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In their post-war memoirs, numerous Nazi generals and marshals wrote about "General Frost", sometimes he was also called "General Zima". In fact, they created and cultivated the image of a mythical general who absorbed all the main features of the Russian climate in winter
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In the midst of the great battle on the banks of the Volga, which became a turning point during the entire Second World War, the Soviet troops carried out another offensive operation, which also ended in the encirclement of the German group of forces, albeit of a much smaller size. We are talking about Velikolukskaya
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Vladivostok is an important Russian city and port in the Far East. It was founded in 1860 as a military post "Vladivostok", in 1880 it received the status of a city. Throughout its existence, Vladivostok was called a "fortress". At the same time, neither battlements nor high defensive
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February 26, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev, the famous fighter pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, the third of the Soviet aces in terms of the number of personally shot down planes during the Great Patriotic War. On his account was 55, according to other sources, 57
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February 8, 2018 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great and truly iconic Soviet theater and film actor Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov. He was one of the brightest and most charismatic stars of Soviet cinema. In the minds of millions of citizens of our country, he will forever remain in
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30 years ago - on December 17, 1987, the famous Soviet theater, stage and film actor, theater director and comedian Arkady Isaakovich Raikin passed away. Arkady Raikin was a respected artist and master of instant reincarnation on stage. Performer of monologues, feuilletons and sketches
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In the Soviet history of our country, there were several cases of hijacking of combat aircraft abroad, and some of the machines were also hijacked by pilots of the Warsaw Pact countries. Each of these incidents had serious consequences for all those involved and became the subject of careful
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At the turn of the 1930-1940s, many boys and girls in the Soviet Union dreamed of aviation and the sky. This was largely due to the achievements of the young Soviet aviation industry and the emergence of new heroes, which the country so needed. For the younger generation, they became idols
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Today, for many, all information about Russian America is limited to memories of the sale of Alaska to the Americans. However, Russian America is primarily a time of geographical discoveries, these are islands of Russian life thousands of kilometers away from the metropolis, this is the trade Russian-American
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The famous poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Two lines", written in 1943, became a kind of monument to the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939/40. The last lines of the poem: "In that unknown war, Forgotten, small, I lie", are familiar to almost everyone. Today this one is simple, but very
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Exactly 95 years ago, on April 3, 1924, Roza Yegorovna Shanina was born. A girl with a "flower", summer name became one of the most famous female snipers of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, she did not live to see Victory, could not enjoy a peaceful life. The brave girl died in
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On February 23 (March 7, new style), 1894, in the small village of Pyatra, located on the territory of the Bessarabian province, Sergei Georgievich Lazo was born. A nobleman by birth and second lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Army during the First World War, he chose the path of a revolutionary for himself and died for
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Front-line hundred grams, which became widely known as "People's Commissars", were introduced on September 1, 1941 on the personal order of I. Stalin. The situation at the front at that time was developing catastrophically and such a "doping" measure was quite adequate to the emerging situation. In the toughest conditions
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In 1380, Prince Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Mongol army led by Khan Mamai at the Kulikovo field. In some historical works, you can read that Dmitry Donskoy did not lead the battle, that he gave up command altogether and went to the front ranks to fight like a simple warrior
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The epic drama of the defeat of the Western Front in June 1941 became a textbook example after the war, along with the defeat of Samsonov's army in Prussia in 1914. Already on June 28, the Germans occupied Minsk. In two boilers near Volkovysk and Minsk, divisions from the 3rd, 4th and 10th Soviet armies were surrounded, 11 were destroyed
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Goals and tasks set for the Georgian army The main goal is to "establish constitutional order" in South Ossetia, in order to return the rebellious autonomy to Georgia, and then "restore constitutional order" in Abkhazia. The military task is to defeat the army of "separatists", at the same time
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On the night of August 8, 2008, the Georgian army entered the territory of South Ossetia and partially destroyed its capital, the city of Tskhinval. The Russian Federation, defending the inhabitants of South Ossetia, most of them have Russian citizenship, brought their troops into the region and drove the Georgians out of the zone within 5 days of fighting
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The Russian army's response to the situation in South Ossetia was seriously hampered by the fact that the Vladikavkaz-Tskhinvali road (167 km) was the only one and had a very limited capacity. The troops suffered heavy losses when advancing in columns towards Tskhinval, a large number of
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On December 27, 1979, Amin's palace near Kabul was taken by storm. As a result of a special operation codenamed "storm-333", Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was eliminated. This operation, the active phase of which lasted about 1 hour, became the prologue for the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan and laid
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In July 1943, mass ethnic cleansing, brutal killings of civilians, including women and children, reached their climax in Western Ukraine. The events that took place 75 years ago have forever gone down in history as the Volyn massacre or the Volyn tragedy. On the night of July 11, 1943
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For forty years now, the outstanding Soviet scientist Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh has not been with us. He passed away on June 24, 1978. Mstislav Vsevolodovich was rightfully a luminary of Russian science, a well-known scientist in the country and the world in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics. He was one of the ideologues
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Exactly 180 years ago, on June 21, 1838, Alexey Dmitrievich Butovsky was born - the future general of the Russian Imperial Army, a teacher and a well-known sports functionary in the country, who was one of the founders and members of the IOC - the International Olympic Committee (from 1894 to 1900)
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The life of the youngest pilot of the Great Patriotic War was tragically cut short at the age of 18. Arkady Nikolayevich Kamanin lived a short but very bright life. What he managed to do in the time measured on Earth would have been enough for several heroic lives. Kamanin became the youngest pilot
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Vasily Danilovich Sokolovsky is a vivid example of how the talent of a military theoretician and the talent of practical implementation of their ideas in practice, excellent organizational skills could fit in one person at the same time. During the Great Patriotic War, Vasily Sokolovsky received
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When they talk about the largest sea disasters, everyone immediately remembers the famous "Titanic". The crash of this passenger liner opened the 20th century, claiming the lives of 1,496 passengers and crew. However, the largest maritime disasters occurred during the Second World War and were associated with military
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Many who are fond of the history of World War II are familiar with the name of Michael Wittmann - one of the best German tank aces. He can be compared with such famous air aces as Rudel or Pokryshkin, but unlike them, he fought on the ground. By June 14, 1944, Wittmann had
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March 2018 marked the centenary of the birth of Yevgeny Filippovich Ivanovsky, Soviet military leader, army general, Hero of the Soviet Union. Having made an excellent military career, from July 1972 to November 1980 he headed the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG), at this
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Exactly 130 years ago - on April 14, 1888, the famous Russian ethnographer, biologist, anthropologist and traveler Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay passed away, who devoted most of his life to the study of the indigenous population of Australia, Oceania and Southeast Asia, including the Papuans
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It is difficult to divide the accomplishments of a great man into more or less significant. In the active, ebullient and dramatic life of the Russian Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, there were enough of them. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of his contribution to national and world science, military affairs and navigation. And among
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The naval forces of many states have rare ships. They will never go to sea, but to exclude them from the lists of the fleet would mean to rip out the heroic pages of the past from memory and forever lose the continuity of traditions for future generations
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During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Navy included thousands of the most diverse ships - battleships, cruisers, destroyers, boats, submarines, numerous auxiliary ships. However, today we decided to talk about the most, perhaps, unusual warships that were part of the Soviet
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Twenty years after the end of World War II, almost all the countries of the African continent became independent, except for a few minor Spanish possessions on the west coast and the large Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and Angola. However, the achievement of independence did not bring
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Charles I going to be executed. Crofts' painting The Second Civil War in England was even more brutal than the first. Cromwell stated that the reason for the war was "leniency" towards opponents after victory. Victory in the first war shows that God supports the Puritans. So this is a rebellion against god
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The German commander of the group of ships, Admiral Gunther Lutjens, received the order to carry out Operation Rheinubung on 22 April. On May 5, Hitler himself visited Bismarck, and Lutyens assured him of the complete success of the upcoming operation in the Atlantic. Linkor, commanded by Captain 1st Rank
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"Valentine" "Stalin" goes to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program. The history of Lend-Lease is mythologized by both opponents of the Soviet regime and its supporters. The former believe that without military supplies from the United States and England, the USSR could not have won the war, the latter - that the role of these supplies at all
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Humanity has gone through one of the most difficult eras in the entire history of its existence - the twentieth century. There were quite a few wars in it, but the most difficult test was the Second World War. Until now, there remains a huge number of episodes, facts, events and names, about which no one
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They were the first to accept the battle With this essay, we want to start a series of publications that we would like to unite with precisely these words addressed to the soldiers-border guards. June 22, 2021 will mark 80 years since that terrible day when trouble knocked on every Soviet family. The country was attacked by a fascist
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"Strange War": the Germans have been surrounded, now is the time to eat and read newspapers "Strange War" is usually called the campaign on the Western Front from September 3, 1939 to May 10, 1940. That is how she was called by the French journalist Roland Dorzheles, and in the USA and Great Britain she was called Phoney War - “fake
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In his book "Fiction is excluded (notes of the head of illegal intelligence)" Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov wrote: "I have been for many years. Life is behind us. Behind the shoulders of my country is a millennium. I am Russian. Since the time of the Scythians, we have been gullible, hospitable, but did not like to be put on our knees. We are very
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In previous publications, we tried to investigate situations in the very first days of the war, which suggest, among other things, intentional sabotage. In any case, there were too many of them to be taken as coincidences or mere coincidences. In this article, we will briefly consider