The deeper I go into American reality, the more pity I get for the American military. And not soldiers and officers, but generals. Oh, and a hard lot to be an American general in the modern world!
No, I'm not talking about any aptitude or fitness tests. Not even about the complexity of command and control in the age of universal computerization and robotization. And not even about the physical and psychological state of American society, and therefore of American soldiers and officers.
I'm talking about what tricks American generals do not have to go to in order to knock out the next increase in the budget for their own needs. How to dodge to justify your own shortcomings and the mistakes of others.
The Warrior edition, well, not the National Interest, but also quite a confident edition, in which another American general, this time Air Force Lieutenant General David Deptul, tells the American people about the invincibility of American weapons. More precisely, the fact that the Russian S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft systems are simply not capable of destroying the new generation of American stealth aircraft.

Do not rush to yawn and put the button accordion aside. Now let's start vomiting.
There is a twist here. And it is that General Deptul is not just an army "boot". This is a military scientist, dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Research! Consequently, a person who possesses such information that a simple sergeant or lieutenant cannot even imagine. And it’s better not to imagine, because it will be cheaper to shoot yourself than not to divulge.
Remember how many accolades there were about stealth stealth? It turned out that, moving away from ultra-modern tracking systems, the designers of stealth technologies completely forgot about the presence of other weapons. From the "stone" age. For which any "stealth" is nothing more than an airplane that has an engine that creates air turbulence and other nonsense that no one has paid attention to for a long time.
But in vain.
But the Americans would not be Americans if they did not immediately change the conditions of the game.
According to the new American concept, invisibility is just not the main thing. Now the main thing is that the "pigeon" sent from the large radar, which calculated the plane, did not have time to reach the small radar that the missile or interceptor aircraft has. And the "pigeon", according to the American version, always flies quieter than the plane. Checkmate against our S-300 and 400.
In short, while the essence and the matter, while all these tasks are being solved, "stealth" will fly away without problems. And the radars of missiles and aircraft will view the clear horizon as wrecked sailors in a calm sea. Clean around and no one.
Something so familiar in G major, right?
But do not think that General Deptul is telling all this in order to humiliate Russian complexes. No. Everything is simpler here. The weakness of the complexes was shown by their installation in Syria. There is an installation - there are no planes. For some reason, they do not fly.
In fact, the general performs the same task as described above. "Give us money and we will protect everyone from everything!" And given the rank of Air Force general, it is clear that the US Air Force needs the money. You don't even need to guess why. Read the article and that's it.
Again to quote Warrior.
Moreover, thanks to stealth technologies, Raider will be able to keep at gunpoint "any target anywhere in the world at any time."Imagine a bomber with nuclear bombs or missiles on board, which freely hovers over Moscow or any other city in Russia or China?
Yes, any government will not regret any money for the realization of such a dream. It is simply impossible to resist commenting on the Warrior story.
As an American, I would run to the bank right now to transfer all my savings to the US Air Force. With such protection, I will still earn. But I'm not an American …
I am the one that all these technologies are designed to destroy. Therefore, I look at the weapons "from the opposite trench."
And there is a TASS report about the tests of the Russian S-400 complex in China. China was the first to receive export S-400s and immediately tested them to determine whether the technical characteristics met those declared by the manufacturer.
Come on, dear, knowing how China relates to such things, it is clear that the Chinese specialists drank all our blood before buying. In such volumes that Dracula would have simply strangled himself with envy. This is China, you know …
Colleagues from TASS painted everything just fine:
According to other sources, the tests were carried out not in a "greenhouse environment", but in conditions of "strong interference by the enemy."
Interesting? But the speed of 3 km / s is the speed of the warhead of a medium-range ballistic missile. So what about "a series of tasks that the system will not have time to solve" Mr. Lieutenant General of the US Army Air Force? Or are there problems of a "different design"?
By the way, do many countries in the modern world have "targets" capable of developing such a speed? No, of course, in the future, after some time, it is possible … But the S-400 in the future, after some time, it is possible … will replace the S-500!
The Americans also stated something similar in characteristics. I'm talking about the Aegis Ashore SM-3 anti-missile system. Then this statement caused a lot of noise in certain circles. Moreover, the conversation was not even about 3, but about more than 10 km / s! Only now there is no confirmation of the existence of such characteristics in the SM-3.
It is clear that not yet. Then they will appear. But it is then that we will discuss the problem that has arisen, but not before. Simply because we somehow do not observe the meaning.
It is clear that by promising types of weapons the American general means hypersonic missiles like the Russian Avangard. But where are they in the great America? God did not give horns to the thirsty cow. It happens.
It is clear that you should not completely trust the messages of the Chinese either. We are talking about advertising our product by a third-party buyer. But the Chinese may also refuse to confess if a "jamb" was made. However, judging by the sentiments in the leadership of the PRC, there was still no "jamb". Almaz-Antey sold what it offered, and the PLA got what it paid for.
So what are the new US bombers? Will they save America? Or will they save General Deptul from being transferred to the reserve?
The general urges the Americans to spend more on weapons. Stealth bombers today. Hypersonic missiles tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, combat lasers. In three tomorrow combat satellites … And so on until the money runs out.
No, it is clear that colored paper in the USA will never end. But anyway…
Once upon a time, smart people said wise things. To do and say what has been done are different things. But they cost the same.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov has long written about the situation in which the United States is today. Read the fable "The Elephant and the Pug", Mr. General. Although, you will not bark for a bone. And even with a large piece of meat … More precisely, the budget.
And our caravan will continue to move slowly. It doesn't matter how, it doesn't matter where. Where do we need.