The US defense industry is currently actively engaged in the subject of laser combat systems for various purposes. One of the latest developments in this area is Boeing's CLaWS complex. It appeared several years ago and is currently in limited use in the army. In the foreseeable future, this system may enter service with the Marine Corps.

Compact Laser Weapon System
Boeing has been dealing with combat lasers for a long time and regularly demonstrates new developments in this area. In 2015, the premiere of another similar development took place - a lightweight and compact laser complex Compact Laser Weapon System (CLWS or CLaWS). Such weapons have been proposed to combat unmanned aerial vehicles and other targets exposed to thermal energy.
The CLWS complex consists of several main components. The main one is a unit with a radiator and optical devices, mounted on an installation with guidance drives. The complex also includes some other systems, such as a remote control panel and power supply devices.
In 2015, the development company demonstrated the capabilities of the CLWS product. Automatics took the target drone to escort, and the combat laser successfully set it on fire. Further tests were continued. In the course of such checks, work algorithms were studied and perfected, and the design of the complex was also improved.
Prototypes of the CLWS / CLaWS light combat laser were mounted on tripods. At the same time, the project provided for the possibility of placing the equipment on any land carrier - first of all, on various self-propelled vehicles. To increase the flexibility of use, it was also proposed to develop several options for a laser of different power. The first to be tested was a 5 kW system. In the future, it was planned to make samples for 2 and 10 kW.
Army laser
The ground forces became interested in the Boeing CLWS project, and quite quickly this interest led to real results. In 2016, by order of the army, a new type of 2-kilowatt laser was tested. Also, the new weapon was tested as part of the Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment. Despite some complaints, CLWS coped with most of the tasks.
To participate in the Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment, a combat laser was mounted on a standard JLTV army armored vehicle. A control panel was installed in the cab of the car, and the unit with the emitter was placed on a rack above the cargo area. This arrangement made it possible to carry out circular guidance and control almost the entire upper hemisphere. JLTV with CLWS successfully coped with the search and destruction of a simulated enemy UAV.
Later, as the project for the army developed, plans were mentioned to modernize the self-propelled combat laser. The army planned to order a more powerful emitter. A 10 kW laser should be tested in 2019. In the meantime, military tests of a less powerful system continue.
According to known data, CLWS combat lasers have already been used several times in various exercises. It was reported about the participation of such equipment in maneuvers at European training grounds. The transfer to another continent confirmed the high strategic mobility of the complex while maintaining its basic combat qualities.

Despite notable successes, the CLWS product has not yet been officially adopted by the US Army. Military trials continue and will take some time. In the near future, a new version of the complex should appear, which is also planned to be tested in the troops. Based on the results of all checks, a final decision will be made. CLWS has every chance to enter service and strengthen the air defense of military formations.
For the Marine Corps
A few days ago it was announced that the Boeing laser system was being delivered to the ILC. This structure also understands the risks associated with enemy UAVs, and intends to take the necessary measures. Considering the experience of colleagues in the army and the achievements of the industry, the Marine Corps decided to test the CLWS / CLaWS laser system.
It is especially noted that the CLaWS prototypes will be the first laser systems deployed in the ILC. Until now, the Corps has not had this kind of weaponry. Nevertheless, the requirements of the time make him study and implement modern and promising developments.
In the field of laser weapons, the ILC lagged behind its main competitor in the person of the army. For this reason, it is proposed to continue the work at an accelerated pace and to make a decision on the further fate of CLaWS in the near future. It is noted that only a year has passed from the launch of the new ILC program to the delivery of the first samples in the unit.
Current plans provide for the installation of CLaWS on one of the standard ILC chassis for use in the interests of air defense. The command considers modern UAVs to be a serious threat, which requires special means to combat. In this context, the opinion of the command of the ILC does not differ from the views of the army.
The technical details of the project for the ILC have not yet been specified. The exact type of chassis for installing CLaWS remains unknown. Also, the power of the selected laser and, as a result, other combat characteristics are not mentioned. Perhaps the customer has not yet decided on the choice, and such issues will be resolved as the tests are carried out.
Advanced development
To date, a number of combat lasers for various purposes have been created in the United States, and in this respect Boeing CLWS / CLaWS is nothing new or unique. Nevertheless, this development occupies its own niche and copes well with the assigned tasks. Having appeared on time and showing the required characteristics, the CLWS complex was able to interest potential customers in the person of the two branches of the US military.

CLWS was able to reach the stage of military testing and now expects to be adopted. These results are directly related to a number of inherent benefits. First of all, the CLWS from Boeing is distinguished by its small dimensions and weight, as well as a convenient modular architecture. This allows the equipment to be mounted on a wide variety of media, from cars to armored vehicles. The army has already chosen its standard JLTV armored car, while the ILC has not yet revealed the desired carrier.
An important feature of CLWS / CLaWS is the presence of several modifications with emitters of different power. The customer is able to choose one of three lasers that best suits his requirements. At the same time, other components of the complex are unified. This feature also simplifies upgrades.
The most important factor should be considered the best fit for the tasks set. Currently, combat lasers are considered one of the best means of dealing with light UAVs. They combine good fighting qualities with a reasonable cost of combat use. The power of the laser is sufficient to burn through the plastic parts of the drone and damage the internal units, and a "shot" with a beam costs much less than a projectile or anti-aircraft missile.
Thus, the latest successes of the Boeing CLWS complex seem logical and even expected. One of the structures of the Pentagon showed interest and launched a full cycle of tests, according to the results of which such a system may enter service. The Marine Corps will now test it as well. KMP plans to complete all the necessary work within a year. This means that new messages about CLaWS may appear in the very near future.