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Spanish internationalists in battle with the armored vehicles of the Francoists. The picture of those years I once shone cleaner than a lily, And no one called me: a cow! And my pee-pee was a rosebud, Look how shitty it is now. The song of the Spaniards during the Spanish Civil War (Bessie A. People in battle And Spain Again: Translated from
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The dragoon of the Peruvian presidential guard wears a helmet with a ponytail even today … Dragoons with ponytails, Everyone flashed before us, Everyone was here. Lermontov. Borodino Military at the turn of the eras. In our two previous articles, dedicated to cuirassiers and their opponents, we found out
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Palazzo Mozzi, XIII-XIV centuries Praise to you, O Breg, - Arno caresses you in the valley for so many years in a row, Gradually leaving the glorious city, In whose name the thunder of Latin roars. Here they took out anger on Ghibelline And Guelph was repaid a hundredfold serve the poet today. Sonnet Hugo Foscolo "K
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Church of San Miguel in Fuentes de Ebro Army Ebro, rumba la rumba la rumbaba, crossed the river one night, ay, Carmela, ay, Carmela! And the invading troops rumba la rumba la rumbaba, made very pale, ay, Carmela, ay, Carmela ! Ay, Carmela! These are the first couplets from the Spanish folk song "Carmela" (with
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From Malay waters to Altai Leaders from the eastern islands At the walls of drooping China Gathered the darkness of their regiments. Like locusts, innumerable And insatiable, like them, They are kept by Outside power, Go to the north of the tribes. O Russia! Forget the glory of the past: The two-headed eagle is crushed, And for the amusement of the yellow children Scraps of your banners are given
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A still from the Polish film "Pharaoh". The prince and his favorite Thutmose met the Jewess Sarah in the desert. "The Jewess will not be anyone's mistress!" She added with pride. "Even the mistress of a scribe for a gentleman who wears a fan over the nomarch of Memphis?" Thutmose asked mockingly. " As you can see
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Manuel Crommenaker. Attack of the Swedish drabants Time is passing, we must not forget about it, We must live our youth for a reason, Bravely in love Catch happiness, Remember that you are not called a hussar. Time is passing, it will not wait for us, We are not given to live our life twice. Remember, hussar. : Don't expect happiness, Happiness
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V. Mazurovsky. The attack of the Life Guards of the Cavalry Regiment on the French cuirassiers in the battle of Friedland on June 2, 1807 The Cavalierguards, the century is short, and therefore it is so sweet. saddle … do not promise a young maiden love
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A. I. Charlemagne. "Dragoons of the Northern War (1720s)", 1871 Rivals in the art of battle, Do not know peace among yourself; Bring tribute to the gloomy glory, And revel in enmity! won't bother you. S. Pushkin
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"Scotland forever!" 2nd Royal Dragoon Scottish Grays at the Battle of Waterloo. Artist Elizabeth Butler, 1881. Art Gallery of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England It is in vain that you try to prolong your peaceful amusements laughing
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Before the revolution, each guards regiment had a regimental museum, where all its regalia, as well as samples of uniforms from different years, were carefully preserved. Then, on the anniversary of the regiment, such historical photographs were obtained. Well, historians had a lot of freedom: come, look, feel, describe … … for six hundred shekels of silver, and
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King Frederick the Great of Prussia at the Battle of Leuthen on December 5, 1757. Painting by Hugo Ungevitter Having collected the weapons after them and removed the armor from the enemies … The second book of Maccabees 8:27 Military affairs at the turn of the eras. The 18th century began, new cuirassiers appeared on the battlefields. Who is it for in the first place?
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The Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, one of the units of the Royal Guard of Great Britain, and prepared for them Uzziah, for the entire army, shields and spears, and helmets and armor, and bows and sling stones. II Chronicles 26:14 Military affairs at the turn of the eras. We again return to the topic of equestrian men at arms, and all
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Samurai: on the left in the Haramaki-do armor, on the right in the classic o-yoroi armor. "Yamaguchi bushi", 1848 (Tokyo National Museum) To forget about the heat, perhaps I'll draw At least snow on Fuji! Kisoku Armor and weapons of the samurai of Japan. Let's start by remembering that all the photos under which there is
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The building of the Toropetsky Museum of Local Lore is located in the Church of the Epiphany of the Lord What is the noise in the courtyard? This scarecrow rumbled, falling from the garden! Finally, significant changes have begun to take place in our country in the field of museum affairs. You address, but you are not
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Samurai of the Nambokucho era (1336-1392): samurai on the left in traditional o-yoroi armor; the samurai in the center - in d-maru ("around the body") armor with gyoyo breastplates; the samurai on the right is also dressed in a dô-maru, and on his head he has an eboshi hat - a samurai headdress that they wore instead of a comforter
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American poster to help the hungry of Russia Tickets were sold out long before the performance. The entire collection was taken to the editorial office of the Izvestia newspaper and donated to the fund to help the starving in the Volga region. On Sunday morning the club was filled with children. Children came from neighboring houses and a large crowd of street children from
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Beer bar "Bochka". Built in Penza in 1973 I like to go to cafes, eat ice cream and drink soda water. It stings in the nose and tears come out in the eyes. Dragoonsky. What I like and what I don't like! History and documents. Last time our story about "tasty treats" in the era of the USSR ended
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Such wonderful books were published in the USSR on the topic of healthy baby food. But, as far back as I can remember, these books were in our house by themselves, and food by itself, and it was very different from what was described in these books The old woman walks around the yards, Gives advice to mothers
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Removing an arrow from the eye of a wounded samurai. Rice. Angus McBride Among flowers - cherry, among people - samurai. Japanese proverb Armor and weapons of samurai of Japan. Several years ago, the topic of Japanese weapons and armor sounded quite prominently on "VO". Many then read about them and
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Invitation from Claudia Severa Sulpicia Lepidine, plate # 291. The British Museum … and they scribbled on it the way they carve on a seal … Exodus 39:30 The ancient writings tell. In our last article about the excavations in Windoland, we talked about the discovery of wooden tablets there, which became the oldest
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These are the shoes worn by the Romans at the beginning of a new era. The Windoland Museum We live in the fort, We eat bread and drink water; And like fierce enemies Will come to our pies, Give our guests a feast: Load the buckshot cannon. S. Pushkin. The Captain's DaughterMuseums of the world. Vindolanda is an ancient Roman military camp in the northeast
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Triumph of the Roman Emperor. Captured Germans are taken through the streets of Rome. Drawing from the Soviet textbook on the history of the Ancient World for the fifth grade. There are some inaccuracies, but in general, the idea of the fashion of imperial Rome and its barbaric opponents is given an exhaustive one
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Alcazar today- Dad, they say that if you don’t surrender the Alcazar, they will shoot me. “What to do, son. Trust in the will of God. I cannot surrender the Alcazar and betray everyone who trusted me here. Die worthy of a Christian and a Spaniard.”“All right, Dad. Goodbye. Hug you. I will say before I die:
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Fresco from Akrotiri. City and ships. "Western House", "Room No. 5", "South Wall". National Archaeological Museum in Athens In our cycle of acquaintance with ancient culture, four articles have already been published: “Croatian Apoxyomenus from under the water. Ancient civilization "," Poems of Homer as
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View of the excavations of the ancient city of Poliochnia Antique civilization. In our cycle of acquaintance with ancient culture, several materials have already appeared: “Croatian Apoxyomenus from under the water. Ancient Civilization "," Homer's Poems as a Historical Source. Ancient civilization "," Gold for war, the fourth miracle
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In the USSR, there were very beautiful boxes with sets of perfumes. So they were kept "for a glance", even when the perfume in them ran out … I smoked my pipe and started on "Robinson Crusoe". Less than five minutes have passed since I started reading this extraordinary book, and already stumbled upon a restful place:
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Knight's Hall at the Stibbert Museum. One of the riders of his cavalcade … The rich city was at my feet, the powerful state was in my power, the cellars of the treasury were opened to me alone, full of ingots of gold and silver, precious stones. I took only 200 thousand pounds. Gentlemen
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A comradely trial of a simulator in the Yasnaya Polyana agricultural cartel, p. Lishnya, Kiev region, 1935 Do not answer a stupid one because of his stupidity, so that you do not become like him; But answer the fool because of his foolishness, lest he become a wise man in his own eyes. Book of Proverbs 26: 4, 26: 5 History and
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A still from the film "Communist" (1957). This is how I would like to see every builder of a new society. But in reality, most of them were completely different. And they did not strain, and they did not carry their pocket, and loved to drink (and not only to drink). In a word, they were the most ordinary people, but by no means
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A cozy doll house and its inhabitants … Maybe we should forget about all the troubles that surround us today and travel back to childhood? Or is it quite a serious occupation that can give a lot and teach a lot? Here is the house that Jack built. And this is the wheat, Which is stored in a dark closet
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The battleship "Jaime I" shells the coast of Morocco, 1921. History and fiction. The first time I read about how a warship explodes was in the story "Kortik". There it was concluded that the explosion of the battleship "Empress Maria" was a sabotage, and one of the officers of the ship knew about it. So is it or
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Painting a steam locomotive-monument for Victory Day is also an important PR event. People see that it is not forgotten, not abandoned, that there are those who are not indifferent to the memory of the war. The only bad thing is that not all workers are wearing masks … But it was only during the war that it became obvious what tremendous results can be achieved by
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Replica of the Bronze Age type G2 sword made by Neil Burridge for Eric Lou … there were warlike men, men wearing a shield and a sword … First Chronicles 5:18 Mysteries of history. They are said to meet at every turn. And that is why so many speculations have appeared around them. We know since
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Another folder with newspapers. Very heavy. In the archives they are carried on carts … Your truth is like the mountains of God, and Your destinies are a great abyss! Psalm 35: 7History and documents. So, last time we finished with 1933 ("Pravda" newspaper of 1933 about fascism and fascists ") and today we'll see what she wrote
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Kiev-Pechersky Monastery. Miniature under the year 1051 from the Radziwill Chronicle, 15th century … and may the Lord reward everyone according to his truth and his truth … First Book of Kings 26:23 Historical science against pseudoscience. This is the last material on the topic of our chronicles. Surely under this material, as in
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The siege of Alamut by the Mongols in 1213-1214 Miniature "Jami at-tavarikh" by Rashid-ad-Din. National Library of France, Department of Manuscripts, Oriental Section Blade, chain mail, long spear And a good horse - when with such an outfit You crossed the border, they say: The surf cannot argue with the waterfall
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Entrance to the Viking Center in York I sold the cloak clasp the Icelanders sent me and bought herring; I also exchanged my arrows for herring on the occasion of the poor harvest. Vis Eyvind. M.I.Steblin-Kamensky. Works on philology. SPb .: Publishing house of SPbSU, 2003 Museums of the world. And it so happened that back in 1976
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HELL. Kivshenko. "Prince Alexander wounds Jarl Birger", 1888 Well, what can you say? There is no living place in this picture from the point of view of historical realism. Not a single one! You had to be able to do that … And he also painted "The Council in Fili" … Then Prince Alexandri spoke with him with many other Russians from Suzdal
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One of the institutions of the Penza region, where denunciations are kept in abundance And meanwhile a hermit in a dark cell Here, a terrible denunciation writes on you: And you will not get away from the worldly court, How you won’t get away from God's judgment. S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov History and documents. The materials of this cycle aroused great interest