Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Today, our country marks the jubilee date of the epic battle that changed the course of World War II - the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. "Uranus" is the codename of the defensive (July 17 - November 18, 1942) and offensive (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943) operations
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These days marks 80 years of events, the controversy about which does not subside to this day. We are talking about 1937, when massive political repression began in the country. In May of that fateful year, Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky and a number of high-ranking military personnel were arrested, accused of "military-fascist
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On January 25, 1928, at night, under guard, Leon Trotsky was taken to Alma-Ata. At the end of 1927, the politician, whose name resounded throughout the world for more than ten years, suffered a crushing defeat and was expelled from the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Such a disappointing result for Trotsky was the result of a struggle that lasted for more than five years
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After three unsuccessful attempts to liberate Kharkov, in January and May 1942 and February 1943, following the defeat of the Germans at the Kursk Bulge in August 1943, the Belgorod-Kharkov operation ("Commander Rumyantsev") was carried out, which led to the final liberation of Kharkov. From the Soviet side
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78 years have passed since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and people still talk about "people's commissar's hundred grams". The distribution of state-owned vodka to servicemen remained too deeply in the memory of the people. On August 22, 1941, the USSR State Defense Committee adopted the famous decree “On the introduction of vodka
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In October 1942, a rocket created in Nazi Germany rose to a height that can be attributed to space. Its launch site is an army test site and research center located in Peenemünde, on the island of Usedom. Currently, the island is located
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By the end of the 18th century, Polish lands were divided between Prussia and Austria. As a result of the Napoleonic wars, another redistribution of Poland took place, as a result of which, in 1815, a significant part of its territory became part of Russia. In the First World War one of the desired goals of the German
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After such turbulent events as the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the hostilities in the southeast of Ukraine, the economic sanctions of the West against us, our country began to act more decisively. It seems that now is the right time to start work on the preparation of a bill on full coverage by Germany
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On the first spring day of this year, at 17.49 UTC, an Atlas 5 booster roared off the launch pad from the SLC-3E launcher at United States Air Force Base Vandenberg in the roar of a Russian propulsion engine and solid propellant boosters. Under her head
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On the evening of September 8, 1944, a powerful rumble was heard over the capital of Great Britain, which reminded many of a clap of thunder: it was in the London area of Cheswick that the first German V-2 rocket fell. The thunderous rumble that rang out over London that day announced to the whole world that
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Former colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) Oleg Penkovsky is considered one of the most famous "moles" in the history of the special services. Through the efforts of Soviet and Western propaganda, he was elevated to the rank of a super-spy, allegedly playing a key role in preventing the third world war. As if
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When and where the largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War actually took place History both as a science and as a social instrument, alas, is subject to too much political influence. And it often happens that for some reason - most often ideological - some events
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“The October Revolution cannot be considered only a revolution within the national framework. It is, first of all, a revolution of the international, world order. " Stalin Why did the Bolsheviks win? Because they gave Russian civilization and the people a new development project. They created a new reality that
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Tank battles between Soviet and German tankers in October 1941 near Mtsensk with the use of T-34 tanks, according to the German General Müller-Hillebrand, radically changed the tactics of the German tank forces. What influenced the opinion of the "invincible" German generals so much? Failures
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The first two attempts to liberate Kharkov (January 1942 and May 1942) ended in failure and in the "Barvenkovo cauldron". After the defeat by the Germans at Stalingrad, the German troops rolled back to the west without offering serious resistance. In the euphoria of victories, the Soviet leadership decided that the German troops
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The second attempt to liberate Kharkov was made in May 1942. As a result of the Barvenkovo-Lozava operation, the Soviet command in January 1942 failed to liberate Kharkov, but south of Kharkov, on the western bank of the Seversky Donets River, a Barvenkovsky ledge was created with a depth of 90 km and
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In the previous material, the pages of the successful military career of General Vlasov were shown not in order to whitewash this traitor, but to show that he confidently moved up the career ladder and that there was not the slightest reason that could push the general on the path of treason. What finally pushed him to
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As a result of the defeats of the Bryansk and Southern fronts and the impending threat of encirclement of the troops of the Southwestern Front on October 24, 1941, Kharkov was left without serious resistance. Soviet troops, conducting rearguard battles, retreated 60-150 km, gaining a foothold on the eastern bank of the Seversky Donets River
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For more than 70 years, the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution was the main holiday of the Soviet Union. November 7, throughout the Soviet era, was the "red day of the calendar", that is, a public holiday marked by compulsory festive events
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In Soviet and Russian historiography, the words "Vlasov" and "Vlasovites" are associated only with betrayal and treason, going over to the side of the enemy, and nothing else. In the political life of Ukraine recently, I had to endow the corrupt Party of Regions with the symbol of the "political Vlasovites", as
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The battle for Kharkov in the history of the Great Patriotic War occupies a separate tragic page. The Soviet leadership perfectly understood the strategic importance of Kharkov, which was forcedly surrendered to the Germans in October 1941, practically without a fight, and undertook four large-scale strategic operations to
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Five years have passed since the events of the “Russian spring” in the South-East. In this regard, I recalled one of the episodes of those turbulent events, just one day, containing so many events. He was associated with the organization and delivery on April 29, 2014 of the Kharkiv resistance of a cargo of humanitarian aid to the besieged
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The history of the emergence of the state of Ukraine and the Ukrainians raises many questions, especially in light of the attempts of certain representatives of the Ukrainian elites to lead the historiography of Ukraine from Kievan Rus or to consider themselves descendants of the ancient Sumerians (attempts are completely anecdotal)
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The Polish-Austrian stage in the advancement of Ukrainians began in 1863 and ended on the eve of the February Revolution, which provided Ukrainians with the opportunity to create their own state. After being defeated in the insurgency and losing support in Russia, the Poles decided to make Galicia the center
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Directory. The West Ukrainian People's Republic The Directorate of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which came to power on December 14, 1919 after the overthrow of the Hetman of the Ukrainian State Skoropadsky, was headed by Vinnichenko, who was previously the chairman of the UNR government, the commander-in-chief of the army of the Directory became
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Ukrainian People's Republic The emergence of sham Ukrainian "states" and "Soviet republics" after the February Revolution in Russia and during the Civil War raises many questions. Did the population of the Southwestern Territory of Russia really strive for independence? Or was it all
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Peace of Brest. Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets Ukrainian pseudo-statehood, represented by the Ukrainian People's Republic, proclaimed by a unilateral act, did not have any international recognition by other states, the borders of the republic were not defined and agreed with neighboring
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Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Soviet Republic In addition to the already mentioned Ukrainian People's Republic and the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets, during this period there were other Soviet republics in Ukraine. One of them was the Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Soviet Republic. Before the February Revolution in this
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Mazepa gained confidence in Peter 1 and was highly respected by him. He provided serious support to the king in his military campaigns. He took part in both of Peter's campaigns to Azov. In February 1700, Peter 1 personally awarded Mazepa the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called No. 2 - “for many of his military labors
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In today's Ukraine, Hetman Mazepa is one of the revered national symbols, his portrait is on a banknote, monuments are erected to him and streets and avenues are named after him. A man who has become a symbol of profit, betrayal and treason, cursed by the church, awarded the Order of Judas and despised
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Part Two One of the mythical pages of Shevchenko's biography is his stormy "revolutionary" activity and participation in the Cyril and Methodius brotherhood. In fact, he entertained the members of the fraternity with his anti-government rhymes. And he was not arrested for revolutionary activities
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Part One In the pantheon of idols of modern Ukraine, Shevchenko now occupies the same place as Lenin occupied in the pantheon of Soviet idols. Some in their zeal try to present Shevchenko as a genius of world culture and even compare him with Pushkin or Mitskevich, while others call Shevchenko
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In the pantheon of national heroes of modern Ukraine, Stepan Bandera occupies the honorable place of the most "great" fighter for Ukrainian "independence". Streets are named in his honor, monuments are erected to him, they write about him extremely positively in school textbooks and even try to portray him as
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In the mythology of Ukraine, along with myths about the “great past”, there are legends aimed at distorting the truth about the shameful pages of the formation of the Ukronazi ideology. A striking example of this is the desire to hide and whitewash the Nazi essence of the slogan "Glory to Ukraine! Heroes
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In the absence of glorious victories and achievements in Ukrainian mythology, myths are also created on the basis of a deceitful perversion of insignificant facts and events that have taken place that have no historical or military significance. Such a myth is the "epic battle of Kruty". In Ukraine
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Such an attribute of Ukrainian statehood as the state language and the history of its origin are also shrouded in veils of mystery, myths and legends. In this regard, the question arises why all attempts to impose it by force and make it a family for all citizens of Ukraine are rejected by the overwhelming majority
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The origin of the anthem of Ukraine, like everything connected with Ukrainians, is shrouded in a fog of lies. When you listen to the Ukrainian anthem, its boring, boring melody, there is no desire to cry with pride for the country and admire this symbol of the state. Many do not even want to get up. It is rather
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The State Emblem is a distinctive sign, inherited, one of the symbols of statehood, reflecting the historical and philosophical essence of any state. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, “The Great State Emblem of Ukraine is established taking into account the small State Emblem
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The history of the Ukrainian flag, like all Ukrainians, is shrouded in myths and lies and is based on historical rigging and fantastic nonsense. The main thesis of the created myth is that “the yellow-blue colors symbolized the Kiev state, … over time they were revived on the coats of arms of Ukrainian cities
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Among peoples striving to preserve their past, the name of the country always reflects the history of its origin and age-old traditions that pass from generation to generation. What, in this sense, does the state of Ukraine claim?