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30 years ago, on June 7, 1982, the most significant event in modern history took place in the Vatican - the meeting of US President Ronald Reagan (the son of a zealous Irish Catholic) with Pope John Paul II (in the world - the Pole Karol Wojtyla). The conversation, which lasted almost an hour, was mainly about Poland and
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Among the many accusations that are directed against Stalin, one can find the opinion that in the 1930s a course of excessive militarization was deliberately taken. From this statement, it is then concluded that the Soviet leadership was preparing for external expansion, wars of conquest. In the West
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On October 14, exactly seven decades have passed since the moment when the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which was part of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, was formed. During the presidency of the "orange" political leaders, the head of this organization, Roman Shukhevych, was even recognized as a hero
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In the last twenty - twenty-five years, the myths that the national economy of the Stalinist USSR was ineffective and did not withstand the test of the Great Patriotic War, that the Soviet Union was saved by the help of Western allies, have become very popular. Thus, she was impudently insulted
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The black myth of the Holodomor is very versatile. His supporters argue that collectivization in the USSR was the main cause of famine in the country; that the Soviet leadership deliberately organized the export of grain abroad, this led to an aggravation of the food situation in the country; that Stalin deliberately
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Battle of Kalka. P. V. Ryzhenko. The protracted nature and special destructiveness of the "occupation" of Russia by the Golden Horde were caused not so much by the strength of the Horde, as by the fact that they themselves were the object of manipulation by powerful financial and trading communities
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“Forty forty-ruble teachers can lead to complete decomposition not only of a group of homeless people, but also of any group.” This quote is one of the most memorable, in my humble opinion, included in the book - a collection of works of 7 volumes. The author of this book is one of the most
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On March 24, 2016, a representative of the Russian base "Khmeimim" in Syria said dryly:
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On July 3, 1787, one-family palaces, settled in the Yekaterinoslav province (Yekaterinoslavl now the city of Dnepropetrovsk), were converted to the Cossack rank along the former Ukrainian line. According to a number of historians, after the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, the Cossack name on the Dnieper was withdrawn from
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The Bug Cossack army was created on May 8, 1803 from the Bug Horse Cossack Regiment and 600 hundred Bulgarian settlers who lived on the lands of the Bug Cossack Regiment. Volunteers from other South Slavic peoples were assigned to the army. Since 1803, the center of the army has become the village of Sokoly (now g
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On June 27, 1651, immigrants from Little Russia and Poland, known as Cherkassy and living along the southern border of Moscow Ukraine, were organized into regiments: Sumy, Izyumsky, Akhtyrsky, Kharkov, Ostrogozhsky (territories of modern Sumy, Kharkov, parts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine
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On June 13, 1723, the Volga Cossack army was formed. It was formed in connection with the creation of the Tsaritsyn fortified border line, with its center in Dubovka, on the right bank of the Volga, north of Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd). It was created mainly from the Don (520 families) resettled to the Volga and
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On June 26, 1889, the Ussuri Cossack army was established. The history of the army dates back to the formation of the Ussuri Cossack foot battalion in the Amur army on June 1, 1860. In November 1879, the battalion was reorganized into the Ussuriysk Cossack foot half-battalion in connection with
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The Semirechye Cossack army was formed by separating from the Siberian Cossack army No. 9 and No. 10 Cossack regiments on June 13, 1867. (according to the reference book of the Imperial Main Apartment). These regiments were forcibly transferred to Turkestan in 1857. to protect the southern borders of the Russian Empire (in
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By the decree of the emperor of May 27, 1832, the Azov Cossack army was formed from the Cossacks of the Transdanubian Sich and the petty bourgeoisie of Petrovsky Posad, which was to be guided by the charters and regulations of the already existing Cossack troops. Subsequently, due to the small number of troops, they were
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Born on March 3, 1908 in the village of Krest-Khaldzhai, now the Tomponsky District (Yakutia), in a peasant family. Primary education. He worked on a collective farm. From September 1941 in the Red Army. Since December of the same year at the front. Participant of the battles near Moscow, liberation of Kalinin, Smolensk, Vitebsk
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Who knows about the Ossetian war? And about the Karabakh war? Everything? And how was the First Chechen war lost, and how was the second won? I'm talking about those that happened in 1920. Do you want to know how the war in Donbass and Ukraine will end? Then you need to study very well the history of the first
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A Blackwater Employee's Opinion on Mercenaries and Regular Militias 8. African tribes. It's not even interesting to fight with them. They shoot indiscriminately, they do not know about aimed shooting, they often shoot into the ground under their feet
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CHAPTER 11. RESPONSE MOVE August 31, 1942 Volkhov front, command post of the 8th Army. At the command post of the 8th Army, stretching out "in line", the arriving leadership of the Volkhov Front was met by the army commander, along with his chiefs of staff and artillery. Next to them was a specially summoned
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CHAPTER 9. "THE FOG OF WAR" August 27, 1942 Leningrad front, the defense zone of the 18th army of the army group "North". The location of the headquarters of the 11th German army. The bustle that reigned, at first glance, in the headquarters that had just arrived at a new place The 11th German army, in fact, was a well-oiled work on
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Chapter 5. NEW PLANS August 8, 1942 Moscow, Headquarters of the Supreme Command In a spacious office, at a long table covered with a green cloth, gathered members of the State Defense Committee and Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, as well as several people who were additionally invited
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CHAPTER 6 (end) … - You are given complete freedom of action, Mr. Field Marshal. However, remember one thing - after the capture of Leningrad, it must be wiped off the face of the earth! Hitler slammed his fist hard on the table. For a moment, after the Fuehrer's words, there was silence in the room. Hitler at a brisk pace
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CHAPTER 3. Lair of the Beast July 13, 1942. East Prussia. Hitler's headquarters "Wolfsschanze." Here
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From the author Its history is described in tens of thousands of books - memoirs of participants and eyewitnesses of those events, official encyclopedias, textbooks and reference books, various historical studies of many contemporary authors. No less good
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The civil war, which officially began in 1918, is still one of the most terrible and bloody pages in the history of our country. Perhaps in some ways it is even worse than the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, since this conflict presupposed incredible chaos in the country and
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“She said:“Let's hide the Russian prisoners. Perhaps then God will keep our sons alive. " About the unknown feat of the peasant Langthaler - in a special report “AIF.” “Fifteen-year-old boys from the Hitler Youth bragged to each other - which of them killed the most defenseless people. One
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Now it has become fashionable to accuse the USSR of inciting the Second World War, they say, the Molotov-Ribentrop Pact untied the hands of Nazi Germany. Almost everyone knows about this pact, but we are constantly reminded of this, so that we would penetrate and realize: what kind of bastards we are all. With all this, they try not
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After a 49-day drift in the Pacific Ocean, emaciated Soviet soldiers told American sailors: we only need fuel and food, and we will swim to the house ourselves. Barge T-36 "Heroes are not born, they become heroes" - this wisdom is the best fit to the history of the four Soviet guys
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The hero of our story today would fall into the category of "guest workers", "ravshans and dzhamshuts", to whom the Russian youth treats with disgust and irritation. Abdykasym Karymshakov. © / Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation For more than two decades that have passed since the collapse of the USSR, its former
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Ship: "Soyuz-1" Purpose and objectives of the mission: Orbital rendezvous and docking with "Soyuz-2" Date: April 24, 1967 Crew: Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov (2nd flight) Call sign: Almaz Cause of the disaster: Malfunction of the parachute system Cause of death: Overloads, incompatible with life when hitting the ground
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It is not difficult to see, now a favorite topic of Ukrainian propaganda, that the Russians, they say, are Mongolo-Tatars or something like Horde, Asians; and from this it is concluded that they are second-class people with all the ensuing consequences. The accusations are racist, fascisoid, coinciding with the cliches of the Nazi
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Of course, we all know well that there is such an oriental calendar, and according to it, 2014 was the “year of the horse”. Now we have the "year of the monkey", but in terms of the role that the monkey played in the history of mankind, it did not even stand close to the horse, although in many ways it resembles us. Well, and we remember the horse
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Not all of the Bandera supporters were found and convicted after the war. However, those who were put on trial did not receive the longest terms of imprisonment. It is interesting that in the zones the Banderites continued their struggle, organizing mass uprisings. Towards the history of the movement
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Discussion of the topic of Stalin's repressions, in addition to many ideological factors leading the problem "beyond the line of good and evil," is complicated by the multifaceted myth of the "personality cult" formed for different purposes and at different periods of time. NS. Khrushchev in the 50s used
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Little things that have become a reason for contention. To start a war, you only need a reason. History knows many examples when the most insignificant trifles became such an occasion. This overview presents minor episodes that have caused significant confrontation
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On October 29, 1940, the first flight was made by the I-200 fighter - the prototype of the future famous high-altitude fighter MiG-3. end of life. MiG-3
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In the summer of 1944, this man wrote a statement with a request, sending it personally to Stalin. The subordinate authorities did not even want to listen to him, answering not at all out of heartlessness: "You have already done everything you could. Rest." Why they refused, you can understand from the text of the statement. This person
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The first Russian revolution of 1905-1907 was a unique event not only because it first demonstrated the demand for reforms. She also showed how widespread protest sentiments were in the whole society: not only the workers, among whom
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The Great Patriotic War was marked by massive heroism of Soviet soldiers unparalleled in history. Privates, commanders and generals - all, without distinction of rank and rank, tried to defend their homeland, albeit at the cost of their own lives. This was especially important in the first, most difficult and terrible
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The army that recently defeated Frederick the Great, victoriously beating the Turks and Swedes, yielded to the polar aborigines with bows and spears. The Polar Clash The Russian-Chukchi War (more precisely, a series of wars) lasted, according to some estimates, more than 150 years and ended for us generally ingloriously. True, something