The fact that the climate on Earth has changed and not for the better, today almost everyone has understood. Every day from the news we learn about natural disasters around the world, although we do not believe that the cause of the rampage of the elements can be man-made.

About the previously closed American project HAARP, which has continued to work since 2015, and that scientists are conducting their experiments there, I wrote in a previous article: "HAARP has been turned on again!"
For reference:
Under pressure from the public and due to a series of scandals, funding for the project was stopped and at the end of the contract it was frozen. But in 2015, the military department officially donated HAARP equipment to the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to study the powerful potential of the ionosphere - the electrically charged layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Details here.
Since 2015, the bulk of HAARP's scientific experiments have been in plasma physics. But in 2018, the experiments conducted by K. Follen revealed great potential for research in the field of radio wave propagation. At the same time, very few experiments have been carried out with the transmission of audio recordings and still images.
Experiment 2018
Let me remind you that in April 2018, the lead researcher of the project, Christopher Follen, conducted a whole series of experiments with HAARP, inviting all amateur radio amateurs to join their project on Twitter.
In the course of the experiments, the frequencies, the configuration of the transmitted signals, the direction and duration of exposure (from 20 minutes to 2 hours!) Were selected. Radio amateurs around the world tweeted the scientist about their observations of the received HAARP signals. In military terms, at that time a “fire adjustment” was carried out with the recording of “firing results” and the equipment was adjusted.

Christopher Follen, who is considered the chief scientist of the HAARP project, took part in the "hacker conference" this winter. There he invited the Canadian "interdisciplinary artist" Amanda Dawn Christie to implement her author's art project on HAARP equipment.
Inspired by the success of last year's experiments, Follen was intrigued by Amanda's proposal (who, by the way, received a grant from the Canadian Arts Council for her project) to use IRI (Ionospheric Research Instrument) to broadcast a very specific "transmission".
A little about her
Amanda Dawn Christie is an assistant professor of studio arts at Concordia University, Canada, and a very "peculiar" lady. About such people we usually say: "With their cockroaches in my head."
She positions herself as: "An adult artist with (adolescent) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who uses his own medical imaging technology." She, for example, proudly reports that she was able to get hold of scans of her brain, X-rays "and even tissue samples from my biopsies from pathology laboratories." All this she used in various research art projects.
“Most recently, I incorporated an MRI scan of my brain into the high frequency radio transmissions that I sent from HAARP to the ionosphere and into outer space as part,” says Amanda.

Ghosts in the air stream
Amanda called her project Ghosts in the Air Glow.
"The object that was used by the military has an atmosphere of secrecy and has been the subject of many conspiracy theories over the years - this is what I was thinking about when creating the piece,"
- she explains.
The Ghosts in the Air Glow project is officially the first Canadian project to be funded by HAARP.
The presentation said Christie is using the world's most powerful high-frequency radio transmitter on earth "to send art around the world and into outer space." Nice wrapper with questionable inner content. My grandfather Vanya would say: "All this is an artistic whistle!" The true goals of the experiments, as a rule, are hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, but we will try to deal with these "ghosts".
Deal with ghosts
Technically speaking, Ghosts in the Air is an ionospheric mixing of sound and image with the powerful carrier signal of the HAARP installation.
The broadcast via HAARP consisted of eight parts, each of which was created for specific frequencies, as it was stated "to study various concepts related to radio engineering and the HAARP site itself."
The broadcasts were aired for an hour every day from March 25 to March 28, 2019.
Here are the main components of a broadcast:
- various audio compositions "Requiem for Radio";
- wolf howl, called "Meeting of polar wolves with aurora borealis";
- “poetic texts” written in Morse code and NATO phonetic alphabet;
- various SSTV images (image transmission over narrowband radio channels in the HF or VHF bands).
I provide a full video of the reception of one such program at the end of the article.
Ghosts in the Air Glow (Thursday, March 28, 2019). Speech, music, howling of a wolf pack, broadcasting "strange" pictures, old photographs, Morse code.

According to Amanda, the connecting thread that unites all parts of her installation is the idea of "ghosts" that supposedly inhabit our radio waves, or rather esotericism. When radio was discovered in the 19th century, the spiritualist movements of that era believed that the souls of the dead were occupying the electromagnetic spectrum of radio waves. She liked the idea of a connection between matter, energy and electromagnetic waves. “By incorporating images and sounds into the glow of the air, I am also in some way implanting my own 'ghosts' into the EM spectrum, an invisible but very active area,” says Christie.
Consider this impact
The Russian scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov has well described the theory of reincarnation of living beings. According to this theory, the energetic essences of all the dead occupy a kind of near-earth space, waiting for a suitable newborn organism for its next incarnation. If we consider the idea of a Canadian scientist to fill the ether with "ghosts" from this point of view, then her experiments look terrible. Not only does the HAARP radiation burn "holes" in the ionosphere, destroying the entities located there, but also "arranges hell for them." But let us leave the ghosts to the spiritologists and return to the "poetic texts" and symbolic pictures.
Some of the images included in the broadcasts look more than odd, and some have symbolism and globalization, giving food for thought to proponents of conspiracy theories. Yes, and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), and other ritual spells, it seems, has not been canceled. Who knows what kind of thought-forms were introduced into the "poetic texts" by their creators and psychoanalysts!

But the most important thing in these experiments is the purpose of the impact. There is free access to information that the transmission of the HAARP signal is directed to Russia, and more specifically to Surra. Imagine my surprise when the Internet told me that Sura is not only a settlement and a river, but also the Russian facility "Sura" (a multifunctional radio complex), similar to HAARP, is located near the city of Vasilsursk in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which is 150 km from Nizhny Novgorod. True, their site seems to have not been updated for a long time, but you can learn something about the work of this facility.

Technical data of the Sura radio complex:

There is no information that our multifunctional radio complex is closed.
It can be assumed that if "Sura" is of interest to our worst "partners", it means that the object is in working order. They were clearly targeting him!
Such a picture emerges. Canadian scientist Amanda Dawn Christie comes from her Montreal to Alaska to visit another male scientist, Christopher Follen. And instead of spending the received grants together, barbecuing in nature, drinking Alaskan beer, taking selfies against the backdrop of HAARP antennas and admiring the beauty of the landscape, they launch into the sky … No, not romantic Chinese lanterns or meteorological balloons.

They send a powerful, full of "ghosts", wolf howls, spells and who knows what nasty HAARP signal, sending it to our scientific (or military) object "Sura". Is this a kind of duel between rivals? Comments are superfluous.

I can only add that at the same time, the broadcast to Russia within the framework of the experiment was supplemented by the transmission of a signal from Uzbekistan at a frequency of 7595 kHz. Is there a similar equipment installed there too?

Second American transmission complex at Arecibo
Some radio amateurs, however, were able to catch another powerful signal from the second American transmitter - the radio telescope in Arecibo (Puerto Rico). At this time, scientists sent a coded message from him into deep space.

Radio amateurs joked about this that it was like screaming at night in a wild forest inhabited by wild predators. Who knows which civilization will catch our signal and with what intentions they will come to us!..

Financial side of the project
Christopher Follen himself mentioned that the 2 minutes of HAARP runtime required to send the SSTV image (rounded up to 5 minutes in practice for billing management) costs $ 5,000 per hour. “This is the most expensive MMS,” he jokes. I have already written about the approximate fuel consumption of diesel generators feeding the HAARP installation.
“We are refurbishing many of the research tools on site and installing new design equipment,” says Christopher.
This year, they even dropped the annual Open House Day.
At the April HAARP Summit in Washington, DC, there was strong support from the research community. HAARP was also included in the report of the US Arctic Research Commission "Arctic Research Goals and Objectives 2019-2020".
Let me add that the US Senate in Report 116-48, FY2020 National Defense Approval Act, also recognizes the project's unique importance and allocates funds for its continued use "to support the national space security program."
Here is a translation of a fragment of the text of the US Senate report
Importance and Uses of United States Active Ionospheric Research
The committee recognizes the unique importance of American active ionospheric research facilities, also known as "ionospheric heaters". These installations transmit high frequency (HF) radio waves and play a critical role in research on ionospheric impacts on national security systems.
The research that can be done at these sites is beneficial to national security in areas such as domain awareness, radar, atmospheric impacts on space systems, and over-the-horizon communications.
The committee recognizes that while there are four ionospheric research facilities in the world, two are in the United States, including the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakon, Alaska, and the high frequency heater at the Arecibo Observatory (AO) in Arecibo, Puerto -Riko. Both of these centers are designed to support the research and national security programs of the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation.
The Committee is aware that HAARP is supporting research on ionospheric effects on communications and navigation at high latitudes and in recovering high-energy killer electrons in the magnetosphere from an extreme solar event or high-altitude nuclear explosion. The HAARP Center supports strategic applications for over-the-horizon radar, global communications, and satellite communications diagnostics. The Committee is aware that the AO facility is supporting research on ionospheric effects in mid and low latitudes with applications including radio communications and radar detection. These experimental sites provide an understanding and diagnosis of ionospheric effects that are extremely difficult to obtain.
The Committee encourages the continued use of these funds and considers that these funds can be used, as appropriate, to support the national space security program.
Christopher Follen, talking about his future scientific plans, explains that the experiments with HAARP, carried out in 2018 and 2019, are only preparatory activities. Major broadcasts will take place in 2020. The timing of the broadcasts (spring) was also not chosen by chance. Only during the period of spring atmospheric "windows" are conditions ideal for the passage of a high-frequency signal with minimal absorption (scattering).
You can also talk about a strange anomaly in the formation of a cyclone over the Irkutsk region or the deadly heat in Europe, as well as about the March snowfall in Saudi Arabia. In Alaska, for example, forest fires have been raging since spring, and such anomalous temperatures have not been observed for 100 years, but "this year their latitude and intensity, as well as their duration, are" especially unusual. " And you can draw causal parallels and draw your own conclusions about the possible use of "climate weapons". Anything can be expected from these scientists with "cockroaches in their heads", controlling the most powerful emitter. But now we know that they have planned their grand show for the spring of 2020.