
The most desperate landings in civil aviation history

The most desperate landings in civil aviation history

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A soft touch and a cheerful clatter of wheels on the concrete are not yet a reason for applause. Ironically, the most powerful crash in the history of civil aviation happened not in the air, but on the ground.In 1977, an explosion thundered at Canary La Palma airport - a terrorist bomb did not harm anyone, but became

Superweapon of the Third Reich. How far did German engineering go?

Superweapon of the Third Reich. How far did German engineering go?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The war will be won by miracle weapons! - Reich Minister of Armaments Albert Speer, 1943 The unrestrained onslaught of the Red Army presented the Germans with the prospect of complete defeat within the next few years. "The Millennium Reich" wavered and began to rapidly roll back, losing just

White spots, black holes. Navy Legends

White spots, black holes. Navy Legends

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How did the battleship Novorossiysk die? What happened to the Kursk submarine? What is the mystery behind the disappearance of K-129? How did our submariners break through to the shores of the United States? Where was the fastest and deepest submarine tested? Where did the debris of ballistic missiles disappear from the seabed? On

Cruiser "Prince Eugen": through the whirlwinds of war

Cruiser "Prince Eugen": through the whirlwinds of war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In heaven there are mechanics, in hell there are policemen. When all nations want to do their best, the Germans do the right thing. They have an exceptional inclination towards idealism and the barbaric distortion of the achieved idealism. It is difficult to write about the victories of fascist weapons, but, fortunately, they will not have to. Heavy cruisers

The network of foreign bases of the USSR Navy

The network of foreign bases of the USSR Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

With the beginning of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was faced with the need to defend its interests in a huge part of the planet. One by one, the newly formed states of Africa, Asia and the Middle East adopted the communist ideology, and now, already the caravans of Soviet ships with military assistance

Shock from under the water. Falklands War episodes

Shock from under the water. Falklands War episodes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Exactly 31 years ago, in the days of May 1982, battles raged in the South Atlantic. The Falklands Conflict refuted most of the notions of modern naval combat. Instead of a "high-tech" war using radars, missiles and satellite communications, where every turn of the enemy

Soviet pilots against the Israeli Air Force. Winning close?

Soviet pilots against the Israeli Air Force. Winning close?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet military pilots, who entered into an air battle with Israeli fighters, lost 5 aircraft without shooting down a single enemy aircraft. For forty years this battle has been legendary. 100 Soviet aces. 50 deadly MiG-21 interceptors, the best modification of the MF for that period. Russian

The death of the Japanese fleet

The death of the Japanese fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"I will die on the deck of the Nagato, and by that time Tokyo will be bombed 3 times." The total superiority of the United States in natural, human and

"Scarlet sails" in German

"Scarlet sails" in German

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In January 1917, two British steamships did not arrive at the port of destination. The disappearance of "Gladys Royal" and "Landy Island" at first did not cause much surprise - World War is raging in Europe, thousands of soldiers are killed on the fronts every day. Who cares about the fate of the two ships? What could be wrong with them

A very cold war. Special operations in the Arctic

A very cold war. Special operations in the Arctic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The outlines of a peaceful Soviet tractor emerged from the shimmering snow. Half wrapped in snow, the tracked vehicle was forever stuck in a deep crevasse. The next find was a hydrological winch, rusted and frozen into the ice. The calculations were fully confirmed - the personnel left the station at

From the ship to the ball. Falklands War episodes

From the ship to the ball. Falklands War episodes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"A formidable Yak is flying in the sky, Yak is flying on the deck!" - This is hardly more dangerous than the "roaring forties" - your sarcasm is inappropriate. Typical horizontal visibility for those places does not exceed 800

Somali pirates released 300 miles off the coast. Rescue anchor issued to everyone

Somali pirates released 300 miles off the coast. Rescue anchor issued to everyone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Somali pirate has a hard life: You could take a shovel and go to plow in the beds, You could build huts and graze hippos, Or the ghost of communism to beat into Obama, Or at the Olympics it is best to run with a barrier. Only this does not roll to the Somali filibusters. Early in the morning on

10 terrible victories of Soviet submariners

10 terrible victories of Soviet submariners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The ten largest victories of Soviet submariners have a rather gloomy shade: 1. "Goya" (April 17, 1945, about 7 thousand refugees from East Prussia, cadets and wounded soldiers were killed); 2. "Wilhelm Gustloff" (January 30, 1945, the official figure - 5348 dead); 3. "General von

Death of ships. Falklands War episodes

Death of ships. Falklands War episodes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Real war, in terms of order and organization, is remarkably similar to a brothel on fire. The Falklands conflict was no exception - the chain of naval and land battles in the South Atlantic, raging in May-June 1982, became a good example of how modern

American "setup"

American "setup"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

An impressive panorama was unfolding in front of the pilots: ninety American warships, sparkling in the morning rays of the Hawaiian sun. From here, at 10,000 feet, Pearl Harbor least of all resembled a formidable naval base; rather a luxurious yacht club with even rows of anchor

If convoy PQ-17 was guarded by American aircraft carriers

If convoy PQ-17 was guarded by American aircraft carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The prerequisites for the defeat of the PQ-17 convoy lie not in the British Admiralty, but much further and deeper - in Washington. The troubles of the Arctic convoys were largely due to the amendment to the Lend-Lease Act, which prohibited the escorting of transports with military cargo by the US Navy

How many American ships did the kamikaze sink?

How many American ships did the kamikaze sink?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Well, kamikaze-san, didn't you manage to ram the deck? Well, wash her at least on April 8, 1942, there was a hot air battle in the sky over Murmansk. Lieutenant Aleksey Khlobystov threw himself on the twin-engined Me-110 and boldly poked it with the wing of his Kittyhawk. A sharp dash to the right, a terrible crack

Kamikaze - heroes or madmen?

Kamikaze - heroes or madmen?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The national Japanese way of destroying tanks is to manually bring in an artillery shell and hit the armor with it. "Lack of weapons is not an excuse for defeat," said Lieutenant General Mutaguchi

Tank Lend-Lease. United Kingdom

Tank Lend-Lease. United Kingdom

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Germans inspect the destroyed British tank "Matilda" "The Germans will pass through Russia like a hot knife through butter", "Russia will be defeated within 10 weeks" - alarming reports of experts from the Foreign Office worried Churchill more and more. The course of hostilities on the Eastern Front

So were they there or not? 40 years since the last expedition to the moon

So were they there or not? 40 years since the last expedition to the moon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We are not flying to the moon, - whispered in horror Buzz Aldrin- Where did you get it? - Imperturbably asked Armstrong, barely audible humming to himself under his breath "Earth in the window." He was the commander, and the commanding calmness was due to him according to the instructions, complete with the rank, patches and salary of 30,054

Who flew into space first?

Who flew into space first?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Attention, instant readiness! Key to start! There is a key to start! There is one broach! There is one broach! Purge! There is a purge! A key for drainage! There is a key for drainage! Ignition! I understand you, the ignition is given. Preliminary! There is a preliminary! Intermediate! Home! Wake up! 35 seconds, flight is normal. Height 19

"Wunderwaffe": bluff or superweapon of the Third Reich?

"Wunderwaffe": bluff or superweapon of the Third Reich?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“We had flying guided missiles, a rocket plane that had an even higher speed than a jet plane, an anti-aircraft missile homing by thermal radiation, a sea torpedo capable of chasing a ship based on the noise of the propellers. Aircraft designer Lippisch prepared drawings of the jet

Japanese "Varyag"

Japanese "Varyag"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy, No one wants mercy. Version №1. A brilliant victory in the East China Sea, 100 miles southwest of the Japanese island of Kyushu. Here on April 7, 1945, a real naval tragedy broke out: a Japanese squadron headed by

Heroes of the Arctic convoys

Heroes of the Arctic convoys

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

An awkward steel box, docked at Berth 45 in the Port of San Francisco, does not stand out in any way against the background of modern ships passing under the Golden Gate Bridge. Only a slightly archaic design of the superstructures betrays the ship's solid age. The poster on the pier reads: "Jeremy O'Brien" is one of the

Bomb the battleship

Bomb the battleship

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The truth is clear. If we had high-speed aircraft capable of carrying bombs that could inflict fatal damage on a heavily defended target, there would also be the possibility of sinking the Tirpitz. In the meantime, this is unattainable. / Opinion of the Royal Navy pilots / I bring to the attention of readers a small

How Polish-Hungarian-German tank wedges dismembered Czechoslovakia

How Polish-Hungarian-German tank wedges dismembered Czechoslovakia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Until now, there is no consensus on the question of when and where the Second World War began and who is directly responsible for this disaster. Officially, historical science calls the date September 1, 1939, but this statement is often questioned: de facto, everything began on this day

Vietnam and Afghanistan - two different wars

Vietnam and Afghanistan - two different wars

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What does it mean to lose the war? It means to be ashamed of the awards "Two of the largest and most protracted local conflicts of the 20th century", "Afghanistan turned into Vietnam for the Soviet Union", "The USSR and the United States switched roles" - such statements have become canonical for modern historiography. From my point of view

Enlightened Europe: dirt and savage medicine

Enlightened Europe: dirt and savage medicine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Doc said, "Diagnosis: AIDS." - Thanks, doc! - Don't mention it! * Joke about American medicine (* "No thanks!") "The Three Musketeers", "Black Arrow", "Richard the Lionheart", "Romeo and Juliet" times of the Middle Ages, from

After any war - the chest of the Earth in crosses

After any war - the chest of the Earth in crosses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is a lie, there is a blatant lie, and there is statistics War is a strange phenomenon in itself. In war, people who do not know each other kill each other for the glory and benefit of people who know each other and do not kill each other. But even here, in the midst of death and horror, in the bizarre pattern of human

General Ryper's last battle

General Ryper's last battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Iranian boats in the Gulf of Hormuz Prologue On July 9, 1943, fierce fighting began in the area of the Ponyri railway station. In an effort to break the defenses of the Soviet troops, the Germans created a powerful strike group in this strategically important section of the northern face of the Kursk Bulge. By the evening of "Ferdinand" from

"Trojan horse" from the Red Army

"Trojan horse" from the Red Army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Germany, 1945. In the American occupation zone, the interrogation of the Wehrmacht prisoners of war proceeded sluggishly. Suddenly, the attention of the interrogators was attracted by a long, eerie story about an insane Russian tank that killed everything in its path. The events of that fateful day from the summer of 1941 are so strongly imprinted in the memory

Red Army Terminator

Red Army Terminator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The holiday is over, but we always remember our heroes. A monstrous incident took place on July 13, 1941 in the vicinity of the town of Arctic fox (both the number 13, and the name of the settlement - everything coincided!), Then an excerpt from the order for awarding:

How the Black Hawks fell

How the Black Hawks fell

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In connection with the anniversary date - 18 years and 7 months - I wanted to talk about the remarkable events of 1993 that took place in the capital of the Somali Republic. "Ranger Day" was a high-profile failure of the international peacekeeping operation in Somalia, hitting the prestige of American forces

Automatic system of public administration

Automatic system of public administration

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since childhood, like many Soviet teenagers, I liked Soviet science fiction. Naive, from the point of view of 2012, largely utopian, but such kind and enchanting dreams of a wonderful future now remain only in our memories. Among this kaleidoscope of plans, ideas and

Night of heroes

Night of heroes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Engineer Dr. Barnes Wallace spent the last peaceful night in his cottage in Effingham, and in the morning, like all British people, he heard Chamberlain's rather strange speech. What can he, the Vickers aircraft designer, do to shorten the war? Original ideas one after another visited his head. Wallace

When reaching out a helping hand, do not clench it into a fist

When reaching out a helping hand, do not clench it into a fist

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The previous article about aviation Lend-Lease caused a heated debate among readers, speculation with numbers and baseless accusations on both sides began again. Today I wanted to return to this topic and, discarding all lyrics, to compare the facts. This time, for an objective assessment, let's try

AZORIAN project

AZORIAN project

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Submarine of project 629-A. Maximum immersion depth - 300 m. Armament - 3 ballistic missiles R-21, torpedoes with nuclear warheads. Autonomy is 70 days. Crew - 90 people. The course of trouble … Under cover of darkness in the early morning of February 24, 1968 diesel-electric submarine "K-129"

Allies or allies?

Allies or allies?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The role of Western supplies during the Great Patriotic War is traditionally hushed up in Russian society. So, in the enchanting book of N.A

Awards for all who fought for the Germans

Awards for all who fought for the Germans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"… The Germans sent two machine gunners to take positions behind our backs, and at a considerable distance from each other … I grinned sadly, remembering the propaganda stories about Soviet commissars holding fighters at gunpoint" - recollections of an officer of the Italian Expeditionary Force Eugenio Corti

The hieroglyph "fidelity". Heavy cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy

The hieroglyph "fidelity". Heavy cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The sea is raging! Far to the island of Savo, the Milky Way spreads … On the night of August 9, 1942, a group of samurai circled the island of Savo counterclockwise, killing everyone who met them on the way. The cruisers Astoria, Canberra, Vincennes, Quincy