Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Surprisingly, just today, when all the texts of the ancient Russian chronicles have been published, and besides, there is the Internet, in the textbook for the 4th grade of the comprehensive school "World around" A.A. Pleshakova and E.A. Kryuchkov literally wrote the following: “The battle began on April 5, 1242. Fought hard
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
It is always nice when your material is not only read, but also asked to develop a particular topic. This means that she did not leave the readers indifferent. These are the same castles … interesting topic? Yes, of course, and someone thought that it would be good to write about Russian fortresses. However, it's hard to find something
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The smaller the country, the more influence victory or defeat in battle can have on its history, although the dependence here is not always so direct. But look: during the Hundred Years War, the French lost many battles to the British, the king himself was captured, and … this has no influence on history
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PR, as already noted, is not a deception, but skillful information. Skillful means the informant knows what to say, who to speak, how to speak, and when. You can't lie. There is an Arabic saying on this topic: "The guilty tongue is cut off with the head." They also say that no
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Military history of Rome from 100 to 200 AD NS. is very poorly known to us, since no detailed historical research of this period has survived. But there is Trajan's Column in Rome. And so many historians are used to referring to the figures of warriors in armor depicted on it. Column of Emperor Trajan in Rome
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History is complex. Some study it from textbooks written by eminent historians and scientists. Others independently delve into the texts of ancient chronicles and try to analyze them. Still others are excavating ancient burial grounds and burial mounds. However, in the twentieth century, filmmakers were also added to them (and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Everyone knows that the weapon of the Japanese samurai was a sword. But did they fight only with swords? It will probably be interesting to get acquainted with their arsenal in detail in order to better understand the traditions of ancient Japanese military art. Let's start by comparing the arsenal of the Japanese samurai with the arsenal of the medieval
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The Russians Don't Give Up Border Guard Pavel Kapinos was a brave and courageous guy. Served superbly, as expected. He guarded the border with due vigilance. He was an excellent tracker and an accurate sniper. Had a lot of promotions from the command of the outpost. When German troops, without a declaration of war
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In our cycle on the losses of Russia and Germany in the Great Patriotic War, there are only 6 articles. The first four were devoted to the losses of Russia, and the last two (today's and the next) - to Germany. In the previous parts of the review ("Aesop's language of losses: the pan-European empire VS Russia" and "Losses of Russia / USSR in the war
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Without declaring war?” I do not deliberately name either the portal or
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By 12 noon on October 16, 1914, the torpedo cruiser "Berk-i Satvet" completed the artillery bombardment and, according to the order from the "Midilli" (formerly "Breslau"), withdrew to the sea. The destruction in the city was palpable, but not yet catastrophic. And at this time the place of "Burke" was taken by "Midilli". About 12 hours
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Antiquity gave the world a great many outstanding commanders and heroes. More than once they saved their homeland, smashed enemy armies, destroyed other people's cities. But with all the wealth of choice, it is difficult to find a more romantic and tragic figure than Spartacus. Mark Antony called him a terrible name
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On July 4, 1941, General of the Army Dmitry Pavlov, Hero of the Soviet Union, who commanded the troops of the Western Front, was arrested in the village of Dovsk, Gomel Region, Byelorussian SSR. A participant in the Spanish Civil War, yesterday considered one of the most successful and promising generals of the Red
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80 years ago, the theorist of the world revolution was assassinated. On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky died. During the Second World War, he did not manage to organize a stab in the back of Russia. Stalin summed up the results of Trotsky's activities:
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The operations of German submarines (submarines) during the Second World War are closely associated with the name of Karl Doenitz. In World War I, he served on a cruiser and took part in battles, then he was transferred to the submarine fleet. In 1918, he commanded the submarine "UB-68", operating in the Mediterranean, but in October
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Rubber gets its name from the Indian word "rubber", which literally means "tears of a tree." Maya and Aztecs extracted it from the sap of the Brazilian hevea (Hevea brasiliensis or rubber tree), similar to the white sap of a dandelion, which darkened and hardened in the air. From the juice they evaporated the sticky
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By December 30, Operation Little Saturn was triumphantly completed. The main result of the Middle Don operation was that the German command finally abandoned further plans to unblock Paulus's 6th Army and lost the strategic initiative on the Russian front
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With the outbreak of the war against the Soviet Union, the Nazi leadership counted on the political isolation of our country, but on July 12, 1941, an agreement was signed between Great Britain and the USSR on joint actions in the war against Germany. Held in Moscow on September 29 - October 1
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On the participants in the airborne assault near Novorossiysk in the Glebovka-Vasilyevka area. On the night of 3 to 4 February 1943, on the instructions of the Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet, an airborne detachment of 57 people was thrown into the rear of the enemy near Novorossiysk, consisting of sailors of a separate
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How the Russian army was recruited in the era of Suvorov and Kutuzov "Russian Planet" has already written about the creation by Peter I of a system of conscription, which not only allowed winning the war with Sweden, but also made the Russian army the strongest in Europe. Now the story of how it was provided
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With the outbreak of World War II, only a few European states, attacked by Nazi Germany and its allies, were able to offer the fascists a worthy resistance. Moreover, as a rule, in these countries the resistance was of a partisan nature, since the regular armed forces
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They like to reproach Russia with the fact that it has seized vast territories, they call it "the prison of peoples". However, if Russia is a "prison of peoples", then the Western world can rightfully be called a "cemetery of peoples". After all, the Western colonialists slaughtered, destroyed hundreds of large and small peoples, tribes throughout
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Retired soldiers were not subject to poll taxation. But this measure was not enough to arrange their fate after their resignation. It was also necessary to think about how, in addition, how to attach them and ensure their existence. The Russian government was solving this problem during
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The joker and the merry fellow, the captain of the Norwegian sailing ship "Gero" had him to himself. He chewed tobacco, poisoned trivial stories, ridiculously distorting English words and, at the right moments, screwing salty curses into the conversation. Inspection officer of the British auxiliary cruiser Avenger, himself
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“Without Ivanov Mikhailovich with their sense of dignity and duty, every state is doomed to perish from within, in spite of any Dneprostroi and Volkhovstroi. Because the state should not consist of machines, not of bees and ants, but of representatives of the highest species of the animal kingdom, Homo
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On June 21, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Cynological Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country, as in other power structures, the canine service plays a very important role. Service dogs perform the functions of searching for explosives and drugs, tracing
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I met Timofei Panteleevich Punev by chance. One of my acquaintances once let slip that she knew the wife of a military pilot who fought. “A fighting man,” she warned me, “and he has a temperament… You will see for yourself.” So I turned out to be the owner of a phone, which I immediately called. On
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Lieutenant Leo Gredwell was a lawyer by profession. The rest of the "thugs" from his team were fishermen. Their ship was the weakest in the square. There were no professional naval sailors on it - pride did not allow such service on "Ayrshire". There is no weapon. There is no speed. There is no secrecy - calm, summer
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Commander Wilson believed that he was only paid to operate the ship. The thought that one day he would have to die on the Destroyer's bridge, defending the convoy, did not even occur to him. He had once read about military duty, but believed that the enemy's soldiers would die for their homeland
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The fight was inevitable. At 7:28 pm, the signalmen lowered the Dutch flag and a black swastika flew up on the gafel. At the same moment, the camouflaged cannons of the Cormoran opened fire on the enemy. The mortally wounded Sydney managed to hit the bandit with only eight rounds and, engulfed in flames from bow to stern
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The development of a fire control system for the battleship Borodino was entrusted to the Institute of Precision Mechanics at the court of His Imperial Highness. The machines were created by the Russian Society of Steam Power Plants. Leading research and production team, whose developments have been successfully applied
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Once the brave Captains of Heaven ran into the same reckless Saviors of the Galaxies. A plot worthy of the best samurai legends! The sky captains themselves prefer not to remember the events of that day. Just think, a super-AUG from 9 aircraft carriers received such a non-illusory thrashing that she was forced to
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"The only successful operation of the Italian General Staff", - B. Mussolini commented on his arrest. "Italians are much better at building ships than they know how to fight on them."
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Silver Migs, queues of Sabers, falling Fortresses! How many "Superfortresses" the Americans lost on that "Black Tuesday" or "Black Thursday" is not known for certain. But the legend about Tuesday / Thursday spread throughout the Internet, saying that “the armor is strong, and our MiGs are fast.” However, not
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The first time - an accident, the second time - a coincidence, the third - sabotage. At the same place, near the hospital wall in Sevastopol, with an interval of 40 years, “Novorossiysk” and “Empress Maria” were killed. Two explosions in the night. Hundreds of dead. The perpetrators have not been established. According to the writer-historian N. Starikov
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Over the past month, the site has been continuously rocked by articles dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Tsushima pogrom. The participants in the discussion adhere to diametrically opposed points of view: first, everything was wonderful, competent command, serviceable equipment, trained teams. So the stars converged
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May 8, Sunday. Took the maritime report. Walked with Dmitry. Killed the cat. After tea he received Prince Khilkov, who had just returned from a trip to the Far East. May 19, Thursday. Now the terrible news of the death of almost the entire squadron in a two-day battle has finally been confirmed. Rozhdestvensky himself
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Opening the Daily Telegraph at breakfast, the British generals poured themselves hot coffee. The answer to the question in the crossword puzzle was … Really? The military rushed to stir up the entire filing of the May issues. In the crossword puzzle from May 20, “UTA” was found, from May 22 - “OMAHA”, from May 27 - “OVERLORD” (designation
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The Kometa anti-ship missile was VERY large, and the Krasny Kavkaz cruiser was small, worn out and, to put it mildly, not young. The Krasny Kavkaz guards cruiser (formerly Admiral Lazarev) was laid down on October 18, 1913 and stood unfinished 14 years old, was commissioned already under Soviet rule
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Black smoke spread, the passengers shouted (not all, but only those who remained alive) In fact, the story is sad, full of tragic moments and examples of desperate heroism. The story of how the crew of the Soviet oil tanker, risking their own lives, saved 438 people from the burning