The Russian arms industry produces a huge assortment of weapons for various purposes, including rather unusual samples. Such samples can be safely attributed to the OTs-62 revolver, which was designed by specialists from the Central Design Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO). This enterprise, located in Tula, has developed and produces a wide range of small arms, the most famous models of which include the OSV-96 and VKS sniper rifles, the ADS two-medium assault rifle, the GSh-18 pistol and the OTs-38 silent revolver.
Unfortunately, not much information can be found about the development of the OTs-62, it is only known that this revolver appeared as a further development of the MTs255 single-barrel revolving gun, which was developed for hunting medium-sized game. On the basis of this gun, a police version of the MTs255-12 (chambered for 12/70 and 12/76) was also created at one time. This gun was intended for arming law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies and was distinguished by fittings made of black plastic, the presence of a Picatinny rail and a folding stock. Judging by the lack of information, which also disappeared from the official website of the developer company, the company's new products did not find their buyer, there is no information about the use of the models by the security forces.
Talking about these models, it is necessary to return to the early 1990s, when domestic gunsmiths and law enforcement officers tried to jointly understand what kind of arsenal the security forces should have in the new realities. In those years, the idea of a large-caliber revolver as a universal personal weapon of an employee was widely discussed. The concept involved combining the simplicity and reliability of the revolver with the ability to use a wide range of available ammunition. It was not only about ordinary bullets of increased stopping effect, but also about special ammunition (armor-piercing, buckshot and non-lethal). In the absence of Russian companies' experience in the development of modern revolving cartridges, they chose a hunting 32 caliber as a basis (depending on the type of barrel, the nominal caliber of such revolvers was designated as 12, 3-12, 5 mm). As part of the implementation of the designated concept, some models of weapons were created, which were positioned in our market as weapons for state organizations with special statutory tasks ("Blow", "Thunder"), or as weapons for private security structures ("Udar-S", "Dog-1").

In practice, the idea turned out to be unclaimed, the law enforcement agencies did not have enough funds to purchase such "exotic" items, and private security companies preferred to arm themselves with the familiar and well-known IZH-71 service pistol. In many ways, Russian gunsmiths were characterized by an attempt to stay ahead of the requirements of the existing market. Following the OTs-20 revolver, which was created as part of the work on the ROC "Udar", TsKIB SOO thought about the creation of a hunting revolver rifle. The OTs-20 revolver used 12, 3x40 mm R cartridges for firing, which were 32 caliber rifle cartridges with a sleeve shortened to 40 mm. In total, no more than 200 such revolvers were produced in Tula.
In the new MC255, there was a certain relationship with the OTs-20. Initially, the weapon was produced only in the 20th hunting caliber, but over time, modifications of.410 and 12 caliber appeared, as well as a version for law enforcement agencies with a folding butt. It should be noted here that in TsKIB SOO models with the MC index ("TsKIB SOO model") since 1948 are models of hunting, sporting and civilian weapons, models with the OTs index ("TsKIB SOO sample") since 1960 are military weapons.
The MTs255 revolving gun was developed by the Tula designers of TsKIB SOO in the early 2000s. This weapon model uses a classic revolving scheme - a drum designed for five rounds, leans to the side, spent cartridges are simultaneously thrown out when you press the spring-loaded drum rod. The MTs255 trigger mechanism is double-acting (you can shoot self-cocking, you can first cock the trigger with your finger). Positioned as a weapon for hunting medium-sized game, this gun was produced in three calibers -.410 (10, 4 mm), 20-m (15, 6 mm) and 12-m (18, 5 mm). Users of this weapon noted the low resource of the revolving gun and the insufficient reliability of the model with some types of ammunition. In addition, in practice, the spent cartridges were not removed with a stock, they had to be removed one at a time, squeezing out with a finger or a ramrod.

Revolver OTs-62
The tactical version for the security forces was distinguished by the presence of Picatinny rails for placing target designators, tactical flashlights and collimator sights and a folding metal butt. A traumatic revolver OTs-62 with a barrel of 200 mm was created especially for the police units on the basis of the MTs255. Outwardly, the weapon resembled something between a small gun and a revolver that had grown in size. In the advertising brochure TsKIB SOO it was said that the OTs-62 revolver was designed to arm special units of law enforcement agencies during operations to detain violators of public order, disperse unauthorized demonstrations, etc. The revolver uses rifle cartridges equipped with a rubber bullet. " In fact, the weapon was a "sawed-off" MTs255 with a shortened barrel and without a stock for the new 12/67 mm cartridge.
Having missed the chance to enter the market with the Udar revolver, the Tula enterprise could count on the OTs-62 in the future to be considered not only as a weapon of law enforcement officers, but also as a service or civilian weapon. Some experts believed that if the developers of the OTs-62 ventured further away from the prototype, then their model would have a better chance of success. But the large weight of the revolver-gun - 2.5 kg (without cartridges), which was inherited from its progenitor, significantly limited the tactical range of using this weapon. So the security forces could not carry such non-lethal weapons in addition to the service ones. At the same time, the mass of the model could be reduced if the developers switched from steel to light alloys and high-impact plastic.
The OTs-62 differed from other previously developed revolvers "Gnome" and "Udar" in its size, it was simply huge. It was difficult to classify weapons. Outwardly, this is a revolver, but at the same time it is too large, has a smooth barrel, allowing the use of shot cartridges and a forend. The drum of the revolver contained five cartridges of 12 caliber, but not common hunting 12/76 mm, but slightly less weak 12/67 mm. The rear of the weapon is absolutely revolving, while in the front there is a forend with a shield. You ask what is the front flap for? The thing is that the OTs-62 barrel has a length of 200 mm, which is very important for a revolver, and not enough for a shotgun, but cartridges are used, albeit shortened, but powerful enough 12 caliber. When fired, a flame flies out of the barrel, which would simply burn the arrow's hand if it were not for the presence of a shield.

Revolver OTs-62
At the same time, in Tula, the OTs-62 was primarily positioned as a weapon for firing non-lethal ammunition, mainly with a rubber bullet. The use of cartridges with shot is also possible, but only in exceptional cases. As a result, there is a weapon that is incredibly small for a shotgun and too large for a revolver, capable of firing both non-lethal and conventional ammunition. At the same time, the weapon has a serious recoil, which cannot be reduced; the revolver does not have a stock and a muzzle brake-compensator. Therefore, you can shoot from it only by holding the weapon with both hands, the second - by the forend.
Nothing is known about the volume of production and use of this hybrid of a smooth-bore gun and a revolver in law enforcement agencies, at least there is no information about this in open sources. Perhaps the weapon could find its buyer in the civilian market. At least, it was possible to scare off the attackers with one appearance of the weapon, but on the other hand, the total length is 366 mm and the weight of 2.5 kg is also not the best characteristics for civilian traumatic weapons.
The performance characteristics of the OTs-62:
Caliber - 12th
Cartridge - 12/67 mm.
Weight - 2.5 kg (without cartridges).
Length - 366 mm.
Barrel length - 200 mm.
Magazine - revolving drum for 5 rounds.
Sighting range - 50 m.