
Foreigners serving in the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS

Foreigners serving in the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me … Matthew 26: 2 Collaboration during the Second World War. As we well understand it today, people who became collaborators during the Second World War were: 1) whose spirit was weak, and their moral principles were very low; 2) had their own views

Armor of the "sunset era". Vienna Imperial Arsenal

Armor of the "sunset era". Vienna Imperial Arsenal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“There is something that they say:“Look, this is new”; but that was already in the centuries before us.”Ecclesiastes 1:10 Military Museums of Europe. We continue to get acquainted with the collections of weapons and armor, which are exhibited in the Vienna Arsenal, and today we have next in line for knightly armor of the "sunset era"

One day at the Vienna Imperial Arsenal

One day at the Vienna Imperial Arsenal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Here we go through the square And finally enter into a large beautiful red house that looks like a palace. Sergei Mikhalkov. In the museum of V.I. Lenin Military Museums of Europe. Today we will get acquainted with the exhibits of the Vienna Imperial Arsenal. Its very building, the Hovburg Palace, is just a real palace, although

Traitors from all over the world. Foreigners in the German Wehrmacht and SS troops

Traitors from all over the world. Foreigners in the German Wehrmacht and SS troops

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Whoever is between the living, there is still hope, since a living dog is better than a dead lion.” Ecclesiastes 9: 4 Collaboration during the Second World War. They say that the commissioner is a state of mind. And yes, with this statement, perhaps, one can agree. But if so, then it probably will

Venice Naval History Museum. Excursion to the "Hall of Ships"

Venice Naval History Museum. Excursion to the "Hall of Ships"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

O ghostly city, where instead of streets there are rivers, Where in the shaky depths there is a pattern, always sliding, From roofs, porticos, and boats, and walkways, It seems to me that he is about to disappear forever, Mirage: a distant fleet, leaving in boundlessness, Il the castle that grew out of the clouds for a moment by Henry Longfellow. Venice". Translation by V.V

Maritime Museum of the Lady of the Mediterranean

Maritime Museum of the Lady of the Mediterranean

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And as in the Venetian arsenal, the viscous resin boils in winter, To smear the plows, those that are dilapidated, And everyone does the winter business: He gets along with the oars, this one clogs the gap in the back that was flowing; Who fixes the nose, and who rivets the stern; Who works to make new plow; Who tackles, who patches sails … Dante

Mechanical Rennen and other games. Vienna Armory

Mechanical Rennen and other games. Vienna Armory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knights and armor. Over time, the organizers of tournament fights began to pay more and more attention to their entertainment. So that they would be interesting not only to their participants, but also to the audience. This is how, for example, the "mechanical" rennen appeared - a competition in which, from a successful blow on the tarch, that

Armor for "racing". Vienna Armory

Armor for "racing". Vienna Armory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knights and armor. People are so arranged that the old, even the good, periodically bore them, and they demand newness for themselves. All the same took place in knightly tournaments. That is how, by the beginning of the 15th century in Germany, a new type of equestrian duel with spears was born, which over time became very

There are many, many "iron guys". One day at the Army Museum in Paris

There are many, many "iron guys". One day at the Army Museum in Paris

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"See Paris and Die!" ("My Paris" Ilya Ehrenburg, 1931) Armor and museums. So, you are a man, and all men are at least a little killer at heart, and now you need to get acquainted with his beauties. And since you have read Dumas since childhood, you are aware that there is the New Bridge, the Louvre, and the Luxembourg Palace

Stechzeug for Gestech from the Vienna Armory

Stechzeug for Gestech from the Vienna Armory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knights and armor. At the beginning of the 15th century, the armor intended for tournament spear fights was completely modified. Concern for increasing the safety of the knights who fought in the tournament, and the constant striving for its entertainment, led to the emergence of especially heavy, special armor

New weapons and new armor from the Vienna Armory

New weapons and new armor from the Vienna Armory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knights and armor. In the 15th century, a new, very curious tournament with clubs appeared in Germany, which was a group battle of two knightly detachments. And they armed themselves for this battle with a blunt and heavy sword and a mace made of hard wood up to 80 cm long

Vienna Armory. Armor for tournaments

Vienna Armory. Armor for tournaments

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Pride is characteristic of some, Envy is characteristic of others, Anger manifested in battle, Laziness when pleasure replaces prayer. Greed for the enemy's horse and his armor, Gluttony at a feast And subsequent debauchery. Robert Manning. "Instruction on Sins" (1303) Knights and Armor. I always wanted to visit

Russian warriors 1050-1350

Russian warriors 1050-1350

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

With his retinue, in Tsaregrad armor, the Prince rides across the field on a faithful horse. S. Pushkin. Song about the prophetic Oleg Knights and chivalry of three centuries. An appeal to the museum treasures of the Army Museum in Paris and the Vienna Armory does not at all interrupt our acquaintance with the theme of chivalry and knightly armament

Scale modeling today

Scale modeling today

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Please write an article related to the difficulties of hobby for modeling - for example, I want to glue a model of the battleship" Richelieu ", but I do not understand what scale is needed, what quality the model is needed, what difficulties during gluing and storage." Sergei, 06/25/19 the series of articles has already been finished

Sanatorium named Shushenskoe

Sanatorium named Shushenskoe

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Shilka and Nerchinsk are not scary now, the Mountain guards did not catch me. The gluttonous beast did not touch the wilds, The arrow passed the bullet. "Glorious sea - sacred Baikal." Russian romance to the verses of the Siberian poet D. P. Davydov Our tsar was a kind Siberian exile of the leaders of the revolution. Well, they, that is ours

Schliemann and the "Treasure of King Priam"

Schliemann and the "Treasure of King Priam"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The culture of ancient civilizations. In the previous material, we only mentioned the "Priam's treasure" discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in Troy, and the main content of the article was devoted to excavations in Mycenae. But how not to tell about this treasure in detail, when we already know how the whole epic ended with

Lend-Lease: Interest and Comparisons

Lend-Lease: Interest and Comparisons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Now they say that the Allies never helped us … But it cannot be denied that the Americans were driving us so many materials without which we could not form our reserves and could not continue the war … We received 350 thousand cars, but what kind of cars !. We had no explosives or gunpowder. Not

Normal scientific chronology

Normal scientific chronology

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I don’t think that his paintings were worth such hard work to Van Gogh.” “So he was Van Gogh.” All this is true, but it is known that in his entire life he sold only one painting. And your father, to perpetuate his tragic genius … has already sold two. "How to Steal a Million", 1966 On the pages of VO

Soviet journalists are against Amtorg

Soviet journalists are against Amtorg

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I read the material by Svetlana Denisova about Amtorg and its role in strengthening the economy of our country in the 20-30s of the twentieth century and thought that it could well be supplemented with one more material concerning the war, too, but information war! Unfortunately, not everyone imagines all the damage that

Trojan War and its reconstruction (seventh part)

Trojan War and its reconstruction (seventh part)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I wanted to finish the topic of the Trojan War (there were only chariots, ships and the notorious "peoples of the sea"), as active VO users pointed out a number of circumstances that simply oblige me to continue this topic. First, with a sufficiently complete presentation of the factual material

Weapons of the Trojan War. Bow and arrows (part six)

Weapons of the Trojan War. Bow and arrows (part six)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The bow is one of the earliest known weapons of war, and it was also the hunter's most handy weapon. The use of a simple wooden bow and arrow has been attested in Europe since the end of the Upper Paleolithic period (up to 10550 BC). In Greece, onions probably originated in the period

Weapons of the Trojan War. Spears (part five)

Weapons of the Trojan War. Spears (part five)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The spear is certainly one of the oldest weapons, if not the oldest. However, the club may well be considered the most ancient, but only a spear, and especially a spear with a flint tip, is a more perfect thing. When did the first spears appear? Science can finally speak out on this score

Shields of the Trojan War (part four)

Shields of the Trojan War (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Much and tasteful things are said about shields in the Iliad. Just a description of the shield of Achilles is worth something. But do not forget that the Trojan War was somewhere in the interval 1250 - 1100. But the whole era of the Minoan time, the Cretan-Mycenaean culture, the Achaean period and the Aegean civilization (in fact, all this

Social knowledge and historical memory

Social knowledge and historical memory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

But you know yourself: the senseless rabble is changeable, rebellious, superstitious, Easily betrayed to empty hope, Obedient to instant suggestion, To the truth is deaf and indifferent, And it feeds on fables. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" Nothing happens in the world if people do not know about it. There is no information, and there is no event either. To

Armor of soldiers of the Trojan War. Helmets (part three)

Armor of soldiers of the Trojan War. Helmets (part three)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"EARLY HELMETS" We talked about swords and daggers, armor for the torso, and now it's time to get acquainted with the "armor for the head". In the basin of the Aegean Sea, Minoan and early Achaean helmets appeared a very long time ago, in 5000-1500 years. BC. Well, and we can judge this on the basis of the finds

Amtorg - the forge of the Soviet defense industry?

Amtorg - the forge of the Soviet defense industry?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tank W. Christie M. 1940 on trials in the USSR "Servant, that a fly - there would be a gap, it will crawl everywhere" - Russian proverb Not for nothing from a huge number of sayings, aphorisms and quotes, this is taken as an epigraph. It very accurately reflects the activities of the USSR government in the international

Armor of the Trojan War (part two)

Armor of the Trojan War (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As with swords, the armor of the Trojan War appeared long before it even began. The earliest piece of defensive armor is a bronze shoulder pad found in one of the tombs from Dendra (Tomb # 8) and dating back to 1550 - 1500 BC. At first they thought it was

By birthright

By birthright

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We drank for the queen / For our sacred home / For our English brothers / (We will not understand each other) / We drank for the universe / (The stars will come in in the morning) / So we will drink - by right and duty! / For those who were born here! Here they are - the Anglo-Indian officers of Kipling's time

Good PR and real deeds

Good PR and real deeds

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A single voting day was held in Russia. And in a year there will be new elections. And ten years ago and twenty years ago there were elections too … And there was PR in the elections, which I would like to talk about today. Well, for starters, I will note that back in 1941, elections to the municipality of New York were held in

Weapons and armor of the soldiers of the Trojan War. Swords and daggers (part one)

Weapons and armor of the soldiers of the Trojan War. Swords and daggers (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And it so happened that in the process of exchanging views on the materials published in VO, the interest of a fairly significant part of the users of this site to … the weapons of the Bronze Age and, in particular, the weapons and armor of the legendary Trojan War, became clear. Well - the topic is really very interesting. To that

Negros in a cage

Negros in a cage

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is now the century of transcontinental communications, when the Internet and TV allow you to see at least the crater of a volcano, at least the panties of a movie star - please, everything is there in real time. The same is the case with goods: where you want from there and ordered, where you want and what you want, bought, and so that

Heliogabalus: the most depraved Roman emperor

Heliogabalus: the most depraved Roman emperor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a rule from which there are exceptions and, nevertheless, it is still a rule. Although it is possible that she corrupts everyone in different ways. Someone orders themselves a gold toilet bowl, sleeps with actresses, and someone executes comrades-in-arms. No wonder people say: “Who likes

Weapons and armor of ancient Egypt

Weapons and armor of ancient Egypt

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Weapons and armor during the time of the pharaohs - the builders of the pyramids Looking through the archive of his publications on the history of armor and weapons that came out in the VO, I found that among them there is not a single one on the history of the weapons of Ancient Egypt. But this is the cradle of European culture, which gave mankind a lot. What

Crusaders of the first orders of knighthood

Crusaders of the first orders of knighthood

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Western European knights usually defeated Muslims, not only when they acted boldly and decisively - they were always famous for these qualities - but also in an organized way, and it was precisely the organization that they just lacked. After all, every knight-feudal lord in the conditions of subsistence farming neither

Is your lot "White's burden"?

Is your lot "White's burden"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Carry the burden of the whites, - And send your best sons To hard work For the distant seas; To the service of the conquered Gloomy tribes, To the service of half-children, Or maybe to the devil! The White Man's Burden by R. Kipling To begin with, Kipling wrote these lines, referring not only to Britain itself and

Chronicle of "Crusade Expeditions" to Palestine

Chronicle of "Crusade Expeditions" to Palestine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“This hill is a witness, and this monument is a witness” (Genesis 31:52) And now let's get acquainted directly with the chronicle of the Crusades or “expeditions”, as they said at the time, to Palestine or Outremer (“Lower Lands”) *. After all, there will be a lot of campaigns called "crusades" in European history. But

The unfulfilled dream of the Land of the Soviets

The unfulfilled dream of the Land of the Soviets

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

American writer Elbert Green Hobbard said that two things are necessary for success: a clear plan and a limited time. In the case of the USSR, apparently, there was a plan, but not in everything and not always clear, and the time was too limited. As a result, it was not possible to build not only a superpower, but also its

"Red Summer" 1919

"Red Summer" 1919

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The events in Ferguson, Missouri, which began after a police officer shot and killed black Michael Brown, once again show that the famous "melting pot" of the American nation is not working very well. And if the same black man feels himself today in the States "one hundred percent

The curse of the Winchester family

The curse of the Winchester family

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Actually, this article should have appeared somewhere where they write about mysticism or miracles, or about how aliens from the constellation of the Dragon took our appearance and live among us. But since its topic is directly related to weapons, then, in my opinion, it belongs here. The point is that there are many people

Prehistory of the Crusades

Prehistory of the Crusades

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I have become a crusader for God and I am going there because of my sin. Let Him make sure that I return, because one lady is sad about me, and that I would meet her with honor: this is my request. But if she changes love, may God let me