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To the question "What caused Japan's surrender?" there are two popular answers. Option A - the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Option B - Red Army's Manchurian operation. Then the discussion begins: which turned out to be more important - the dropped atomic bombs or the defeat of the Kwantung
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The announcement of the start of the attack did not initially evoke any particular impressions. Plymouth had been in the combat zone for the third week already, and the next meeting with the enemy was now perceived as a natural course of events. The main thing is that the baby is not alone today. Abeam "Plymouth" is a modern air defense destroyer
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In the field of creating devices for the destruction of their own kind, people, perhaps, have reached perfection - the entire surface of the planet is dotted with military objects: bases, fortresses, fortifications, missile ranges and coastal artillery batteries … Among them, there are truly enchanting specimens
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History does not know the subjunctive mood - the events that have taken place are firmly imprinted in the memory and give a very specific historical result. Despite heavy losses, Her Majesty's fleet made its way to the Falkland Islands, returning the distant lands to the jurisdiction of the British crown. Old lion
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President Clinton wandered in bewilderment through the offices of the White House, unable to look into the harsh faces of the Founding Fathers of the United States. “Son, you’ve been sitting here for a second term, but you haven’t bombed anyone yet,” the statue of George Washington shook its head reproachfully. you tell Congress, the Pentagon and
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Laughter, as you know, prolongs life, and when it comes to Regia Marina Italiana, life is doubled. An explosive mixture of Italian love of life, negligence and slovenliness can turn any useful undertaking into a farce. The Italian Royal Navy is legendary:
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Big money spoils people, and small money just disfigures. The age-old desire to seem "better than is", aggravated by an acute shortage of funds, sometimes produces completely comical results and is fraught with the most formidable consequences for overly carried away arrogant insolent people. The situation is completely
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On September 2, 1944, the USS Finbeck received an SOS signal from a plane crashed into the ocean. After 4 hours "Finbek" arrived in the area of the disaster and pulled the frightened lanky pilot out of the water. Saved was George Herbert Bush, the future 41st President of the United States
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Water and cold. Darkness. And somewhere from above there is a clatter of metal. There is no strength to say: we are here, here … Hope has gone, I'm tired of waiting. The bottomless ocean keeps its secrets securely. Somewhere out there, under the dark arches of the waves lie the wreckage of thousands of ships, each of which has its own unique fate and history of tragic death. V
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Years and decades will pass, new generations will replace us. But here, at the foot of the majestic Victory Monument, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes will come. Flowers and children will be brought here. Here, thinking about the past and dreaming about the future, people will remember those who died defending the eternal flame
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The ending. Beginning - http://topwar.ru/40403-linkor-v-folklendskoy-voyne-mechty-o-proshlom.html A new day - and a new victim. No, he can't just sit there and watch his ships die. It is necessary to take special measures to protect the squadron. The main threat to the British was
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The first raid on the nuclear center in Al-Tuwaita took place in the afternoon, January 18, 1991. The raid was attended by 32 F-16C aircraft armed with conventional unguided bombs, accompanied by 16 F-15C fighters, four EF-111 jammers, eight F-4G radar hunters and 15 air
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“The experience of the war makes it possible to draw the following conclusion. Each regiment had about 5, maximum - 7 pilots, who shot down much more in air battles than others (they accounted for about half of all downed enemy aircraft) "- G. Zimin. "Tactics in combat examples:
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Khrushchev's first intervention in the country's military affairs dates back to 1954. Returning from a trip to China, the First Secretary inspected the fleet and came to the disappointing conclusion that the Soviet Navy was not capable of openly confronting the fleets of England and the United States. Returning to Moscow, N.S. Khrushchev rejected
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On July 2, 1950, several explosions thundered over the expanses of the Sea of Japan. The episode, which went down in history as the Battle of Chamonchin Chan, was the first time a confrontation at sea between the DPRK and the Allied fleet during the Korean War. As is often the case, both sides adhere strictly
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21 aerial victories without a single defeat The achievements of the Sea Harriers in the Falklands War are truly astonishing and admirable. British pilots performed their feats over the ocean, 12 thousand kilometers from their native shores. Taking off from the slippery swaying decks of aircraft carriers, in conditions
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“Today the fate of our country is in my hands. We are the defenders of our country. You can forget me when I am gone, but please live better than you did before. Do not worry and do not be discouraged.”- From the farewell letter of Jr. Lieutenant Shunsuke Tomiyasu. Kamikaze are definitely heroes. Self-sacrifice
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At the very moment when the outlines of the island flashed through the breaks of the clouds, 28 heavy-loaded SB bomber with the Chinese Air Force insignia muffled the engines and simultaneously went down. Ahead, on the course, a panorama of Taipei opened, and three kilometers to the north - the peacefully sleeping Matsuyama airfield
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He was the strongest ship in the theater of operations. A lone ghost of the northern seas, whose name terrified opponents: in just the years of the war, Soviet and British pilots flew 700 sorties to the Tirpitz mooring sites. The German battleship for three years pinned the fleet of the metropolis in the North
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The American folk hero's name is John Henry. A big black man who worked on the construction of a railway tunnel in Virginia. Once a black "Stakhanovite" decided to compete in labor productivity with a steam hammer, outstripped the machine, but in the end died of exhaustion. Legend of
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The beginning of the war, even after almost 80 years, remains a mysterious period in the history of our country. It is difficult for a new generation to discern the truth amid the pile of numerous liberal myths and Western attempts to rewrite history. Therefore, we will repeat in a collective form the stories of military historians about
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First of all, I would like to note that in this article we will talk about the USSR as the Russia of those years. It is well known that the West is persistently imposing a myth on us that Russia is supposedly a very young thirty-year-old state, which began zero counting of its history since the 1990s. But this is in
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Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, General P. Wrangel, military chieftains, members of the government of the South of Russia and military Cossack governments. Sevastopol. July 22, 1920 Who overthrew the tsar and destroyed the empire After the collapse of the USSR, the myth was created that the tsarist regime and autocracy were destroyed by the "commissars"
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"Rod" is a Slavic god, the creator of the world and the father of the first generation of light gods. I. Ozhiganov Secrets of the Ancient Rus. In his monograph "By the Roads of the Gods," the historian Yu. D. Petukhov sets out a fundamental discovery that is hushed up in the West and around the world. It lies in the fact that ethnocultural
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Totalitarian nihilism The deeds of Nikita the miracle worker. On January 13, 1960, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was abolished. Its main functions (the fight against crime and the protection of public order, the execution of punishments, the leadership of the internal troops
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When all the stars converged If in the 20th century, somewhere there were ideal preconditions for a spectacular and truly large-scale horse raid, then this place was the Don steppes of August 1919. A modern meme about Don - "Lord, how freely!" - appeared for a reason. Smooth as
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The fate of Ivan Grigorovich - a naval commander, statesman and minister of the sea in the last government of the Russian Empire - was rough. After his death, he was undeservedly forgotten, almost not remembered all the Soviet years. Ivan Konstantinovich became the naval minister at the age of 57. By then he was
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The unprecedented battle of the Volga, which became a turning point in World War II, ended victoriously on February 2, 1943. Until the end of the battle in Stalingrad, street fighting continued. They took on a fierce character back in September 1942, in the central and northern parts of the city there were
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On February 7, 1943, just 19 days after the blockade was broken, the first train from the mainland arrived at the Finlyandsky railway station in the still besieged Leningrad, thanks to the 33-kilometer railway line built in record time
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General Nikolai Mikhnevich, a prominent Russian military theorist at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, who made a significant contribution to the theory of coalition wars, wrote: “These wars are characterized by mistrust, envy, intrigue
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In February 1943, servicemen with shoulder straps first appeared on the streets of Soviet cities. It looked so unusual and even strange that many people could not believe their eyes. Still, after all, until now, for a quarter of a century, more precisely, for 26 years it was believed that shoulder straps were the first and main symbol
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Exactly 70 years ago, Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi, a man named among the main idols of the 20th century and the most important leaders of the first half, was killed by a terrorist. However, as a politician, Gandhi is clearly over-praised, and as a leader, he is idealized. And the fact that nonviolent resistance has not yet won
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The Russian attack on May 15, 1877 On January 26, 1878, the mine boats Chesma and Sinop sank an enemy steamer for the first time in history with torpedoes. The development of the first combat torpedoes belongs to the Englishman Robert Whitehead, they were even officially called "Whitehead mines." But the honor of the first successful
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During the defense of Port Arthur, the general for the first time in the Russian army used fire from closed positions Vasily Fedorovich Bely, a famous Russian military leader, was born on January 19 (31), 1854 in Yekaterinodar, in the family of a Cossack descended from the Zaporozhye Shcherbinovsky kuren family
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I ask the students the question: "How many Victory Parades were there in 1945?" Traditionally, I get the answer: "One - June 24, 1945 in Moscow." We have to correct every time: the Victory Parade was also held on September 16, 1945 in Harbin, and was commanded by Afanasy Beloborodov. With this he entered the history of the Second
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On June 20, 1918, in Petrograd, an unknown person, as initially reported by the newspapers, killed V. Volodarsky (Moisey Markovich Goldstein), Commissar for the Press of the Northern Commune. The murder took place at about 20.30 on the Shlisselburg highway, near a lonely chapel, not far from Porcelain
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The situation when real heroes are left without military awards or are awarded very modestly, and persons close to their bosses and material values are hung with decorations and medals like a Christmas tree with toys, probably as eternal as the war itself. It is no coincidence that a bitter joke was born in the tsarist army: “For
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Stefan Iosifovich Mrochkovsky occupies a special place among the outstanding illegal scouts. He carried out a very important project to create an international financial structure that was engaged in obtaining foreign exchange funds necessary to ensure the activities of foreign structures of strategic
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The Battle of Stalingrad, which began on July 17, 1942, ended on February 2, 1943 with the defeat and capture of the troops of the 6th German army. For the first time, the Wehrmacht suffered losses of this magnitude. The captive commander of the 376th Infantry Division, Lieutenant General A. von Daniel, assessed the actions of the Soviet troops as follows: “Operation
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Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, who was at the origins of the creation of the army of the Italian Social Republic, proposed forming twenty-five divisions in its composition, including five tank divisions. However, life made its own adjustments to these plans - the Germans, under whose complete control the Italian