
Formation of a peasant civilization

Formation of a peasant civilization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The top of the medieval "family pyramid". Above are the most noble, that is, the well-born, living by labor masses of rootless, "simple" people who create all their wealth for them. The magnificent book of hours of the Duke of Berry. 1410-1490s (Museum of Condé, Chantilly) A man has a character of a pig, It is not decent to live

Russian liberalism in the era of Alexander III

Russian liberalism in the era of Alexander III

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Reception of volost elders by Alexander III in the courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace. Painting by I. Repin (1885-1886). Only freedom has fallen to the people, Only a clique is powerful of the people, Only the work belongs to the people, And the path of its powers is great! (K. Aksakov "Towards a Humanist") The history of Russian liberalism. Today we

Where did the coats of arms and the science about them come from?

Where did the coats of arms and the science about them come from?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knowledge of heraldry very often helps us figure out who or what exactly is depicted in certain ancient manuscripts or on sculptures … Heraldry arose primarily out of necessity. It was necessary to somehow identify the warriors on the battlefield, dressed in almost the same armor. So on the field

Etruscan clothing and jewelry

Etruscan clothing and jewelry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A set of gold jewelry from an Etruscan tomb. The beginning of the 5th century BC NS. Consists of a magnificent necklace of gold and glass, a pair of earrings with discs of gold and rock crystal, a gold clasp for a dress (brooch) decorated with a sphinx figure, a pair of simple gold brooches, a gold pin for a dress and

First world empire clothing

First world empire clothing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Persepolis. Bas-relief depicting the "Immortals" - the bodyguards of the Persian kings. (Photo Aneta Ribarska) “In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, in fulfillment of the word of the Lord from the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord aroused the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, and he commanded to declare throughout his kingdom, verbally and

Liberals of the era of Nikolai Pavlovich and Alexander the Liberator

Liberals of the era of Nikolai Pavlovich and Alexander the Liberator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Eugene Delacroix, "Liberty Leading the People" 1830, Louvre's fell. The law, leaning on liberty, proclaimed equality, And we exclaimed: Bliss! O woe! crazy dream, where is the liberty and the law? The Ax rules over us, We have overthrown the kings. The murderer with the executioners We have chosen to be the king. Oh God! oh shame! but

"Killed more enemy soldiers than any other unit "

"Killed more enemy soldiers than any other unit "

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A rare photograph from the period of the American Civil War, which shows an officer and gunner of Berdan's sniper unit. Usually they didn't like being photographed. And they had reasons for this! It was far from immediately that the military appreciated the role of sniping - marksmanship of individual shooters at important targets

To the question of the difficulty of acquiring historical knowledge

To the question of the difficulty of acquiring historical knowledge

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the textbook of the history of the Middle Ages for the 6th grade, E.V. Agibalov and G.M. Donskoy 1966, there were such colorful illustrations. This shows how the sea geese blew up the dams on Zelder See and came to the aid of the besieged Leiden

Black color on the national flag. From the liwa of the prophet Muhammad to the national jacket

Black color on the national flag. From the liwa of the prophet Muhammad to the national jacket

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Flag of Afghanistan in 1880-1901 The reign of Emir Abdur-Rahman The world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words and laws.”Confucius is a long way to the state flag. In the previous article about flags, it was about the choice of the state flag for the renewed Russia. Someone have the idea of a white-yellow-black flag

Which one is more difficult to dress: a knight or a samurai?

Which one is more difficult to dress: a knight or a samurai?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A helmet from the do-maru armor of the Muromachi era. The armor is classified as an important cultural property of Japan. Tokyo National Museum And the young messenger said, “Look, this is the shirt, sleeping in it from dawn to dawn, My Lady. And take away your Shield, chain mail and helmet, and soar with your soul, And in this shirt there are linen miracles

A lone sailor and rafts from everything at hand

A lone sailor and rafts from everything at hand

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The raft of "Seven Sisters" by William Willis So forward, behind the gypsy nomadic star, To the blue icebergs of the cold seas, Where ships sparkle from the frozen ice Under the glow of polar lights. P. Kipling. Behind the gypsy star In the fall, on the eve of freeze-up, the Fishing boat, having gone to the fishery, Will find a piece of his immortal glory

Masonic liberalism in Russia

Masonic liberalism in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Lafayette's sword with the insignia of the Masonic lodge. Museum of Freemasonry, Paris We Have Society, and Secret Gatherings / Thursdays. The most secret union … A. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind, do you remember how before us stood a temple, blackened in the darkness, Above the gloomy altars, fire signs burned

Can Cellini's Venus be faked?

Can Cellini's Venus be faked?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian President V. Putin examines the statues of the Greek kouros in the Acropolis Museum in Athens, 2001. Photo: kremlin.ru- How kind it was on the part of Monsieur Van Gogh - to sign only with his name! For me it’s a time-saver. Father Bonnet, forging Van Gogh’s signature. Comedy film "How to steal

The heyday of noble liberalism in Russia

The heyday of noble liberalism in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia votes to pass the constitution. Artist Christie G. Challenger (1873–1952). Capitol, Washington I call death, I can't look more, How a worthy husband dies in poverty, And a scoundrel lives in beauty and hall; How the trust of pure souls tramples; How chastity is threatened

History in stone. Scaliger Castle on Lake Garda

History in stone. Scaliger Castle on Lake Garda

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is what it is, the Scaliger castle in the city of Sirmione on Lake Garda, Italy is mine, the fate of the insidious Mir is not afraid of judgment. You're dying. Bad healer words. But I hope they do not wait for silence On the Tiber and on the Arno And here, on Po, where today is my abode. I ask you, Savior, to the earth, bow your sympathetic gaze And

Hovburg Palace. Ephesian marble and bronze

Hovburg Palace. Ephesian marble and bronze

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The battle of the horsemen. The battle between the Ionian Greeks and the Galatians is depicted, in which the victory of the Greeks becomes apparent. The best-preserved scene shows to the right of the standard (signum) a Greek rider in armor, whose horse jumps over a fallen Galata, and to the left of a foot Galata

Liberalism and Conservatism. From theory to practice

Liberalism and Conservatism. From theory to practice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is no fate! Still from the movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" "There is no destiny but the one we choose ourselves." Sarah Connor. "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" The history of Russian liberalism. Today's part of the cycle on Russian liberalism should, I think, begin with defining what a liberal idea is

State flags of Russia. Three stripes, but which ones?

State flags of Russia. Three stripes, but which ones?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian trade tricolor over a replica of the Peter's vessel Forget the glory of the past: The two-headed eagle is crushed, And for the amusement of the yellow children Are given scraps of your banners. S. Soloviev. Panmongolism The long way to the national flag. The readers of VO liked the theme of the history of flags. They all converged on

Warriors from the column of Marcus Aurelius

Warriors from the column of Marcus Aurelius

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Typical depictions of scenes of the war between Rome and the Germans: Roman legionnaires in the same type of weaponry on a campaign; prisoners were captured, cattle were captured, bridges with strong railings were built across the rivers, the horsemen of the Roman cavalry sit on blankets hanging very low, but they have no stirrups

Ancient Rome: clothing for peace and clothing for war

Ancient Rome: clothing for peace and clothing for war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the pictures in the textbook for the 5th grade in the 60s of the twentieth century, we imagined the streets of ancient Roman cities and the appearance of their inhabitants. A woman should not wear men's clothing. Deuteronomy 22: 5 The culture of clothing. We continue the series of articles about the clothing of ancient civilizations. Today we will "go" to

Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: refuge, treasury, prison

Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: refuge, treasury, prison

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is difficult to say from what distance the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome makes the strongest impression. And close, and from afar, its round tower literally hangs over the buildings surrounding it … for this fortress was inconvenient for a siege … Second Maccabean Book 12:21 Castles and fortresses. Something for a long time with us

Liberalism in Russia: Origins

Liberalism in Russia: Origins

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Your Majesty!” “What?” “It's indecent to pick your nose!” “Everything is decent for the king! Dialogue from the movie“Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, 1963 And when freedom is around, Everyone is his own king! Alexander Khazin. Song from the movie "Cain XVIII" (1963) History of Russian liberalism. On the pages of "VO" often occur

Savoy blue or red-white-grassy?

Savoy blue or red-white-grassy?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Venetian blue gonfalon with the Lion of Saint Mark. This is a symbol of Venice and the former Venetian Republic When the detachment goes on a campaign, Do not lag behind, my friend! All of us are always led forward Our detachment flag! Chorus: He, like a dawn in the morning, Burns over his head! He proudly flies in the wind, He proudly flies in the wind

Interesting secrets of the kimono

Interesting secrets of the kimono

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Jinbaori Kobayakawa Hideaki, which he wore at the Battle of Sekigahara. In Japan, clothing was an important distinctive mark of a military leader on the battlefield. The commanders wore a sleeveless jacket over their armor - jimbaori, on the back of which the emblem was always embroidered - mon, clearly visible from a distance

Colors for the national flag: from divine to mundane

Colors for the national flag: from divine to mundane

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Everyone sees: the gods themselves, in their earthly appearance, patronize the young pharaoh. Shot from the film "Pharaoh" in 1966 Let's take new rifles, flags on the bayonet! And let's go to the small circles with a song. One, two! All in a row! Forward, detachment. V. Mayakovsky, 1927 The long way to the national flag … Who in childhood is not

Prehistoric Argonauts

Prehistoric Argonauts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ebora IV, one of Görlitz's reed boats afloat under sail. The vertical boards of keels are clearly visible

Spanish Civil War: cavalry and tanks

Spanish Civil War: cavalry and tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first Spanish tank was actually French. The combat value of these vehicles was approaching zero, but the large vertical surfaces of the side armor were very convenient for writing all kinds of slogans! This tank belonged to the POUM soldiers! The Nazis did not think to stop here

Riddle: riders on the bas-reliefs with clubs in their hands

Riddle: riders on the bas-reliefs with clubs in their hands

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not too well-preserved image of a horseman from the archaeological museum of the city of Fethiye. Nevertheless, it is clear that in his hands he is not holding a sword or a spear, but a club! Who is he, a clubman?

"Shining brass headbands " Grenadier mitres of Peter III close-up

"Shining brass headbands " Grenadier mitres of Peter III close-up

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And it all began with this triangular hat, with brims tucked up in the fashion of its time. It was worn by Peter the Great himself, by the heroes of Fenimore Cooper's novels, and even by the one-legged pirate John Silver from the 1938 film Treasure Island. And all because there is nowhere without her. It is also in the funds of the Penza

After Borodin: the living and the dead

After Borodin: the living and the dead

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Attack of the 1st Cavalry Corps of General Uvarov at Borodino. Artist A.O.Desarno. The State HermitageA mountain of bloody bodies prevented the nuclei from flying … (M. Yu. Lermontov. Borodino) Documents and history. In the previous article, devoted to the figures of the Borodino battle, we focused on the data on

Battle of Borodino: numbers and numbers again

Battle of Borodino: numbers and numbers again

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Louis Lejeune (1775-1848). "Battle of Borodino. Battle of the Moskva River on September 7, 1812 ". In the foreground, center, General Lariboisiere (gray-haired) mourns the death of his son, a carabinieri officer. To the left and above Marshal Murat (in an old Polish costume) with his headquarters. The painting was painted in

Without "Madonna" nowhere! Soviet Union of the period 1985-1991

Without "Madonna" nowhere! Soviet Union of the period 1985-1991

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Let's start with this photo. One of my favorite recipes from the book "Schoolchildren's Nutrition" is "Fungus Salad". The daughter, and then the granddaughter, loved him very much. And salad bowls under it are still from that distant, Soviet era … Memories of the past. Publication of the material "Kitchen in the USSR: how to choose a wife-cook and with

Operation X: the secret of the secrets of Spanish gold

Operation X: the secret of the secrets of Spanish gold

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Vault of gold reserves in the National Bank of Spain Will order a yellow idol to us - And we rush towards crazy days. And the vulture thinks that rats are Running somewhere over the stones. Again, again, gold beckons us! Again, again, gold, as always, beckons us! Obodzinsky. McKenna's Gold Secrets of modern politics. When

Men and tanks of the Spanish Civil War

Men and tanks of the Spanish Civil War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Spain. Legion "Condor". German tank Рz.1АWe rushed, dreaming To comprehend the grammar of the battle as soon as possible - The language of the batteries. The sunrise rose and fell again, And the horse was tired of galloping in steps. Svetlov. Grenada Behind the pages of civil wars In addition to the Italian troops, the German Condor legion also fought in Spain

American dragoons, darlings of fate: a duel between the new and the old

American dragoons, darlings of fate: a duel between the new and the old

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Colt revolvers in action. Painting by John Wade Hampton To you, lost and despised, to you, strangers in the land of fathers, to you scattered around the world at random, a British gentleman sends a song, a sample of samples And a simple soldier of Her Majesty Yes, a dragoon in the service of a bitter, though he drove his six, But in vain

Hussars of different countries

Hussars of different countries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Hussars of Death" attack the French cuirassiers. Hood. Giuseppe Rava In a bloody saddle, a horse will carry me away, With a green tender maple from the fire of the battle. A hussar mantik, open at the shoulders, burns, In a crimson-yellow light, the light of the last ray. Hussar ballad, 1962 Military affairs at the turn of the epochs. Well, in

Kitchen in the USSR: how to choose a wife-cook and take a queue at the store in the morning

Kitchen in the USSR: how to choose a wife-cook and take a queue at the store in the morning

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The very first thing we thought of doing at home after the wedding was student toast. A lot of young people came to visit us. What to treat? But what: chunks of a dry loaf under the tap with water, moisten on both sides, sprinkle abundantly with sugar and fry in oil until the sugar begins to melt. But

Tanks of the Spanish Civil War. Confrontation in numbers and colors

Tanks of the Spanish Civil War. Confrontation in numbers and colors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Spaniards willingly put Soviet T-26 tanks in their museums: this is also theirs. That is, the USSR supplied them not only to the Republicans, but also … to the Francoists! After all, if not for the Soviet Union, they would not have seen these tanks as their ears! Tank T-26 in the artillery museum in Cartagena

"Guerrilla Dragoons" of the American Revolutionary War

"Guerrilla Dragoons" of the American Revolutionary War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Leap of the Field of Revere". The work of Edward Myson Eggleston So at midnight Paul Revere rode deafly. His alarming invocative cry He reached every village and farm, Breaking dormant peace and peace, Suddenly a voice from the darkness, a blow of a fist at the door And a word that echoes through the ages. That word from the past, the night wind cuts

On the mitres and uniforms of Emperor Peter III

On the mitres and uniforms of Emperor Peter III

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Peter's grenadier from the exposition of the Penza Museum of Local Lore Ap. Peter 3: 1 History of military clothing. This topic has arisen, you can