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Global flood. Fresco in the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo's Work And the water on the earth was greatly increased, so that all the high mountains that are under the whole sky were covered; the water rose fifteen cubits above them, and the mountains were covered. And all flesh moving on the earth, and birds, and
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View of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. Photo: A. Savin (Wikimedia Commons) Study, my son: science shortens the experience of a fast-flowing life for us - Someday, and soon, maybe, All the areas that you have now depicted so cleverly on paper, Everyone will get yours at hand - Learn , my son, and lighter and clearer
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1. The building of the Museum of Military History in Cartagena, SpainBut, putting on armor, So the Spaniard answered her: “O beloved! And in passion, You are beautiful, and in anger. Moved by duty and love, I leave and remain, My flesh goes into battle, But my soul will remain with you. Louis de Gongora. "Served the King in Oran …" Translation And
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Photo of Camillus Sidney, 1849-1901. Library of Congress Geronimo - Long Rifle in Right Hand Before judging other people's faults, look at the footprints of your moccasins. Aphorism of the American Indian Indian Wars. Among the Indian chiefs who fought with the US Army, the name of the leader
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Vasily Ivanovich Surikov. "Conquest of Siberia by Yermak". Oil on canvas, size - 599x285 cm. Russian Museum “Let's take, tovaischi, Suikov's kaitinu“Peace by Eimak Sibia”. On the left are the Cossacks, the drunkards are the Tatai. Gyemyat Cossack samopals - bang-bang-bang. The Tatai steles are whistling - zip, zip, zip. Everything got drunk
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The filing of issues of the newspaper "Pravda" from the Penza regional archive, and not for the whole year, but only for a few months. For the whole year - these are three such folders. For what benefit is it to a person if he gains the whole world, but damages his soul?”Gospel of Mark, 8:36 History and documents. Newspapers, newspapers
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And again we begin the illustrative series with a picture from a textbook on the history of the Ancient World for the 5th grade of the old Soviet school. As you can see, the clothing on the Egyptians as a whole is not very clearly drawn. Something white, similar to a skirt, and not at all like what you will later see on genuine
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Here it is, the building of the museum of I.N. Ulyanov in Penza. There is a room with very interesting exhibits, which are dedicated to the rapidly leaving fashion … Four-year-old Pavlik quickly jumped out of bed and “dressed himself,” that is, he put on a bra with linen buttons and stuck his bare feet into
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Global flood. Aivazovsky I.K., 1864 To make it clear, we shouldn't argue in vain so that, Remember the terrible, about the world flood. An incredible downpour flooded everything then. It is not beer that kills people, water kills people. ". Words by Leonid Derbenev
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“In human ignorance, it is very comforting to consider everything as nonsense that you don’t know.” D.I. Fonvizin. Science versus pseudoscience. How often do we meet in our media clichéd accusations against foreign countries for distorting our history! But who do they come from? From journalists who are
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Citadel of Nice at the end of the 17th century Nice is a paradise; the sun, like butter, falls on everything; moths, flies in great numbers, and the air is summer. Peace of mind is perfect. Life is cheaper than anywhere else. I continue to work … the creation of "Dead Souls" should take place … GogolCastles and fortresses. We know Nice as
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A still from the movie "Caligula". His life is also history, but at school it is not possible to introduce anyone to her. And so then there is a feeling that history is scanty, and historians "do not say something". How can you finish talking - to fifth-graders? Historical science is against
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"Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field". Kiprensky Orest Adamovich, 1805 (1782-1836) And, bowing his head to the ground, A friend says to me: "Sharpen your sword, So that it is not for nothing to fight the Tatars, Lie dead for a holy cause!" Block. On the Kulikovo Field Art and History. After the release of the material on
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Photo of the Ainu, 1890, from the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC “The Ainu are a meek, humble, good-natured, trusting, sociable, polite, property-respecting people; on the hunt he is brave and … even intelligent.”A. P. Chekhov At the Crossroads of Civilizations. In the past material
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Spassky Cathedral in Penza at the end of the 19th century "Lies are the religion of slaves and masters … Truth is the god of a free man!" Maxim Gorky. At the bottom of history and documents. A cathedral is being built in the center of the city of Penza. Moreover, the construction has entered the final phase - the interior is being finished
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Nikon Chronicle. P. 702-703. Fund 304.II. Additional collection of the library of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra One more, the last saying -And my chronicle is finished, The duty bequeathed from God to Me, a sinner, has been fulfilled. No wonder that for many years the Lord made me a witness and book art
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Both Leonardo and Vasari have swords of the felchen type (falchion) in their paintings. But they began to draw them on miniatures long before that. And they looked absolutely incredible! For example, riders with falchions. Miniature from "Bodleian Apocalypse". 1250-1275 Art should always
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Facial annalistic set. Chronograph. Belongs to the second half of the 16th century. Created in Moscow. Materials: paper, ink, cinnabar, tempera; binding - leather 44.2x31.5 Received in 1827. The manuscript is part of the Observational Chronicle, which was created by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible
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A copy of the "Battle of Anghiara" by Peter Paul Rubens (Louvre, Paris) Prophet, or demon, or sorcerer, Keeping an eternal riddle, Oh, Leonardo, you are a harbinger of an unknown day. Look, you sick children of sick and dark ages In the darkness of future centuries, He is incomprehensible and harsh, for all earthly passions
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Anyone who is interested in plunging into that time, I would advise to watch the film "Different Fates", filmed in 1956. How many years have passed, but he has not lost his relevance, as well as the beautiful melody and the words from the romance of the composer Roshchin: “How afraid my gray hair is of your curl, you seem even younger when
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One of the advantages of Soviet school history textbooks for grades 5 and 6 were excellent color illustrations, real paintings, which cannot be completely replaced with color photographs in modern textbooks. And children need such a bright and colorful drawing so that they can
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Very often the painting depicted the heroes of the Trojan War. For example, Menelaus, dressed in armor of scales and with a large round shield-hoplon (Metropolitan Museum, New York) And a vessel that the potter made of clay … Book of Jeremiah, 18: 4) Ancient civilization. In our cycle of acquaintance with ancient
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This is how the "cap" of the newspaper "Stalin's banner" for 1939 looked like. It is written about the cavalry because it was its anniversary. And, of course, the cavalry was called Stalinist, because it was he who created it in 1919. “… what benefit will I bring you if there is no revelation, no knowledge, no
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Puich de Castellet: a view of the excavations "… a solid fortress in ruins …" Isaiah 25: 2Castles and fortresses. Many readers of "VO" liked the material "Castles and Ancient Settlements of Lloret", but at the same time they drew attention to the fact that there was not much about the fortifications of the ancient Iberians in it
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Here it is, this historical picture … and I will give him My sword in his hand. Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, 30:24) Art and history. Probably, there is no such person in Russia who has not seen or did not hold in his hands items from the village of Palekh. They are distinctive, they are beautiful, they are pleasant to look at. And then there are people who will be born
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Omusha. This diorama from the Nibutani Ainu Museum in the city of Biratori recreates the omusha that takes place in the Aizu clan on Sakhalin in 1808. At first it was a celebration of meeting old friends or acquaintances, but gradually it transformed into a political ceremony, during which rice was delivered to the Ainu
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On the right is the castle-remake of Senor Plaj, and a little to the left and higher - the ancient Iberian settlement of Turo-Rodo In the deep gorge of Darial, Where the Terek rummages in the darkness, An ancient tower stood, Cherney on a black rock. Lermontov. Tamara Castles and fortresses. We got acquainted with the maritime museum of the Spanish town on
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Cuirassier armor, presumably German, 1625-1635 Helmet weight 2500 g; breastplate breastplate 6550 g; back part 4450 g; gorget 1300 g; right shoulder pad and bracer 3500 g; left shoulder pad and bracer 3300 g; tassettes (legguards) 2650 g; right glove 750 g; left 700 g
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Page from the magazine "Tekhnika-youth" # 3, 1968 Very well drawn, isn't it? And the text is quite informative, especially for a boy of 14 years old. “In a dream, he remembered the last time he saw his mother, and a few seconds after waking up, the whole chain of small events of that day was restored
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View of the palm promenade from the azotea (flat roof with railings) of the Maritime Museum of Lloret de Mar “On the palm promenade, he got everything he owed.” L. Stevenson. Treasure IslandMilitary museums in Europe. It's slushy winter outside, I want the sun and the sea. Involuntarily, I recall the summer, when all this
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Jan Matejko. Battle of Grunwald "A mass of overwhelming material in the Battle of Grunwald." In all corners of the picture there is so much interesting, lively, screaming that you simply fatigue with your eyes and head, perceiving the whole mass of this colossal work. There is no empty space: both in the background and in the distance - everywhere
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Just a gorgeous exposition of knights on horseback! No glass. You can take pictures from all sides And most importantly, there are a lot of these knights … Coins, a key, a malleable lock, notes in a diary - at least the deadlines have passed so that you can read these lines again, a cane, cards, chess, a dry flower hidden in
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Like knights, right? But no: next to the knights, the guys in these armor did not even stand next to them. Typical armor of cuirassiers of the XVI century, and the right one got very good on the helmet … "… finally the riders got tired …" The first book of Maccabees 10:81 We continue our story about
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Museum entrance Interesting museums. On the pages of "VO" we have already talked about what can be seen in the Army Museum. But there is so much of everything that in one day it can only be bypassed … But in order to examine it, you need to allocate at least two days, and then it will be very, very fluent
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"Battle on the Ice" performed by Igor Ivanov Probably, those who have read my articles on modeling work have noticed excellent color photographs with dioramas of the Battle of Borodino given in two of them. There were a lot of everything on them: horses, people, swirling
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This is how the filing of newspapers in the state archives looks like. It is very interesting to read newspapers first, and then the archival files of the OK Party. Or vice versa - business first, and then newspapers. Such yin and yang, black and white, clean and dirty, are revealed that one can only wonder. In newspapers, one thing, in "affairs" - absolutely
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Chinon Castle I read the map like a Wine Card: "Anjou", "Chinon", "Bourgueil", "Vouvray", "Sanser" … The king drank them, not like the Dauphin there … Pavel Mityushev, "Mir", vol. 3 Castles and Fortresses … Every summer, more and more Russians travel abroad for holidays. Quite
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"Gustav Adolphus at the Battle of Lutzen." Jan Martens de Jonge (1609-1647), c. 1634 (private collection) Darius sent a thousand horsemen with them. Second Book of Ezra 5: 2 Warfare at the turn of the ages. In past materials, we met with the enemies of cuirassiers among the horsemen of the West and East. But the East
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Polish carapace. Illustration from the book “Cavalry. The history of fighting elite 650BC - AD1914 "V. Vuksic, Z. Grbasic. … and may they be ashamed of their strength and cavalry. The first book of Maccabees 4:31 Military affairs at the turn of the eras. In the previous article, we got acquainted with the armored horsemen of Gustav Adolf
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A still from the film "Sons of the Big Dipper". The Indian chief in the headdress looked, of course, impressive! “Winnetou can't wait any longer! He cannot allow Shetterhand and Tuyunga to be killed! "