Westernization of the elite and intelligentsia
The Russian elite was unable to ensure the development of national projects in order to reveal the full and wonderful potential of Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos. Both the Third Rome of the Romanovs and the Red Project of the Russian Communists achieved amazing successes, but ended in a terrible collapse, the loss of human capital, enormous wealth and values created by the labor of entire generations. This psychologically exhausted the Russians and led our Motherland to the threat of a new catastrophe in our days, and, perhaps, already final.
It is obvious that only the successes of Soviet civilization, including the Great Victory and achievements in space, in the atomic sphere, still save the Russians from total collapse. They nourish our spirit, but these psychological storehouses of our Motherland are either exhausted or are close to complete impoverishment.
The source of our defeats is in the worship of the West and the Westernization of the Russian people, the constant attempts to "Westernize" the Russians, which have been undertaken by our elite for over 400 years. The era of the Romanovs, with the westernization of the elite (Germanophilia, Francophilia and Anglomania), cosmopolitanism and internationalism of the USSR, liberalism, tolerance and Westernism of the Russian Federation).
These attempts gave birth to the Russian elite and intelligentsia of the era of the Russian Empire, which was closer to the French, Germans, and British than to the "sivolap" of peasant Russia. Unfortunately, the pro-Western intelligentsia was revived in the Soviet Union, where Stalin's attempts to eradicate cosmopolitanism (a logical continuation was the Russification of the ruling elite, with a full-fledged revival of the Russian tradition), were not completed.
And in the Russian Federation, the pro-Western elite and the intelligentsia again took over the "pochvenniki". Representatives of the Russian tradition are almost completely absent in the current upper class.
Thus, the Westernization of Russia gave rise to a monstrous phenomenon - a detachment of Russians (Russian-speaking) who hate Russia, the Russian world and the Russian people. In some respects, this phenomenon is similar to the process of Ukrainization of a part of Russians, which gave rise to a monstrous ethnic chimera: Russian-Ukrainians who do not recognize themselves as Russians (although their ancestors are Russians, the language is Russian, the culture in general is Russian and the land is historically Russian) and hate the rest of the Russians. They consider themselves Europeans, and the rest of the Russian "Muscovites" - Asian Mongols.
Fifth column
Russian-pro-Europeans have the same characteristics as “true Ukrainians”. They believe in Western values, that "the West will help them." They consider themselves Europeans, part of the "civilized world". And the rest of the Russians are considered savages, barbarians, scoops and quilted jackets. They hate Russianness, Russia, the Russian world and Russian history. In their opinion, Russia is the periphery of European civilization, raped and spoiled by the Mongols (Asia). A wild edge of Europe. Therefore, it is necessary to "correct" the Russians, "re-educate" them.
Pro-Western Russians can be considered a real fifth column. They chose a world without Russia and sentenced our world to death. Russian dissidents have already helped to destroy our state twice - in 1917 and 1991. Thus, tens of millions of Russians were killed, the fate of the rest was ruined.
The deep meaning of the policy of the Westernizers of Russia was perfectly expressed by one of the associates of Tsar Peter Alekseevich - Peter Saltykov:
“Russians are in every way similar to Western peoples, but they lagged behind them. Now we need to get them on the right path."
This explains the policy of the Romanovs before Peter and the cultural revolution of Peter I himself. This is the main meaning and mystery of Peter's reforms. He did not shave his beards and forced the boyars to drink, smoke tobacco and dress in Western clothes, but literally drove European culture into the Russian elite with his fist. Peter considered "Muscovy" a backward, wild country, where the people were mired in vices and passions. She needed to be "re-educated." This view of Russia was formed by Peter under the influence of foreigners.
Peter's "reforms" will become the basis for the policy of all subsequent "reformers-perestroika". Westerners viewed Russia as a country far behind the West, a savage and barbaric country that, like a criminal, must be led through a process of brutal correction and rework. They, just like Tsar Peter, saw the western countries - Holland, England or France as an ideal. For modern Westernizers-Russophobes, this is France, Britain or the United States.
"Historical backwardness" of Russia
The Romanovs gave birth to an elite - Europeans-nobles, cut off from the Russian people and parasitizing on the people. Later, a pro-Western Russian intelligentsia was born. One of its founders was Pyotr Chaadaev (1794-1856). He agreed that his works were banned in the Russian Empire.
Chaadaev was the first to declare that Russia, "leaning with one elbow on China and the other on Germany," was never able to combine the merits of two cultures: imagination and reason. He expressed the very essence of Westernism and wrote about Russia:
“… A dull and gloomy existence, devoid of strength and energy, which nothing revived, except atrocities, nothing softened, except slavery. No captivating memories, no graceful images in the memory of the people, no powerful teachings in its tradition … We live in one present, in its closest limits, without the past and the future, amid dead stagnation."
According to the writer, the withdrawal of the Orthodox Church from the "worldwide brotherhood" had the most dire consequences for Russia. The "great world work", done by the minds of Europe for 18 centuries, did not affect Russia. Having isolated ourselves from the Catholic West, we remained "aloof from the general movement" and "true progress."
According to Chaadaev, we did not give humanity "not a single thought, we did not contribute in any way to the advancement of the human mind, and we distorted everything that we got from this movement." We left no trace in world history, only the Mongol hordes, passing through Russia, somehow marked us in the world chronicle. For world history to notice us, the Russians had to push the limits from the Bering Strait to the Oder. The reforms of Peter the Great led to the adoption of the principles of Western civilization, but at the same time "we did not touch enlightenment." The victories over Napoleon and the European campaigns brought "bad concepts and disastrous delusions" to the country.
According to Chaadaev, Russians have no ideas of justice, duty and law and order. Those who created the Western world and the very physiology of European man.
Chaadaev saw the way out in the rapprochement of Russia with Europe, in the reunification of the Russian Church with Catholicism. True, at the end of his life the writer started talking about the universal mission of Russia. That the Russians "are called upon to solve most of the problems of a social order … to answer the most important questions that concern humanity." But they tried to forget this, but the first "Philosophical Letter" remained in the memory forever, laying the foundations of Eurocentrism and Westernism in Russia.
A new catastrophe is brewing
Hatred of Russia and everything Russian accumulated in the Russian, then from the Soviet intelligentsia, smoothly flowed into politics. The Western liberals at first hated the Russian autocracy, tsarism, which was the main bond of the Romanov empire. This hatred led to the catastrophe of 1917. Russophobia, hatred of Russian history and culture flourished in the 1920s, during the domination of internationalist revolutionaries and Westernizers.
Stalin drove the Western cosmopolitans underground. The revival of Russianness began - history, culture, art and language. But they did not have time to consolidate this great deed. Already Stalin's successors have consigned this important matter to oblivion. As a result, a terrible catastrophe of 1985-1993.
The highest point of Russophobia was the history of Belovezhskaya Russia, created in a drunken stupor in December 1991. Then the team of Gaidar and Chubais took power - the "rats" who received an excellent Soviet education, who considered themselves great intellectuals who dreamed of turning Russia to the West.
It was then that the time of marauders and destroyers came. Russia was turned into a "pipe", a raw material appendage of the West, and then of the East. Mass migration of people of creative, constructive professions began. The Russian people, in the conditions of cultural, linguistic, national and socio-economic genocide, began to rapidly degrade and die out. Conditions were created for the further collapse of Russia into a dozen new states - Primorskaya, Siberian, Ural, Volga, North-Western republics, etc.
All these and a lot of other negative processes did not go anywhere in the 2000s, they were only retouched, brightened up with the help of government propaganda, television pictures and money.
Now Russia has again approached a new catastrophe-distemper, the source of which is the pro-Western elite, big business and the liberal intelligentsia.
Thus, the anti-Russian informational, ideological matrix, born in the West, has infiltrated Russian society like a virus and captured the minds of high society. She formed the fifth column, which has already killed the Russian state twice - in 1917 and 1991.
And today this elite is an assistant to the West in the matter of the final solution of the Russian question. The overwhelming majority of the high society itself does not believe in the future of Russia. This can be seen in relation to the most important thing in their life - children and capital. Children are given birth abroad, growing up, their offspring study in Western schools and institutes. Then they stay to live in the West, quickly turning into British, Americans, Australians or Germans. In the West, and property - luxury apartments, villas, bank accounts, deposits in foreign companies.
The elite of the Russian Federation is the Western elite! Rather, its periphery, slaves and lackeys. Like the current Afghan colonial administration, which, after the owners left, immediately scrambled, dropping slippers and other stuff. In such a situation, a new catastrophe and the collapse of Russia are inevitable.