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Small arms cartridges are fed using magazines and belts. Magazines provide the minimum reload time of the weapon, but have a large weight per cartridge - for example, low-impulse: 12 g for a steel drum magazine compared to 6.5 g for nylon
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Introduction Currently, the main type of short-barreled weapons used in the army, law enforcement agencies, private security companies and civilian circulation are self-loading pistols with a movable barrel and a bolt rigidly attached to it, intended for use
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During the First World War, the belligerent parties began to use personal armor protection for infantrymen in the form of steel helmets and cuirasses, which at a certain distance could not be penetrated by low-speed small arms bullets. At the moment, SIBZ with composite plates made of
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Currently, the world's leading armies have begun implementing programs to develop new types of small arms (Ratnik in Russia and NGSAR in the United States). As more than a century of experience in mastering unitary cartridges first, and then intermediate and low-impulse cartridges, the most promising solution
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Weapons of the future are gradually appearing on the shelves, taking so far timid, but such important steps. Thanks to the small American company Arcflash Labs, which was founded just a year ago, a compact "railgun" appeared on the civilian market
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After the end of World War II, French engineers returned to developing their own small arms projects. In accordance with the order of the army, among other things, they worked on new submachine guns. The real results of such a program were obtained in the late forties. One of
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From the comments to the article about the German silent revolver PDSR 3, it turned out that people remember only one of the Nagant brothers, Leon. Emil was forgotten, although it was thanks to his work that the well-known M1895 revolver appeared. Let's try to correct this injustice, and at the same time try to trace the entire
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Smith & Wesson pistols of the first generation 9-mm pistols Smith & Wesson V 39/59 The world-famous Smith & Wesson company was founded a century and a half ago, in 1852, by two American gunsmiths Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson in Norwich (Connecticut). Since then for
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The blade is the main part of the knife. It is on him that the cutting and piercing properties of the knife depend. The main factors that determine the operational characteristics of the blade are the material and technology of its manufacture, as well as its shape and cross-section
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The history of knives began with knives in which the blade was rigidly attached to the handle and was constantly ready for work. Currently, despite the wide distribution of folding knives, such knives have not lost their relevance. They are indispensable in the field (combat, hunting, tourist), widely
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At the beginning of the 20th century, the main type of individual small arms for officers and some categories of lower ranks of the Russian army was a revolver. The name of this weapon comes from the Latin word revolve (to rotate) and reflects the main feature of the revolver - the presence of a rotating drum with chambers
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Recently, it has become fashionable to make ratings of weapons, it is not clear, however, what is the reason, either a series of programs from the Discovery channel, or something else. In a word, I could not resist fashion and the autumn exacerbation and decided to make my own small rating of machines, I will hope that it seems
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History The Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum, or simply the .44 Magnum, is the world's most famous revolver. In the United States, there are entire communities of fans of this weapon. This is a classic .44 caliber revolver for all time. It was developed by an engineer at Smith & Wesson for the .44 cartridge
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Dear Readers! This is the fifth in a series of articles on weapons designed by American designer Robert Hillberg. In previous articles I introduced you to the Winchester Liberator and Colt Defender multi-barreled shotguns
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The barrel is the main part of small arms. The barrel of a rifled small arms is designed to impart rotational and translational movement to the bullet at a certain initial speed in a certain direction due to energy
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An overview of the most interesting foreign knives of the past, I would like to start with a three-sided combat knife, which in medieval Germany had a purely practical value - to break the links of a knight's chain mail, chained in armor. Such a dagger was called by the German word "panzerbrecher" and was most often used
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No noise and dust, or before and after MSS. Part-2 As mentioned in the previous part, the need to create an automatic self-loading pistol was obvious, and in 1971-1972. the search for technical solutions continued by the designers of TsNIITOCHMASH (department 46), in parallel with the specialists
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Modern wars are usually local in nature. In the context of these conflicts, sniper fire and sniper weapons began to play a special role. That is why the arsenal of such shooting systems at the disposal of Russian law enforcement agencies has expanded significantly
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In the United States, they continue to present new models of automatic weapons, which are being developed as part of the Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) program. All small arms models designed under this program are created for the new 6.8 mm cartridge, which should replace the standard
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Advertising photo complex MBDA Enforcer To date, the design has been completed and part of the tests has been carried out. Not so long ago, the next stage began
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Despite the saturation of the battlefield with sniper and grenade launcher weapons, anti-tank guided missiles and mortars, the most important weapon of any modern army is still the infantryman's main weapon - the submachine gun / automatic rifle. The latest models of small arms
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After the end of World War II, the arsenal of the Soviet infantry had 14.5-mm anti-tank guns and RPG-43 and RPG-6 cumulative hand grenades, which no longer corresponded to modern realities. Anti-tank guns, which showed themselves well in the initial period of the war, could not penetrate the armor
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PL-15 pistol with additional equipment The Federal Service of the National Guard has adopted two new types of small arms - MPL and MPL-1 pistols developed by the Kalashnikov concern. These products were developed specifically for the Rosgvardia according to its technical specifications and maximally
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In the 70s and 80s of the last century, the Soviet Union had a significant quantitative and qualitative superiority in tanks over the NATO bloc. For this reason, a significant part of American weapons were anti-tank. To compensate for the superiority of the USSR in armored vehicles in the USA
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Vebley No. 2 Five-Shot Revolver, British Bulldog (circa 1889) (Royal Arsenal, Leeds) The larger the bullet, the stronger its impact. Even if she does not kill, she is guaranteed to knock down, and this is what the shooter most often achieves. But in long-barreled revolvers, the recoil when firing
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The SVCh-54 rifle chambered for 7.62x54 mm R In 2017, the Kalashnikov concern presented a promising microwave sniper rifle designed by A. Chukavin. To date, this weapon has reached state tests, according to the results of which the army will determine its advantages and the need for
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American Army soldier with M1 Garand self-loading rifle Garanda was associated with the creation, debugging, modernization, etc. self-loading rifle M1. However, shortly after the end of World War II, a designer with employees of the Springfield Arsenal took
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Revolver of the Nagant system with a silencer br. Mitins. Photo Warspot.ruSince the twenties of the last century, the Soviet military and gunsmiths showed great interest in the topic of reducing the volume of the shot. They were going to find promising solutions that made it possible to make any available weapon quieter, including
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Three-barreled and three-shot pistol "Marston", released in the USA in 1864, caliber .22. The rarest of the Marstons. Only about 300 pieces were made. The barrels, located one above the other, are tilted down for loading. Brass frame with factory engraving and walnut handle "Revolver
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The sword was a weapon and for settling the scores of the nobility, whether two-handed or one-handed, it helped to protect "honor and right." Not without reason, who entered the knightly brotherhood, was girded with a sword. A scene from the film “Secrets of the Burgundian Court.” “And what were the swords in Russia? They say a lot about Europeans, but about
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M240L machine gun with FSW-CS scope Due to new functions and capabilities, such sights are able to significantly increase the fire characteristics of existing rifles and machine guns. One of
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Flintlock pistols of Empress Catherine II, a gift to August Poniatowski. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York “For more than ten years You have adorned the Blessed House of Petrov, Elizabeth imitated
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Pistol Michael Lorenzoni 1690-1700 Florence. Dimensions: length 50.64 cm; barrel length 28.42 cm. Caliber 12.2 mm. Weight 1311 g. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York "… the speed of a unicorn with him" (Numbers 24: 8) History of firearms. So, last time we found that to increase the rate of fire
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"Pencil" product and its ammunition. Photo Weaponland.ru The throw range of a hand grenade is determined by the physical condition and skills of the fighter, but does not exceed several tens of meters. To attack more distant targets, it is necessary to use technical means - a variety of grenade launchers. V
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Still from the film "The Miracle of the Wolves" (in the Soviet box office "Secrets of the Burgundian Court"), 1961 France-Italy. Before us is the most spectacular scene of this film - God's Judgment, a duel that should decide the fate of a beautiful innocent heroine. A knight without fear and reproach de Neuville, who plays the same
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Rifle of the company "Remington" M81 "Woodmaster". Photo by Alain Daubresse "… There is in my hand the power to harm you; .." (Genesis 31:29) Weapons and firms. Today we will get acquainted with another design of John Browning, and not just a design, but a rifle that has received the nickname "magnificent eight". It is clear that
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Flintlock pistol, approx. 1770-1780 Made by the gunsmith Ketland (London and Birmingham, before 1831), the silversmith who decorated it - Charles Fit. Materials: steel, wood (walnut), silver. Dimensions: length 21.3 cm, barrel length 10.2 cm, caliber 11.3 mm, weight 300.5 g
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Multi-caliber platform "KalashNash" with a replaceable set of parts. Photo Defense-ua.com At the end of January, the Kiev plant "Mayak", known for its controversial developments in the field of small arms, presented another project. In the interests of the Ukrainian army, a multi-caliber
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Defenders of Smolensk with Mosin rifles and PPSh-41 submachine guns, July 1, 1941 By the beginning of the Second World War, the infantry of all participating countries were based on magazine rifles relatively old models. At the same time, the search for new designs of weapons and tactics was carried out
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Ten years ago, in 2011, NPO Izhmash (now the Kalashnikov Concern) began developing a promising assault rifle, the future AK-12. During the development and testing stage, this sample faced various difficulties, which had the most serious consequences. However, the AK-12 was still brought to the desired