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Here the pistols have already flashed, The hammer is thundering against the ramrod. The bullets go off the faceted barrel, And the trigger clicked for the first time. (Eugene Onegin. A.S. Pushkin) This is not the first time thanks to the courtesy of my friend N, who collects firearms of the past ( of course, rendered inoperative in
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CHAPTER TWO Why wasn't the 1891 Model 3-Line Rifle used without a bayonet? But after learning why the three-line was fired with a bayonet, we received a second question - why was it not provided for the use of a rifle without a bayonet
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In 1891, a new weapon was adopted by the Russian army - the Russian three-line rifle, created by S.I. Mosin. This rifle was supposed to replace the Berdanks, which had been in operation since the early seventies. The new project used magazine ammunition, which provided significant
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One of the first anti-tank rifles was adopted by the Polish army before the Second World War. In 1935, under the name "Karabin Przeciwpancemy UR wz. 35", a 7.92-mm anti-tank rifle was adopted, created by T. Felchin, E. Stetsky, J. Maroshkoyna, P. Villenevchits. The basis
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The AR-15 platform has long demonstrated its potential, including as the basis for various small arms. On its basis, systems of all major classes were created, from pistols to machine guns. However, the potential of the platform was not exhausted on this. So, in the recent past, the American company PSE
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Recently, more and more often on the screens you can see crossbows, which are armed with heroes of films, the action of which takes place in our time, and sometimes in the future. What is remarkable about all this disgrace is that almost always directors or screenwriters, I don't know whose fault it is, endow this weapon
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After World War II, a group of German designers worked at the CETME firm in Madrid, where they took part in the creation of a rifle operating on the principle of using the semi-recoil bolt (the scheme was developed by L. Forgrimmler, first implemented in the experimental StuG 45 (M) rifle). NWM company
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It is clear that you cannot design the same rifle without having a cartridge for this. It is also clear that the way to load a weapon from a muzzle, filling it with gunpowder, and then inserting a bullet, we are unlikely to find an author known to mankind. His name, like the name of the inventor of the wheel, has long since sunk into oblivion. More
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For a long time, small arms could not boast of high performance, which is why, after several shots, the armies had to switch to bayonet combat. This feature of the wars of the past is immortalized in the famous thesis of A.V. Suvorov: "a bullet is a fool, and a bayonet is a fine fellow." V
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Frontline officers, veterans of the NKVD, intelligence and SMERSH are familiar with this pistol. Created at the beginning of the century, designed extremely well, survived two world wars and claimed many lives. "Parabellum" is still in use. For the uninitiated, he is a mystery
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In recent years, there has been an active development of various shooting systems of the PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) class. Weapons with relatively small dimensions and relatively high firepower are of interest to a wide range of customers. As the main
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For me personally, there is one big difficulty in writing articles for VO. Some of the materials have been written, and why not give them? But on the other hand, they do not always follow the chronological and thematic sequence, since there is a problem with finding the necessary information and
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Our author has long used the APS pistol in a combat situation, and decided, based on his own experience, to dispel some of the myths that exist about this weapon. SOME INACCURACIES Perhaps there is no other such controversial weapon as the Stechkin APS automatic pistol. He is up
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The Colt Navy revolver model 1851 was one of the most popular revolvers of the mid and second half of the 19th century in the United States. The model was named so because it was originally supposed to arm the officers of the US Navy. Years of production: 1850-1873. Manufacturer:
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Assault Rifles In most cases, MTR units are simply equipped with short-barreled / folding or compact carbine versions of standard assault rifles with telescopic butts, they are perceived as more suitable for special operations, despite their inherent
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Pictured here is the Elcan SpecterDR, which is used by the German Special Forces and is an innovative product that combines a reflex reflex sight for close-range combat and a 4x magnification telescopic sight for longer range combat. Also check
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Recent conversations on the topic of weapons with interesting people led me to think. Can a shotgun be considered a combat weapon or not? Here are my thoughts on the matter: First, let's dive into the history of the reluctant use of shotguns. The most famous application
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This article … is a jubilee one - number 500 on the TOPWAR website for the two years that I have been working with him. I could have written more, but, of course, one cannot read Shpakovsky alone. Be that as it may, the number 500 is also quite large, that is, 250 published materials are published per year. Some
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Friends went to the "haven of fun"; They bought a potion for the sexton The readers of VO mostly liked “Maxim”. But many
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By 1940, the Hotchkiss machine gun remained in the French army. Despite the fact that it bore the designation Мle1914 / 25, the "Hotchkiss" itself remained unchanged. In 1925, only a new tripod lightweight machine was adopted to him, allowing for a circular attack. Have been preserved and poorly suited for
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Probably the most unusual American cavalry carbine of the period of the North-South Civil War is the so-called "Kentucky Carbine", designed by Louis Triplett and William Scott of Columbia and appeared on the American arms market in 1864-1865. Caliber - .60-52. Cartridges from
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The NK433 modular assault rifle, first introduced in 2017, was proposed by Heckler & Koch for the German army as a replacement for the current G36 model It is strange enough in our age of computer and information technology that some types of weapons that have existed for many years
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Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen officially announced on September 8, 2015 that the assault rifle service from Heckler & Koch is drawing to a close. So the million dollar question arose. Which model will replace the decommissioned G36 in 2019?
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Epee (or rapier) - light and long, versatile, capable of chopping and stabbing, long-bladed weapon. It is a sword with a narrow, rather flexible blade, up to 1 meter long, with a straight handle with a pommel, with a complex guard of a wide variety of shapes, which provided good
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The fighter is assembling the rifle. First, he must enter the breech of the barrel into the receiver, and then close the side locks. For many decades, the wearable emergency supply (NAZ) of the US Air Force pilot is equipped with one or another firearm. Not so long ago, it was adopted
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Cartridges 7.62x51 mm In 1954, the main NATO rifle cartridge was the American 7.62x51 mm ammunition. It was planned to be used with rifles and machine guns, and soon a wide range of compatible weapons appeared. However, just a few years later, the United States decided to abandon rifles chambered for this cartridge and
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Currently, the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is conducting the Lightweight Machine Gun-Medium (LMG-M) program, the goal of which is to select a new light machine gun with increased performance. One of the participants in the competition is SIG Sauer with its MG 338 project (previously
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In 1550, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, by his order, established a new structure - the streltsy army. For the first time in Russian history, a regular army was created instead of militia-squeakers, called upon to fight with cold weapons and firearms. For the next century and a half, the archers became
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For many centuries, one of the main weapons of the infantry and cavalry was the spear. The product of the simplest design made it possible to solve various problems and confidently defeat the enemy. The long history of such weapons has also contributed to the high potential in terms of modernization. Tip shape and
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Pica (fr. Pique) is a cold thrusting weapon, one of the varieties of a long spear. Among the polearms of the pike is a real long-liver: it was used right up to the first half of the 20th century. A shock weapon for cavalry and infantry, it has outlived many of its peers from the Middle Ages. The reason for this lies in
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Not having sufficient knowledge in the field of cold weapons, people often confuse sabers and checkers. Nevertheless, it is obvious that these are completely different types of weapons, differing both in their design and in various features of their combat use. By now, both types of weapons have managed to
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In the event of an emergency landing or rescue with a parachute, a pilot should have a set of various means of survival at his disposal. You need a supply of food, various tools and weapons. The latter can be used both for self-defense and for hunting for food. Taking into account the experience of the Second
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The TALO company, which specializes in the sale of exclusive models of firearms, has launched the sale of the Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion pump-action shotgun. According to experts, the novelty is a classic Mossberg 500 shotgun, which was additionally equipped with accessories
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Relatively recently, the very combination of the words "plastic knives" evoked associations only with disposable catering kits and plastic knives designed for opening envelopes in offices. In addition, plastic knives were actively used as training knives
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In the early seventies, a new low-impulse intermediate cartridge 5.45x39 mm was created in the Soviet Union. It had some advantages over the existing 7.62x39 mm, such as less weight, less recoil impulse, increased direct shot range, etc. It was decided to translate
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In the second half of the forties, the Soviet army mastered several types of small arms for an intermediate cartridge of 7.62x39 mm. With a difference of several years, the RPD light machine gun, the SKS carbine and the AK assault rifle were adopted. This weapon made it possible to significantly increase the firepower of motorized rifle
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The legislation of various countries provides for the circulation of civilian weapons, but in almost all cases there are certain restrictions on the characteristics and capabilities of permitted samples. The need to meet requirements or the desire for special features often leads to
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Intermediate cartridges, which appeared in the early forties, allowed gunsmiths in several countries around the world to start developing new small arms with higher characteristics. In 1946, the Belgian company FN joined such works. A few years later, the designers presented
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In previous articles about small-sized submachine guns, models of weapons were described that were powered by a "standard" cartridge 5.45x39. These weapons were intended to arm those military personnel who use them exclusively as a means of self-defense, and not as the main type of weapon. Although
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Device for installation on PPD. Probably the drawing by S.M. Despite the development of armies, equipment and technologies, during the Great Patriotic War, wire barriers remained a serious problem for the troops. To overcome them, a special tool might be required, which is not always lightweight and