The eleventh Airshow China exhibition took place in Zhuhai, China last week. One of the largest aerospace exhibitions in Asia has once again become a platform for showcasing the latest achievements in various fields, allowing all interested parties and the general public to know about existing progress, as well as select products for future purchases. According to the organizers, Airshow China 2016 once again set several records in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors, as well as the volume of signed contracts.
The International Aerospace Show opened in Zhuhai on November 1. Until the end of the week, open exhibition areas and pavilions received visitors, both representatives of various departments and organizations, and the interested public. According to the organizers, this time more than seven hundred companies and organizations from 42 countries took part in the exhibition. The exhibition grounds hosted more than 150 aircraft of various models, built in different countries. An even greater number of developments were shown in the form of layouts and other promotional materials. For six days, the exhibition was attended by about 400 thousand people.

The Russian exposition attracted the attention of visitors. Photo
The International Aerospace Exhibition has once again become a platform for signing contracts for the supply of certain products. More than 400 contracts were concluded within the framework of the salon. The total value of the products stipulated by these documents has reached $ 40 billion. In particular, contracts were signed for the supply of 187 aircraft of various classes and types. At the same time, the most successful commercial aircraft seller was the Chinese company Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China. It has received new orders for 56 C919 passenger aircraft and 40 ARJ21-700 aircraft.
It should be noted that, despite the name, the exhibition in Zhuhai was devoted not only to aviation and space technology. Noticeable attention within the framework of this event is paid to various models of ground military equipment, such as electronic warfare or anti-aircraft systems. Also an important part of the exposition are developments in the field of aviation and ground radio-electronic equipment, etc. Such approaches allowed the organizers to increase the number of developments planned for demonstration, as well as to attract new participants in the person of the developers of certain projects that are not directly related to aviation.
In addition to enterprises of the Chinese industry, numerous organizations from other countries, including Russia, took part in the recent exhibition. Moreover, this time the Russian exposition became the largest among all foreign ones. A Russian delegation of about 400 people presented new developments of fifty enterprises. In total, more than 220 samples of aviation and other equipment were shown. It is noteworthy that in comparison with the previous exhibition Airshow China 2014, the area of the Russian exposition has increased by about 2.5 times. To place all the stands, it took over 1.5 thousand sq. M.

Models of products of the Almaz-Antey concern. Photo Concern East Kazakhstan region "Almaz Antey" /
Russia at the Airshow China 2016 exhibition was represented by all the leading enterprises of the aviation and defense industry. The Sukhoi company, the Russian Helicopters holding, the Almaz-Antey aerospace defense concern, the Shvabe and Thermodynamics holdings, the United Engine Corporation, the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, etc. have shown their developments. The involvement of 49 companies in the exhibition allowed showing potential customers a large number of the latest developments, as well as covering all major areas. In addition to industry, the exhibition was attended by Russian aerobatic teams "Russian Knights" and "Strizhi".
The Russian Helicopters holding brought to China several already well-known aircraft models, and, in addition, presented a number of new developments. So, at the stand of the holding in the pavilion of the exhibition, models of new versions of existing equipment were demonstrated. The medical version of the Ansat multipurpose helicopter, the Ka-32A11BC fire-fighting modification, and the Mi-171A2 multipurpose vehicle were presented. The exhibition schedule included several presentations, during which the Russian helicopter manufacturer presented to potential customers the entire volume of required information on promising developments.
Already on the first day of the exhibition, Russian Helicopters signed the first contract for the supply of equipment. According to the new document, in 2017-18, the Chinese company Wuhan Rand Aviation Technology Service Co., Ltd. will have to receive 18 Mi-171, Ka-32 and Ansat helicopters. The firm contract implies the construction and delivery of two medical-grade Ansats, two multipurpose Mi-171s and one Ka-32. Another 13 cars are subject to an option. Chinese pilots already have experience with Mi-171 and Ka-32 helicopters: this technique has been used for several years to solve various problems. The ordered Ansat vehicles, in turn, will become the first representatives of their type delivered to China. Three Ka-32, Ansat and Mi-171 helicopters will be transferred to Jiangsu Baoli Aviation Equipment Co., Ltd. in the foreseeable future. The corresponding contract was signed on November 2.

Samples of the optical equipment of the "Shvabe" holding presented at the exhibition. Photo "Shvabe" /
In addition to contracts for the supply of equipment, Russian Helicopters signed another important document. On November 3, it was officially announced that the Hong Kong-based Lakeshore International Aviation Co., Ltd. becomes an authorized agent of the Russian holding for the marketing and promotion of civilian helicopters in China. Such cooperation should significantly improve the prospects for Russian Helicopters' products in the Chinese market.
United Aircraft Corporation brought a number of its new developments to Airshow China 2016. The VK-2500PS, AL-31FN and RD-93 engines were shown to specialists and the general public. The AI-222-25, TV7-117SM and AL-41F-1S products were demonstrated in the form of models. In addition to showing new developments in the field of engine building, the Corporation planned to hold a number of events aimed at developing cooperation with Chinese companies.
One of the results of the current cooperation between the Russian UEC and the Chinese aviation industry is the emergence of contracts for the supply of spare parts and support for the operation of AL-31F and D-30KU / KP engines operated by China. A division of the United Aircraft Corporation, JSC UEC-STAR, has completed the registration of trademarks for regulator pumps of turboshaft engines of the VK-2500 / TV3-117 family. In the near future, it is planned to notify the Chinese authorities about this. Thanks to this, only HP-3VM-T and HP-3VMA-T products will now be legally sold in China, while counterfeit copies will be outlawed. In addition to protecting the manufacturer's copyright, this will lead to an increase in the reliability of the equipment.

Samples of modern technology were demonstrated in pavilions and in open areas. Photo
The Shvabe holding, engaged in the creation of optoelectronic equipment for use in various fields, presented at a recent exhibition two dozen of its new developments. One of the elements of the holding's exposition was multifunctional optical fibers and products based on them, created by the Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Optical Materials Science of the All-Russian Scientific Center “GOI im. S. I. Vavilov . The production of optical fibers from silica glass offers certain advantages over other technologies that can be used in various fields.
Krasnogorsk plant them. S. A. Zvereva, also part of the Shvabe holding, made a presentation of the Geoton-L1 multispectral optoelectronic imaging equipment, as well as the Aurora wide-grip multispectral optoelectronic equipment. The Geoton-L1 product is already used in the onboard equipment of the Resurs-P spacecraft used in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments. Monochromatic shooting allows you to identify objects larger than 85 cm in a swath up to 40 km. The simultaneous use of monochrome optical and four or five spectral channels (out of six) makes it possible to increase the information content of the obtained images. The Aurora equipment is designed for use with the small spacecraft Aist-2D and has a monochromatic optical channel, as well as three spectral channels, which make it possible to find objects at least 1.5 m in size.
On November 2, the Shvabe holding and the Chinese company UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. signed a contract for the supply of various products required for the production of spacecraft. It is planned to develop cooperation, which will result in joint production of satellite navigation aids compatible with existing systems of domestic and foreign development. By the end of the year, Shvabe and the Chinese corporation CETC plan to formulate a detailed plan of interaction, in accordance with which the joint development of optoelectronic and laser systems will be carried out in the future.

Be-200 and Be-103 amphibious aircraft. Photo of TANTK them. Beriev /
For the first time, the Russian holding Tekhnodinamika took part in the Chinese aerospace salon, the enterprises of which are engaged in the development of various systems and assemblies for aviation. As a newcomer to the exhibition, the Russian holding used new and bold ideas to showcase its developments. An interactive monitor with a diagonal of about 5 m was mounted at the Technodinamika stand, on which all the necessary information was displayed. Visitors to the exhibition could learn about the main activities of the holding, as well as get acquainted with its promising developments, presented in the form of three-dimensional models.
The Russian aviation industry showed in China not only the latest developments, but also already known samples. However, some of them became the subject of new contracts. So, on the second day of the exhibition, a contract was signed for the construction of Be-200 amphibious aircraft for China. The contract implies the supply of two cars with an option for two more. The first aircraft of this contract will be delivered to the customer in 2018. It is noted that the Be-200 for the Chinese customer will differ from the existing equipment in its basic version. The emergence of an export contract allows the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V. I. G. M. Beriev to reach production rates of up to six Be-200s per year. It should be noted that the recently signed contract will lead to the first delivery of amphibians of this type abroad.
In addition to the supply of finished equipment, Russian and Chinese enterprises plan to start joint production of several samples. So, on September 23, during the Gidroaviasalon-2016, an agreement on cooperation was signed by TANTK im. Beriev and Energy Leader Aircraft Manufacturing within the framework of the licensed production of the Be-103 aircraft. In the near future, it is planned to change the existing amphibious project in accordance with current requirements, and then establish the construction of such equipment at Chinese factories. During the Airshow China 2016 exhibition, the Russian and Chinese organizations signed several new agreements, which define certain conditions for cooperation on the Be-103.

The number of visitors clearly shows interest in Russian developments. Photo
A part of the exposition of the aerospace salon in China is traditionally given for the demonstration of ground equipment, including air defense equipment. This technique is of great interest to various customers, which leads to the appearance of stands of its manufacturers. In this direction, Russia was represented by the Almaz-Antey concern. The concern showed already well-known developments in the field of anti-aircraft systems, such as the S-300PMU2, S-300VM and S-400 complexes. In addition, potential customers were offered service programs for equipment.
The management of the concern noted that a number of countries in Southeast Asia, which are armed with Russian-made anti-aircraft systems, indicated the relevance of services for the maintenance of such equipment. In this regard, the possibility of creating a network of service centers in the Asia-Pacific region is being considered, which will carry out the repair and modernization of serial equipment belonging to various armies. In the near future, it is planned to complete negotiations, as a result of which the first such center will appear in China. Its task will be to service complexes of the S-300 family.
The International Aerospace Exhibition Airshow China 2016, for obvious reasons, is primarily a platform for demonstrating the latest achievements of the Chinese industry, and its main audience is considered to be companies and government agencies in China. Nevertheless, during this event, other countries, including Russia, show their latest developments. This time, the Russian delegation prepared the largest exposition among foreign participants, which attracted the attention of both specialists and the general public. In addition, a number of important agreements were signed by Russian enterprises. Thus, the exhibition that took place last week can be considered a success.