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130 years ago, on February 9, 1887, the future hero of the Civil War, people's commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was born. Vasily Chapaev fought heroically during the First World War, and during the Civil War he became a legendary figure, self-taught, who was promoted to high command posts at the expense of
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What do we know about the life and death of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - a man who has truly become an idol for the older generation? What his commissioner Dmitry Furmanov told in his book, and even, perhaps, what everyone saw in the film of the same name. However, both of these sources turned out to be far from the truth
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Europe can justly be called a country of castles, and the entire Middle Ages - "the era of castles", because in 500 years more than 15,000 of them were built there, including the Middle East. They guarded the caravan roads in Palestine, were the centers of the Reconquista in Spain, protected the inhabitants of coastal
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On November 10, employees of the Russian internal affairs bodies celebrate their professional holiday. This significant date is rooted in the not so long Soviet past. It was in the Soviet Union that the professional holiday of law enforcement officers was established - the Day of the Soviet Militia. According to
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From the very first days of the Khmer Rouge in power, relations between Kampuchea and neighboring Vietnam continued to be tense. Even before the Communist Party of Kampuchea came to power in its leadership, there was an incessant struggle between the pro-Vietnamese and anti-Vietnamese factions, which ended in victory
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In 1931, Republicans won elections in a number of large cities in Spain, they got into city councils. This was the reason to emigrate to King Alfonso XIII "in order to avoid a fratricidal war."
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In the summer of 1978, an employee of the GRU Swiss residency, Vladimir Rezun, asked for asylum in the West. After a while, the defector appeared in England, and a few years later, one after another, sensational books about the Soviet past began to appear in the West, signed "Viktor Suvorov". Underneath this
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100 years ago, on January 28, 1916, one of the last great statesmen of the Russian Empire, Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov, died. The last Russian count Vorontsov-Dashkov had a special destiny even in the famous Vorontsov family. One of the richest people in the Russian Empire
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The difficult period for Russia at the end of the 18th and early 19th centuries opened up a galaxy of outstanding commanders and admirals, but there are those whose glory in civil affairs is no less than the success of the military. One of these people was Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov. He was born on May 30, 1782, his childhood was spent in London
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The period between the two world wars was a turning point for European history. It was at this time that right-wing authoritarian regimes, based on the values of nationalism, religion, elitism or class, were established in most of the states of Southern, Central and Eastern Europe. The trend was set
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In the early August morning, together with a familiar engineer, Mikhail Nikiforovich Efimov left the house and headed for the city. At the boulevard they were suddenly stopped by a White Guard patrol and demanded their documents. The naval officer, flipping through the passports, threw to the engineer: “You are free. And you, mister Efimov, let's go
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Zhukov is our SuvorovI. V. Stalin In the year of the struggle of the Russian people with new disasters, Zhukov is raised as an icon, personifying the spirit of the Russian people, who knows how to put forward a leader-savior in extreme conditions. Zhukov is the embodiment of Russian honor and valor, Russian sovereignty and Russian spirit. No one
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With the outbreak of the First World War, all the armies of the European monarchies were led by their rulers or heirs to the throne. Only two of the belligerent monarchies were exceptions. Franz Joseph I, already at the old age of 84, appointed the Archduke of Austria's second cousin as supreme commander
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How the Russian army mastered Danish weapons Madsen's hand machine gun is a unique weapon of its kind. This is actually the first serial light machine gun in history. This is one of the most famous weapons "long-livers" - launched in 1900, he served faithfully in the army of his native Denmark
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For a certain part of the Western and Russian intelligentsia, including its left-wing radical wing, Lev Davidovich Trotsky-Bronstein (1879 - 1940) is still an idol, an ideal. He is portrayed as a genuine revolutionary and social democrat who was almost the first to fight against
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“And I turned, and saw under the sun that it is not the nimble that gets a successful run, that it is not the brave that gains victory, it is not the wise that the bread, and that the rational does not have wealth … but the time and opportunity for all of them.” (Ecclesiastes 8:11) So today we know that today there are more than one centers where our ancestors learned to process copper
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It was in the early 90s. On TV, I saw how the monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov was removed from the pedestal on the square of the city of Lviv. A thick metal cable was wrapped around his neck, and for a moment the concrete statue swayed in the air. The spotlight snatched out the monument's eye sockets, and I
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The Order of Alexander Nevsky is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful Soviet awards. It was established in July 1942 at the same time as the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov. These three orders opened a series of "military leadership" awards, they were awarded only to the commanders of formations, subunits and units. Is not
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Dmitry Karov arrived in the Soviet occupied territory in August 1941. On it, he found people angry with Stalin and the NKVD, most of them easily agreed to work for Germany. The former Soviet people also actively began to build people's capitalism under the Germans. All this
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Many years have passed since the day when I last saluted the ship's flag and bid farewell to the fleet forever. Much has changed since that glorious time when I was proudly called a North Sea submariner: marriage, the birth of children, the hysteria of perestroika, attacks of publicity, the "delights" of the era
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It often happens that awards do not find their heroes: awards are lost, personnel officers are mistaken, the situation in the unit changes. It happens that not those who have proven themselves on the battlefield are awarded, but those who are closer to the headquarters or an important chief. It happens that the heroic deed is forgotten or the heroic deed does not remain
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The successful demonstration of unmanned balloons by brothers Montgolfier and Charles inspired hope for a speedy solution to the eternal dream of the romantics of "aerial flying" - human flight. Two weeks before the launch of the Montgolfier brothers balloon with animals, which was carried out on September 19, 1783, to the academy
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There is not enough air, it’s hard to breathe, it seems that the underground haze is swallowing up your whole being … Reading the notes of the search engines is difficult and sometimes simply impossible: I take a breath and again read these lines, scorched by tragedy. They came to me from the War Veterans Center, where they accumulate
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"… And she feeds on fables!" (Boris Godunov. AS Pushkin) Who can argue that you need to know the history of your fatherland? No one! But you can know it in different ways. You can limit yourself to a school textbook and … the junior scooper of the sewage convoy doesn't need it anymore. You can also read “School of the Future
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Fate brought me together with Colonel Kukarin Evgeny Viktorovich in the spring of 1999 near Kizlyar. At that time, he, an officer of the High Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was sent to Dagestan, where tension was growing along the entire line of the administrative border with Chechnya: military clashes followed one after
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130 years ago, on January 21 (February 2), 1885, the Soviet statesman and military leader Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was born. The Soviet statesman and commander gained fame as the winner of Kolchak, the Ural Cossacks and Wrangel, the Petliurists and Makhnovists, the conqueror of Turkestan. On
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Continuation, beginning here: Part 1 On the Defense of Stalingrad A new stage in the history of the detachments began in the summer of 1942, when the Germans broke through to the Volga and the Caucasus. On July 28, the famous order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR IV Stalin was issued, which, in particular, prescribed: “2. Military councils of armies
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One of the most famous “black myths” of the Great Patriotic War”is a tale about“bloody”security officers (special officers, NKVEDs, Smershevites). They are especially honored by filmmakers. Few were subjected to such large-scale criticism and humiliation as the Chekists. The bulk of the population gets about them
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The development of the Soviet offensive After the Sokolov's cavalry-mechanized group entered the Krasnik area and the 3rd Guards Army of Gordov moved to the same area, a favorable situation arose for the rapid advance of the troops of the right wing of the 1st Ukrainian Front towards the Vistula and into the area
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“Now go and smite Amalek (and Jerim) and destroy everything that he has (do not take anything from them, but destroy and cast over everything that he has); and give him no mercy, but put him to death, from husband to wife, from boy to suckling child, from ox to sheep, from camel to donkey.”(1 Kings 15: 3)
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The entire potential of Soviet science was invested in the RDS-6S product.It is known from the published archival documents that in the initial period of the Soviet Atomic Project, two versions of the hydrogen bomb (VB) were developed: the "pipe" (RDS-6T) and the "puff" (RDS-6S). The names to a certain extent corresponded to theirs
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The road to the military-political success of the RDS-6S tests On August 12, 2013, it will be 60 years since the test of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb RDS-6S. It was an experimental charge, of little use for military operation, but it - for the first time in world practice - could be installed on an aviation
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The future submariner was born on January 15, 1913. His father, Ivan Alekseevich Marinescu, was from Romania. An orphan from the age of seven, he, being smart and hardworking, rose to the respected position of an agricultural machinery operator. In 1893 he was drafted into the Navy and assigned as a fireman on a torpedo boat
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Alexander Marinesco. Photo of 1945 One of the most important events in the history of Russia in the XX century for national identity is the Great Patriotic War - sacred for all Russians. Actions to destroy its generalized image and associated symbols is one of the information operations
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When once again there are reports in the press about the suspension of the operation of any equipment or the next scheduled technical inspections at the Rostov NPP, every time you think about national security in the use of atomic energy. Especially when Chernobyl today can become
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More than 66 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. During this time, much has been rethought, much has been criticized, and much has not yet been appreciated. There is no doubt about the feat of the Soviet people, who, at the cost of colossal losses, defended the independence of the country in which we are now
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The year 2015 - the seventieth year since the end of the Second World War - goes down in history. Hundreds of articles, documents, photographs dedicated to the holy anniversary were published by Rodina this year. And we decided to devote the December issue of our "Scientific Library" to some results and
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The revival of a part of the Polish political elite of plans to build the Third Rzecz Pospolita "from sea to sea" makes one recall the sad history of the Second Rzecz Pospolita (1918-1939). Its history is a good reminder of modern Poland that all its plans for expansion to the east
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Hitler's suicide on April 30, 1945 is considered an indisputable fact. However, from time to time, publications appear in which it is argued that the greatest villain of all times and peoples safely escaped death and hid in one of the South American countries, where he died surrounded by his loving wife and
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Soviet-Japanese diplomatic relations were restored 57 years ago, and the Russian media often claim that Moscow and Tokyo are still at war. The logic of the authors of such statements is simple and straightforward. Once a peace treaty between the two countries