test group of astronauts, the Americans first selected 110
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1786 year. In the Russian Empire, the introduction of uniform forms of local government is being completed and the Second Little Russian Collegium is disbanded. 22 years earlier, the last hetman, Kirill Razumovsky, resigned, 11 years before the Zaporizhzhya Sich was liquidated. The autonomy of Little Russia ceased its
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Many problems arose with the development of the working class in the cities. Workers Most of the Russian factory workers were poor. Many earned nothing but food and were subjected to cruel, degrading treatment at work. Safety regulations have been widely ignored. The foremen could
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Who was Harald Hardrada? His original name was Harald Sigurdsson or Sigurdarson in Old Norse. Over the long years of his life, he received the nickname Hardrad, that is, "Severe" (an additional touch to the portrait of the Viking can be considered the fact that no one dared to call him that in person)
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The article uses the following abbreviations: ArchVO - Arkhangelsk VO, VO - Military District, GSD - Mountain Rifle Division, General Staff - General Staff, ZabVO - Zabaikalsky VO, ZakVO - Transcaucasian VO, ZAPOVO - Western Special VO, KA - Red Army, KOVO - Kievsky special VO, LVO - Leningrad VO, MVO
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Cornelis de Val. "Spanish soldiers in a bivouac" Once upon a time, as a teenager, I no longer remember in which book, the expression "Spanish road" caught my attention. The journey along it, based on the context, was somehow very long and difficult. I then quite logically assumed that the roads
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Introduction The crusades of the 11th – 15th centuries became one of the defining events of the Middle Ages, both in Europe and the Middle East. Crusader campaigns have had significant impact wherever they take place, but have also pushed for change within the states that organized them and
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Second oath. Artist P. Ryzhenko The Russian elite, which was torn apart by various contradictions and interests, there was only one consensus. The entire top was eager for the fall of tsarism. Generals and dignitaries, members of the State Duma and senior hierarchs of the church, leaders of leading parties and aristocrats
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Young Spartans bully Spartan youths. Edgar Degas, 1860 National Gallery, London What beauty you shine, my dear! Blush and well-nourished body! Well, still not! It's not for nothing that I struggle, jump and run! Aristophanes (c. 450 - c. 385 BC. ) Women and the Olympic Games. In ancient Greece, as everyone knows